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Last active April 25, 2016 19:22
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zend-mime test for PR#4 breaking octets
public function dataTestQuotedPrintableDoesNotBreakOctets() {
return [
[str_repeat('a', Mime\Mime::LINELENGTH - 3) . "=\n=3D.bbb", str_repeat('a', Mime\Mime::LINELENGTH-3) . '=.bbb'],
[str_repeat('.', Mime\Mime::LINELENGTH) . "=\n.", str_repeat('.', Mime\Mime::LINELENGTH + 1)],
[str_repeat(' ', Mime\Mime::LINELENGTH) . "=\n ", str_repeat(' ', Mime\Mime::LINELENGTH + 1)]
* @dataProvider dataTestQuotedPrintableDoesNotBreakOctets
* @group current
public function testQuotedPrintableDoesNotBreakOctets($expected, $text)
$qp = Mime\Mime::encodeQuotedPrintable($text);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $qp);
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