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Last active March 31, 2020 14:03
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Save eswak/3f2e101021a237f31704 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Chrome userscript for ogame UI enhancements
// ==UserScript==
// @match http://**
// @name OGame UI++
// @author Eswak
// @version 1.1.0
// @description Améliore l'interface utilisateur d'OGame en y ajoutant des éléments.
// @icon
// This userscript enhances the ogame UI to add some informations into it
// Enable off-store extensions
// Browse to chrome://extensions
// Drop ogame.user.js file the webpage and click "accept"
// for more informations, google "how to install a userscript on [your browser]"
// - New tab : nearby inactive players
// - New tab : active neighbours
// - New tab : account-wise statistics (like the Empire view, but better)
// - Adds a link to speedsim
// - Remove ad banner on the right
// - Adds the time remaining before each storage will be full
// - Adds the total storage below resources on a planet in terms of production time
// - Adds the points harvested each day above resources & the number of GT required to export 1 day of production
// - Converts resources to time below the price of an unit
// - Circles the limiting reagent in terms of time of production while viewing an unit price
// - Adds the remaining time before being able to construct an unit when viewing it
// - Adds maximum buildable units for an unit when viewing it
// - Adds rentability time when viewing details of a mine and plasma technology
// ==/UserScript==
var userscript = function() {
// var
var universe = $('[name="ogame-universe"]').attr('content');
var currentPlanet = $('[name="ogame-planet-coordinates"]').attr('content');
var serverLang = universe.split('-')[1].split('.')[0];
var serverNum = universe.split('-')[0].replace('s', '');
var playerName = $('[name="ogame-player-name"]').attr('content');
// trade rate
var tradeRate = [2.0, 1.5, 1.0];
var tradeRateStr = '2 / 1.5 / 1';
// gets config from local storage
var config = getConfig() || {};
// translations
var lang = (navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage || 'en').substring(0,2);
var traductions = {
'fr': {
'UNIT_METAL': 'Métal',
'UNIT_CRYSTAL': 'Cristal',
'UNIT_DEUTERIUM': 'Deutérium',
'UNIT_ENERGY': 'Energie',
'TIME_HOUR': 'h',
'TIME_DAY': 'j',
'ECONOMY_TIME': 'Nécéssite {time} d\'économies avec échange de ressources',
'BUILDABLE_IN': 'Construction possible dans : {time}',
'BUILDABLE_NOW': 'Construction possible dès maintenant',
'ROI': 'Investissement rentable en : {time} à taux {tradeRate}',
'ECONOMY_SCORE_LONG': 'Total des points gagnés par ce joueur grâce aux mines : {scoreEco}',
'MILITARY_SCORE': 'Militaire',
'MILITARY_SCORE_LONG': '{scoreMilitary} points militaires ({ships} vaisseaux)',
'COORDINATES': 'Position',
'PLAYER': 'Joueur',
'NOTE': 'Note',
'ACTIONS': 'Actions',
'PLANET_DEFENDED': 'Planète défendue',
'PLANET_NEEDSPY': 'Rapport d\'espionnage incomplet',
'MENU_NEIGHBOURS_ACTIVE': 'Voisins actifs',
'MENU_NEIGHBOURS_INACTIVE': 'Inactifs proches',
'MENU_STATS': 'Statistiques',
'MENU_FIGHTSIM': 'Sim. Combat',
'STATS_ALL': 'Statistiques pour toutes les planètes',
'STATS_FOR': 'Statistiques pour',
'STATS_DAILY': 'Production journalière',
'STATS_RATIO': 'Ratio de production (rapport au '
'en': {
'UNIT_METAL': 'Metal',
'UNIT_CRYSTAL': 'Crystal',
'UNIT_DEUTERIUM': 'Deuterium',
'UNIT_ENERGY': 'Energy',
'TIME_HOUR': 'h',
'TIME_DAY': 'd',
'ECONOMY_TIME': 'Requires {time} of resource-gathering (with trade)',
'BUILDABLE_IN': 'Buildable in : {time}',
'BUILDABLE_NOW': 'Buildable now',
'ROI': 'Return on investment : {time} with trade rate {tradeRate}',
'ECONOMY_SCORE_LONG': 'Sum of points spent in mines : {scoreEco}',
'MILITARY_SCORE': 'Military',
'MILITARY_SCORE_LONG': '{scoreMilitary} military points ({ships} ships)',
'COORDINATES': 'Position',
'PLAYER': 'Player',
'NOTE': 'Note',
'ACTIONS': 'Actions',
'PLANET_DEFENDED': 'Planet defended',
'PLANET_NEEDSPY': 'Spy report incomplete',
'MENU_NEIGHBOURS_ACTIVE': 'Active neighbours',
'MENU_STATS': 'Statistics',
'MENU_FIGHTSIM': 'Fight simulator',
'STATS_ALL': 'Statistics for all planets',
'STATS_FOR': 'Statistics for',
'STATS_DAILY': 'Daily production',
'STATS_RATIO': 'Production ratio (relative to '
'es': {
'UNIT_METAL': 'Metal',
'UNIT_CRYSTAL': 'Crystal',
'UNIT_DEUTERIUM': 'Deuterio',
'UNIT_ENERGY': 'Energía',
'TIME_HOUR': 'h',
'TIME_DAY': 'd',
