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Created March 4, 2024 06:54
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My (old) toshy config
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import os
import sys
import time
import shutil
import inspect
import subprocess
from subprocess import DEVNULL
from typing import Callable, List, Dict, Union
from keyszer.lib.logger import debug, error
from keyszer.lib.key_context import KeyContext
from keyszer.config_api import *
# Keyszer-specific config settings - REMOVE OR SET TO DEFAULTS FOR DISTRIBUTION
dump_diagnostics_key(Key.F15) # default key: F15
emergency_eject_key(Key.F16) # default key: F16
multipurpose = 1, # default: 1 sec
suspend = 0, # default: 1 sec, try 0.1 sec for touchpads
# Delays often needed for Wayland (at least in GNOME using shell extensions)
key_pre_delay_ms = 12, # default: 0 ms, range: 0-150 ms, suggested: 1-50 ms
key_post_delay_ms = 18, # default: 0 ms, range: 0-150 ms, suggested: 1-100 ms
# C0 control code modifier
add_modifier("CONTROL_CODE", aliases = ["ControlCode", "C0"], key = Key.F24)
############################ Welcome to Toshy! ############################
### This is a highly customized fork of the config file that powers,
### by Ben Reaves
### (
### All credit for the basis of this goes to Ben Reaves.
### (
### Much assistance was provided by Josh Goebel, the developer of the
### xkeysnail fork "keyszer"
### (
home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
icons_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, '.local', 'share', 'icons')
# get the path of this file (not the main module loading it)
config_globals = inspect.stack()[1][0].f_globals
current_folder_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(config_globals["__config__"]))
sys.path.insert(0, current_folder_path)
import lib.env
from lib.settings_class import Settings
from lib.notification_manager import NotificationManager
assets_path = os.path.join(current_folder_path, 'assets')
icon_file_active = os.path.join(assets_path, "toshy_app_icon_rainbow.svg")
icon_file_grayscale = os.path.join(assets_path, "toshy_app_icon_rainbow_inverse_grayscale.svg")
icon_file_inverse = os.path.join(assets_path, "toshy_app_icon_rainbow_inverse.svg")
# Toshy config file
TOSHY_PART_NAME = 'Toshy Config file'
APP_VERSION = '2023.0826'
# Settings object used to tweak preferences "live" between gui, tray and config.
cnfg = Settings(current_folder_path)
cnfg.watch_database() # activate watchdog observer on the sqlite3 db file
debug(cnfg, ctx="CG")
############################# ENVIRONMENT ##############################
### ###
### ###
### ███████ ███ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██████ ███ ██ ###
### ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ###
### █████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ███████ ██ ████ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ████ ###
### ###
### ###
# Set up some useful environment variables
# MANUALLY set any environment information if the auto-identification isn't working:
# leave all of this alone!
env_info: Dict[str, str] = lib.env.get_env_info() # Returns a dict
debug( f'Toshy config sees this environment:'
f'\n\t{DISTRO_NAME = }'
f'\n\t{DISTRO_VER = }'
f'\n\t{SESSION_TYPE = }'
f'\n\t{DESKTOP_ENV = }\n', ctx="CG")
# Pylance will complain if function undefined, without 'ignore' comment
environ_api(session_type = SESSION_TYPE, wl_desktop_env = DESKTOP_ENV) # type: ignore
except NameError:
debug(f"The API function 'environ_api' is not defined yet. Using wrong 'keyszer' branch?")
################# VARIABLES ####################
### ###
### ###
### ██ ██ █████ ██████ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ███████ ██████ ███████ ###
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### ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ###
### ###
### ###
# Establish important global variables here
# Variable to hold the keyboard type
# Short names for the `keyszer` string and Unicode processing helper functions
ST = to_US_keystrokes # was 'to_keystrokes' originally
UC = unicode_keystrokes
ignore_combo = ComboHint.IGNORE
# This is a "trick" to negate the need to put quotes around all the key labels
# inside the "lists of dicts" to be given to the matchProps() function.
# Makes the variables evaluate to equivalent strings inside the dicts.
# Provides for nice syntax highlighting and visual separation of key:value.
clas = 'clas' # key label for matchProps() arg to match: wm_class
name = 'name' # key label for matchProps() arg to match: wm_name
devn = 'devn' # key label for matchProps() arg to match: device_name
not_clas = 'not_clas' # key label for matchProps() arg to NEGATIVE match: wm_class
not_name = 'not_name' # key label for matchProps() arg to NEGATIVE match: wm_name
not_devn = 'not_devn' # key label for matchProps() arg to NEGATIVE match: device_name
numlk = 'numlk' # key label for matchProps() arg to match: numlock_on
capslk = 'capslk' # key label for matchProps() arg to match: capslock_on
cse = 'cse' # key label for matchProps() arg to enable: case sensitivity
lst = 'lst' # key label for matchProps() arg to pass in a [list] of {dicts}
dbg = 'dbg' # key label for matchProps() arg to set debugging info string
# global variables for the isDoubleTap() function
tapTime1 = time.time()
tapInterval = 0.24
tapCount = 0
last_dt_combo = None
# Set this variable to False to disable the alert that appears
# when using Apple logo shortcut (Shift+Option+K)
applelogoalert_enabled = True # Default: True
###################### LISTS #######################
### ###
### ###
### ██ ██ ███████ ████████ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ███████ ██ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ███████ ██ ███████ ██ ███████ ###
### ###
### ###
def toRgxStr(lst_of_str) -> str:
Convert a list of strings into single casefolded regex pattern string.
def raise_TypeError(): raise TypeError(f"\n\n### toRgxStr wants a list of strings ###\n")
if not isinstance(lst_of_str, list): raise_TypeError()
if any([not isinstance(x, str) for x in lst_of_str]): raise_TypeError()
lst_of_str_clean = [str(x).replace('^','').replace('$','') for x in lst_of_str]
return "|".join('^'+x.casefold()+'$' for x in lst_of_str_clean)
def negRgx(rgx_str):
Convert positive match regex pattern into negative lookahead regex pattern.
# remove any ^$
rgx_str_strip = str(rgx_str).replace('^','').replace('$','')
# add back ^$, but only around ENTIRE STRING (ignore any vertical bars/pipes)
rgx_str_add = str('^'+rgx_str_strip+'$')
# convert ^$ to complicated negative lookahead pattern that actually works
neg_rgx_str = str(rgx_str_add).replace('^','^(?:(?!^').replace('$','$).)*$')
return neg_rgx_str
# # OBSOLETED by the "list of dicts" `terminals_lod` below
# # Use the following for testing terminal keymaps
# # terminals = [ "", ... ]
# # xbindkeys -mk
# terminals = [
# "alacritty",
# "cutefish-terminal",
# "deepin-terminal",
# "eterm",
# "gnome-terminal",
# "gnome-terminal-server",
# "guake",
# "hyper",
# "io.elementary.terminal",
# "",
# "kitty",
# "Kgx", # GNOME Console terminal app (comes from "King's Cross")
# "konsole",
# "lxterminal",
# "mate-terminal",
# "org.gnome.Console",
# "org.kde.konsole",
# "roxterm",
# "qterminal",
# "st",
# "sakura",
# "station",
# "tabby",
# "terminator",
# "termite",
# "tilda",
# "tilix",
# "urxvt",
# "xfce4-terminal",
# "xterm",
# "yakuake",
# ]
# terminals = [x.casefold() for x in terminals]
# termStr = toRgxStr(terminals)
terminals_lod = [
{clas:"^alacritty$" },
{clas:"^com.raggesilver.BlackBox$" },
{clas:"^contour$" },
{clas:"^cutefish-terminal$" },
{clas:"^deepin-terminal$" },
{clas:"^eterm$" },
{clas:"^gnome-terminal$" },
{clas:"^gnome-terminal-server$" },
{clas:"^guake$" },
{clas:"^hyper$" },
{clas:"^io.elementary.terminal$" },
{clas:"^$" },
{clas:"^kitty$" },
{clas:"^Kgx$" },
{clas:"^konsole$" },
{clas:"^lxterminal$" },
{clas:"^mate-terminal$" },
{clas:"^org.gnome.Console$" },
{clas:"^org.kde.konsole$" },
{clas:"^org.kde.yakuake$" },
{clas:"^org.wezfurlong.wezterm$" },
{clas:"^roxterm$" },
{clas:"^qterminal$" },
{clas:"^st$" },
{clas:"^sakura$" },
{clas:"^station$" },
{clas:"^tabby$" },
{clas:"^terminator$" },
{clas:"^termite$" },
{clas:"^tilda$" },
{clas:"^tilix$" },
{clas:"^urxvt$" },
{clas:"^xfce4-terminal$" },
{clas:"^xterm$" },
{clas:"^yakuake$" },
gnustep_lod = [
{clas:"gnustep" },
# TODO: remove usage of this in favor of `vscodes_lod` below it
vscodes = [
"code - oss",
vscodes = [x.casefold() for x in vscodes]
vscodeStr = toRgxStr(vscodes)
vscodes_lod = [
{clas:"^code - oss$"},
sublimes = [
sublimes = [x.casefold() for x in sublimes]
sublimeStr = toRgxStr(sublimes)
JDownloader_lod = [
{clas: "^.*jdownloader.*$"},
{clas: "^java-lang-Thread$", name: "^JDownloader.*$"} # Happens after auto-update of app
# Add remote desktop clients & VM software here
# Ideally we'd only exclude the client window,
# but that may not be easily done.
# (Can be done now with `keyszer`, as long as main window has a
# different WM_NAME than client windows. See `remotes_lod` below.)
remotes = [
"VirtualBox Machine",
remotes = [x.casefold() for x in remotes]
remoteStr = toRgxStr(remotes)
remotes_lod = [
{clas:"^Gnome-boxes$" },
{clas:"^org.remmina.Remmina$", not_name:"^Remmina Remote Desktop Client$|^Remote Connection Profile$"},
{clas:"^Nxplayer.bin$" },
{clas:"^remmina$" },
{clas:"^qemu-system-.*$" },
{clas:"^qemu$" },
{clas:"^Spicy$" },
{clas:"^Virt-manager$" },
{clas:"^VirtualBox$" },
{clas:"^VirtualBox Machine$" },
{clas:"^xfreerdp$" },
{clas:"^Wfica$" },
# # OBSOLETED by "list of dicts" `terminals_lod` above
# # Add remote desktop clients & VMs for no remapping
# terminals.extend(remotes)
# termStr_ext = toRgxStr(terminals)
terminals_and_remotes_lod = [
{lst:terminals_lod },
{lst:remotes_lod },
{lst:gnustep_lod },
vscodeStr_ext = toRgxStr(vscodes)
vscodes_and_remotes_lod = [
{lst:vscodes_lod },
{lst:remotes_lod },
browsers_chrome = [
browsers_chrome = [x.casefold() for x in browsers_chrome]
browsers_chromeStr = "|".join('^'+x+'$' for x in browsers_chrome)
browsers_firefox = [
"Firefox Developer Edition",
"Mullvad Browser",
browsers_firefox = [x.casefold() for x in browsers_firefox]
browsers_firefoxStr = "|".join('^'+x+'$' for x in browsers_firefox)
browsers_all = [
# unpack Chrome and Firefox lists into this general browser list
browsers_all = [x.casefold() for x in browsers_all]
browsers_allStr = "|".join('^'+x+'$' for x in browsers_all)
filemanagers = [
filemanagers = [x.casefold() for x in filemanagers]
filemanagerStr = "|".join('^'+x+'$' for x in filemanagers)
### dialogs_Escape_lod = send these windows the Escape key for Cmd+W
dialogs_Escape_lod = [
{clas:"^.*nautilus$", name:"^.*Properties$|^Preferences$|^Create Archive$|^Rename.*Files$"},
{clas:"^Transmission-gtk$|^com.transmissionbt.Transmission.*$", not_name:"^Transmission$"},
{clas:"^org.gnome.Software$", not_name:"^Software$"},
{clas:"^gnome-text-editor$|^org.gnome.TextEditor$", name:"^Preferences$"},
{clas:"^konsole$|^org.kde.konsole$|^konsole org.kde.konsole$", name:"^Configure.*Konsole$|^Edit Profile.*Konsole$"},
{clas:"^org.kde.KWrite$", name:"^Configure.*KWrite$"},
{clas:"^org.kde.Dolphin$", name:"^Configure.*Dolphin$|^Properties.*Dolphin$"},
{clas:"^org.kde.falkon$|^Falkon$", name:"^Preferences.*Falkon$"},
{clas:"^xfce4-terminal$", name:"^Terminal Preferences$"},
{clas:"^epiphany$|^org.gnome.Epiphany$", name:"^Preferences$"},
# TODO: add or change Atoms class to "pm.mirko.Atoms" if the app gets updated
# TODO: remove "atoms" from "name:" entry patterns if "Shortcuts" dialog gets updated
# Reference:
{clas:"^atoms$", name:"^Preferences$|^Shortcuts$|^About$|^atoms$"},
### dialogs_CloseWin_lod = send these windows the "Close window" combo for Cmd+W
dialogs_CloseWin_lod = [
{clas:"^Angry.*IP.*Scanner$", name:"^Fetchers.*$|^Edit.*favorites.*$"},
{clas:"^com.mattjakeman.ExtensionManager$|^extension-manager$", not_name:"^Extension Manager$"},
