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Created February 21, 2013 00:02
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Heliocentric correction code for Keck observatory, based on an idl procedure from XIDL
#This is a mostly literal port of from XIDL (
from __future__ import division
from math import pi
from numpy import cos, sin
import numpy as np
def x_keckhelio(ra, dec, epoch=2000.0, jd=None, tai=None,
longitude=None, latitude=None, altitude=None, obs='keck'):
`ra` and `dec` in degrees
Returns `vcorr`: "Velocity correction term, in km/s, to add to measured
radial velocity to convert it to the heliocentric frame."
but the sign seems to be backwards of what that says:
helio_shift = -1. * x_keckhelio(RA, DEC, 2000.0)
uses barvel and ct2lst functions from idlastro, also ported below
#NOTE: this seems to have some jitter about the IDL version at the .1 km/s level
if longitude is not None and latitude is not None and altitude is not None:
print 'using long/lat/alt instead of named observatory'
elif obs == 'keck':
longitude = 360. - 155.47220
latitude = 19.82656886
altitude = 4000. #meters
print 'Using observatory', obs
if obs == 'vlt':
longitude = 360. - 70.40322
latitude = -24.6258
altitude = 2635. #meters
if obs == 'mmt':
longitude = 360. - 110.88456
latitude = 31.688778
altitude = 2600. #meters
if obs == 'lick':
longitude = 360. - 121.637222
latitude = 37.343056
altitude = 1283. #meters
raise ValueError('unrecognized observatory' + obs)
if jd is None and tai is not None:
jd = 2400000.5 + tai / (24. * 3600.)
elif tai is None and jd is not None:
raise ValueError('Must specify either JD or TAI')
DRADEG = 180.0 / pi
# ----------
# Compute baryocentric velocity (Accurate only to 1m/s)
dvelh, dvelb = baryvel(jd, epoch)
#Project velocity toward star
vbarycen = dvelb[0]*cos(dec/DRADEG)*cos(ra/DRADEG) + \
dvelb[1]*cos(dec/DRADEG)*sin(ra/DRADEG) + dvelb[2]*sin(dec/DRADEG)
#Compute rotational velocity of observer on the Earth
#LAT is the latitude in radians.
latrad = latitude / DRADEG
#Reduction of geodetic latitude to geocentric latitude (radians).
#DLAT is in arcseconds.
dlat = -(11. * 60. + 32.743000) * sin(2. * latrad) + \
1.163300 * sin(4. * latrad) -0.002600 * sin(6. * latrad)
latrad = latrad + (dlat / 3600.) / DRADEG
#R is the radius vector from the Earth's center to the observer (meters).
#VC is the corresponding circular velocity
#(meters/sidereal day converted to km / sec).
#(sidereal day = 23.934469591229 hours (1986))
r = 6378160.0 * (0.998327073 + 0.00167643800 * cos(2. * latrad) - \
0.00000351 * cos(4. * latrad) + 0.000000008 * cos(6. * latrad)) \
+ altitude
vc = 2. * pi * (r / 1000.) / (23.934469591229 * 3600.)
#Compute the hour angle, HA, in degrees
LST = 15. * ct2lst(longitude, 'junk', jd) # convert from hours to degrees
HA = LST - ra
#Project the velocity onto the line of sight to the star.
vrotate = vc * cos(latrad) * cos(dec/DRADEG) * sin(HA/DRADEG)
return (-vbarycen + vrotate)
def ct2lst(lng, tz, jd, day=None, mon=None, year=None):
