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Created March 19, 2018 17:42
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Uses PSPKI and HPiLOCmdlets to get, submit, and approve certificate requests. Then installs the certificate on the iLO interface
#Version 1.2
#Written by Robert Stasiunas
#3/13/18 - Initial Build
#3/14/18 - Added logic to check for required modules. Force imports modules.
#3/14/18 - Added check for iLO 2. If iLO 2 is found, script exits with error.
#3/19/18 - Added ErrorActions to stop script if an error is encountered.
#This script performs the following:
# - Connect to iLO interface specified and generate a CSR
# - Submit CSR to CA
# - Approve pending request (provided the user has rights to approve)
# - Retrieve the certificate
# - Apply the certificate to iLO
#USAGE: ilorequest.ps1 -ipaddress -password
#Logic to check for required modules.
#If modules are not present the script will exit.
if (Get-Module -Name HPiLOCmdlets){
Write-Host "HPiLOCmdlets are installed. Continuing..."
else {
Write-Host "HPiLOCmdlets are not installed. Exiting"
if (Get-Module -Name PSPKI){
Write-Host "PSPKI Module is installed. Continuing..."
else {
Write-Host "PSPKI Module is not installed. Exiting"
Import-Module PSPKI
Import-Module HPiLOCmdlets
#Build initial variables for the request
$ilo=Find-HPiLO -Range $ipaddress -ErrorAction Stop
$certsrv=Get-CertificationAuthority | where {$_.DisplayName -eq 'CA'}
#Check if system is running iLO 2.
#If so, exit since iLO 2 is unsupported by the modules
if ($ilo.PN -like '*iLO 2*'){
Write-Error "Sorry, iLO 2 is not supported"
#Requests iLO to begin generating a CSR.
#This can take some time. We'll revist later in the script.
$request=Get-HPiLOCertificateSigningRequest -Server $ipaddress `
-Username $username -Password $password -State $state `
-Country $country -Locality $locality -Organization $org `
-OrganizationalUnit $org_unit -CommonName $hostname `
-DisableCertificateAuthentication -ErrorAction Stop
#Loop to check if CSR is generated.
#If not will continue trying until it fails or the CSR is complete.
while ($gotCSR -eq $false){
if ($request.STATUS_TYPE -eq "OK"){
$request.CERTIFICATE_SIGNING_REQUEST | Out-File $certpath\currentcsr.txt -Encoding ascii -Force
Write-Host "CSR copied to $certpath\currentcsr.txt"
Write-Host "CSR failed."
#Generating a CSR can take some time, especially on iLO3.
Write-Host "Generating CSR. This may take a few minutes..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
$request=Get-HPiLOCertificateSigningRequest -Server $ipaddress `
-Username $username -Password $password -State $state `
-Country $country -Locality $locality -Organization $org `
-OrganizationalUnit $org_unit -CommonName $hostname `
#Removes any previous certificate to keep file structure clean.
Write-Host "Signing certificate"
if(Test-Path "$certpath\*.cer"){
Remove-Item "$certpath\*.cer"
#Submits the request to the CA using the TEMPLATE template.
#Also creates an object for the pending request to use for approval in the next step.
Write-Host "Submitting CSR to"$certsrv.DisplayName
$submit=Submit-CertificateRequest -Path $certpath\currentcsr.txt `
-CertificationAuthority $certsrv -Attribute 'CertificateTemplate:TEMPLATE'
$pendingreq=Get-PendingRequest -CertificationAuthority $certsrv -RequestID $reqID
#Connects to the CA under the context of the user running the script to approve the request
#The request must be an object created from the Get-PendingRequest cmdlet.
#Passing a simple RequestID is not sufficient. I don't know why...
Write-Host "Approving Request $reqID"
Approve-CertificateRequest -Request $pendingreq
#Gets the issued certificate from the CA
Write-Host "Retrieving Certificate"
$issuedreq=Get-IssuedRequest -CertificationAuthority $certsrv -RequestID $reqID
Receive-Certificate -RequestRow $issuedreq -Path "$certpath"
Write-Host "Certificate is located in $certpath\RequestID_$reqID.cer"
#Installs certificate to iLO. The '-Raw' option is required in order to retain Base64 encoding.
Write-host "Installing Certificate to iLO"
$issuedcert= Get-Content "$certpath\RequestID_$reqID.cer" -Raw
$install=Import-HPiLOCertificate -Server $ipaddress `
-Username $username -Password $password `
-Certificate $issuedcert -DisableCertificateAuthentication
if ($install.STATUS_TYPE -like 'ERROR'){
Write-Host "Certificate Install Failed"
Write-Host $install.STATUS_MESSAGE
Write-Host "Certificate installed successfully. iLO will now reset"
#Cleanup CSR files
if(Test-Path "$certpath\currentcsr.txt"){
Remove-Item "$certpath\currentcsr.txt"
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