{clas:"^Gnome-control-center$", not_name:"^Settings$"},
{clas:"^gnome-terminal.*$", name:"^Preferences.*$"},
{clas:"^gnome-terminal-pref.*$", name:"^Preferences.*$"},
{clas:"^fr.handbrake.ghb$", not_name:"^HandBrake$"},
{clas:"^Totem$", not_name:"^Videos$"},
keyboards_UserCustom_dct = {
# Add your keyboard device here if its type is misidentified.
# Valid types to map device to: Apple, Windows, IBM, Chromebook (case sensitive)
# Example:
'My Keyboard Device Name': 'Apple',
# Create a "UserCustom" keyboard dictionary with casefolded keys
kbds_UserCustom_dct_cf = {k.casefold(): v for k, v in keyboards_UserCustom_dct.items()}
# Lists of keyboard device names, to match keyboard type
keyboards_IBM = [
# Add specific IBM-style keyboard device names to this list
'IBM Enhanced (101/102-key) Keyboard',
'IBM Rapid Access Keyboard',
'IBM Space Saver II',
'IBM Model M',
'IBM Model F',
keyboards_Chromebook = [
# Add specific Chromebook keyboard device names to this list
keyboards_Windows = [
# Add specific Windows/PC keyboard device names to this list
'AT Translated Set 2 keyboard',
keyboards_Apple = [
# Add specific Apple/Mac keyboard device names to this list
'Mitsumi Electric Apple Extended USB Keyboard',
'Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad',
'Magic Keyboard',
'MX Keys Mac Keyboard',
kbtype_lists = {
'IBM': keyboards_IBM,
'Chromebook': keyboards_Chromebook,
'Windows': keyboards_Windows,
'Apple': keyboards_Apple
# List of all known keyboard devices from all lists
all_keyboards = [kb for kbtype in kbtype_lists.values() for kb in kbtype]
# keyboard lists compiled to regex objects (replacing spaces with wildcards)
kbds_IBM_rgx = [re.compile(kb.replace(" ", ".*"), re.I) for kb in keyboards_IBM]
kbds_Chromebook_rgx = [re.compile(kb.replace(" ", ".*"), re.I) for kb in keyboards_Chromebook]
kbds_Windows_rgx = [re.compile(kb.replace(" ", ".*"), re.I) for kb in keyboards_Windows]
kbds_Apple_rgx = [re.compile(kb.replace(" ", ".*"), re.I) for kb in keyboards_Apple]
# Dict mapping keyboard type keywords onto
kbtype_lists_rgx = {
'IBM': kbds_IBM_rgx,
'Chromebook': kbds_Chromebook_rgx,
'Windows': kbds_Windows_rgx,
'Apple': kbds_Apple_rgx
# List of all known keyboard devices from all lists
all_kbds_rgx = re.compile(toRgxStr(all_keyboards), re.I)
not_win_type_rgx = re.compile("IBM|Chromebook|Apple", re.I)
################################### CUSTOM FUNCTIONS ####################################
### ###
### ###
### ███████ ██ ██ ███ ██ ██████ ████████ ██ ██████ ███ ██ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ###
### █████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██████ ██ ████ ██████ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ████ ███████ ###
### ###
### ###
# Instantiate a useful notification object class instance, to make notifications easier
ntfy = NotificationManager(icon_file_active, title='Toshy Alert (Config)')
def isKBtype(kbtype: str, map=None):
# guard against failure to give valid type arg
if kbtype not in ['IBM', 'Chromebook', 'Windows', 'Apple']:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid type given to isKBtype() function: '{kbtype}'"
f'\n\t Valid keyboard types (case sensitive): IBM | Chromebook | Windows | Apple')
kbtype_cf = kbtype.casefold()
KBTYPE_cf = KBTYPE.casefold() if isinstance(KBTYPE, str) else None
def _isKBtype(ctx: KeyContext):
# debug(f"KBTYPE: '{KBTYPE}' | isKBtype check from map: '{map}'")
return kbtype_cf == KBTYPE_cf
return _isKBtype
kbtype_cache_dct = {}
def getKBtype():
### Get the keyboard type string for the current device
#### Valid Types
- IBM | Chromebook | Windows | Apple
#### Hierarchy of validations:
- Check if a forced override of keyboard type is applied by user preference.
- Check cache dictionary for device name stored from previous run of function.
- Check if the device name is in the keyboards_UserCustom_dct dictionary.
- Check if the device name matches any keyboard type list.
- Check if any keyboard type string is found in the device name string.
- Check if the device name indicates a "Windows" keyboard by excluding other types.
valid_kbtypes = ['IBM', 'Chromebook', 'Windows', 'Apple']
def _getKBtype(ctx: KeyContext):
# debug(f"Entering getKBtype with override value: '{cnfg.override_kbtype}'")
global KBTYPE
kbd_dev_name = ctx.device_name
def log_kbtype(msg, cache_dev):
debug(f"KBTYPE: '{KBTYPE}' | {msg}: '{kbd_dev_name}'")
if cache_dev:
kbtype_cache_dct[kbd_dev_name] = (KBTYPE, msg)
# If user wants to override, apply override and return.
# Breaks per-device adaptatation capability while engaged!
if cnfg.override_kbtype in valid_kbtypes:
KBTYPE = cnfg.override_kbtype
log_kbtype(f"WARNING: Override applied! Dev", cache_dev=False)
# Check in the kbtype cache dict for the device
if kbd_dev_name in kbtype_cache_dct:
KBTYPE, cached_msg = kbtype_cache_dct[kbd_dev_name]
log_kbtype(f'(CACHED) {cached_msg}', cache_dev=False)
kbd_dev_name_cf = ctx.device_name.casefold()
# Check if there is a custom type for the device
custom_kbtype = kbds_UserCustom_dct_cf.get(kbd_dev_name_cf, '')
if custom_kbtype and custom_kbtype in valid_kbtypes:
KBTYPE = custom_kbtype
log_kbtype('Custom type for dev', cache_dev=True)
# Check against the keyboard type lists
for kbtype, regex_lst in kbtype_lists_rgx.items():
for rgx in regex_lst:
KBTYPE = kbtype
log_kbtype('Rgx matched on dev', cache_dev=True)
# Check if any keyboard type string is found in the device name
for kbtype in ['IBM', 'Chromebook', 'Windows', 'Apple']:
if kbtype.casefold() in kbd_dev_name_cf:
KBTYPE = kbtype
log_kbtype('Type in dev name', cache_dev=True)
# Check if the device name indicates a "Windows" keyboard
if ('windows' not in kbd_dev_name_cf
and not
and not ):
KBTYPE = 'Windows'
log_kbtype('Default type for dev', cache_dev=True)
# Default to None if no matching keyboard type is found
KBTYPE = 'unidentified'
error(f"KBTYPE: '{KBTYPE}' | Dev fell through all checks: '{kbd_dev_name}'")
return _getKBtype # Return the inner function
def isDoubleTap(dt_combo):
Simplistic detection of double-tap of a key or combo.
BLOCKS single-tap function, if used with a single key as the input, but the
'normal' (non-modifier) key of a combo will still be usable when used by
itself as a non-double-tapped key press.
Example: 'RC-CapsLock' will respond when "Cmd" key (under Toshy remapping)
is held and CapsLock key is double-tapped. Nothing will happen if
Cmd+CapsLock is pressed without double-tapping CapsLock key within the
configured time interval. But the CapsLock key will still work by itself.
If double-tap input "combo" is just 'CapsLock', the functioning of a single-tap
CapsLock key press will be BLOCKED. Nothing will happen unless the key is
double-tapped within the configured time interval.
Only cares about the 'real' key in a combo of Mods+key, like in the example
above with 'RC-CapsLock'.
The proper way to do this would be inside the keymapper, in the async event loop
that deals with input/output functions.
def _isDoubleTap():
global tapTime1
global tapInterval
global tapCount
global last_dt_combo
_tapTime = time.time()
# This first "if" block has a logic defect, if a different key in the
# same keymap is also set up to send the same "dt_combo" value.
if tapCount == 1 and last_dt_combo != dt_combo:
debug(f'## isDoubleTap: \n\tDifferent combo: \n\t{last_dt_combo, dt_combo=}')
last_dt_combo = None
tapCount = 0
# 2nd tap beyond time interval? Treat as new double-tap cycle.
if tapCount == 1 and _tapTime - tapTime1 >= tapInterval:
debug(f'## isDoubleTap: \n\tTime diff (too long): \n\t{_tapTime - tapTime1=}')
tapCount = 0
# Try to keep held key from producing repeats of dt_combo.
# If repeat rate very slow or delay very short, this won't work well.
if tapCount == 1 and _tapTime - tapTime1 < 0.07:
debug(f'## isDoubleTap: \n\tTime diff (too short): \n\t{_tapTime - tapTime1=}')
tapCount = 0
return None
# 2nd tap within interval window? Reset cycle & send dt_combo.
if tapCount == 1 and _tapTime - tapTime1 < tapInterval:
debug(f'## isDoubleTap: \n\tTime diff (just right): \n\t{_tapTime - tapTime1=}')
tapCount = 0
tapTime1 = 0.0
return dt_combo
# New cycle? Set count = 1, tapTime1 = now. Send nothing.
if tapCount == 0:
debug(f'## isDoubleTap: \n\tTime diff (1st cycle): \n\t{_tapTime - tapTime1=}')
last_dt_combo = dt_combo
tapCount = 1
tapTime1 = _tapTime
return None
return _isDoubleTap
# Correct syntax to reject all positional parameters: put `*,` at beginning
def matchProps(*,
# string parameters (positive matching)
clas: str = None, name: str = None, devn: str = None,
# string parameters (negative matching)
not_clas: str = None, not_name: str = None, not_devn: str = None,
# bool parameters
numlk: bool = None, capslk: bool = None, cse: bool = None,
# list of dicts of parameters (positive)
lst: List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]] = None,
# list of dicts of parameters (negative)
not_lst: List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]] = None,
dbg: str = None, # debugging info (such as: which modmap/keymap?)
) -> Callable[[KeyContext], bool]:
### Match all given properties to current window context. \n
- Parameters must be _named_, no positional arguments. \n
- All parameters optional, but at least one must be given. \n
- Defaults to case insensitive matching of: \n
- WM_CLASS, WM_NAME, device_name \n
- To negate/invert regex pattern match use: \n
- `not_clas` `not_name` `not_devn` params or... \n
- "^(?:(?!^pattern$).)*$" \n
- To force case insensitive pattern match use: \n
- "^(?i:pattern)$" or... \n
- "^(?i)pattern$" \n
### Accepted Parameters: \n
`clas` = WM_CLASS (regex/string) [xprop WM_CLASS] \n
`name` = WM_NAME (regex/string) [xprop _NET_WM_NAME] \n
`devn` = Device Name (regex/string) [keyszer --list-devices] \n
`not_clas` = `clas` but inverted, matches when "not" \n
`not_name` = `name` but inverted, matches when "not" \n
`not_devn` = `devn` but inverted, matches when "not" \n
`numlk` = Num Lock LED state (bool) \n
`capslk` = Caps Lock LED state (bool) \n
`cse` = Case Sensitive matching (bool) \n
`lst` = List of dicts of the above arguments \n
`not_lst` = `lst` but inverted, matches when "not" \n
`dbg` = Debugging info (string) \n
### Negative match parameters:
- `not_clas`|`not_name`|`not_devn` \n
Parameters take same regex patterns as `clas`|`name`|`devn` \n
but result in a True condition only if pattern is NOT found. \n
Negative parameters cannot be used together with the normal \n
positive matching equivalent parameter in same instance. \n
### List of Dicts parameter: `lst`|`not_lst`
A [list] of {dicts} with each dict containing 1 to 6 of the \n
named parameters above, to be processed recursively as args. \n
A dict can also contain a single `lst` or `not_lst` argment. \n
### Debugging info parameter: `dbg`
A string that will print as part of logging output. Use to \n
help identify origin of logging output. \n
- \n
# Reference for successful negative lookahead pattern, and
# explanation of why it works:
# regular-expression-to-match-a-line-that-doesnt-contain-a-word
logging_enabled = False
allowed_params = (clas, name, devn, not_clas, not_name, not_devn,
numlk, capslk, cse, lst, not_lst, dbg)
lst_dct_params = (clas, name, devn, not_clas, not_name, not_devn,
numlk, capslk, cse)
string_params = (clas, name, devn, not_clas, not_name, not_devn, dbg)
dct_param_strs = list(inspect.signature(matchProps).parameters.keys())
if all([x is None for x in allowed_params]):
raise ValueError(f"\n\n(EE) matchProps(): Received no valid argument\n")
if any([x not in (True, False, None) for x in (numlk, capslk, cse)]):
raise TypeError(f"\n\n(EE) matchProps(): Params 'nlk|clk|cse' are bools\n")
if any([x is not None and not isinstance(x, str) for x in string_params]):
raise TypeError( f"\n\n(EE) matchProps(): These parameters must be strings:"
if clas and not_clas or name and not_name or devn and not_devn or lst and not_lst:
raise ValueError( f"\n\n(EE) matchProps(): Do not mix positive and "
f"negative match params for same property\n")
# consolidate positive and negative matching params into new vars
# only one should be in use at a time (checked above)
_lst = not_lst if lst is None else lst
_clas = not_clas if clas is None else clas
_name = not_name if name is None else name
_devn = not_devn if devn is None else devn
# process lists of conditions
if _lst is not None:
if any([x is not None for x in lst_dct_params]):
raise TypeError(f"\n\n(EE) matchProps(): Param 'lst|not_lst' must be used alone\n")
if not isinstance(_lst, list) or not all(isinstance(item, dict) for item in _lst):
raise TypeError(
f"\n\n(EE) matchProps(): Param 'lst|not_lst' wants a [list] of {{dicts}}\n")
# verify that every {dict} in [list of dicts] only contains valid parameter names
for dct in _lst:
for param in list(dct.keys()):
if param not in dct_param_strs:
error(f"matchProps(): Invalid parameter: '{param}'")
error(f"Invalid parameter is in this dict: \n\t{dct}")
error(f"Dict is in this list:")
for item in _lst:
raise ValueError(
f"\n(EE) matchProps(): Invalid parameter found in dict in list. "
f"See log output before traceback.\n")
def _matchProps_Lst(ctx: KeyContext):
if not_lst is not None:
if logging_enabled: print(f"## _matchProps_Lst()[not_lst] ## {dbg=}")
return not any(matchProps(**dct)(ctx) for dct in not_lst)
if logging_enabled: print(f"## _matchProps_Lst()[lst] ## {dbg=}")
return any(matchProps(**dct)(ctx) for dct in lst)
return _matchProps_Lst # outer function returning inner function
# compile case insentitive regex object for given params, unless cse=True
if _clas is not None: clas_rgx = re.compile(_clas) if cse else re.compile(_clas, re.I)
if _name is not None: name_rgx = re.compile(_name) if cse else re.compile(_name, re.I)
if _devn is not None: devn_rgx = re.compile(_devn) if cse else re.compile(_devn, re.I)
def _matchProps(ctx: KeyContext):
cond_list = []
if _clas is not None:
clas_match =,
ctx.wm_class or 'ERR: matchProps: NoneType in ctx.wm_class')
cond_list.append(not clas_match if not_clas is not None else clas_match)
if _name is not None:
name_match =,
ctx.wm_name or 'ERR: matchProps: NoneType in ctx.wm_name')
cond_list.append(not name_match if not_name is not None else name_match)
if _devn is not None:
devn_match =,
ctx.device_name or 'ERR: matchProps: NoneType in ctx.device_name')
cond_list.append(not devn_match if not_devn is not None else devn_match)
# these two MUST check explicitly for "is not None" because external input is True/False,
# and we want to be able to match the LED_on state of either "True" or "False"
if numlk is not None: cond_list.append( numlk is ctx.numlock_on )
if capslk is not None: cond_list.append( capslk is ctx.capslock_on )
if logging_enabled: # and all(cnd_lst): # << add this to show only "True" condition lists
print(f'#### CND_LST ({all(cond_list)}) #### {dbg=}')
for elem in cond_list:
print('##', re.sub(r'^.*span=.*\), ', '', str(elem)).replace('>',''))
return all(cond_list)
return _matchProps # outer function returning inner function
# Boolean variable to toggle Enter key state between F2 and Enter
# True = Enter key sends F2, False = Enter key sends Enter
_enter_is_F2 = True # DON'T CHANGE THIS! Must be set to True here.