# To convert from Local Civil Time to Local Mean Sidereal Time.
# CT2LST, Lst, Lng, Tz, Time, [Day, Mon, Year] #NOT SUPPORTED IN PYTHON PORT!
# or
# CT2LST, Lst, Lng, dummy, JD
# Lng - The longitude in degrees (east of Greenwich) of the place for
# which the local sidereal time is desired, scalar. The Greenwich
# mean sidereal time (GMST) can be found by setting Lng = 0.
# Tz - The time zone of the site in hours, positive East of the Greenwich
# meridian (ahead of GMT). Use this parameter to easily account
# for Daylight Savings time (e.g. -4=EDT, -5 = EST/CDT), scalar
# This parameter is not needed (and ignored) if Julian date is
# supplied. ***Note that the sign of TZ was changed in July 2008
# to match the standard definition.***
# Time or JD - If more than four parameters are specified, then this is
# the time of day of the specified date in decimal hours. If
# exactly four parameters are specified, then this is the
# Julian date of time in question, scalar or vector
# Day - The day of the month (1-31),integer scalar or vector
# Mon - The month, in numerical format (1-12), integer scalar or vector
# Year - The 4 digit year (e.g. 2008), integer scalar or vector
# Lst The Local Sidereal Time for the date/time specified in hours.
# If specified, the date should be in numerical form. The year should
# appear as yyyy.
# The Julian date of the day and time is question is used to determine
# the number of days to have passed since 0 Jan 2000. This is used
# in conjunction with the GST of that date to extrapolate to the current
# GST# this is then used to get the LST. See Astronomical Algorithms
# by Jean Meeus, p. 84 (Eq. 11-4) for the constants used.
# Find the Greenwich mean sidereal time (GMST) on 2008 Jul 30 at 15:53 pm
# in Baltimore, Maryland (longitude=-76.72 degrees). The timezone is
# EDT or tz=-4
# IDL> CT2LST, lst, -76.72, -4,ten(15,53), 30, 07, 2008
# ==> lst = 11.356505 hours (= 11h 21m 23.418s)
# The Web site contains more
# info on sidereal time, as well as an interactive calculator.
# jdcnv - Convert from year, month, day, hour to julian date
# Adapted from the FORTRAN program GETSD by Michael R. Greason, STX,
# 27 October 1988.
# Use IAU 1984 constants Wayne Landsman, HSTX, April 1995, results
# differ by about 0.1 seconds
# Longitudes measured *east* of Greenwich W. Landsman December 1998
# Time zone now measure positive East of Greenwich W. Landsman July 2008
# Remove debugging print statement W. Landsman April 2009
# IF N_params() gt 4 THEN BEGIN
# time = tme - tz
# jdcnv, year, mon, day, time, jd
# ENDIF ELSE jd = double(tme)
# Useful constants, see Meeus, p.84
c = [280.46061837, 360.98564736629, 0.000387933, 38710000.0]
jd2000 = 2451545.0
t0 = jd - jd2000
t = t0 / 36525
# Compute GST in seconds.
theta = c[0] + (c[1] * t0) + t ** 2 * (c[2] - t / c[3])
# Compute LST in hours.
lst = np.array((theta + lng) / 15.0)
neg = lst < 0
if np.sum(neg) > 0:
if neg.shape == tuple():
lst = 24. + idl_like_mod(lst, 24.)
lst[neg] = 24. + idl_like_mod(lst[neg], 24.)
return idl_like_mod(lst, 24.)
def baryvel(dje, deq):
