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Last active December 31, 2015 14:33
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Elm indentation for HTML
-- which style do you prefer?
-- commas/brackets first
rowView : Chart -> Html
rowView chart =
tr []
[ th []
[ text chart.label ]
, td
[ class "toggle"
, onClick Action.address (ToggleChart
[ text <| if chart.visible then "<O>" else "<X> " ]
, td
[ class "remove"
, onClick Action.address (RemoveChart
[ text "(X)"
-- commas/brackets last
rowView' : Chart -> Html
rowView' chart =
tr [] [
th [] [
text chart.label
td [
class "toggle",
onClick Action.address (ToggleChart
text <| if chart.visible then "<O>" else "<X> "
td [
class "remove",
onClick Action.address (RemoveChart
text "(X)"
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