# def is_Enter_F2(combo_if_true, latch_or_combo_if_false):
# """
# Send a different combo for Enter key depending on state of _enter_is_F2 variable,\n
# or latch the variable to True or False to control the Enter key state on next use.
# This enables a simulation of the Finder "Enter to rename" capability.
# """
# def _is_Enter_F2():
# global _enter_is_F2
# combo_list = [combo_if_true]
# if latch_or_combo_if_false in (True, False): # Latch variable to given bool value
# _enter_is_F2 = latch_or_combo_if_false
# elif _enter_is_F2: # If Enter is F2 now, set to be Enter next
# _enter_is_F2 = False
# else: # If Enter is Enter now, set to be F2 next
# combo_list = [latch_or_combo_if_false]
# _enter_is_F2 = True
# return combo_list
# return _is_Enter_F2
def iEF2(combo_if_true, latch_or_combo_if_false,
keep_value_if_true=False, keep_value_if_false=False):
Formerly 'is_Enter_F2'
Send a different combo for the Enter key based on the state of the _enter_is_F2 variable,
or latch the variable to True or False to control the Enter key output on the next use.
combo_if_true: The combo to send if _enter_is_F2 is True.
latch_or_combo_if_false: The combo to send if _enter_is_F2 is False, or
a Boolean to latch _enter_is_F2 to a specific value.
keep_value_if_true (opt.): If True, _enter_is_F2 will be kept True if it is currently True.
If False, _enter_is_F2 will be set to False if it is currently True.
keep_value_if_false (opt.): If True, _enter_is_F2 will be kept False if it is currently False.
If False, _enter_is_F2 will be set to True if it is currently False.
A function that, when called, returns the appropriate combo based on the current
state of _enter_is_F2 and the provided parameters, and updates _enter_is_F2
based on the provided parameters.
This enables a simulation of the Finder "Enter to rename" capability, allowing
for complex control over the Enter key's behavior in various scenarios.
def _is_Enter_F2():
global _enter_is_F2
combo_list = [combo_if_true]
if latch_or_combo_if_false in (True, False): # Latch variable to given bool value
_enter_is_F2 = latch_or_combo_if_false
elif _enter_is_F2: # If Enter is F2 now, set to be Enter next
if keep_value_if_true is False:
_enter_is_F2 = False
else: # If Enter is Enter now, set to be F2 next
combo_list = [latch_or_combo_if_false]
if keep_value_if_false is False:
_enter_is_F2 = True
return combo_list
return _is_Enter_F2
# def iEF2(*args, **kwargs):
# """wrapper to shorten name of `is_Enter_F2` function"""
# return is_Enter_F2(*args, **kwargs)
def iEF2NT():
"""Feed `is_Enter_F2` function `None` and `True` as arguments, with short name"""
return iEF2(None, True)
def macro_tester():
"""Type out a macro with useful info and a Unicode test.
WARNING: Safe only for use in apps that accept text blocks/typing of many characters."""
def _macro_tester(ctx: KeyContext):
return [
ST(f"Appl. Class: '{ctx.wm_class}'"), C("Enter"),
ST(f"Wind. Title: '{ctx.wm_name}'"), C("Enter"),
ST(f"Kbd. Device: '{ctx.device_name}'"), C("Enter"),
ST("Next test should come out on ONE LINE!"), C("Enter"),
ST("Unicode and Shift Test: 🌹—€—\u2021—ÿ—\U00002021 12345 !@#$% |\\ !!!!!!"),
return _macro_tester
zenity_cmd = shutil.which('zenity')
zenity_icon_option = None
if zenity_cmd:
zenity_help_output = subprocess.check_output([zenity_cmd, '--help-info'])
help_text = str(zenity_help_output)
if '--icon=' in help_text:
zenity_icon_option = '--icon=toshy_app_icon_rainbow'
elif '--icon-name=' in help_text:
zenity_icon_option = '--icon-name=toshy_app_icon_rainbow'
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
pass # zenity --help-info failed, assume icon is not supported
error('ERROR: Zenity command is missing! Diagnostic dialog not available!')
def notify_context():
"""pop up a notification with context info"""
def _notify_context(ctx: KeyContext):
if not zenity_cmd:
# global zenity_icon_option
message = ( f"Appl. Class = '{ctx.wm_class}'"
f"\nWndw. Title = '{ctx.wm_name}'"
f"\nKbd. Device = '{ctx.device_name}'" )
zenity_cmd_lst = [ zenity_cmd, '--info', '--no-wrap',
'--title=Toshy Context Info',
'--text=' + message
# insert the icon argument if it's supported
if zenity_icon_option is not None:
zenity_cmd_lst.insert(3, zenity_icon_option)
subprocess.Popen(zenity_cmd_lst, cwd=icons_dir, stderr=DEVNULL, stdout=DEVNULL)
# Optionally, also send a system notification:
# ntfy.send_notification(message)
return _notify_context
################################# MODMAPS ####################################
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### ████ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ███████ ██████ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██████ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ###
### ###
### ###
### Modmaps turn a key into a different key as long as the modmap is active
### The modified key can be used in shortcut combos as the new key
# Special modmap to trigger the evaluation of the keyboard type when
# any modifier key is pressed
modmap("Keyboard Type Trigger Modmap", {
# This modmap must have all modifier keys inside it, so they will
# all trigger the re-evaluation of the keyboard type.
# The accompanying keymap can be empty and still accomplish
# the same purpose of triggering a re-evaluation of the
# keyboard type when any non-modifier key is pressed.
}, when = lambda ctx: getKBtype()(ctx) )
# Special keymap to trigger the evaluation of the keyboard type when
# any non-modifier key is pressed
keymap("Keyboard Type Trigger Keymap", {
# Nothing needed here.
}, when = lambda ctx: getKBtype()(ctx) )
modmap("Cond modmap - Media Arrows Fix",{
# Fix arrow keys with media functions instead of PgUp/PgDn/Home/End
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and
cnfg.media_arrows_fix is True )
# List of devices to add to the device exclusion list below this slice
# How to use this list to exclude additional keypad devices:
# Put device names in individual Python "{dictionaries}".
# Make the dictionaries look exactly like the given example,
# including the comma after each dictionary.
exclude_kpad_devs_UserCustom_lod = [
# {devn:'My Keyboard Device'},
# List of devices with keypads to exclude from Forced Numpad and GTK3 fix modmaps
exclude_kpad_devs_lod = [
{devn:'Razer Razer Naga X'},
modmap("Cond modmap - Forced Numpad feature",{
# Make numpad be a numpad regardless of Numlock state (like an Apple keyboard in macOS)
Key.KP1: Key.KEY_1,
Key.KP2: Key.KEY_2,
Key.KP3: Key.KEY_3,
Key.KP4: Key.KEY_4,
Key.KP5: Key.KEY_5,
Key.KP6: Key.KEY_6,
Key.KP7: Key.KEY_7,
Key.KP8: Key.KEY_8,
Key.KP9: Key.KEY_9,
Key.KP0: Key.KEY_0,
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=exclude_kpad_devs_lod)(ctx) and
matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and
cnfg.forced_numpad is True )
modmap("Cond modmap - GTK3 numpad nav keys fix",{
# Make numpad nav keys work correctly in GTK3 apps
# Key.KP5: Key.X, # GTK3 numpad fix - TEST TO SEE IF WORKING
# Numpad PgUp/PgDn/Home/End keys
Key.KP9: Key.PAGE_UP,
Key.KP7: Key.HOME,
Key.KP1: Key.END,
# Numpad arrow keys
Key.KP8: Key.UP,
Key.KP2: Key.DOWN,
Key.KP4: Key.LEFT,
Key.KP6: Key.RIGHT,
# Numpad Insert/Delete/Enter keys
Key.KP0: Key.INSERT,
# }, when = lambda ctx: ctx.numlock_on is False and forced_numpad is False)
# }, when = lambda ctx: ctx.numlock_on is False and cnfg.forced_numpad is False )
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=exclude_kpad_devs_lod)(ctx) and
matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and
matchProps(numlk=False)(ctx) and
cnfg.forced_numpad is False )
# multipurpose_modmap("Optional Tweaks",
# # {Key.ENTER: [Key.ENTER, Key.RIGHT_CTRL] # Enter2Cmd
# # {Key.CAPSLOCK: [Key.ESC, Key.RIGHT_CTRL] # Caps2Esc
# # {Key.LEFT_META: [Key.ESC, Key.RIGHT_CTRL] # Caps2Esc - Chromebook
# { # Placeholder
# })
multipurpose_modmap("Enter2Cmd", {
Key.ENTER: [Key.ENTER, Key.RIGHT_CTRL] # Enter2Cmd
}, when = lambda ctx:
# matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and
matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and
cnfg.Enter2Ent_Cmd is True )
multipurpose_modmap("Caps2Esc - not Chromebook kbd", {
Key.CAPSLOCK: [Key.ESC, Key.RIGHT_CTRL] # Caps2Esc - not Chromebook
}, when = lambda ctx:
# matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and
matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and
not isKBtype('Chromebook')(ctx) and
cnfg.Caps2Esc_Cmd is True )
multipurpose_modmap("Caps2Esc - Chromebook kbd", {
Key.LEFT_META: [Key.ESC, Key.RIGHT_CTRL] # Caps2Esc - Chromebook
}, when = lambda ctx:
# matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and
matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Chromebook')(ctx) and
cnfg.Caps2Esc_Cmd is True )
# Fix for avoiding modmapping when using Synergy keyboard/mouse sharing.
# Synergy doesn't set a wm_class, so this may cause issues with other
# applications that also don't set the wm_class.
# Enable only if you use Synergy. (This is only for use with xkeysnail.)
# define_conditional_modmap(lambda wm_class: wm_class == '', {})
# Suggestion (untested):
# For use with keyszer, to avoid catching GNOME Shell task switcher (which has
# an empty WM_CLASS but sets a WM_NAME):
# modmap("Synergy fix", {}, when = lambda ctx: ctx.wm_class == '' and ctx.wm_name == '')
# If Synergy actually sets a WM_NAME like GNOME Shell does, you'd need to use
# one of these alternatives:
# modmap("Synergy fix", {}, when = lambda ctx: ctx.wm_class == '' and ctx.wm_name == 'SYNERGY_WM_NAME')
# Or:
# modmap("Synergy fix", {}, when = lambda ctx: ctx.wm_class == '' and not ctx.wm_name == 'gnome-shell')
# PROBLEM: When GNOME desktop has focus, it sets no window info at all (no class, no name/title)
# [Global GUI conditional modmaps] Change modifier keys as in xmodmap
modmap("Cond modmap - GUI - Caps2Cmd - not Cbk kdb", {
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and
not isKBtype('Chromebook')(ctx) and
modmap("Cond modmap - GUI - Caps2Cmd - Cbk kdb", {
Key.LEFT_META: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # Caps2Cmd - Chromebook
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Chromebook')(ctx) and
modmap("Cond modmap - GUI - IBM kbd - multi_lang OFF", {
# - IBM
Key.RIGHT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # IBM - Multi-language (Remove)
Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.RIGHT_ALT, # IBM - Multi-language (Remove)
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('IBM', map='mmap GUI IBM ML-OFF')(ctx) and
cnfg.multi_lang is False
modmap("Cond modmap - GUI - IBM kbd", {
# - IBM
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('IBM', map='mmap GUI IBM')(ctx)
modmap("Cond modmap - GUI - Cbk kbd - multi_lang OFF", {
# - Chromebook
Key.RIGHT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # Chromebook - Multi-language (Remove)
Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.RIGHT_ALT, # Chromebook - Multi-language (Remove)
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Chromebook', map='mmap GUI Cbk ML-OFF')(ctx) and
cnfg.multi_lang is False
modmap("Cond modmap - GUI - Cbk kbd", {
# - Chromebook
Key.LEFT_CTRL: Key.LEFT_ALT, # Chromebook
Key.LEFT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # Chromebook
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Chromebook', map='mmap GUI Cbk')(ctx)
modmap("Cond modmap - GUI - Win kbd - multi_lang OFF", {
# - Default Mac/Win
# - Default Win
Key.RIGHT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # WinMac - Multi-language (Remove)
Key.RIGHT_META: Key.RIGHT_ALT, # WinMac - Multi-language (Remove)
Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.RIGHT_META, # WinMac - Multi-language (Remove)
# Compose key on RCtrl mapped to LCtrl
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Windows', map='mmap GUI Win ML-OFF')(ctx) and
cnfg.multi_lang is False
modmap("Cond modmap - GUI - Win kbd", {
# - Default Mac/Win
# - Default Win
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Windows', map='mmap GUI Win')(ctx)
modmap("Cond modmap - GUI - Mac kbd - multi_lang OFF", {
# - Mac Only
Key.RIGHT_META: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # Mac - Multi-language (Remove)
Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.RIGHT_META, # Mac - Multi-language (Remove)
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Apple', map='mmap GUI Apple ML-OFF')(ctx) and
cnfg.multi_lang is False
modmap("Cond modmap - GUI - Mac kbd", {
# - Mac Only
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Apple', map='mmap GUI Apple')(ctx)
# [Global GNUstep conditional modmaps] Change modifier keys in certain applications
# Please configure the GNUstep side as shown below:
# Alt -> Left Alt -> Left Command
# Super -> Right Control -> Left Alternate
# Left Control -> Left Control -> Left Control
# This one is mapped this way to keep compose key working
# Right Ctrl -> Right Super -> Compose
modmap("Cond modmap - GNUstep - Win kbd", {
# - Default Mac/Win
# - Default Win
# Uncomment this line if you're not putting the Compose key on Right Ctrl
# Comment out this line if you're not putting the Compose key on Right Ctrl
Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.RIGHT_META, # For Compose key
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(lst=gnustep_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Windows', map='mmap GNUstep Win')(ctx)
# Doesn't seem to work.
# keymap("GNUstep - Super key", {
# }, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(lst=gnustep_lod)(ctx))
# [Global Terminals conditional modmaps] Change modifier keys in certain applications
modmap("Cond modmap - Terms - IBM kbd - multi_lang OFF", {
# - IBM - Multi-language
Key.RIGHT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # IBM - Multi-language (Remove)
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('IBM', map='mmap terms IBM ML-OFF')(ctx) and
cnfg.multi_lang is False
modmap("Cond modmap - Terms - IBM kbd", {
# - IBM
# Left Ctrl stays Left Ctrl
# Right Meta does not exist on IBM keyboards
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('IBM', map='mmap terms IBM')(ctx)
modmap("Cond modmap - Terms - Cbk kbd - multi_lang OFF", {
# - Chromebook
Key.RIGHT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # Chromebook - Multi-language (Remove)
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Chromebook', map='mmap terms Cbk ML-OFF')(ctx) and
cnfg.multi_lang is False
modmap("Cond modmap - Terms - Cbk kbd", {
# - Chromebook
# Left Ctrl Stays Left Ctrl
Key.LEFT_META: Key.LEFT_ALT, # Chromebook
Key.LEFT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # Chromebook
# Right Meta does not exist on chromebooks
Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.RIGHT_ALT, # Chromebook
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Chromebook', map='mmap terms Cbk')(ctx)
modmap("Cond modmap - Terms - Win kbd - multi_lang OFF", {
# - Default Mac/Win
# - Default Win
Key.RIGHT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # WinMac - Multi-language (Remove)
Key.RIGHT_META: Key.RIGHT_ALT, # WinMac - Multi-language (Remove)
Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.LEFT_CTRL, # WinMac - Multi-language (Remove)
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Windows', map='mmap terms Win ML-OFF')(ctx) and
cnfg.multi_lang is False
modmap("Cond modmap - Terms - Win kbd", {
# - Default Mac/Win
# - Default Win
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Windows', map='mmap terms Win')(ctx)
modmap("Cond modmap - Terms - Mac kbd - multi_lang OFF", {
# - Mac Only
# Left Ctrl Stays Left Ctrl
Key.RIGHT_META: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # Mac - Multi-language (Remove)
Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.LEFT_CTRL, # Mac - Multi-language (Remove)
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Apple', map='mmap terms Apple ML-OFF')(ctx) and
cnfg.multi_lang is False
modmap("Cond modmap - Terms - Mac kbd", {
# - Mac Only
# Left Ctrl Stays Left Ctrl
Key.LEFT_CTRL: Key.LEFT_CTRL, # Mac (self-modmap)
Key.LEFT_ALT: Key.LEFT_ALT, # Mac (self-modmap)
Key.RIGHT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_ALT, # Mac (self-modmap)
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and
isKBtype('Apple', map='mmap terms Apple')(ctx)
########################## FORCED NUMPAD ############################
### ###
### ###
### ███ ██ ██ ██ ███ ███ ██████ █████ ██████ ###
### ████ ██ ██ ██ ████ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██████ ███████ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ████ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ###
### ###
### ###
# Force the numpad to always be a numpad, like a Mac keyboard on macOS
# Numlock key becomes "Clear" key for use with calculator (sends Escape)
# Toggle feature on/off with Option+Numlock (Fn+Numlock might work on
# Apple keyboards that have Fn key)
def toggle_forced_numpad():
"""Toggle the Forced Numpad feature on or off."""