# Calculates heliocentric and barycentric velocity components of Earth.
# BARYVEL takes into account the Earth-Moon motion, and is useful for
# radial velocity work to an accuracy of ~1 m/s.
# BARYVEL, dje, deq, dvelh, dvelb, [ JPL = ]
# DJE - (scalar) Julian ephemeris date.
# DEQ - (scalar) epoch of mean equinox of dvelh and dvelb. If deq=0
# then deq is assumed to be equal to dje.
# DVELH: (vector(3)) heliocentric velocity component. in km/s
# DVELB: (vector(3)) barycentric velocity component. in km/s
# The 3-vectors DVELH and DVELB are given in a right-handed coordinate
# system with the +X axis toward the Vernal Equinox, and +Z axis
# toward the celestial pole.
# JPL - if /JPL set, then BARYVEL will call the procedure JPLEPHINTERP
# to compute the Earth velocity using the full JPL ephemeris.
# The JPL ephemeris FITS file JPLEPH.405 must exist in either the
# current directory, or in the directory specified by the
# environment variable ASTRO_DATA. Alternatively, the JPL keyword
# can be set to the full path and name of the ephemeris file.
# A copy of the JPL ephemeris FITS file is available in
# Function PREMAT() -- computes precession matrix
# Algorithm taken from FORTRAN program of Stumpff (1980, A&A Suppl, 41,1)
# Stumpf claimed an accuracy of 42 cm/s for the velocity. A
# comparison with the JPL FORTRAN planetary ephemeris program PLEPH
# found agreement to within about 65 cm/s between 1986 and 1994
# If /JPL is set (using JPLEPH.405 ephemeris file) then velocities are
# given in the ICRS system# otherwise in the FK4 system.
# Compute the radial velocity of the Earth toward Altair on 15-Feb-1994
# using both the original Stumpf algorithm and the JPL ephemeris
# IDL> jdcnv, 1994, 2, 15, 0, jd #==> JD = 2449398.5
# IDL> baryvel, jd, 2000, vh, vb #Original algorithm
# ==> vh = [-17.07243, -22.81121, -9.889315] #Heliocentric km/s
# ==> vb = [-17.08083, -22.80471, -9.886582] #Barycentric km/s
# IDL> baryvel, jd, 2000, vh, vb, /jpl #JPL ephemeris
# ==> vh = [-17.07236, -22.81126, -9.889419] #Heliocentric km/s
# ==> vb = [-17.08083, -22.80484, -9.886409] #Barycentric km/s
# IDL> ra = ten(19,50,46.77)*15/!RADEG #RA in radians
# IDL> dec = ten(08,52,3.5)/!RADEG #Dec in radians
# IDL> v = vb[0]*cos(dec)*cos(ra) + $ #Project velocity toward star
# vb[1]*cos(dec)*sin(ra) + vb[2]*sin(dec)
# Jeff Valenti, U.C. Berkeley Translated BARVEL.FOR to IDL.
# W. Landsman, Cleaned up program sent by Chris McCarthy (SfSU) June 1994
# Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
# Added /JPL keyword W. Landsman July 2001
# Documentation update W. Landsman Dec 2005
#Define constants
dc2pi = 2* pi
cc2pi = dc2pi
dc1 = 1.0
dcto = 2415020.0
dcjul = 36525.0 #days in Julian year
dcbes = 0.313
dctrop = 365.24219572 #days in tropical year (...572 insig)
dc1900 = 1900.0
AU = 1.4959787e8
#Constants dcfel(i,k) of fast changing elements.
dcfel = [1.7400353e00, 6.2833195099091e02, 5.2796e-6 \
,6.2565836e00, 6.2830194572674e02, -2.6180e-6 \
,4.7199666e00, 8.3997091449254e03, -1.9780e-5 \
,1.9636505e-1, 8.4334662911720e03, -5.6044e-5 \
,4.1547339e00, 5.2993466764997e01, 5.8845e-6 \
,4.6524223e00, 2.1354275911213e01, 5.6797e-6 \
,4.2620486e00, 7.5025342197656e00, 5.5317e-6 \
,1.4740694e00, 3.8377331909193e00, 5.6093e-6 ]
dcfel = np.array(dcfel).reshape(8,3)
#constants dceps and ccsel(i,k) of slowly changing elements.
dceps = [4.093198e-1, -2.271110e-4, -2.860401e-8 ]
ccsel = [1.675104E-2, -4.179579E-5, -1.260516E-7 \
,2.220221E-1, 2.809917E-2, 1.852532E-5 \
,1.589963E00, 3.418075E-2, 1.430200E-5 \
,2.994089E00, 2.590824E-2, 4.155840E-6 \
,8.155457E-1, 2.486352E-2, 6.836840E-6 \
,1.735614E00, 1.763719E-2, 6.370440E-6 \
,1.968564E00, 1.524020E-2, -2.517152E-6 \
,1.282417E00, 8.703393E-3, 2.289292E-5 \
,2.280820E00, 1.918010E-2, 4.484520E-6 \
,4.833473E-2, 1.641773E-4, -4.654200E-7 \
,5.589232E-2, -3.455092E-4, -7.388560E-7 \
,4.634443E-2, -2.658234E-5, 7.757000E-8 \
,8.997041E-3, 6.329728E-6, -1.939256E-9 \
,2.284178E-2, -9.941590E-5, 6.787400E-8 \
,4.350267E-2, -6.839749E-5, -2.714956E-7 \
,1.348204E-2, 1.091504E-5, 6.903760E-7 \
,3.106570E-2, -1.665665E-4, -1.590188E-7 ]
ccsel = np.array(ccsel).reshape(17,3)
#Constants of the arguments of the short-period perturbations.