'ECONOMY_TIME': 'Requiere {time} economías con intercambio de recursos',
'BUILDABLE_IN': 'Construcción posible en {time}',
'BUILDABLE_NOW': 'Construcción puede ahora',
'ROI': 'Inversión rentable en {time} a tasa {tradeRate}',
'ECONOMY_SCORE_LONG': 'Total de ganados por el jugador a través de las minas {scoreEco}',
'MILITARY_SCORE': 'Militar',
'MILITARY_SCORE_LONG': '{scoreMilitary} puntos militares ({ships} naves)',
'COORDINATES': 'Posición',
'PLAYER': 'Jugador',
'NOTE': 'Nota',
'ACTIONS': ' Acciones',
'PLANET_DEFENDED': 'Planeta defendió',
'PLANET_NEEDSPY': 'espionaje incompleta',
'MENU_STATS': 'Estadísticas',
'MENU_FIGHTSIM': 'Sim. Combate ',
'STATS_ALL ': 'Estadísticas para todos los planetas',
'STATS_FOR': 'Estadísticas para',
'STATS_DAILY': 'Producción diaria',
'STATS_RATIO': 'Ratio de producción (en comparación con'
if (!traductions[lang]) lang = 'en';
// sets an empty resources object
var resources = {
metal: {
now: 0,
max: 0,
prod: 0,
worth: ((Math.min(tradeRate[0], tradeRate[1], tradeRate[2]) / tradeRate[0]) * Math.max(tradeRate[0], tradeRate[1], tradeRate[2]) * 100) / 100
crystal: {
now: 0,
max: 0,
prod: 0,
worth: ((Math.min(tradeRate[0], tradeRate[1], tradeRate[2]) / tradeRate[1]) * Math.max(tradeRate[0], tradeRate[1], tradeRate[2]) * 100) / 100
deuterium: {
now: 0,
max: 0,
prod: 0,
worth: ((Math.min(tradeRate[0], tradeRate[1], tradeRate[2]) / tradeRate[2]) * Math.max(tradeRate[0], tradeRate[1], tradeRate[2]) * 100) / 100
// parse resources data from the DOM and sets the resources object
var f = initAjaxResourcebox.toString();
f = f.replace('function initAjaxResourcebox(){reloadResources(', '');
f = f.substring(0, f.length - 3);
var data = JSON.parse(f); = data.metal.resources.actual;
resources.metal.max = data.metal.resources.max; = data.metal.resources.production; = data.crystal.resources.actual;
resources.crystal.max = data.crystal.resources.max; = data.crystal.resources.production; = data.deuterium.resources.actual;
resources.deuterium.max = data.deuterium.resources.max; = data.deuterium.resources.production;
// if on the resources page
if ('resources') !== -1) {
// get mines level
resources.metal.level = parseInt($('.supply1 .level').text().replace($('.supply1 .level').children().text(), '').trim());
resources.crystal.level = parseInt($('.supply2 .level').text().replace($('.supply2 .level').children().text(), '').trim());
resources.deuterium.level = parseInt($('.supply3 .level').text().replace($('.supply3 .level').children().text(), '').trim());
// indicates storage left (in time) and total storage time
$('#metal_box .value').append('<br><span class="enhancement storageleft">'+ prettyTime((resources.metal.max - / + (prettyTime(resources.metal.max / > 0 ? ' (' + prettyTime(resources.metal.max / + ')' : '') + '</span>');
$('#crystal_box .value').append('<br><span class="enhancement storageleft">'+ prettyTime((resources.crystal.max - / + (prettyTime(resources.crystal.max / > 0 ? ' (' + prettyTime(resources.crystal.max / + ')' : '') + '</span>');
$('#deuterium_box .value').append('<br><span class="enhancement storageleft">'+ prettyTime((resources.deuterium.max - / + (prettyTime(resources.deuterium.max / > 0 ? ' (' + prettyTime(resources.deuterium.max / + ')' : '') + '</span>');
setInterval(function() {
var times = {
metal: 0,
crystal: 0,
deuterium: 0
var costs = {
metal: 0,
crystal: 0,
deuterium: 0
// enhance metal tooltips
$('.metal.tooltip:not(.enhanced)').each(function() {
var cost = $(this).find('.cost').text().trim();
if (cost.indexOf(',') === -1) {
cost = cost.replace('.','').replace('M', '000000');
else {
cost = cost.replace(',', '.').replace('M', '');
cost = cost * 1000000;
costs.metal = cost;
var time = Math.ceil(cost /;
$(this).append('<div class="enhancement">' + prettyTime(time) + '</div>');
times.metal = time;
// enhance crystal tooltips
$('.crystal.tooltip:not(.enhanced)').each(function() {
var cost = $(this).find('.cost').text().trim();
if (cost.indexOf(',') === -1) {
cost = cost.replace('.','').replace('M', '000000');
else {
cost = cost.replace(',', '.').replace('M', '');
cost = cost * 1000000;
costs.crystal = cost;
var time = Math.ceil(cost /;
$(this).append('<div class="enhancement">' + prettyTime(time) + '</div>');
times.crystal = time;
// enhance deuterium tooltips
$('.deuterium.tooltip:not(.enhanced)').each(function() {
var cost = $(this).find('.cost').text().trim();
if (cost.indexOf(',') === -1) {
cost = cost.replace('.','').replace('M', '000000');
else {
cost = cost.replace(',', '.').replace('M', '');