cnfg.forced_numpad = not cnfg.forced_numpad
# forced_numpad_alert()
def isNumlockClearKey():
"""NumLock key is Clear (Esc) if Forced Numpad feature is enabled."""
return C("Esc") if cnfg.forced_numpad else C("Numlock")
########################### OPTSPECIALCHARS ##############################
### ###
### ###
### ██████ ██████ ████████ ███████ ██████ ███████ ██████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██████ ██ ███████ ██████ █████ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██████ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ███████ ██████ ###
### ###
### ###
### Full list of special characters on Apple US and ABC Extended keyboard layouts:
def apple_logo_alert():
"""Show a notification about needing Baskerville Old Face font for displaying Apple logo"""
if applelogoalert_enabled:
### ###
### ###
### ██████ ███████ █████ ██████ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ █████ ███████ ██ ██ █████ █████ ████ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██████ ███████ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ███████ ###
### ###
### ###
# variables to store dead keys diacritic accent character Unicode address
ac_Chr_main = None
_ac_Chr_copy = None
def set_dead_key_char(hex_unicode_addr):
Set the value of the dead keys accent character
variable, and its alternate. Does not clear the
value of the alternate variable if input is
falsy (such as None or 0x0000 or 0). This allows
the value to be used after the tripwire keymap
clears the main variable value.
def _set_dead_key_char():
global ac_Chr_main
global _ac_Chr_copy
# if hex_unicode_addr is None or hex_unicode_addr == 0x0000:
# pass
# else:
if hex_unicode_addr:
_ac_Chr_copy = hex_unicode_addr
ac_Chr_main = hex_unicode_addr
return _set_dead_key_char
def get_dead_key_char():
"""Get the value of the alternate dead key accent character
variable, and print/type the resulting Unicode character."""
def _get_dead_key_char():
global _ac_Chr_copy
return UC(_ac_Chr_copy)
return _get_dead_key_char
def setDK(*args, **kwargs):
"""wrapper for `set_dead_key_char` function, to provide shorter name"""
return set_dead_key_char(*args, **kwargs)
def getDK():
"""wrapper for `get_dead_key_char` function, to provide shorter name"""
return get_dead_key_char()
# setDK = set_dead_key_char
# getDK = get_dead_key_char
deadkeys_ABC = [
# Dead keys on ABC Extended keyboard layout (25, plus substitutes for problematic chars)
0x0060, # Dead Keys Accent: Grave
0x02C6, # Dead Keys Accent: Circumflex
0x02D9, # Dead Keys Accent: Dot Above
0x00B4, # Dead Keys Accent: Acute
### Combining Double Grave has issues (spacing behavior) - substituting {U+02F5}
0x030F, # Dead Keys Accent: Combining Double Grave
### Substitute for Double Grave: Modifier Letter Middle Double Grave Accent
0x02F5, # Dead Keys Accent: Double Grave - substitute for {U+030F}
0x00A8, # Dead Keys Accent: Umlaut/Diaeresis
0x02BC, # Dead Keys Accent: Apostrophe/Horn
0x002C, # Dead Keys Accent: Comma Below
0x00AF, # Dead Keys Accent: Macron/Line Above
### Combining Inverted Breve has issues (spacing behavior) - substituting {U+1D16}
0x0311, # Dead Keys Accent: Combining Inverted Breve
### Substitute for Inverted Breve: Latin Small Letter Top Half O
0x1D16, # Dead Keys Accent: Inverted Breve - substitute for {U+0311}
### Combining Tilde Below has issues (spacing behavior) - substituting {U+02F7}
0x0330, # Dead Keys Accent: Combining Tilde Below
### Substitute for Tilde Below: Modifier Letter Low Tilde
0x02F7, # Dead Keys Accent: Tilde Below
0x2038, # Dead Keys Accent: Caret/Circumflex Below
0x02CD, # Dead Keys Accent: Low Macron/Line Below
0x02DD, # Dead Keys Accent: Double Acute
0x02DA, # Dead Keys Accent: Ring Above
0x002D, # Dead Keys Accent: Stroke/Hyphen-Minus
0x2116, # Dead Keys Accent: Numero Sign
0x02C0, # Dead Keys Accent: Hook Above/Glottal Stop
0x002E, # Dead Keys Accent: Dot Below
0x00B8, # Dead Keys Accent: Cedilla/Cedille
0x02C7, # Dead Keys Accent: Caron/hacek
0x02D8, # Dead Keys Accent: Breve
0x02DC, # Dead Keys Accent: Tilde
0x02DB, # Dead Keys Accent: Ogonek
0x0294, # Dead Keys Accent: Hook
deadkeys_US = [
# Dead keys on standard US keyboard layout (5)
0x0060, # Dead Keys Accent: Grave
0x00B4, # Dead Keys Accent: Acute
0x00A8, # Dead Keys Accent: Umlaut/Diaeresis
0x02C6, # Dead Keys Accent: Circumflex
0x02DC, # Dead Keys Accent: Tilde
# Join the two dead keys lists together
deadkeys_list = []
# Dead Keys conditional keymaps
# only active when the dead key variable matches
# and the layout variable matches (US or ABC)
keymap("DK-ABC - Grave", {
# Option+Grave {U+0060}
# Valid keys:
# a e i n o u v w y
# A E I N O U V W Y
C("A"): UC(0x00E0), # à Latin Small Letter A with Grave
C("E"): UC(0x00E8), # è Latin Small Letter E with Grave
C("I"): UC(0x00EC), # ì Latin Small Letter I with Grave
C("N"): UC(0x01F9), # ǹ Latin Small Letter N with Grave
C("O"): UC(0x00F2), # ò Latin Small Letter O with Grave
C("U"): UC(0x00F9), # ù Latin Small Letter U with Grave
C("V"): UC(0x01DC), # ǜ Latin Small Letter U w/Diaeresis and Grave
C("W"): UC(0x1E81), # ẁ Latin Small Letter W with Grave
C("Y"): UC(0x1EF3), # ỳ Latin Small Letter Y with Grave
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C0), # À Latin Capital Letter A with Grave
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00C8), # È Latin Capital Letter E with Grave
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CC), # Ì Latin Capital Letter I with Grave
C("Shift-N"): UC(0x01F8), # Ǹ Latin Capital Letter N with Grave
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D2), # Ò Latin Capital Letter O with Grave
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00D9), # Ù Latin Capital Letter U with Grave
C("Shift-V"): UC(0x01DB), # Ǜ Latin Capital Letter U w/Diaeresis and Grave
C("Shift-W"): UC(0x1E80), # Ẁ Latin Capital Letter W with Grave
C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x1EF2), # Ỳ Latin Capital Letter Y with Grave
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x0060 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Circumflex", {
# Option+6 {U+02C6}
# Valid keys:
# a c e g h i j m n o s u w y z
# A C E G H I J M N O S U W Y Z
C("A"): UC(0x00E2), # â Latin Small Letter A with Circumflex
C("C"): UC(0x0109), # ĉ Latin Small Letter C with Circumflex
C("E"): UC(0x00EA), # ê Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex
C("G"): UC(0x011D), # ĝ Latin Small Letter G with Circumflex
C("H"): UC(0x0125), # ĥ Latin Small Letter H with Circumflex
C("I"): UC(0x00EE), # î Latin Small Letter I with Circumflex
C("J"): UC(0x0135), # ĵ Latin Small Letter J with Circumflex
C("M"): [UC(0x006D),UC(0x0302)], # m̂ Latin Small Letter M with Circumflex
C("N"): [UC(0x006E),UC(0x0302)], # n̂ Latin Small Letter N with Circumflex
C("O"): UC(0x00F4), # ô Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex
C("S"): UC(0x015D), # ŝ Latin Small Letter S with Circumflex
C("U"): UC(0x00FB), # û Latin Small Letter U with Circumflex
C("W"): UC(0x0175), # ŵ Latin Small Letter W with Circumflex
C("Y"): UC(0x0177), # ŷ Latin Small Letter Y with Circumflex
C("Z"): UC(0x1E91), # ẑ Latin Small Letter Z with Circumflex
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C2), # Â Latin Capital Letter A with Circumflex
C("Shift-C"): UC(0x0108), # Ĉ Latin Capital Letter C with Circumflex
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00CA), # Ê Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex
C("Shift-G"): UC(0x011C), # Ĝ Latin Capital Letter G with Circumflex
C("Shift-H"): UC(0x0124), # Ĥ Latin Capital Letter H with Circumflex
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CE), # Î Latin Capital Letter I with Circumflex
C("Shift-J"): UC(0x0134), # Ĵ Latin Capital Letter J with Circumflex
C("Shift-M"): [UC(0x004D),UC(0x0302)], # M̂ Latin Capital Letter M with Circumflex
C("Shift-N"): [UC(0x004E),UC(0x0302)], # N̂ Latin Capital Letter N with Circumflex
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D4), # Ô Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex
C("Shift-S"): UC(0x015C), # Ŝ Latin Capital Letter S with Circumflex
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00DB), # Û Latin Capital Letter U with Circumflex
C("Shift-W"): UC(0x0174), # Ŵ Latin Capital Letter W with Circumflex
C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x0176), # Ŷ Latin Capital Letter Y with Circumflex
C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x1E90), # Ẑ Latin Capital Letter Z with Circumflex
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x02C6 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Dot Above", {
# Option+W {U+02D9}
# Valid keys:
# a b c d e f g h i m n o p r s t w x y z
# A B C D E F G H I M N O P R S T W X Y Z
C("A"): UC(0x0227), # ȧ Latin Small Letter A with Dot Above
C("B"): UC(0x1E03), # ḃ Latin Small Letter B with Dot Above
C("C"): UC(0x010B), # ċ Latin Small Letter C with Dot Above
C("D"): UC(0x1E0B), # ḋ Latin Small Letter D with Dot Above
C("E"): UC(0x0117), # ė Latin Small Letter E with Dot Above
C("F"): UC(0x1E1F), # ḟ Latin Small Letter F with Dot Above
C("G"): UC(0x0121), # ġ Latin Small Letter G with Dot Above
C("H"): UC(0x1E23), # ḣ Latin Small Letter H with Dot Above
C("I"): UC(0x0131), # ı Latin Small Letter Dotless I
C("M"): UC(0x1E41), # ṁ Latin Small Letter M with Dot Above
C("N"): UC(0x1E45), # ṅ Latin Small Letter N with Dot Above
C("O"): UC(0x022F), # ȯ Latin Small Letter O with Dot Above
C("P"): UC(0x1E57), # ṗ Latin Small Letter P with Dot Above
C("R"): UC(0x1E59), # ṙ Latin Small Letter R with Dot Above
C("S"): UC(0x1E61), # ṡ Latin Small Letter S with Dot Above
C("T"): UC(0x1E6B), # ṫ Latin Small Letter T with Dot Above
C("W"): UC(0x1E87), # ẇ Latin Small Letter W with Dot Above
C("X"): UC(0x1E8B), # ẋ Latin Small Letter X with Dot Above
C("Y"): UC(0x1E8F), # ẏ Latin Small Letter Y with Dot Above
C("Z"): UC(0x017C), # ż Latin Small Letter Z with Dot Above
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x0226), # Ȧ Latin Capital Letter A with Dot Above
C("Shift-B"): UC(0x1E02), # Ḃ Latin Capital Letter B with Dot Above
C("Shift-C"): UC(0x010A), # Ċ Latin Capital Letter C with Dot Above
C("Shift-D"): UC(0x1E0A), # Ḋ Latin Capital Letter D with Dot Above
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0116), # Ė Latin Capital Letter E with Dot Above
C("Shift-F"): UC(0x1E1E), # Ḟ Latin Capital Letter F with Dot Above
C("Shift-G"): UC(0x0120), # Ġ Latin Capital Letter G with Dot Above
C("Shift-H"): UC(0x1E22), # Ḣ Latin Capital Letter H with Dot Above
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x0130), # İ Latin Capital Letter I with Dot Above
C("Shift-M"): UC(0x1E40), # Ṁ Latin Capital Letter M with Dot Above
C("Shift-N"): UC(0x1E44), # Ṅ Latin Capital Letter N with Dot Above
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x022E), # Ȯ Latin Capital Letter O with Dot Above
C("Shift-P"): UC(0x1E56), # Ṗ Latin Capital Letter P with Dot Above
C("Shift-R"): UC(0x1E58), # Ṙ Latin Capital Letter R with Dot Above
C("Shift-S"): UC(0x1E60), # Ṡ Latin Capital Letter S with Dot Above
C("Shift-T"): UC(0x1E6A), # Ṫ Latin Capital Letter T with Dot Above
C("Shift-W"): UC(0x1E86), # Ẇ Latin Capital Letter W with Dot Above
C("Shift-X"): UC(0x1E8A), # Ẋ Latin Capital Letter X with Dot Above
C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x1E8E), # Ẏ Latin Capital Letter Y with Dot Above
C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x017B), # Ż Latin Capital Letter Z with Dot Above
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x02D9 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Acute", {
# Option+E {U+00B4}
# Valid keys:
# a c e g i m n o p r s w y z
# A C E G I M N O P R S W Y Z
C("A"): UC(0x00E1), # á Latin Small Letter A with Acute
C("C"): UC(0x0107), # ć Latin Small Letter C with Acute
C("E"): UC(0x00E9), # é Latin Small Letter E with Acute
C("G"): UC(0x01F5), # ǵ Latin Small Letter G with Acute
C("I"): UC(0x00ED), # í Latin Small Letter I with Acute
C("M"): UC(0x1E3F), # ḿ Latin Small Letter M with Acute
C("N"): UC(0x0144), # ń Latin Small Letter N with Acute
C("O"): UC(0x00F3), # ó Latin Small Letter O with Acute
C("P"): UC(0x1E55), # ṕ Latin Small Letter P with Acute
C("R"): UC(0x0155), # ŕ Latin Small Letter R with Acute
C("S"): UC(0x015B), # ś Latin Small Letter S with Acute
C("W"): UC(0x1E83), # ẃ Latin Small Letter W with Acute
C("Y"): UC(0x00FD), # ý Latin Small Letter Y with Acute
C("Z"): UC(0x017A), # ź Latin Small Letter Z with Acute
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C1), # Á Latin Capital Letter A with Acute
C("Shift-C"): UC(0x0106), # Ć Latin Capital Letter C with Acute
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00C9), # É Latin Capital Letter E with Acute
C("Shift-G"): UC(0x01F4), # Ǵ Latin Capital Letter G with Acute
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CD), # Í Latin Capital Letter I with Acute
C("Shift-M"): UC(0x1E3E), # Ḿ Latin Capital Letter M with Acute
C("Shift-N"): UC(0x0143), # Ń Latin Capital Letter N with Acute
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D3), # Ó Latin Capital Letter O with Acute
C("Shift-P"): UC(0x1E54), # Ṕ Latin Capital Letter P with Acute
C("Shift-R"): UC(0x0154), # Ŕ Latin Capital Letter R with Acute
C("Shift-S"): UC(0x015A), # Ś Latin Capital Letter S with Acute
C("Shift-W"): UC(0x1E82), # Ẃ Latin Capital Letter W with Acute
C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x00DD), # Ý Latin Capital Letter Y with Acute
C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x0179), # Ź Latin Capital Letter Z with Acute
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x00B4 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Double Grave", {
# Shift+Option+Y {U+030F} [uses {U+02F5} Modifier Letter Middle Double Grave Accent]
# Valid keys:
# a e i o r u
# A E I O R U
C("A"): UC(0x0201), # ȁ Latin Small Letter A with Double Grave
