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Created March 15, 2014 15:15
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import random
from time import time
class OpenDoorsOutOfRangeError(Exception):
def __init__(self):
class Monty:
initial = False
changed = False
def __init__(self,door_count,open_count):
#Set up our door choices
doors = [d for d in range(1,door_count + 1)]
#Put our goat behind a door to find
goat = random.choice(doors)
#Guess randomly at the same set of doors
guess = random.choice(doors)
#Check if the initial guess was right
if goat == guess: self.initial = True
#Remove a door that isn't the right one
open = [random.choice([d for d in doors if d != goat]) for o in range(1,open_count + 1)]
#Swap door choices
changed = random.choice([d for d in doors if d not in open and d != guess])
#Check if swapped choice is right
if changed == goat: self.changed = True
def main(total_tries = 100000,door_count = 3, open_count = 1):
t = time()
if open_count >= door_count - 1:
raise OpenDoorsOutOfRangeError
m = [Monty(door_count,open_count) for x in range(total_tries)]
initial_perc = [x.initial for x in m].count(True) * 100 / float(total_tries)
changed_perc = [x.changed for x in m].count(True) * 100 / float(total_tries)
print "Total Tries:\t\t" + str(total_tries)
print "Initial Choice:\t" + str(initial_perc) + "%"
print "Swapped Choice:\t" + str(changed_perc) + "%"
run_time = round((time() - t) * 1000,0)
print "Run Time:\t\t\t" + str(run_time) + "ms"
except OpenDoorsOutOfRangeError as e:
print "Open Door count must be at least 2 less than Total Door Count."
if __name__ == "__main__":
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