cost = cost * 1000000;
costs.deuterium = cost;
var time = Math.ceil(cost /;
$(this).append('<div class="enhancement">' + prettyTime(time) + '</div>');
times.deuterium = time;
// enhance tooltips
var limitingreagent = null;
if (times.metal > 0 || times.crystal > 0 || times.deuterium > 0) {
if (times.metal >= times.crystal && times.metal > times.deuterium) {
limitingreagent = 'metal';
else if (times.crystal >= times.metal && times.crystal > times.deuterium) {
limitingreagent = 'crystal';
else if (times.deuterium >= times.metal && times.deuterium > times.crystal) {
limitingreagent = 'deuterium';
// enhance list above
if (times[limitingreagent] > 0) {
// add the time we have to keep gathering resources in order to build this unit
var totalPrice = costs.metal * resources.metal.worth + costs.crystal * resources.crystal.worth + costs.deuterium * resources.deuterium.worth;
var totalProd = * resources.metal.worth + * resources.crystal.worth + * resources.deuterium.worth;
$('#content .production_info').append('<li class="enhancement">' + trad('ECONOMY_TIME', { time: prettyTime(totalPrice / totalProd) }) + '</li>');
// add the remaining time we have to gather resources in order to build this unit
if ($('#possibleInTime').length !== 0) {
var availableIn = {
metal: -1,
crystal: -1,
deuterium: -1
availableIn.metal = Math.max(costs.metal -, 0) /;
availableIn.crystal = Math.max(costs.crystal -, 0) /;
availableIn.deuterium = Math.max(costs.deuterium -, 0) /;
if (isNaN(availableIn.deuterium)) {
availableIn.deuterium = costs.deuterium > ? 8553600 : 0;
availableIn = Math.max(availableIn.metal, availableIn.crystal, availableIn.deuterium);
if (availableIn === 0) {
$('#content .production_info').append('<li class="enhancement">' + trad('BUILDABLE_NOW') + '</li>');
else {
$('#content .production_info').append('<li class="enhancement">' + trad('BUILDABLE_IN', { time: prettyTime(availableIn) }) + '</li>');
// add maximum buildable
var amount = $('#content').find('.amount:not(.enhanced)');
if (amount.length > 0) {
var maxMetal = / costs.metal;
var maxCrystal = / costs.crystal;
var maxDeuterium = / costs.deuterium;
var max = Math.floor(Math.min(maxMetal, maxCrystal, maxDeuterium));
if (isFinite(max)) {
amount.append('<span class="enhancement"> (Max: ' + max + ')</span>');
// if we are viewing a metal mine, computes rentability time
if ($('#resources_1_large:not(.enhanced)').length > 0) {
var calculatedProduction = 30 * resources.metal.level * Math.pow(1.1, resources.metal.level) + 30;
var ratio = * 3600 / calculatedProduction;
var calculatedNextLevelproduction = ratio * 30 * (resources.metal.level + 1) * Math.pow(1.1, resources.metal.level + 1) + 30;
var productionDiff = calculatedNextLevelproduction / 3600 -;
var convertedProductionCost = costs.metal * 1.0 + costs.crystal * (resources.crystal.worth/resources.metal.worth);
var rentabilityTime = convertedProductionCost / productionDiff;
$('#content .production_info').append('<li class="enhancement">' + trad('ROI', { time: prettyTime(rentabilityTime), tradeRate: tradeRateStr }) + '</li>');
// if we are viewing a crystal mine, computes rentability time
else if ($('#resources_2_large:not(.enhanced)').length > 0) {
var calculatedProduction = 20 * resources.crystal.level * Math.pow(1.1, resources.crystal.level) + 15;
var ratio = * 3600 / calculatedProduction;
var calculatedNextLevelproduction = ratio * 20 * (resources.crystal.level + 1) * Math.pow(1.1, resources.crystal.level + 1) + 15;
var productionDiff = calculatedNextLevelproduction / 3600 -;
var convertedProductionCost = costs.metal * (resources.metal.worth/resources.crystal.worth) + costs.crystal * 1.0;
var rentabilityTime = convertedProductionCost / productionDiff;
$('#content .production_info').append('<li class="enhancement">' + trad('ROI', { time: prettyTime(rentabilityTime), tradeRate: tradeRateStr }) + '</li>');
// if we are viewing a deuterium mine, computes rentability time
else if ($('#resources_3_large:not(.enhanced)').length > 0) {
var calculatedProduction = 10 * resources.deuterium.level * Math.pow(1.1, resources.deuterium.level);
var ratio = * 3600 / calculatedProduction;
var calculatedNextLevelproduction = ratio * 10 * (resources.deuterium.level + 1) * Math.pow(1.1, resources.deuterium.level + 1);
var productionDiff = calculatedNextLevelproduction / 3600 -;
var convertedProductionCost = costs.metal * (resources.metal.worth/resources.deuterium.worth) + costs.crystal * (resources.crystal.worth/resources.deuterium.worth);