C("E"): UC(0x0205), # ȅ Latin Small Letter E with Double Grave
C("I"): UC(0x0209), # ȉ Latin Small Letter I with Double Grave
C("O"): UC(0x020D), # ȍ Latin Small Letter O with Double Grave
C("R"): UC(0x0211), # ȑ Latin Small Letter R with Double Grave
C("U"): UC(0x0215), # ȕ Latin Small Letter U with Double Grave
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x0200), # Ȁ Latin Capital Letter A with Double Grave
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0204), # Ȅ Latin Capital Letter E with Double Grave
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x0208), # Ȉ Latin Capital Letter I with Double Grave
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x020C), # Ȍ Latin Capital Letter O with Double Grave
C("Shift-R"): UC(0x0210), # Ȑ Latin Capital Letter R with Double Grave
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x0214), # Ȕ Latin Capital Letter U with Double Grave
# }, when = lambda _: (ac_Chr_main == 0x030F or ac_Chr_main == 0x02F5) and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
}, when=lambda _: ac_Chr_main in [0x030F, 0x02F5] and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Umlaut/Diaeresis", {
# Option+U {U+00A8}
# Valid keys:
# a e h i o t u w x y
# A E H I O T U W X Y
C("A"): UC(0x00E4), # ä Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis
C("E"): UC(0x00EB), # ë Latin Small Letter E with Diaeresis
C("H"): UC(0x1E27), # ḧ Latin Small Letter H with Diaeresis
C("I"): UC(0x00EF), # ï Latin Small Letter I with Diaeresis
C("O"): UC(0x00F6), # ö Latin Small Letter O with Diaeresis
C("T"): UC(0x1E97), # ẗ Latin Small Letter T with Diaeresis
C("U"): UC(0x00FC), # ü Latin Small Letter U with Diaeresis
C("W"): UC(0x1E85), # ẅ Latin Small Letter W with Diaeresis
C("X"): UC(0x1E8D), # ẍ Latin Small Letter X with Diaeresis
C("Y"): UC(0x00FF), # ÿ Latin Small Letter Y with Diaeresis
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C4), # Ä Latin Capital Letter A with Diaeresis
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00CB), # Ë Latin Capital Letter E with Diaeresis
C("Shift-H"): UC(0x1E26), # Ḧ Latin Capital Letter H with Diaeresis
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CF), # Ï Latin Capital Letter I with Diaeresis
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D6), # Ö Latin Capital Letter O with Diaeresis
C("Shift-T"): [UC(0x0054),UC(0x0308)], # T̈ Latin Capital Letter T with Diaeresis
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00DC), # Ü Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis
C("Shift-W"): UC(0x1E84), # Ẅ Latin Capital Letter W with Diaeresis
C("Shift-X"): UC(0x1E8C), # Ẍ Latin Capital Letter X with Diaeresis
C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x0178), # Ÿ Latin Capital Letter Y with Diaeresis
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x00A8 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Apostrophe/Horn", {
# Option+I {U+02BC}
# Valid keys:
# o u
# O U
C("O"): UC(0x01A1), # ơ Latin Small Letter O with Horn
C("U"): UC(0x01B0), # ư Latin Small Letter U with Horn
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x01A0), # Ơ Latin Capital Letter O with Horn
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x01AF), # Ư Latin Capital Letter U with Horn
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x02BC and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Comma Below", {
# Option+P {U+002C}
# Valid keys:
# s t
# S T
C("S"): UC(0x0219), # ș Latin Small Letter S with Comma Below
C("T"): UC(0x021B), # ț Latin Small Letter T with Comma Below
C("Shift-S"): UC(0x0218), # Ș Latin Capital Letter S with Comma Below
C("Shift-T"): UC(0x021A), # Ț Latin Capital Letter T with Comma Below
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x002C and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Macron/Line Above", {
# Option+A {U+00AF}
# Valid keys:
# a e g i l o r s v y z
# A E G I L O R S V Y Z
C("A"): UC(0x0101), # ā Latin Small Letter A with Macron
C("E"): UC(0x0113), # ē Latin Small Letter E with Macron
C("G"): UC(0x1E21), # ḡ Latin Small Letter G with Macron
C("I"): UC(0x012B), # ī Latin Small Letter I with Macron
C("L"): [UC(0x006C),UC(0x0304),UC(0x0323)], # ḹ Latin Small Letter L w/Macron and Dot Below
C("O"): UC(0x014D), # ō Latin Small Letter O with Macron
C("R"): [UC(0x0072),UC(0x0304),UC(0x0323)], # ṝ Latin Small Letter R w/Macron and Dot Below
C("S"): [UC(0x0073),UC(0x0304)], # s̄ Latin Small Letter S with Macron
C("V"): UC(0x01D6), # ǖ Latin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Macron
C("Y"): UC(0x0233), # ȳ Latin Small Letter Y with Macron
C("Z"): [UC(0x007A),UC(0x0304)], # z̄ Latin Small Letter Z with Macron
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x0100), # Ā Latin Capital Letter A with Macron
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0112), # Ē Latin Capital Letter E with Macron
C("Shift-G"): UC(0x1E20), # Ḡ Latin Capital Letter G with Macron
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x012A), # Ī Latin Capital Letter I with Macron
C("Shift-L"): [UC(0x004C),UC(0x0304),UC(0x0323)], # Ḹ Latin Capital Letter L w/Macron and Dot Below
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x014C), # Ō Latin Capital Letter O with Macron
C("Shift-R"): [UC(0x0052),UC(0x0304),UC(0x0323)], # Ṝ Latin Capital Letter R w/Macron and Dot Below
C("Shift-S"): [UC(0x0053),UC(0x0304)], # S̄ Latin Capital Letter S with Macron
C("Shift-V"): UC(0x01D5), # Ǖ Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Macron
C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x0232), # Ȳ Latin Capital Letter Y with Macron
C("Shift-Z"): [UC(0x005A),UC(0x0304)], # Z̄ Latin Capital Letter Z with Macron
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x00AF and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Inverted Breve", {
# Shift+Option+S {U+0311} [uses {U+1D16} as a substitute]
# Valid keys:
# a e i o r u
# A E I O R U
C("A"): UC(0x0203), # ȃ Latin Small Letter A with Inverted Breve
C("E"): UC(0x0207), # ȇ Latin Small Letter E with Inverted Breve
C("I"): UC(0x020B), # ȋ Latin Small Letter I with Inverted Breve
C("O"): UC(0x020F), # ȏ Latin Small Letter O with Inverted Breve
C("R"): UC(0x0213), # ȓ Latin Small Letter R with Inverted Breve
C("U"): UC(0x0217), # ȗ Latin Small Letter U with Inverted Breve
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x0202), # Ȃ Latin Capital Letter A with Inverted Breve
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0206), # Ȇ Latin Capital Letter E with Inverted Breve
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x020A), # Ȋ Latin Capital Letter I with Inverted Breve
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x020E), # Ȏ Latin Capital Letter O with Inverted Breve
C("Shift-R"): UC(0x0212), # Ȓ Latin Capital Letter R with Inverted Breve
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x0216), # Ȗ Latin Capital Letter U with Inverted Breve
# }, when = lambda _: (ac_Chr_main == 0x0311 or ac_Chr_main == 0x1D16) and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main in [0x0311, 0x1D16] and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Tilde Below", {
# Shift+Option+F {U+0330} [uses {U+02F7} as a substitute]
# Valid keys:
# e i u
# E I U
C("E"): UC(0x1E1B), # ḛ Latin Small Letter E with Tilde Below
C("I"): UC(0x1E2D), # ḭ Latin Small Letter I with Tilde Below
C("U"): UC(0x1E75), # ṵ Latin Small Letter U with Tilde Below
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x1E1A), # Ḛ Latin Capital Letter E with Tilde Below
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x1E2C), # Ḭ Latin Capital Letter I with Tilde Below
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x1E74), # Ṵ Latin Capital Letter U with Tilde Below
# }, when = lambda _: (ac_Chr_main == 0x0330 or ac_Chr_main == 0x02F7) and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main in [0x0330, 0x02F7] and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Caret/Circumflex Below", {
# Shift+Option+G {U+2038}
# Valid keys:
# d e l n t u
# D E L N T U
C("D"): UC(0x1E13), # ḓ Latin Small Letter D with Circumflex Below
C("E"): UC(0x1E19), # ḙ Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex Below
C("L"): UC(0x1E3D), # ḽ Latin Small Letter L with Circumflex Below
C("N"): UC(0x1E4B), # ṋ Latin Small Letter N with Circumflex Below
C("T"): UC(0x1E71), # ṱ Latin Small Letter T with Circumflex Below
C("U"): UC(0x1E77), # ṷ Latin Small Letter U with Circumflex Below
C("Shift-D"): UC(0x1E12), # Ḓ Latin Capital Letter D with Circumflex Below
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x1E18), # Ḙ Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex Below
C("Shift-L"): UC(0x1E3C), # Ḽ Latin Capital Letter L with Circumflex Below
C("Shift-N"): UC(0x1E4A), # Ṋ Latin Capital Letter N with Circumflex Below
C("Shift-T"): UC(0x1E70), # Ṱ Latin Capital Letter T with Circumflex Below
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x1E76), # Ṷ Latin Capital Letter U with Circumflex Below
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x2038 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Low Macron/Line Below", {
# Option+H {U+02CD}
# Valid keys:
# b d h k l n r t z
# B D H K L N R T Z
C("B"): UC(0x1E07), # ḇ Latin Small Letter B with Line Below
C("D"): UC(0x1E0F), # ḏ Latin Small Letter D with Line Below
C("H"): UC(0x1E96), # ẖ Latin Small Letter H with Line Below
C("K"): UC(0x1E35), # ḵ Latin Small Letter K with Line Below
C("L"): UC(0x1E3B), # ḻ Latin Small Letter L with Line Below
C("N"): UC(0x1E49), # ṉ Latin Small Letter N with Line Below
C("R"): UC(0x1E5F), # ṟ Latin Small Letter R with Line Below
C("T"): UC(0x1E6F), # ṯ Latin Small Letter T with Line Below
C("Z"): UC(0x1E95), # ẕ Latin Small Letter Z with Line Below
C("Shift-B"): UC(0x1E06), # Ḇ Latin Capital Letter B with Line Below
C("Shift-D"): UC(0x1E0E), # Ḏ Latin Capital Letter D with Line Below
C("Shift-H"): [UC(0x0048),UC(0x0331)], # H̱ Latin Capital Letter H with Line Below
C("Shift-K"): UC(0x1E34), # Ḵ Latin Capital Letter K with Line Below
C("Shift-L"): UC(0x1E3A), # Ḻ Latin Capital Letter L with Line Below
C("Shift-N"): UC(0x1E48), # Ṉ Latin Capital Letter N with Line Below
C("Shift-R"): UC(0x1E5E), # Ṟ Latin Capital Letter R with Line Below
C("Shift-T"): UC(0x1E6E), # Ṯ Latin Capital Letter T with Line Below
C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x1E94), # Ẕ Latin Capital Letter Z with Line Below
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x02CD and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Double Acute", {
# Option+J {U+02DD}
# Valid keys:
# o u
# O U
C("O"): UC(0x0151), # ő Latin Small Letter O with Double Acute
C("U"): UC(0x0171), # ű Latin Small Letter U with Double Acute
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x0150), # Ő Latin Capital Letter O with Double Acute
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x0170), # Ű Latin Capital Letter U with Double Acute
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x02DD and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Ring Above", {
# Option+K {U+02DA}
# Valid keys:
# a e o u w y
# A E O U W Y
C("A"): UC(0x00E5), # å Latin Small Letter A with Ring Above
C("E"): [UC(0x0065),UC(0x030A)], # e̊ Latin Small Letter E with Ring Above
C("O"): [UC(0x006F),UC(0x030A)], # o̊ Latin Small Letter O with Ring Above
C("U"): UC(0x016F), # ů Latin Small Letter U with Ring Above
C("W"): UC(0x1E98), # ẘ Latin Small Letter W with Ring Above
C("Y"): UC(0x1E99), # ẙ Latin Small Letter Y with Ring Above
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C5), # Å Latin Capital Letter A with Ring Above
C("Shift-E"): [UC(0x0045),UC(0x030A)], # E̊ Latin Capital Letter E with Ring Above
C("Shift-O"): [UC(0x004F),UC(0x030A)], # O̊ Latin Capital Letter O with Ring Above
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x016E), # Ů Latin Capital Letter U with Ring Above
C("Shift-W"): [UC(0x0057),UC(0x030A)], # W̊ Latin Capital Letter W with Ring Above
C("Shift-Y"): [UC(0x0059),UC(0x030A)], # Y̊ Latin Capital Letter Y with Ring Above
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x02DA and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Stroke/Hyphen-Minus", {
# Option+L {U+002D}
# Valid keys:
# b d g h i l o t u z
# D G H I L O T Z
C("B"): UC(0x0180), # ƀ Latin Small Letter B with Stroke
C("D"): UC(0x0111), # đ Latin Small Letter D with Stroke
C("G"): UC(0x01E5), # ǥ Latin Small Letter G with Stroke
C("H"): UC(0x0127), # ħ Latin Small Letter H with Stroke
C("I"): UC(0x0268), # ɨ Latin Small Letter I with Stroke
C("L"): UC(0x0142), # ł Latin Small Letter L with Stroke
C("O"): UC(0x0275), # ɵ Latin Small Letter Barred O
C("T"): UC(0x0167), # ŧ Latin Small Letter T with Stroke
C("U"): UC(0x0289), # ʉ Latin Small Letter U Bar
C("Z"): UC(0x01B6), # ƶ Latin Small Letter Z with Stroke
C("Shift-D"): UC(0x0110), # Đ Latin Capital Letter D with Stroke
C("Shift-G"): UC(0x01E4), # Ǥ Latin Capital Letter G with Stroke
C("Shift-H"): UC(0x0126), # Ħ Latin Capital Letter H with Stroke
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x0197), # Ɨ Latin Capital Letter I with Stroke
C("Shift-L"): UC(0x0141), # Ł Latin Capital Letter L with Stroke
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x019F), # Ɵ Latin Capital Letter O with Middle Tilde
C("Shift-T"): UC(0x0166), # Ŧ Latin Capital Letter T with Stroke
C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x01B5), # Ƶ Latin Capital Letter Z with Stroke
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x002D and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Numero Sign", {
# Shift+Option+Semicolon {U+2116}
# Valid keys:
# 2 3 5 6 7 8 (digits with Option)
# 2 3 5 6 8 (digits with Shift+Option)
# a c e g h j k m n q r s u v w y z (letters with Option)
# A C E G H J K M N Q R U W Y Z (letters with Shift+Option)
C("3"): UC(0x025B), # ɛ Latin Small Letter Open E