dcargs = [5.0974222, -7.8604195454652e2 \
,3.9584962, -5.7533848094674e2 \
,1.6338070, -1.1506769618935e3 \
,2.5487111, -3.9302097727326e2 \
,4.9255514, -5.8849265665348e2 \
,1.3363463, -5.5076098609303e2 \
,1.6072053, -5.2237501616674e2 \
,1.3629480, -1.1790629318198e3 \
,5.5657014, -1.0977134971135e3 \
,5.0708205, -1.5774000881978e2 \
,3.9318944, 5.2963464780000e1 \
,4.8989497, 3.9809289073258e1 \
,1.3097446, 7.7540959633708e1 \
,3.5147141, 7.9618578146517e1 \
,3.5413158, -5.4868336758022e2 ]
dcargs = np.array(dcargs).reshape(15,2)
#Amplitudes ccamps(n,k) of the short-period perturbations.
ccamps = \
[-2.279594E-5, 1.407414E-5, 8.273188E-6, 1.340565E-5, -2.490817E-7 \
,-3.494537E-5, 2.860401E-7, 1.289448E-7, 1.627237E-5, -1.823138E-7 \
, 6.593466E-7, 1.322572E-5, 9.258695E-6, -4.674248E-7, -3.646275E-7 \
, 1.140767E-5, -2.049792E-5, -4.747930E-6, -2.638763E-6, -1.245408E-7 \
, 9.516893E-6, -2.748894E-6, -1.319381E-6, -4.549908E-6, -1.864821E-7 \
, 7.310990E-6, -1.924710E-6, -8.772849E-7, -3.334143E-6, -1.745256E-7 \
,-2.603449E-6, 7.359472E-6, 3.168357E-6, 1.119056E-6, -1.655307E-7 \
,-3.228859E-6, 1.308997E-7, 1.013137E-7, 2.403899E-6, -3.736225E-7 \
, 3.442177E-7, 2.671323E-6, 1.832858E-6, -2.394688E-7, -3.478444E-7 \
, 8.702406E-6, -8.421214E-6, -1.372341E-6, -1.455234E-6, -4.998479E-8 \
,-1.488378E-6, -1.251789E-5, 5.226868E-7, -2.049301E-7, 0.E0 \
,-8.043059E-6, -2.991300E-6, 1.473654E-7, -3.154542E-7, 0.E0 \
, 3.699128E-6, -3.316126E-6, 2.901257E-7, 3.407826E-7, 0.E0 \
, 2.550120E-6, -1.241123E-6, 9.901116E-8, 2.210482E-7, 0.E0 \
,-6.351059E-7, 2.341650E-6, 1.061492E-6, 2.878231E-7, 0.E0 ]
ccamps = np.array(ccamps).reshape(15,5)
#Constants csec3 and ccsec(n,k) of the secular perturbations in longitude.
ccsec3 = -7.757020E-8
ccsec = [1.289600E-6, 5.550147E-1, 2.076942E00 \
,3.102810E-5, 4.035027E00, 3.525565E-1 \
,9.124190E-6, 9.990265E-1, 2.622706E00 \
,9.793240E-7, 5.508259E00, 1.559103E01 ]
ccsec = np.array(ccsec).reshape(4,3)
#Sidereal rates.
dcsld = 1.990987e-7 #sidereal rate in longitude
ccsgd = 1.990969E-7 #sidereal rate in mean anomaly
#Constants used in the calculation of the lunar contribution.
cckm = 3.122140E-5
ccmld = 2.661699E-6
ccfdi = 2.399485E-7
#Constants dcargm(i,k) of the arguments of the perturbations of the motion
# of the moon.
dcargm = [5.1679830, 8.3286911095275e3 \
,5.4913150, -7.2140632838100e3 \
,5.9598530, 1.5542754389685e4 ]
dcargm = np.array(dcargm).reshape(3,2)
#Amplitudes ccampm(n,k) of the perturbations of the moon.
ccampm = [ 1.097594E-1, 2.896773E-7, 5.450474E-2, 1.438491E-7 \
,-2.223581E-2, 5.083103E-8, 1.002548E-2, -2.291823E-8 \
, 1.148966E-2, 5.658888E-8, 8.249439E-3, 4.063015E-8 ]
ccampm = np.array(ccampm).reshape(3,4)
#ccpamv(k)=a*m*dl,dt (planets), dc1mme=1-mass(earth+moon)
ccpamv = [8.326827E-11, 1.843484E-11, 1.988712E-12, 1.881276E-12]
dc1mme = 0.99999696
#Time arguments.
dt = (dje - dcto) / dcjul
tvec = np.array([1., dt, dt*dt])
#Values of all elements for the instant(aneous?) dje.