var rentabilityTime = convertedProductionCost / productionDiff;
$('#content .production_info').append('<li class="enhancement">' + trad('ROI', { time: prettyTime(rentabilityTime), tradeRate: tradeRateStr }) + '</li>');
// if we are viewing a plasma technology, computes rentability time
else if ($('#research_122_large:not(.enhanced)').length > 0) {
var currentProd = 0;
var nextLevelProd = 0;
for (var coords in {
var planet =[coords];
currentProd += * planet.resources.metal.worth + * planet.resources.crystal.worth + * planet.resources.deuterium.worth;
nextLevelProd += * planet.resources.metal.worth * 1.01 + * planet.resources.crystal.worth * 1.0066 + * planet.resources.deuterium.worth;
var prodDiff = nextLevelProd - currentProd;
var totalPrice = costs.metal * resources.metal.worth + costs.crystal * resources.crystal.worth + costs.deuterium * resources.deuterium.worth;
var rentabilityTime = totalPrice / prodDiff;
$('#content .production_info').append('<li class="enhancement">' + trad('ROI', { time: prettyTime(rentabilityTime), tradeRate: tradeRateStr }) + '</li>');
// scan spy reports (only for french)
var message = $('.ui-dialog');
if (message.find('.ui-dialog-title').text().indexOf('Rapport d`espionnage de') !== -1) {
var isInactive = message.find('.status_abbr_inactive');
var isLongInactive = message.find('.status_abbr_longinactive');
if (isInactive.length === 0 && isLongInactive.length === 0) {
var messageContent = message.find('.showmessage:not(.enhanced)');
if (messageContent.length > 0) {
var energy = message.find('.material.spy').find('.areadetail').text().trim().replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '').replace('Métal', '').replace('Cristal', '').replace('Deutérium', '').replace('Energie', '').split(':')[4].trim();
var index = 0;
var nofleet = null;
var nodef = null;
var levels = null;
message.find('.fleetdefbuildings.spy').each(function() {
if (index === 1) {
nofleet = $(this).text().length < 12;
else if (index === 2) {
nodef = $(this).text().replace('Missile d`interception', '').length < 12;
else if (index === 3) {
levels = $(this).text().replace('Bâtiment', '').replace(/Centrale.*/, '').replace('Mine de métal', ':').replace('Mine de cristal', ':').replace('Synthétiseur de deutérium', ':').split(':');
var coords = message.find('.material.spy').text().split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split(':');
var strlevels = levels ? (levels[1] ? levels[1] : '0') + ' / ' + (levels[2] ? levels[2] : '0') + ' / ' + (levels[3] ? levels[3] : '0') : null;
var note = '';
if (nofleet === null || nodef === null) {
note = 'Rapport d\'espionnage incomplet';
else if (nofleet === false || nodef === false) {
note = 'Planète défendue';
else {
note = energy;
if (strlevels) {
note += ' - ' + strlevels;
window.editNote(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], note);
}, 100);
// Add a menu entry for nearby inactive idle players
var entry = $('<li class="idles enhanced"><span class="menu_icon"><div class="customMenuEntry menuImage galaxy"></div></span><a class="menubutton" href="#" accesskey="" target="_self"><span class="textlabel enhancement">' + trad('MENU_NEIGHBOURS_INACTIVE') + '</span></a></li>');
$('#menuTable').append(entry); {
// ui changes
$('.idles .menubutton').addClass('selected');
// finds nearby idle players
var myCoords = $('').find('.planet-koords').text().replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(':');
myCoords[0] = parseInt(myCoords[0]);
myCoords[1] = parseInt(myCoords[1]);
myCoords[2] = parseInt(myCoords[2]);
var idles = [];
for(var playerId in config.players) {
var player = config.players[playerId];
if (player.status === 'i' || player.status === 'I') {
for (var i in player.planets) {
var planet = player.planets[i];
if (planet.coords[0] === myCoords[0] && Math.abs(planet.coords[1] - myCoords[1]) < 100) {
id: playerId,
coords: planet.coords,
position: player.economyPosition
//idles.sort(function(a, b){return Math.abs(a.coords[1]-myCoords[1])-Math.abs(b.coords[1]-myCoords[1])});
idles.sort(function(a, b){return a.position-b.position});
var wrapper = $('<div class="uiEnhancementWindow"></div>');
var table = $('<table><tr><th>' + trad('ECONOMY_SCORE') + '</th><th>' + trad('COORDINATES') + '</th><th>' + trad('PLAYER') + '</th><th>' + trad('NOTE') + '</th><th>' + trad('ACTIONS') + '</th></tr></table>');
for (var i = 0; i < idles.length; i++) {
var el = $('<tr id="planet_' + idles[i].coords[0] + '_' + idles[i].coords[1] + '_' + idles[i].coords[2] + '"></tr>');