C("5"): UC(0x01BD), # ƽ Latin Small Letter Tone Five
C("2"): UC(0x01A8), # ƨ Latin Small Letter Tone Two
C("6"): UC(0x0185), # ƅ Latin Small Letter Tone Six
C("7"): UC(0x204A), # ⁊ Tironian Sign Et
C("8"): UC(0x0223), # ȣ Latin Small Letter Ou
C("Shift-2"): UC(0x01A7), # Ƨ Latin Capital Letter Tone Two
C("Shift-3"): UC(0x0190), # Ɛ Latin Capital Letter Open E
C("Shift-5"): UC(0x01BC), # Ƽ Latin Capital Letter Tone Five
C("Shift-6"): UC(0x0184), # Ƅ Latin Capital Letter Tone Six
C("Shift-8"): UC(0x0222), # Ȣ Latin Capital Letter Ou
C("a"): UC(0x0259), # ə Latin Small Letter Schwa
C("c"): UC(0x0254), # ɔ Latin Small Letter Open O
C("e"): UC(0x01DD), # ǝ Latin Small Letter Turned E
C("g"): UC(0x0263), # ɣ Latin Small Letter Gamma
C("h"): UC(0x0195), # ƕ Latin Small Letter Hv
C("j"): UC(0x019E), # ƞ Latin Small Letter N with Long Right Leg
C("k"): UC(0x0138), # ĸ Latin Small Letter Kra
C("m"): UC(0x026F), # ɯ Latin Small Letter Turned M
C("n"): UC(0x014B), # ŋ Latin Small Letter Eng
C("q"): UC(0x01A3), # ƣ Latin Small Letter Oi
C("r"): UC(0x0280), # ʀ Latin Letter Small Capital R
C("s"): UC(0x017F), # ſ Latin Small Letter Long S
C("u"): UC(0x028A), # ʊ Latin Small Letter Upsilon
C("v"): UC(0x028C), # ʌ Latin Small Letter Turned V
C("w"): UC(0x01BF), # ƿ Latin Letter Wynn
C("y"): UC(0x021D), # ȝ Latin Small Letter Yogh
C("z"): UC(0x0292), # ʒ Latin Small Letter Ezh
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x018F), # Ə Latin Capital Letter Schwa
C("Shift-C"): UC(0x0186), # Ɔ Latin Capital Letter Open O
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x018E), # Ǝ Latin Capital Letter Reversed E
C("Shift-G"): UC(0x0194), # Ɣ Latin Capital Letter Gamma
C("Shift-H"): UC(0x01F6), # Ƕ Latin Capital Letter Hwair
C("Shift-J"): UC(0x0220), # Ƞ Latin Capital Letter N with Long Right Leg
C("Shift-K"): [UC(0x004B),UC(0x2019)], # K’ Latin Capital Letter K with Apostrophe
C("Shift-M"): UC(0x019C), # Ɯ Latin Capital Letter Turned M
C("Shift-N"): UC(0x014A), # Ŋ Latin Capital Letter Eng
C("Shift-Q"): UC(0x01A2), # Ƣ Latin Capital Letter Oi
C("Shift-R"): UC(0x01A6), # Ʀ Latin Letter Yr
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x01B1), # Ʊ Latin Capital Letter Upsilon
C("Shift-W"): UC(0x01F7), # Ƿ Latin Capital Letter Wynn
C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x021C), # Ȝ Latin Capital Letter Yogh
C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x01B7), # Ʒ Latin Capital Letter Ezh
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x2116 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Hook Above/Glottal Stop", {
# Option+Z {U+02C0}
# Valid keys:
# a e i o u y
# A E I O U Y
C("A"): UC(0x1EA3), # ả Latin Small Letter A with Hook Above
C("E"): UC(0x1EBB), # ẻ Latin Small Letter E with Hook Above
C("I"): UC(0x1EC9), # ỉ Latin Small Letter I with Hook Above
C("O"): UC(0x1ECF), # ỏ Latin Small Letter O with Hook Above
C("U"): UC(0x1EE7), # ủ Latin Small Letter U with Hook Above
C("Y"): UC(0x1EF7), # ỷ Latin Small Letter Y with Hook Above
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x1EA2), # Ả Latin Small Letter A with Hook Above
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x1EBA), # Ẻ Latin Small Letter E with Hook Above
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x1EC8), # Ỉ Latin Small Letter I with Hook Above
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x1ECE), # Ỏ Latin Small Letter O with Hook Above
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x1EE6), # Ủ Latin Small Letter U with Hook Above
C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x1EF6), # Ỷ Latin Small Letter Y with Hook Above
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x02C0 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Dot Below", {
# Option+X {U+002E}
# Valid keys:
# a b d e h i k l m n o r s t u v w y z
# A B D E H I K L M N O R S T U V W Y Z
C("A"): UC(0x1EA1), # ạ Latin Small Letter A with Dot Below
C("B"): UC(0x1E05), # ḅ Latin Small Letter B with Dot Below
C("D"): UC(0x1E0D), # ḍ Latin Small Letter D with Dot Below
C("E"): UC(0x1EB9), # ẹ Latin Small Letter E with Dot Below
C("H"): UC(0x1E25), # ḥ Latin Small Letter H with Dot Below
C("I"): UC(0x1ECB), # ị Latin Small Letter I with Dot Below
C("K"): UC(0x1E33), # ḳ Latin Small Letter K with Dot Below
C("L"): UC(0x1E37), # ḷ Latin Small Letter L with Dot Below
C("M"): UC(0x1E43), # ṃ Latin Small Letter M with Dot Below
C("N"): UC(0x1E47), # ṇ Latin Small Letter N with Dot Below
C("O"): UC(0x1ECD), # ọ Latin Small Letter O with Dot Below
C("R"): UC(0x1E5B), # ṛ Latin Small Letter R with Dot Below
C("S"): UC(0x1E63), # ṣ Latin Small Letter S with Dot Below
C("T"): UC(0x1E6D), # ṭ Latin Small Letter T with Dot Below
C("U"): UC(0x1EE5), # ụ Latin Small Letter U with Dot Below
C("V"): UC(0x1E7F), # ṿ Latin Small Letter V with Dot Below
C("W"): UC(0x1E89), # ẉ Latin Small Letter W with Dot Below
C("Y"): UC(0x1EF5), # ỵ Latin Small Letter Y with Dot Below
C("Z"): UC(0x1E93), # ẓ Latin Small Letter Z with Dot Below
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x1EA0), # Ạ Latin Capital Letter A with Dot Below
C("Shift-B"): UC(0x1E04), # Ḅ Latin Capital Letter B with Dot Below
C("Shift-D"): UC(0x1E0C), # Ḍ Latin Capital Letter D with Dot Below
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x1EB8), # Ẹ Latin Capital Letter E with Dot Below
C("Shift-H"): UC(0x1E24), # Ḥ Latin Capital Letter H with Dot Below
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x1ECA), # Ị Latin Capital Letter I with Dot Below
C("Shift-K"): UC(0x1E32), # Ḳ Latin Capital Letter K with Dot Below
C("Shift-L"): UC(0x1E36), # Ḷ Latin Capital Letter L with Dot Below
C("Shift-M"): UC(0x1E42), # Ṃ Latin Capital Letter M with Dot Below
C("Shift-N"): UC(0x1E46), # Ṇ Latin Capital Letter N with Dot Below
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x1ECC), # Ọ Latin Capital Letter O with Dot Below
C("Shift-R"): UC(0x1E5A), # Ṛ Latin Capital Letter R with Dot Below
C("Shift-S"): UC(0x1E62), # Ṣ Latin Capital Letter S with Dot Below
C("Shift-T"): UC(0x1E6C), # Ṭ Latin Capital Letter T with Dot Below
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x1EE4), # Ụ Latin Capital Letter U with Dot Below
C("Shift-V"): UC(0x1E7E), # Ṿ Latin Capital Letter V with Dot Below
C("Shift-W"): UC(0x1E88), # Ẉ Latin Capital Letter W with Dot Below
C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x1EF4), # Ỵ Latin Capital Letter Y with Dot Below
C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x1E92), # Ẓ Latin Capital Letter Z with Dot Below
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x002E and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Cedilla/Cedille", {
# Option+C {U+00B8}
# Valid keys:
# c d e g h k l n r s t z
# C D E G H K L N R S T Z
C("C"): UC(0x00E7), # ç Latin Small Letter C with Cedilla
C("D"): UC(0x1E11), # ḑ Latin Small Letter D with Cedilla
C("E"): UC(0x0229), # ȩ Latin Small Letter E with Cedilla
C("G"): UC(0x0123), # ģ Latin Small Letter G with Cedilla
C("H"): UC(0x1E29), # ḩ Latin Small Letter H with Cedilla
C("K"): UC(0x0137), # ķ Latin Small Letter K with Cedilla
C("L"): UC(0x013C), # ļ Latin Small Letter L with Cedilla
C("N"): UC(0x0146), # ņ Latin Small Letter N with Cedilla
C("R"): UC(0x0157), # ŗ Latin Small Letter R with Cedilla
C("S"): UC(0x015F), # ş Latin Small Letter S with Cedilla
C("T"): UC(0x0163), # ţ Latin Small Letter T with Cedilla
C("Z"): [UC(0x007A),UC(0x0327)], # z̧ Latin Small Letter Z with Cedilla
C("Shift-C"): UC(0x00C7), # Ç Latin Capital Letter C with Cedilla
C("Shift-D"): UC(0x1E10), # Ḑ Latin Capital Letter D with Cedilla
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0228), # Ȩ Latin Capital Letter E with Cedilla
C("Shift-G"): UC(0x0122), # Ģ Latin Capital Letter G with Cedilla
C("Shift-H"): UC(0x1E28), # Ḩ Latin Capital Letter H with Cedilla
C("Shift-K"): UC(0x0136), # Ķ Latin Capital Letter K with Cedilla
C("Shift-L"): UC(0x013B), # Ļ Latin Capital Letter L with Cedilla
C("Shift-N"): UC(0x0145), # Ņ Latin Capital Letter N with Cedilla
C("Shift-R"): UC(0x0156), # Ŗ Latin Capital Letter R with Cedilla
C("Shift-S"): UC(0x015E), # Ş Latin Capital Letter S with Cedilla
C("Shift-T"): UC(0x0162), # Ţ Latin Capital Letter T with Cedilla
C("Shift-Z"): [UC(0x005A),UC(0x0327)], # Z̧ Latin Capital Letter Z with Cedilla
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x00B8 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Caron/hacek", {
# Option+V {U+02C7}
# Valid keys:
# a c d e g h i j k l n o r s t u v x z
# A C D E G H I J K L N O R S T U V X Z
C("A"): UC(0x01CE), # ǎ Latin Small Letter A with Caron
C("C"): UC(0x010D), # č Latin Small Letter C with Caron
C("D"): UC(0x010F), # ď Latin Small Letter D with Caron
C("E"): UC(0x011B), # ě Latin Small Letter E with Caron
C("G"): UC(0x01E7), # ǧ Latin Small Letter G with Caron
C("H"): UC(0x021F), # ȟ Latin Small Letter H with Caron
C("I"): UC(0x01D0), # ǐ Latin Small Letter I with Caron
C("J"): UC(0x01F0), # ǰ Latin Small Letter J with Caron
C("K"): UC(0x01E9), # ǩ Latin Small Letter K with Caron
C("L"): UC(0x013E), # ľ Latin Small Letter L with Caron
C("N"): UC(0x0148), # ň Latin Small Letter N with Caron
C("O"): UC(0x01D2), # ǒ Latin Small Letter O with Caron
C("R"): UC(0x0159), # ř Latin Small Letter R with Caron
C("S"): UC(0x0161), # š Latin Small Letter S with Caron
C("T"): UC(0x0165), # ť Latin Small Letter T with Caron
C("U"): UC(0x01D4), # ǔ Latin Small Letter U with Caron
C("V"): UC(0x01DA), # ǚ Latin Small Letter U w/Diaeresis and Caron
C("X"): [UC(0x0292),UC(0x030C)], # ǯ Latin Small Letter Ezh with Caron
C("Z"): UC(0x017E), # ž Latin Small Letter Z with Caron
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x01CD), # Ǎ Latin Capital Letter A with Caron
C("Shift-C"): UC(0x010C), # Č Latin Capital Letter C with Caron
C("Shift-D"): UC(0x010E), # Ď Latin Capital Letter D with Caron
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x011A), # Ě Latin Capital Letter E with Caron
C("Shift-G"): UC(0x01E6), # Ǧ Latin Capital Letter G with Caron
C("Shift-H"): UC(0x021E), # Ȟ Latin Capital Letter H with Caron
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x01CF), # Ǐ Latin Capital Letter I with Caron
C("Shift-J"): [UC(0x004A),UC(0x030C)], # J̌ Latin Capital Letter J with Caron
C("Shift-K"): UC(0x01E8), # Ǩ Latin Capital Letter K with Caron
C("Shift-L"): UC(0x013D), # Ľ Latin Capital Letter L with Caron
C("Shift-N"): UC(0x0147), # Ň Latin Capital Letter N with Caron
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x01D1), # Ǒ Latin Capital Letter O with Caron
C("Shift-R"): UC(0x0158), # Ř Latin Capital Letter R with Caron
C("Shift-S"): UC(0x0160), # Š Latin Capital Letter S with Caron
C("Shift-T"): UC(0x0164), # Ť Latin Capital Letter T with Caron
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x01D3), # Ǔ Latin Capital Letter U with Caron
C("Shift-V"): UC(0x01D9), # Ǚ Latin Capital Letter U w/Diaeresis and Caron
C("Shift-X"): [UC(0x01B7),UC(0x030C)], # Ǯ Latin Capital Letter Ezh with Caron
C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x017D), # Ž Latin Capital Letter Z with Caron
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x02C7 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Breve", {
# Option+B {U+02D8}
# Valid keys:
# a e g h i o u
# A E G H I O U
C("A"): UC(0x0103), # ă Latin Small Letter A with Breve
C("E"): UC(0x0115), # ĕ Latin Small Letter E with Breve
C("G"): UC(0x011F), # ğ Latin Small Letter G with Breve
C("H"): UC(0x1E2B), # ḫ Latin Small Letter H with Breve Below
C("I"): UC(0x012D), # ĭ Latin Small Letter I with Breve
C("O"): UC(0x014F), # ŏ Latin Small Letter O with Breve
C("U"): UC(0x016D), # ŭ Latin Small Letter U with Breve
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x0102), # Ă Latin Capital Letter A with Breve
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0114), # Ĕ Latin Capital Letter E with Breve
C("Shift-G"): UC(0x011E), # Ğ Latin Capital Letter G with Breve
C("Shift-H"): UC(0x1E2A), # Ḫ Latin Capital Letter H with Breve Below
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x012C), # Ĭ Latin Capital Letter I with Breve
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x014E), # Ŏ Latin Capital Letter O with Breve
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x016C), # Ŭ Latin Capital Letter U with Breve
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x02D8 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Tilde", {
# Option+N {U+02DC}
# Valid keys:
# a e i n o u v y
# A E I N O U V Y
C("A"): UC(0x00E3), # ã Latin Small Letter A with Tilde
C("E"): UC(0x1EBD), # ẽ Latin Small Letter E with Tilde
C("I"): UC(0x0129), # ĩ Latin Small Letter I with Tilde
C("N"): UC(0x00F1), # ñ Latin Small Letter N with Tilde
C("O"): UC(0x00F5), # õ Latin Small Letter O with Tilde
C("U"): UC(0x0169), # ũ Latin Small Letter U with Tilde
C("V"): UC(0x1E7D), # ṽ Latin Small Letter V with Tilde
C("Y"): UC(0x1EF9), # ỹ Latin Small Letter Y with Tilde
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C3), # Ã Latin Capital Letter A with Tilde
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x1EBC), # Ẽ Latin Capital Letter E with Tilde
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x0128), # Ĩ Latin Capital Letter I with Tilde
C("Shift-N"): UC(0x00D1), # Ñ Latin Capital Letter N with Tilde
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D5), # Õ Latin Capital Letter O with Tilde
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x0168), # Ũ Latin Capital Letter U with Tilde
C("Shift-V"): UC(0x1E7C), # Ṽ Latin Capital Letter V with Tilde
C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x1EF8), # Ỹ Latin Capital Letter Y with Tilde
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x02DC and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Ogonek", {