temp = idl_like_mod(idl_like_pound(tvec,dcfel), dc2pi)
#PROBLEM: the mod here is where the 100 m/s error slips in
dml = temp[:,0]
forbel = temp[:,1:8]
g = forbel[:,0] #old fortran equivalence
deps = idl_like_mod(np.sum(tvec*dceps), dc2pi)
sorbel = idl_like_mod(idl_like_pound(tvec, ccsel), dc2pi)
e = sorbel[:, 0] #old fortran equivalence
#Secular perturbations in longitude.
sn = sin(idl_like_mod(idl_like_pound(tvec.ravel()[0:2] , ccsec[:, 1:3]),cc2pi))
#Periodic perturbations of the emb (earth-moon barycenter).
pertl = np.sum(ccsec[:,0] * sn) + dt*ccsec3*sn.ravel()[2]
pertld = 0.0
pertr = 0.0
pertrd = 0.0
for k in range(14):
a = idl_like_mod((dcargs[k,0]+dt*dcargs[k,1]), dc2pi)
cosa = cos(a)
sina = sin(a)
pertl = pertl + ccamps[k,0]*cosa + ccamps[k,1]*sina
pertr = pertr + ccamps[k,2]*cosa + ccamps[k,3]*sina
if k < 11:
pertld = pertld + (ccamps[k,1]*cosa-ccamps[k,0]*sina)*ccamps[k,4]
pertrd = pertrd + (ccamps[k,3]*cosa-ccamps[k,2]*sina)*ccamps[k,4]
#Elliptic part of the motion of the emb.
phi = (e*e/4)*(((8/e)-e)*sin(g) +5*sin(2*g) +(13/3)*e*sin(3*g))
f = g + phi
sinf = sin(f)
cosf = cos(f)
dpsi = (dc1 - e*e) / (dc1 + e*cosf)
phid = 2*e*ccsgd*((1 + 1.5*e*e)*cosf + e*(1.25 - 0.5*sinf*sinf))
psid = ccsgd*e*sinf * (dc1 - e*e)**-0.5
#Perturbed heliocentric motion of the emb.
d1pdro = dc1+pertr
drd = d1pdro * (psid + dpsi*pertrd)
drld = d1pdro*dpsi * (dcsld+phid+pertld)
dtl = idl_like_mod((dml + phi + pertl), dc2pi)
dsinls = sin(dtl)
dcosls = cos(dtl)
dxhd = drd*dcosls - drld*dsinls
dyhd = drd*dsinls + drld*dcosls
#Influence of eccentricity, evection and variation on the geocentric
# motion of the moon.
pertl = 0.0
pertld = 0.0
pertp = 0.0
pertpd = 0.0
for k in range(2):
a = idl_like_mod((dcargm[k,0] + dt*dcargm[k,1]), dc2pi)
sina = sin(a)
cosa = cos(a)
pertl = pertl + ccampm[k,0]*sina
pertld = pertld + ccampm[k,1]*cosa
pertp = pertp + ccampm[k,2]*cosa
pertpd = pertpd - ccampm[k,3]*sina
#Heliocentric motion of the earth.
tl = forbel.ravel()[1] + pertl
sinlm = sin(tl)
coslm = cos(tl)
sigma = cckm / (1.0 + pertp)
a = sigma*(ccmld + pertld)
b = sigma*pertpd
dxhd = dxhd + a*sinlm + b*coslm
dyhd = dyhd - a*coslm + b*sinlm
dzhd= -sigma*ccfdi*cos(forbel.ravel()[2])
#Barycentric motion of the earth.
dxbd = dxhd*dc1mme
dybd = dyhd*dc1mme
dzbd = dzhd*dc1mme
for k in range(3):
plon = forbel.ravel()[k+3]
pomg = sorbel.ravel()[k+1]
pecc = sorbel.ravel()[k+9]
tl = idl_like_mod((plon + 2.0*pecc*sin(plon-pomg)), cc2pi)
dxbd = dxbd + ccpamv[k]*(sin(tl) + pecc*sin(pomg))
dybd = dybd - ccpamv[k]*(cos(tl) + pecc*cos(pomg))
dzbd = dzbd - ccpamv[k]*sorbel.ravel()[k+13]*cos(plon - sorbel.ravel()[k+5])
#Transition to mean equator of date.
