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Created April 19, 2011 12:16
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<th>Descripción del artículo</th>
<th class="price">Precio</th>
<th class="qty">Cant.</th>
<th class="total"><span>Total</span></th>
<td width="300">asdf sasdfas dfas sa as </td>
<td class="price">123,00 </td>
<td class="qty">2</td>
<td class="total"><span>246,00 </span></td>
<tbody id='subtotal'>
<tr class="total" id="subtotal-row">
<td colspan="3"><b>Subtotal:</b></td>
<td class="total"><span>246,00 </span></td>
<tbody id="order-charges">
<tbody id='order-total'>
<tr class="total">
<td colspan="3"><b>Total del pedido:</b></td>
<td class="total"><span id="order_total">246,00 </span></td>
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TODO por ahora esto NO.
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<!-- Item 1>
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