el.append($('<td><a href="?page=highscore&searchRelId=' + idles[i].id + '&category=1&type=1">' + idles[i].position + '</a></td>'));
el.append($('<td><a href="javascript:showGalaxy(' + idles[i].coords[0] + ',' + idles[i].coords[1] + ',' + idles[i].coords[2] + ')">[' + idles[i].coords[0] + ':' + idles[i].coords[1] + ':' + idles[i].coords[2] + ']</a></td>'));
el.append($('<td>' + idles[i].name + '</td>'));
el.append($('<td width="100%"><input value="' + (config && config.planetNotes && config.planetNotes[idles[i].coords[0] + ':' + idles[i].coords[1] + ':' + idles[i].coords[2]] ? config.planetNotes[idles[i].coords[0] + ':' + idles[i].coords[1] + ':' + idles[i].coords[2]] : '') + '" onkeyup="editNote(' + idles[i].coords[0] + ',' + idles[i].coords[1] + ',' + idles[i].coords[2] + ',this.value);return false;" style="width:96.5%;" type="text"/></td>'));
// sendShips(mission, galaxy, system, position, type, shipCount)
+ '<a class="tooltip js_hideTipOnMobile espionage" title="" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="spy(' + idles[i].coords[0] + ',' + idles[i].coords[1] + ',' + idles[i].coords[2] + ');return false;"><span class="icon icon_eye"></span></a>&nbsp;'
+ '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="toggleIgnorePlanet(' + idles[i].coords[0] + ',' + idles[i].coords[1] + ',' + idles[i].coords[2] + ')"><span class="icon icon_against"></span></a>&nbsp;'
+ '<a href="?page=fleet1&galaxy=' + idles[i].coords[0] + '&system=' + idles[i].coords[1] + '&position=' + idles[i].coords[2] + '&type=1&mission=1" onclick="$(this).find(\'.icon\').removeClass(\'icon_fastforward\').addClass(\'icon_checkmark\');" target="_blank"><span class="icon icon_fastforward"></span></a>'
+ '</td>'));
if (config && config.ignoredPlanets && config.ignoredPlanets[idles[i].coords[0] + ':' + idles[i].coords[1] + ':' + idles[i].coords[2]]) {
// insert html
var eventboxContent = $('#eventboxContent');
// Add a menu entry for statistics
var statsSntry = $('<li class="stats enhanced"><span class="menu_icon"><div class="customMenuEntry2 menuImage empire"></div></span><a class="menubutton" href="#" accesskey="" target="_self"><span class="textlabel enhancement">' + trad('MENU_STATS') + '</span></a></li>');
$('#menuTable').append(statsSntry); {
// ui changes
$('.stats .menubutton').addClass('selected');
var wrapper = $('<div class="uiEnhancementWindow"></div>');
var totalProd = {
metal: 0,
crystal: 0,
deuterium: 0,
metalLevel: 0,
crystalLevel: 0,
deuteriumLevel: 0,
planetCount: 0
for (var coords in {
var planet =[coords];
var stats = $('<div class="planetstats"></div>');
stats.append('<h3>' + trad('STATS_FOR') + ' '+ + ' ' + coords + '</h3>');
stats.append($('<div>' + trad('STATS_DAILY') + ' (' + trad('UNIT_METAL') + ') : <span class="undermark">+'+ prettyCount(Math.floor(*3600*24)) +'</span></div>'));
stats.append($('<div>' + trad('STATS_DAILY') + ' (' + trad('UNIT_CRYSTAL') + ') : <span class="undermark">+'+ prettyCount(Math.floor(*3600*24)) +'</span></div>'));
stats.append($('<div>' + trad('STATS_DAILY') + ' (' + trad('UNIT_DEUTERIUM') + ') : <span class="undermark">+'+ prettyCount(Math.floor(*3600*24)) +'</span></div>'));
stats.append($('<div class="spacer"></div>'));
//stats.append($('<div>Niveau des mines : ' + planet.resources.metal.level + ' / ' + planet.resources.crystal.level + ' / ' + planet.resources.deuterium.level + '</div>'));
totalProd.metal +=;
totalProd.crystal +=;
totalProd.deuterium +=;
totalProd.metalLevel += (planet.resources.metal.level || 0);
totalProd.crystalLevel += (planet.resources.crystal.level || 0);
totalProd.deuteriumLevel += (planet.resources.deuterium.level || 0);
totalProd.metalLevel /= Object.keys(;
totalProd.crystalLevel /= Object.keys(;
totalProd.deuteriumLevel /= Object.keys(;
// global stats
var stats = $('<div class="planetstats"></div>');
stats.append('<h3>' + trad('STATS_ALL') + '</h3>');
stats.append($('<div>' + trad('STATS_DAILY') + ' (' + trad('UNIT_METAL') + ') : <span class="undermark">+'+ prettyCount(Math.floor(totalProd.metal*3600*24)) +'</span></div>'));
stats.append($('<div>' + trad('STATS_DAILY') + ' (' + trad('UNIT_CRYSTAL') + ') : <span class="undermark">+'+ prettyCount(Math.floor(totalProd.crystal*3600*24)) +'</span></div>'));
stats.append($('<div>' + trad('STATS_DAILY') + ' (' + trad('UNIT_DEUTERIUM') + ') : <span class="undermark">+'+ prettyCount(Math.floor(totalProd.deuterium*3600*24)) +'</span></div>'));
stats.append($('<div class="spacer"></div>'));
