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Created November 20, 2013 02:02
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Save eternnoir/7556322 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
wine方塊字,使用Droid Font
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink]
/* 平滑化(anti-alias) */
/* 如果覺得開了之後字體難看,把三個Y改成N */
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver]
/* 平滑字型 */
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
/* 替換字型1 */
/* 安裝Wine不會提供字型,所以需要替換字型,我以Droid Sans Fallback替換 */
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes]
"Arial Baltic,186"="Droid Sans Fallback,186"
"Arial CE,238"="Droid Sans Fallback,238"
"Arial CYR,204"="Droid Sans Fallback,204"
"Arial Greek,161"="Droid Sans Fallback,161"
"Arial TUR,162"="Droid Sans Fallback,162"
"Courier New Baltic,186"="Droid Sans Fallback,186"
"Courier New CE,238"="Droid Sans Fallback,238"
"Courier New CYR,204"="Droid Sans Fallback,204"
"Courier New Greek,161"="Droid Sans Fallback,161"
"Courier New TUR,162"="Droid Sans Fallback,162"
"Helv"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Helvetica"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"MS Shell Dlg"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"MS Shell Dlg 2"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"PMingLiU"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"新細明體"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Tahoma"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Times"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Times New Roman Baltic,186"="Droid Sans Fallback,186"
"Times New Roman CE,238"="Droid Sans Fallback,238"
"Times New Roman CYR,204"="Droid Sans Fallback,204"
"Times New Roman Greek,161"="Droid Sans Fallback,161"
"Times New Roman TUR,162"="Droid Sans Fallback,162"
"Tms Rmn"="Droid Sans Fallback"
/* 替換字型2 */
@="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Arial"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Fixedsys"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Microsoft Sans Serif"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"MingLiU"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"MS UI Gothic"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"PMingLiU"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Simsun"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Songti"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"System"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Tahoma"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Terminal"="Droid Sans Fallback"
/* 取代字型 */
/* Wine 1.1.12 打補丁後也會有亂碼,所以要修改這裡 */
/* Wine 1.1.12 之前可以不用修改,改了應該也沒關係 */
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink\SystemLink]
"Microsoft Sans Serif"="DroidSansFallback.ttf,Droid Sans Fallback"
"SimSun"="DroidSansFallback.ttf,Droid Sans Fallback"
"Tahoma"="DroidSansFallback.ttf,Droid Sans Fallback"
"PMingLiU"="DroidSansFallback.ttf,Droid Sans Fallback"
"Lucida Sans Unicode"="DroidSansFallback.ttf,Droid Sans Fallback"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]
"Shell Icon Size"="32"
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