# Option+M {U+02DB}
# Valid keys:
# a e i o u
# A E I O U
C("A"): UC(0x0105), # ą Latin Small Letter A with Ogonek
C("E"): UC(0x0119), # ę Latin Small Letter E with Ogonek
C("I"): UC(0x012F), # į Latin Small Letter I with Ogonek
C("O"): UC(0x01EB), # ǫ Latin Small Letter O with Ogonek
C("U"): UC(0x0173), # ų Latin Small Letter U with Ogonek
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x0104), # Ą Latin Capital Letter A with Ogonek
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0118), # Ę Latin Capital Letter E with Ogonek
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x012E), # Į Latin Capital Letter I with Ogonek
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x01EA), # Ǫ Latin Capital Letter O with Ogonek
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x0172), # Ų Latin Capital Letter U with Ogonek
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x02DB and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-ABC - Hook", {
# Shift+Option+Dot {U+0294}
# Valid keys:
# b c d f g h i k n p q r s t u x y z
# B C D F G I K N P R S T U X Y Z
C("B"): UC(0x0253), # ɓ Latin Small Letter B with Hook
C("C"): UC(0x0188), # ƈ Latin Small Letter C with Hook
C("D"): UC(0x0257), # ɗ Latin Small Letter D with Hook
C("F"): UC(0x0192), # ƒ Latin Small Letter F with Hook (function symbol)
C("G"): UC(0x0260), # ɠ Latin Small Letter G with Hook
C("H"): UC(0x0266), # ɦ Latin Small Letter H with Hook
C("I"): UC(0x0269), # ɩ Latin Small Letter Iota
C("K"): UC(0x0199), # ƙ Latin Small Letter K with Hook
C("N"): UC(0x0272), # ɲ Latin Small Letter N with Left Hook
C("P"): UC(0x01A5), # ƥ Latin Small Letter P with Hook
C("Q"): UC(0x02A0), # ʠ Latin Small Letter Q with Hook
C("R"): UC(0x0288), # ʈ Latin Small Letter T with Retroflex Hook
C("S"): UC(0x0283), # ʃ Latin Small Letter Esh
C("T"): UC(0x01AD), # ƭ Latin Small Letter T with Hook
C("U"): UC(0x028B), # ʋ Latin Small Letter V with Hook
C("X"): UC(0x0256), # ɖ Latin Small Letter D with Tail
C("Y"): UC(0x01B4), # ƴ Latin Small Letter Y with Hook
C("Z"): UC(0x0225), # ȥ Latin Small Letter Z with Hook
C("Shift-B"): UC(0x0181), # Ɓ Latin Capital Letter B with Hook
C("Shift-C"): UC(0x0187), # Ƈ Latin Capital Letter C with Hook
C("Shift-D"): UC(0x018A), # Ɗ Latin Capital Letter D with Hook
C("Shift-F"): UC(0x0191), # Ƒ Latin Capital Letter F with Hook
C("Shift-G"): UC(0x0193), # Ɠ Latin Capital Letter G with Hook
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x0196), # Ɩ Latin Capital Letter Iota
C("Shift-K"): UC(0x0198), # Ƙ Latin Capital Letter K with Hook
C("Shift-N"): UC(0x019D), # Ɲ Latin Capital Letter N with Left Hook
C("Shift-P"): UC(0x01A4), # Ƥ Latin Capital Letter P with Hook
C("Shift-R"): UC(0x01AE), # Ʈ Latin Capital Letter T with Retroflex Hook
C("Shift-S"): UC(0x01A9), # Ʃ Latin Capital Letter Esh
C("Shift-T"): UC(0x01AC), # Ƭ Latin Capital Letter T with Hook
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x01B2), # Ʋ Latin Capital Letter V with Hook
C("Shift-X"): UC(0x0189), # Ɖ Latin Capital Letter African D
C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x01B3), # Ƴ Latin Capital Letter Y with Hook
C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x0224), # Ȥ Latin Capital Letter Z with Hook
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x0294 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("DK-US - Grave", {
# Valid keys:
# a e i o u
# A E I O U
C("A"): UC(0x00E0), # à Latin Small a with Grave
C("E"): UC(0x00E8), # è Latin Small e with Grave
C("I"): UC(0x00EC), # ì Latin Small i with Grave
C("O"): UC(0x00F2), # ò Latin Small o with Grave
C("U"): UC(0x00F9), # ù Latin Small u with Grave
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C0), # À Latin Capital A with Grave
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00C8), # È Latin Capital E with Grave
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CC), # Ì Latin Capital I with Grave
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D2), # Ò Latin Capital O with Grave
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00D9), # Ù Latin Capital U with Grave
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x0060 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'US')
keymap("DK-US - Acute", {
# Valid keys:
# a e i o u
# A E I O U
C("A"): UC(0x00E1), # á Latin Small a with Acute
C("E"): UC(0x00E9), # é Latin Small e with Acute
C("I"): UC(0x00ED), # í Latin Small i with Acute
C("O"): UC(0x00F3), # ó Latin Small o with Acute
C("U"): UC(0x00FA), # ú Latin Small u with Acute
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C1), # Á Latin Capital A with Acute
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00C9), # É Latin Capital E with Acute
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CD), # Í Latin Capital I with Acute
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D3), # Ó Latin Capital O with Acute
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00DA), # Ú Latin Capital U with Acute
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x00B4 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'US')
keymap("DK-US - Umlaut", {
# Valid keys:
# a e i o u y
# A E I O U Y
C("A"): UC(0x00E4), # ä Latin Small a with Umlaut
C("E"): UC(0x00EB), # ë Latin Small e with Umlaut
C("I"): UC(0x00EF), # ï Latin Small i with Umlaut
C("O"): UC(0x00F6), # ö Latin Small o with Umlaut
C("U"): UC(0x00FC), # ü Latin Small u with Umlaut
C("Y"): UC(0x00FF), # ÿ Latin Small y with Umlaut
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C4), # Ä Latin Capital A with Umlaut
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00CB), # Ë Latin Capital E with Umlaut
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CF), # Ï Latin Capital I with Umlaut
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D6), # Ö Latin Capital O with Umlaut
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00DC), # Ü Latin Capital U with Umlaut
C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x0178), # Ÿ Latin Capital Y with Umlaut
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x00A8 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'US')
keymap("DK-US - Circumflex", {
# Valid keys:
# a e i o u
# A E I O U
C("A"): UC(0x00E2), # â Latin Small a with Circumflex
C("E"): UC(0x00EA), # ê Latin Small e with Circumflex
C("I"): UC(0x00EE), # î Latin Small i with Circumflex
C("O"): UC(0x00F4), # ô Latin Small o with Circumflex
C("U"): UC(0x00FB), # û Latin Small u with Circumflex
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C2), # Â Latin Capital A with Circumflex
C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00CA), # Ê Latin Capital E with Circumflex
C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CE), # Î Latin Capital I with Circumflex
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D4), # Ô Latin Capital O with Circumflex
C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00DB), # Û Latin Capital U with Circumflex
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x02C6 and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'US')
keymap("DK-US - Tilde", {
# Valid keys:
# a n o
# A N O
C("A"): UC(0x00E3), # ã Latin Small a with Tilde
C("N"): UC(0x00F1), # ñ Latin Small n with Tilde
C("O"): UC(0x00F5), # õ Latin Small o with Tilde
C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C3), # Ã Latin Capital A with Tilde
C("Shift-N"): UC(0x00D1), # Ñ Latin Capital N with Tilde
C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D5), # Õ Latin Capital O with Tilde
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main == 0x02DC and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'US')
### ###
### ###
### ███████ ███████ ██████ █████ ██████ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### █████ ███████ ██ ███████ ██████ █████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ███████ ███████ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ###
### ###
### ###
keymap("Escape actions for dead keys - Overrides for ABC Extended", {
### activate other dead keys correctly while one is active
# US layout dead keys (not here, see keymap below)
# ABC Extended layout dead keys
C("Alt-Grave"): [getDK(),UC(0x0060),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0060)], # Dead Key Accent: Grave
C("Alt-6"): [getDK(),UC(0x02C6),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C6)], # Dead Key Accent: Circumflex
C("Alt-W"): [getDK(),UC(0x02D9),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02D9)], # Dead Key Accent: Dot Above
C("Alt-E"): [getDK(),UC(0x00B4),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00B4)], # Dead Key Accent: Acute
# C("Shift-Alt-Y"): [getDK(),UC(0x030F),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x030F)], # Dead Key Accent: Combining Double Grave
# Double Grave accent acts odd when using the Combining Double Grave {U+030F}
# Substituting {U+02F5}: ˵ Modifier Letter Middle Double Grave Accent
C("Shift-Alt-Y"): [getDK(),UC(0x02F5),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02F5)], # Dead Key Accent: Double Grave (substitute)
C("Alt-U"): [getDK(),UC(0x00A8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00A8)], # Dead Key Accent: Umlaut/Diaeresis
C("Alt-I"): [getDK(),UC(0x02BC),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02BC)], # Dead Key Accent: Apostrophe/Horn
C("Alt-P"): [getDK(),UC(0x002C),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x002C)], # Dead Key Accent: Comma Below
C("Alt-A"): [getDK(),UC(0x00AF),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00AF)], # Dead Key Accent: Macron/Line Above
# C("Shift-Alt-S"): [getDK(),UC(0x0311),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0311)], # Dead Key Accent: Combining Inverted Breve
C("Shift-Alt-S"): [getDK(),UC(0x1D16),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x1D16)], # Dead Key Accent: Combining Inverted Breve
# C("Shift-Alt-F"): [getDK(),UC(0x0330),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0330)], # Dead Key Accent: Combining Tilde Below
# Tilde Below accent acts odd when using the Combining Tilde Below {U+0330}
# Substituting {U+02F7}: ˷ Modifier Letter Low Tilde
C("Shift-Alt-F"): [getDK(),UC(0x02F7),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02F7)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde Below
C("Shift-Alt-G"): [getDK(),UC(0x2038),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x2038)], # Dead Key Accent: Caret/Circumflex Below
C("Alt-H"): [getDK(),UC(0x02CD),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02CD)], # Dead Key Accent: Low Macron/Line Below
C("Alt-J"): [getDK(),UC(0x02DD),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DD)], # Dead Key Accent: Double Acute
C("Alt-K"): [getDK(),UC(0x02DA),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DA)], # Dead Key Accent: Ring Above
C("Alt-L"): [getDK(),UC(0x002D),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x002D)], # Dead Key Accent: Stroke/Hyphen-Minus
C("Shift-Alt-Semicolon"): [getDK(),UC(0x2116),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x2116)], # Dead Key Accent: Numero Sign
C("Alt-Z"): [getDK(),UC(0x02C0),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C0)], # Dead Key Accent: Hook Above/Glottal Stop
C("Alt-X"): [getDK(),UC(0x002E),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x002E)], # Dead Key Accent: Dot Below
C("Alt-C"): [getDK(),UC(0x00B8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00B8)], # Dead Key Accent: Cedilla/Cedille
C("Alt-V"): [getDK(),UC(0x02C7),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C7)], # Dead Key Accent: Caron/hacek
C("Alt-B"): [getDK(),UC(0x02D8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02D8)], # Dead Key Accent: Breve
C("Alt-N"): [getDK(),UC(0x02DC),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DC)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde
C("Alt-M"): [getDK(),UC(0x02DB),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DB)], # Dead Key Accent: Ogonek
C("Shift-Alt-Dot"): [getDK(),UC(0x0294),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0294)], # Dead Key Accent: Hook
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main in deadkeys_list and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
keymap("Escape actions for dead keys", {
# special case shortcuts that should cancel dead keys
C("Esc"): [getDK(),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char if dead keys Escaped
C("Space"): [getDK(),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char if user hits Space
C("Delete"): [getDK(),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char if user hits Delete
C("Backspace"): [getDK(),C("Backspace"),setDK(None)], # Delete character if user hits Backspace
C("Tab"): [getDK(),C("Tab"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, insert Tab
C("Enter"): [getDK(),C("Enter"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, Enter key
C("Up"): [getDK(),C("Up"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, up arrow
C("Down"): [getDK(),C("Down"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, down arrow
C("Left"): [getDK(),C("Left"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, left arrow
C("Right"): [getDK(),C("Right"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, right arrow
C("RC-Tab"): [getDK(),bind,C("Alt-Tab"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, task switch
C("Shift-RC-Tab"): [getDK(),bind,C("Shift-Alt-Tab"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, task switch (reverse)
C("RC-Grave"): [getDK(),bind,C("Alt-Grave"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, in-app window switch
C("Shift-RC-Tab"): [getDK(),bind,C("Shift-Alt-Grave"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, in-app window switch (reverse)
# common shortcuts that should also cancel dead keys
C("RC-a"): [getDK(),C("RC-a"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, select all
