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Last active December 28, 2015 09:19
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Save eternicode/7478166 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
humanized interval formatter that works with both past and future times
# Adapted from
from datetime import datetime
from django.template.defaultfilters import pluralize
def prettyinterval(time=None):
Take a datetime object and return a pretty string like 'in an hour',
'tomorrow', 'in 3 months', 'just now', etc
now = datetime.utcnow()
past = True
diff = now - time
if diff.days < 0:
past = False
diff = time - now
format = '%s ago' if past else 'in %s'
second_diff = diff.seconds
day_diff = diff.days
txt = ''
if day_diff == 0:
if second_diff < 10 and past:
return 'just now'
elif second_diff < 60:
txt = '%s second%s' % (second_diff, pluralize(second_diff))
elif second_diff < 120:
txt = 'a minute'
elif second_diff < 3600:
txt = '%s minute%s' % (second_diff/60, pluralize(second_diff/60))
elif second_diff < 7200:
txt = 'an hour'
elif second_diff < 86400:
txt = '%s hour%s' % (second_diff/3600, pluralize(second_diff/3600))
elif day_diff == 1:
return 'yesterday' if past else 'tomorrow'
elif day_diff < 7:
txt = '%s days' % day_diff
elif day_diff < 31:
txt = '%s week%s' % (day_diff/7, pluralize(day_diff/7))
elif day_diff < 365:
txt = '%s month%s' % (day_diff/30, pluralize(day_diff/30))
txt = '%s year%s' % (day_diff/365, pluralize(day_diff/365))
return format % txt
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