dcosep = cos(deps)
dsinep = sin(deps)
dyahd = dcosep*dyhd - dsinep*dzhd
dzahd = dsinep*dyhd + dcosep*dzhd
dyabd = dcosep*dybd - dsinep*dzbd
dzabd = dsinep*dybd + dcosep*dzbd
#Epoch of mean equinox (deq) of zero implies that we should use
# Julian ephemeris date (dje) as epoch of mean equinox.
if deq == 0:
dvelh = AU * ([dxhd, dyahd, dzahd])
dvelb = AU * ([dxbd, dyabd, dzabd])
return dvelh, dvelb
#General precession from epoch dje to deq.
deqdat = (dje-dcto-dcbes) / dctrop + dc1900
prema = premat(deqdat,deq,FK4=True)
dvelh = AU * idl_like_pound( prema, [dxhd, dyahd, dzahd] )
dvelb = AU * idl_like_pound( prema, [dxbd, dyabd, dzabd] )
return dvelh, dvelb
def premat(equinox1, equinox2, FK4=False):
# Return the precession matrix needed to go from EQUINOX1 to EQUINOX2.
# This matrix is used by the procedures PRECESS and BARYVEL to precess
# astronomical coordinates
# matrix = PREMAT( equinox1, equinox2, [ /FK4 ] )
# EQUINOX1 - Original equinox of coordinates, numeric scalar.
# EQUINOX2 - Equinox of precessed coordinates.
# matrix - double precision 3 x 3 precession matrix, used to precess
# equatorial rectangular coordinates
# /FK4 - If this keyword is set, the FK4 (B1950.0) system precession
# angles are used to compute the precession matrix. The
# default is to use FK5 (J2000.0) precession angles
# Return the precession matrix from 1950.0 to 1975.0 in the FK4 system
# IDL> matrix = PREMAT( 1950.0, 1975.0, /FK4)
# FK4 constants from "Computational Spherical Astronomy" by Taff (1983),
# p. 24. (FK4). FK5 constants from "Astronomical Almanac Explanatory
# Supplement 1992, page 104 Table 3.211.1.
# Written, Wayne Landsman, HSTX Corporation, June 1994
# Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
deg_to_rad = pi/180.0
sec_to_rad = deg_to_rad/3600.
T = 0.001 * ( equinox2 - equinox1)
if not FK4: # FK5
ST = 0.001*( equinox1 - 2000.)
# Compute 3 rotation angles
A = sec_to_rad * T * (23062.181 + ST*(139.656 +0.0139*ST) \
+ T*(30.188 - 0.344*ST+17.998*T))
B = sec_to_rad * T * T * (79.280 + 0.410*ST + 0.205*T) + A
C = sec_to_rad * T * (20043.109 - ST*(85.33 + 0.217*ST) \
+ T*(-42.665 - 0.217*ST -41.833*T))
ST = 0.001*( equinox1 - 1900.)
# Compute 3 rotation angles
A = sec_to_rad * T * (23042.53 + ST*(139.75 +0.06*ST) \
+ T*(30.23 - 0.27*ST+18.0*T))
B = sec_to_rad * T * T * (79.27 + 0.66*ST + 0.32*T) + A
C = sec_to_rad * T * (20046.85 - ST*(85.33 + 0.37*ST) \
+ T*(-42.67 - 0.37*ST -41.8*T))
sina = sin(A)
sinb = sin(B)
sinc = sin(C)
cosa = cos(A)
cosb = cos(B)
cosc = cos(C)
r = np.empty([3, 3])
r[:,0] = [ cosa*cosb*cosc-sina*sinb, sina*cosb+cosa*sinb*cosc, cosa*sinc]
r[:,1] = [-cosa*sinb-sina*cosb*cosc, cosa*cosb-sina*sinb*cosc, -sina*sinc]
r[:,2] = [-cosb*sinc, -sinb*sinc, cosc]
return r
def idl_like_pound(a, b):
a = np.array(a, copy=False)
b = np.array(b, copy=False)
if len(a.shape) == 2 and len(b.shape) == 1:
return, b)
if len(a.shape) == 1 and len(b.shape) == 2:
res =, b.T)
return res.reshape(1, res.size)
return, b)
def idl_like_mod(a, b):
a = np.array(a, copy=False)
b = np.array(b, copy=False)
res = np.abs(a) % b
if a.shape == tuple():
if a<0:
return -res
return res
res[a<0] *= -1
return res
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