stats.append($('<div>' + trad('STATS_RATIO') + trad('UNIT_METAL') + ') : 1 / ' + Math.floor(100*totalProd.crystal/totalProd.metal)/100 + ' / ' + Math.floor(100*totalProd.deuterium/totalProd.metal)/100 + '</div>'));
stats.append($('<div>' + trad('STATS_RATIO') + trad('UNIT_CRYSTAL') + ') : ' + Math.floor(100*totalProd.metal/totalProd.crystal)/100 + ' / 1 / ' + Math.floor(100*totalProd.deuterium/totalProd.crystal)/100 + '</div>'));
stats.append($('<div>' + trad('STATS_RATIO') + trad('UNIT_DEUTERIUM') + ') : ' + Math.floor(100*totalProd.metal/totalProd.deuterium)/100 + ' / ' + Math.floor(100*totalProd.crystal/totalProd.deuterium)/100 + ' / 1</div>'));
stats.append($('<div class="spacer"></div>'));
//stats.append($('<div>Niveau moyen des mines : ' + Math.floor(10*totalProd.metalLevel)/10 + ' / ' + Math.floor(10*totalProd.crystalLevel)/10 + ' / ' + Math.floor(10*totalProd.deuteriumLevel)/10 + '</div>'));
// insert html
var eventboxContent = $('#eventboxContent');
// Add a menu entry for neighbours
var neighboursEntry = $('<li class="neighbours enhanced"><span class="menu_icon"><div class="customMenuEntry4 menuImage defense"></div></span><a class="menubutton" href="#" accesskey="" target="_self"><span class="textlabel enhancement">' + trad('MENU_NEIGHBOURS_ACTIVE') + '</span></a></li>');
$('#menuTable').append(neighboursEntry); {
// ui changes
$('.neighbours .menubutton').addClass('selected');
// finds nearby idle players
var myCoords = $('').find('.planet-koords').text().replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(':');
myCoords[0] = parseInt(myCoords[0]);
myCoords[1] = parseInt(myCoords[1]);
myCoords[2] = parseInt(myCoords[2]);
var neighbours = [];
for(var playerId in config.players) {
var player = config.players[playerId];
if (player.status !== 'i' && player.status !== 'I') {
for (var i in player.planets) {
var planet = player.planets[i];
if (planet.coords[0] === myCoords[0] && Math.abs(planet.coords[1] - myCoords[1]) < 50) {
console.log('voisin', player);
id: playerId,
coords: planet.coords,
militaryPosition: player.militaryPosition,
militaryScore: player.militaryScore,
economyScore: player.economyScore,
ships: player.ships
//neighbours.sort(function(a, b){return Math.abs(a.coords[1]-myCoords[1])-Math.abs(b.coords[1]-myCoords[1])});
neighbours.sort(function(a, b){return b.militaryScore-a.militaryScore});
var wrapper = $('<div class="uiEnhancementWindow"></div>');
var table = $('<table><tr><th>' + trad('COORDINATES') + '</th><th>' + trad('ECONOMY_SCORE') + '</th><th>' + trad('MILITARY_SCORE') + '</th><th>' + trad('PLAYER') + '</th><th>' + trad('NOTE') + '</th><th>' + trad('ACTIONS') + '</th></tr></table>');
var playerName = $('#playerName .textBeefy').text().trim();
for (var i = 0; i < neighbours.length; i++) {
var el = $('<tr class="'+(playerName === neighbours[i].name ? 'currentPlayer' : '')+'" id="planet_' + neighbours[i].coords[0] + '_' + neighbours[i].coords[1] + '_' + neighbours[i].coords[2] + '"></tr>');
el.append($('<td><a href="javascript:showGalaxy(' + neighbours[i].coords[0] + ',' + neighbours[i].coords[1] + ',' + neighbours[i].coords[2] + ')">[' + neighbours[i].coords[0] + ':' + neighbours[i].coords[1] + ':' + neighbours[i].coords[2] + ']</a></td>'));
el.append($('<td class="tooltip js_hideTipOnMobile" title="' + trad('ECONOMY_SCORE_LONG', { noBold: true, scoreEco: neighbours[i].economyScore }) + '"><a href="?page=highscore&searchRelId=' + neighbours[i].id + '&category=1&type=1">' + prettyNumber(neighbours[i].economyScore) + '</a></td>'));
el.append($('<td class="tooltip js_hideTipOnMobile" title="' + trad('MILITARY_SCORE_LONG', { noBold: true, scoreMilitary: neighbours[i].militaryScore, ships: (neighbours[i].ships ? neighbours[i].ships : '0') }) + '"><a href="?page=highscore&searchRelId=' + neighbours[i].id + '&category=1&type=3">' + prettyNumber(neighbours[i].militaryScore) + ' (' + prettyNumber(neighbours[i].ships ? neighbours[i].ships : '0') + ')</a></td>'));
el.append($('<td class="tooltip js_hideTipOnMobile" title="' + neighbours[i].name + '">' + neighbours[i].name + '</td>'));
el.append($('<td width="100%"><input value="' + (config && config.planetNotes && config.planetNotes[neighbours[i].coords[0] + ':' + neighbours[i].coords[1] + ':' + neighbours[i].coords[2]] ? config.planetNotes[neighbours[i].coords[0] + ':' + neighbours[i].coords[1] + ':' + neighbours[i].coords[2]] : '') + '" onkeyup="editNote(' + neighbours[i].coords[0] + ',' + neighbours[i].coords[1] + ',' + neighbours[i].coords[2] + ',this.value);return false;" style="width:96.5%;" type="text"/></td>'));
