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Last active March 28, 2023 14:13
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trait Persisted {
def id: UUID
trait BasicDoobieTable[M <: Persisted] {
def table: String
def columns: Seq[String]
implicit def composite: Composite[M]
def insertColumns = columns.filterNot(_ == "id")
def tableF = Fragment.const(table)
def columnsF = Fragment.const( ++ "." + _).mkString(", "))
def selectF = fr"SELECT" ++ columnsF ++ fr"FROM" ++ tableF
def find(id: Long): ConnectionIO[Option[M]] = {
(selectF ++ fr"WHERE id=$id").query[M].option
def findBy[A](column: String, value: A)(implicit meta: Meta[A]): ConnectionIO[Option[M]] = {
(selectF ++ Fragment.const(s"WHERE $column=") ++ fr"$value").query[M].option
def list(): ConnectionIO[List[M]] = {
def create(entity: M): ConnectionIO[Int] = {
val placeholders = => "?").mkString(", ")
val q = s"INSERT INTO $table (${insertColumns.mkString(", ")}) VALUES ($placeholders)"
def update(id: UUID, entity: M): ConnectionIO[Int] = {
val placeholders = => s"$f = ?").mkString(", ")
val q = s"update $table set $placeholders where id = ?"
Update[(M, UUID)](q).run((entity, id))
object FooTable extends BasicDoobieTable[Foo] {
val table = "foos"
val columns =
Seq("id", "bar", "baz")
val composite = Composite[Foo]
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