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Created June 6, 2011 11:21
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module MapReduce (
, queryGetBucket
, queryAuthUsers
, queryAuthPToken
) where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Array
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
-- |
mapPhase params =
object [ "map" .= params ]
reducePhase params =
object [ "reduce" .= params ]
query input phases =
object [ "input" .= input
, "query" .= (Array $ Vec.fromList phases) ]
-- |
asJSON keep =
object [ ("language", "erlang")
, ("module", "snap_map")
, ("function", "as_json")
, ("keep", keep) ]
-- |
matchesKV kv keep =
object [ ("language", "erlang")
, ("module", "snap_reduce")
, ("function", "match_kv")
, ("arg", object [kv])
, ("keep", keep) ]
matchesKVs kvs keep =
object [ ("language", "erlang")
, ("module", "snap_reduce")
, ("function", "match_kv")
, ("arg", object kvs)
, ("keep", keep) ]
-- |
queryGetMany bucket keys =
query input [ mapPhase $ asJSON $ Bool True ]
where input = [ [b, k] | b <- [bucket], k <- keys ]
queryGetBucket bucket =
query bucket [ mapPhase $ asJSON $ Bool True ]
queryAuthUsers bucket params =
query bucket [
mapPhase $ asJSON $ Bool False
, reducePhase $ matchesKVs params $ Bool True
queryAuthPToken bucket token =
query bucket [
mapPhase $ asJSON $ Bool False
, reducePhase $ matchesKV ("persistence_token", token) $ Bool True
%% Useful map phases
%% Encode an Erlang Riak Object to JSON
as_json(Object, undefined, none) ->
%% Useful reduce phases
has_kv(Object, Params) ->
HasKV = fun({ParamK, ParamV}, _) ->
case lists:keyfind(ParamK, 1, Object) of
{_, V} -> ParamV =:= V;
false -> false
lists:foldl(HasKV, true, Params).
match_kv(Objects, {struct, Params}) ->
[{struct, O} || {struct, O} <- Objects, has_kv(O, Params)].
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