// sendShips(mission, galaxy, system, position, type, shipCount)
+ '<a espionage" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="spy(' + neighbours[i].coords[0] + ',' + neighbours[i].coords[1] + ',' + neighbours[i].coords[2] + ');return false;"><span class="icon icon_eye"></span></a>&nbsp;'
+ '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="toggleIgnorePlanet(' + neighbours[i].coords[0] + ',' + neighbours[i].coords[1] + ',' + neighbours[i].coords[2] + ')"><span class="icon icon_against"></span></a>&nbsp;'
+ '<a href="?page=fleet1&galaxy=' + neighbours[i].coords[0] + '&system=' + neighbours[i].coords[1] + '&position=' + neighbours[i].coords[2] + '&type=1&mission=1" onclick="$(this).find(\'.icon\').removeClass(\'icon_fastforward\').addClass(\'icon_checkmark\');" target="_blank"><span class="icon icon_fastforward"></span></a>'
+ '</td>'));
if (config && config.ignoredPlanets && config.ignoredPlanets[neighbours[i].coords[0] + ':' + neighbours[i].coords[1] + ':' + neighbours[i].coords[2]]) {
// insert html
var eventboxContent = $('#eventboxContent');
// Add a menu entry for fight simulator
var statsSntry = $('<li class="sim enhanced"><span class="menu_icon"><div class="customMenuEntry3 menuImage fleet1"></div></span><a class="menubutton" href="" accesskey="" target="_blank"><span class="textlabel enhancement">' + trad('MENU_FIGHTSIM') + '</span></a></li>');
// Add a menu entry for war riders
var warRidersEntry = $('<li class="sim enhanced"><span class="menu_icon"><div class="customMenuEntry3 menuImage fleet1"></div></span><a class="menubutton" href="' + serverLang + '/' + serverNum + '/search/player/' + playerName + '" accesskey="" target="_blank"><span class="textlabel enhancement"></span></a></li>');
window.spy = function(galaxy, system, position) {
$.ajax('?page=minifleet&ajax=1', {
data: {
mission: 6,
galaxy: galaxy,
system: system,
position: position,
type: 1,
shipCount: config.spyProbeCount || 9,
token: miniFleetToken
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
success: function(a){
if(a.response.success) {
$('#planet_' + galaxy + '_' + system + '_' + position + ' .icon_eye').addClass('disabled');
miniFleetToken = a.newToken;
window.toggleIgnorePlanet = function(galaxy, system, position) {
config.ignoredPlanets = config.ignoredPlanets || {};
var key = galaxy + ':' + system + ':' +position;
var el = $('#planet_' + galaxy + '_' + system + '_' +position);
if (config.ignoredPlanets[key]) {
config.ignoredPlanets[key] = false;
else {
config.ignoredPlanets[key] = true;
window.editNote = function(galaxy, system, position, text) {
config.planetNotes = config.planetNotes || {};
var key = galaxy + ':' + system + ':' +position;
config.planetNotes[key] = text;
if (! { = {}; }
if (! { = {}; }
$('#planetList').children().each(function() {
var link = $(this).find('.planetlink');
var planetName = link.find('.planet-name').text();
var planetCoords = link.find('.planet-koords').text();
if (link.hasClass('active')) {[planetCoords] = {};[planetCoords].name = planetName;[planetCoords].resources = resources;
// util functions
function prettyTime(seconds) {
if (seconds <= 0 || isNaN(seconds) || !isFinite(seconds)) return '';
seconds = Math.floor(seconds);
var ret = '';
var units = 0;
if (seconds > 86400) {
var days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400);
ret += days + trad('TIME_DAY') + ' ';
seconds -= days * 86400;
if (seconds > 3600) {
var hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
ret += hours + trad('TIME_HOUR') + ' ';
seconds -= hours * 3600;
if (units >= 2) return ret.trim();
if (seconds > 60) {
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
ret += minutes + trad('TIME_MINUTE') + ' ';
seconds -= minutes * 60;
if (units >= 2) return ret.trim();
ret += seconds + trad('TIME_SECOND') + ' ';
return ret.trim();
function prettyCount(count) {
return count.toString().dotify();
String.prototype.dotify = function () {
return this.replace(/(^|[^\w.])(\d{4,})/g, function($0, $1, $2) {
return $1 + $2.replace(/\d(?=(?:\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$&\.');
function getConfig() {
if(typeof(Storage) !== 'undefined') {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('og-enhancements')) || {};
} else {
return null;
function saveConfig(config) {
if(typeof(Storage) !== 'undefined') {
localStorage.setItem('og-enhancements', JSON.stringify(config));
function loadUniverseApi(cb) {
url : '/api/players.xml',
