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Created July 27, 2013 00:59
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  • Save etaubman/6093202 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save etaubman/6093202 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pull data from my last Gist into a single CSV. This doesn't handle station data yet.
* Utility file for turning my JSON log files into usable data
* parse_log_files.php
$start_time = time();
function write_file ($contents, $name)
if(! $handle = fopen($name,"a+")) {
else {
if (! fwrite($handle, $contents)) {
function parse_file ($file)
$contents = file_get_contents($file);
$data = json_decode($contents);
return $data->stationBeanList;
$csv = "time,station_id,available_bikes,available_docks,total_docks,status_code\n";
$path_to_logs = "data/";
$file_count = 0;
foreach (glob($path_to_logs."*.log") as $log_file) {
$time = preg_match('/\d+/', $log_file, $match);
foreach(parse_file($log_file) as $station) {
$csv .= $match[0].",";
$csv .= $station->id.",";
$csv .= $station->availableBikes.",";
$csv .= $station->availableDocks.",";
$csv .= $station->totalDocks.",";
$csv .= $station->statusKey."\n";
$end_time = time();
echo "Files parsed: ", $file_count,"\n";
echo "Time to parse data: ",$end_time - $start_time," seconds\n";
//End of File
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