dataType: 'xml',
success: function(data) {
var players = {};
var id, status, name, el;
$('player', data).each(function() {
el = $(this);
id = el.attr('id');
status = el.attr('status');
name = el.attr('name');
players[id] = {
status: status,
name: name,
planets: []
url: '/api/universe.xml',
dataType: 'xml',
success: function(data) {
var player, name, coords, el;
$('planet', data).each(function() {
el = $(this);
player = el.attr('player');
name = el.attr('name');
coords = el.attr('coords').split(':');
coords[0] = parseInt(coords[0]);
coords[1] = parseInt(coords[1]);
coords[2] = parseInt(coords[2]);
if (players[player]) {
name: name,
coords: coords
url: '/api/highscore.xml?category=1&type=1',
dataType: 'xml',
success: function(data) {
var position, id, score, el;
$('player', data).each(function() {
el = $(this);
position = el.attr('position');
id = el.attr('id');
score = el.attr('score');
if (players[id]) {
players[id].economyPosition = position;
players[id].economyScore = score;
url: '/api/highscore.xml?category=1&type=3',
dataType: 'xml',
success: function(data) {
var position, id, score, ships, el;
$('player', data).each(function() {
el = $(this);
position = el.attr('position');
id = el.attr('id');
score = el.attr('score');
ships = el.attr('ships');
if (players[id]) {
players[id].militaryPosition = position;
players[id].militaryScore = score;
players[id].ships = ships;
cb && cb(players);
function trad(key, args) {
var ret = traductions[lang][key] || '';
for (var k in args) {
if (args['noBold']) ret = ret.replace('{'+k+'}', args[k]);
else ret = ret.replace('{'+k+'}', '<span class="boldy">' + args[k] + '</span>');
return ret;
function prettyNumber(num) {
if (num > 1000000) {
return Math.round(num*10/1000000)/10 + 'M'
else if (num > 1000) {
return Math.round(num/1000) + 'k';
else return num;
// refreshes the universe using the API once an hour
if (!config.lastPlayersUpdate || config.lastPlayersUpdate < - 3600000) {
console.log('Mise à jour de la liste des joueurs...');
loadUniverseApi(function(players) {
console.log('Liste des joueurs mise à jour.');
config.players = players;
config.lastPlayersUpdate =;
console.log('players', players);
// inject user script into the document
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.textContent = '(' + userscript + ')()';
(document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);
// inject style into the document
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = '.enhancement { color: #AB7AFF; }';
style.textContent += 'ul.production_info { height: 66px; padding: .5em 1em; }';
style.textContent += 'ul.production_info li { line-height: 1.4em; }';
style.textContent += '.limitingreagent { outline: 1px dotted #; outline-offset: 2px; }';
style.textContent += '.costs_wrap #costs { margin: 5px 0 0 0; }';
style.textContent += '.storageleft { position: absolute; bottom: -11px; left: -35%; width: 170%; }';
style.textContent += '.boldy { font-weight: bold; }';
style.textContent += '.resourcesgt { border-bottom:1px dotted #AB7AFF; position: absolute; bottom: 50px; left: -150%; width: 400%; font-size: 1.1em; padding-bottom: 1px; }';
style.textContent += '.uiEnhancementWindow { padding: 1em; }';
style.textContent += '.uiEnhancementWindow table { border-spacing:15px 5px; text-align:center; width: 100%; }';
style.textContent += '.uiEnhancementWindow table th { padding: .5em; font-weight: bold; font-size:1.15em; }';
style.textContent += '.uiEnhancementWindow table td { background: black; border-radius: 3px; line-height:8px; max-width: 2em; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; }';
style.textContent += '.uiEnhancementWindow a { color:white; text-decoration:none; }';
style.textContent += '.uiEnhancementWindow tr.ignore { opacity:.15; }';
style.textContent += '.icon.icon_eye.disabled:hover { background-position: 0 -48px; }';
style.textContent += '.planetstats { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.6); padding: 1em; line-height: 1.4em; border-radius: 5px; margin: .5em; }';
style.textContent += '.planetstats h3 { font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: .5em; }';
style.textContent += '.currentPlayer td { background: #444 !important; }';
style.textContent += '.spacer { height: .3em }';
(document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(style);
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volkv commented Apr 16, 2016

and thanks for a script, its awesome!

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