C("RC-z"): [getDK(),C("RC-z"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, undo
C("RC-x"): [getDK(),C("RC-x"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, cut
C("RC-c"): [getDK(),C("RC-c"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, copy
C("RC-v"): [getDK(),C("RC-v"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, paste
### activate other dead keys correctly while one is active
# US layout dead keys
C("Alt-Grave"): [getDK(),UC(0x0060),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0060)], # Dead Key Accent: Grave
C("Alt-E"): [getDK(),UC(0x00B4),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00B4)], # Dead Key Accent: Acute
C("Alt-U"): [getDK(),UC(0x00A8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00A8)], # Dead Key Accent: Umlaut/Diaeresis
C("Alt-I"): [getDK(),UC(0x02C6),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C6)], # Dead Key Accent: Circumflex
C("Alt-N"): [getDK(),UC(0x02DC),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DC)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde
# ABC Extended layout dead keys (not here, see keymap above)
# cancel dead keys with number keys row
C("Grave"): [getDK(),C("Grave"),setDK(None)],
C("Key_1"): [getDK(),C("Key_1"),setDK(None)],
C("Key_2"): [getDK(),C("Key_2"),setDK(None)],
C("Key_3"): [getDK(),C("Key_3"),setDK(None)],
C("Key_4"): [getDK(),C("Key_4"),setDK(None)],
C("Key_5"): [getDK(),C("Key_5"),setDK(None)],
C("Key_6"): [getDK(),C("Key_6"),setDK(None)],
C("Key_7"): [getDK(),C("Key_7"),setDK(None)],
C("Key_8"): [getDK(),C("Key_8"),setDK(None)],
C("Key_9"): [getDK(),C("Key_9"),setDK(None)],
C("Key_0"): [getDK(),C("Key_0"),setDK(None)],
C("Minus"): [getDK(),C("Minus"),setDK(None)],
C("Equal"): [getDK(),C("Equal"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Grave"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Grave"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Key_1"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_1"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Key_2"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_2"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Key_3"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_3"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Key_4"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_4"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Key_5"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_5"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Key_6"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_6"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Key_7"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_7"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Key_8"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_8"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Key_9"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_9"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Key_0"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_0"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Minus"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Minus"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Equal"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Equal"),setDK(None)],
# cancel dead keys with any letter on the keyboard that isn't supported by the dead key
C("A"): [getDK(),C("A"),setDK(None)],
C("B"): [getDK(),C("B"),setDK(None)],
C("C"): [getDK(),C("C"),setDK(None)],
C("D"): [getDK(),C("D"),setDK(None)],
C("E"): [getDK(),C("E"),setDK(None)],
C("F"): [getDK(),C("F"),setDK(None)],
C("G"): [getDK(),C("G"),setDK(None)],
C("H"): [getDK(),C("H"),setDK(None)],
C("I"): [getDK(),C("I"),setDK(None)],
C("J"): [getDK(),C("J"),setDK(None)],
C("K"): [getDK(),C("K"),setDK(None)],
C("L"): [getDK(),C("L"),setDK(None)],
C("M"): [getDK(),C("M"),setDK(None)],
C("N"): [getDK(),C("N"),setDK(None)],
C("O"): [getDK(),C("O"),setDK(None)],
C("P"): [getDK(),C("P"),setDK(None)],
C("Q"): [getDK(),C("Q"),setDK(None)],
C("R"): [getDK(),C("R"),setDK(None)],
C("S"): [getDK(),C("S"),setDK(None)],
C("T"): [getDK(),C("T"),setDK(None)],
C("U"): [getDK(),C("U"),setDK(None)],
C("V"): [getDK(),C("V"),setDK(None)],
C("W"): [getDK(),C("W"),setDK(None)],
C("X"): [getDK(),C("X"),setDK(None)],
C("Y"): [getDK(),C("Y"),setDK(None)],
C("Z"): [getDK(),C("Z"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-A"): [getDK(),C("Shift-A"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-B"): [getDK(),C("Shift-B"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-C"): [getDK(),C("Shift-C"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-D"): [getDK(),C("Shift-D"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-E"): [getDK(),C("Shift-E"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-F"): [getDK(),C("Shift-F"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-G"): [getDK(),C("Shift-G"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-H"): [getDK(),C("Shift-H"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-I"): [getDK(),C("Shift-I"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-J"): [getDK(),C("Shift-J"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-K"): [getDK(),C("Shift-K"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-L"): [getDK(),C("Shift-L"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-M"): [getDK(),C("Shift-M"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-N"): [getDK(),C("Shift-N"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-O"): [getDK(),C("Shift-O"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-P"): [getDK(),C("Shift-P"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Q"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Q"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-R"): [getDK(),C("Shift-R"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-S"): [getDK(),C("Shift-S"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-T"): [getDK(),C("Shift-T"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-U"): [getDK(),C("Shift-U"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-V"): [getDK(),C("Shift-V"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-W"): [getDK(),C("Shift-W"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-X"): [getDK(),C("Shift-X"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Y"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Y"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Z"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Z"),setDK(None)],
# cancel dead keys with other punctuation keys
C("Left_Brace"): [getDK(),C("Left_Brace"),setDK(None)],
C("Right_Brace"): [getDK(),C("Right_Brace"),setDK(None)],
C("Backslash"): [getDK(),C("Backslash"),setDK(None)],
C("Semicolon"): [getDK(),C("Semicolon"),setDK(None)],
C("Apostrophe"): [getDK(),C("Apostrophe"),setDK(None)],
C("Comma"): [getDK(),C("Comma"),setDK(None)],
C("Dot"): [getDK(),C("Dot"),setDK(None)],
C("Slash"): [getDK(),C("Slash"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Left_Brace"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Left_Brace"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Right_Brace"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Right_Brace"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Backslash"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Backslash"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Semicolon"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Semicolon"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Apostrophe"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Apostrophe"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Comma"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Comma"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Dot"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Dot"),setDK(None)],
C("Shift-Slash"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Slash"),setDK(None)],
}, when = lambda _: ac_Chr_main in deadkeys_list)
# }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr in deadkeys_US or ac_Chr in deadkeys_ABC)
keymap("Disable Dead Keys Tripwire",{
# Nothing needs to be here. Tripwire keymap to disable active dead keys keymap(s)
}, when = lambda _: setDK(None)())
### ###
### ###
### █████ ██████ ██████ ███ ███ █████ ██ ███ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ████ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ###
### ███████ ██████ ██ ██ ████ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██████ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ###
### ###
### ###
# Main keymap for special characters on the ABC Extended layout
keymap("OptSpecialChars - ABC", {
# Number keys row with Option
C("Alt-Grave"): [UC(0x0060),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0060)], # Dead Key Accent: Grave
C("Alt-1"): UC(0x00A1), # ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark
C("Alt-2"): UC(0x2122), # ™ Trade Mark Sign Emoji
C("Alt-3"): UC(0x00A3), # £ British Pound currency symbol
C("Alt-4"): UC(0x00A2), # ¢ Cent currency symbol
C("Alt-5"): UC(0x00A7), # § Section symbol
C("Alt-6"): [UC(0x02C6),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C6)], # Dead Key Accent: Circumflex
C("Alt-7"): UC(0x00B6), # ¶ Paragraph mark (Pilcrow) symbol
C("Alt-8"): UC(0x2022), # • Bullet Point symbol (solid)
C("Alt-9"): UC(0x00AA), # ª Feminine Ordinal Indicator
C("Alt-0"): UC(0x00BA), # º Masculine Ordinal Indicator
C("Alt-Minus"): UC(0x2013), # – En Dash punctuation mark
C("Alt-Equal"): UC(0x2260), # ≠ Not Equal To symbol
# Number keys row with Shift+Option
C("Shift-Alt-Grave"): UC(0x0300), # ` Combining Grave Accent
C("Shift-Alt-1"): UC(0x2044), # ⁄ Fraction Slash
C("Shift-Alt-2"): UC(0x20AC), # € Euro currency symbol
C("Shift-Alt-3"): UC(0x2039), # ‹ Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation mark
C("Shift-Alt-4"): UC(0x203A), # › Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation mark
C("Shift-Alt-5"): UC(0x2020), # † Simple dagger (cross) symbol
C("Shift-Alt-6"): UC(0x0302), # ̂ Combining Circumflex Accent
C("Shift-Alt-7"): UC(0x2021), # ‡ Double dagger (cross) symbol
C("Shift-Alt-8"): UC(0x00B0), # ° Degree Sign
C("Shift-Alt-9"): UC(0x00B7), # · Middle Dot (interpunct/middot)
C("Shift-Alt-0"): UC(0x201A), # ‚ Single low-9 quotation mark
C("Shift-Alt-Minus"): UC(0x2014), # — Em Dash punctuation mark
C("Shift-Alt-Equal"): UC(0x00B1), # ± Plus Minus mathematical symbol
# Tab key row with Option
C("Alt-Q"): UC(0x0153), # œ Small oe (oethel) ligature
C("Alt-W"): [UC(0x02D9),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02D9)], # Dead Key Accent: Dot Above
C("Alt-E"): [UC(0x00B4),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00B4)], # Dead Key Accent: Acute
C("Alt-R"): UC(0x00AE), # ® Registered Trade Mark Sign
C("Alt-T"): UC(0x00FE), # þ Latin Small Letter Thorn
C("Alt-Y"): UC(0x00A5), # ¥ Japanese Yen currency symbol
C("Alt-U"): [UC(0x00A8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00A8)], # Dead Key Accent: Umlaut/Diaeresis
C("Alt-I"): [UC(0x02BC),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02BC)], # Dead Key Accent: Apostrophe/Horn
C("Alt-O"): UC(0x00F8), # ø Latin Small Letter o with Stroke
C("Alt-P"): [UC(0x002C),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x002C)], # Dead Key Accent: Comma Below
C("Alt-Left_Brace"): UC(0x201C), # “ Left Double Quotation Mark
C("Alt-Right_Brace"): UC(0x2018), # ‘ Left Single Quotation Mark
C("Alt-Backslash"): UC(0x00AB), # « Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
# Tab key row with Shift+Option
C("Shift-Alt-Q"): UC(0x0152), # ΠCapital OE (Oethel) ligature
C("Shift-Alt-W"): UC(0x0307), # ˙ Combining Dot Above
C("Shift-Alt-E"): UC(0x0301), # ́ Combining Acute Accent
C("Shift-Alt-R"): UC(0x2030), # ‰ Per mille symbol (zero over zero-zero)
C("Shift-Alt-T"): UC(0x00DE), # Þ Latin Capital Letter Thorn
# C("Shift-Alt-Y"): UC(0x02F5), # UC(0x030F), # ̏ Combining Double Grave Accent
# Spacing issues when using Combining Double Grave {U+030F}
# Substituting {U+02F5}: ˵ Modifier Letter Middle Double Grave Accent for initial presentation
C("Shift-Alt-Y"): [UC(0x02F5),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02F5)], # Dead Key Accent: Double Grave
C("Shift-Alt-U"): UC(0x0308), # ̈ Combining Diaeresis/Umlaut
C("Shift-Alt-I"): UC(0x031B), # ̛ Combining Horn (Apostrophe)
C("Shift-Alt-O"): UC(0x00D8), # Ø Latin Capital Letter O with Stroke
C("Shift-Alt-P"): UC(0x0326), # ̦ Combining Comma Below
C("Shift-Alt-Left_Brace"): UC(0x201D), # ” Right Double Quotation Mark
C("Shift-Alt-Right_Brace"): UC(0x2019), # ’ Right Single Quotation Mark
C("Shift-Alt-Backslash"): UC(0x00BB), # » Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
# CapsLock key row with Option
C("Alt-A"): [UC(0x00AF),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00AF)], # Dead Key Accent: Macron/Line Above
C("Alt-S"): UC(0x00DF), # ß German Eszett/beta (Sharfes/Sharp S)
C("Alt-D"): UC(0x00F0), # ð Latin Small Letter Eth
C("Alt-F"): UC(0x0192), # ƒ Function/florin currency symbol
C("Alt-G"): UC(0x00A9), # © Copyright Sign
C("Alt-H"): [UC(0x02CD),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02CD)], # Dead Key Accent: Low Macron/Line Below
C("Alt-J"): [UC(0x02DD),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DD)], # Dead Key Accent: Double Acute
C("Alt-K"): [UC(0x02DA),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DA)], # Dead Key Accent: Ring Above
C("Alt-L"): [UC(0x002D),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x002D)], # Dead Key Accent: Stroke/Hyphen-Minus
C("Alt-Semicolon"): UC(0x2026), # … Horizontal ellipsis
C("Alt-Apostrophe"): UC(0x00E6), # æ Small ae ligature
# CapsLock key row with Shift+Option
C("Shift-Alt-A"): UC(0x0304), # ̄ Combining Macron/Line Below
# C("Shift-Alt-S"): [UC(0x0311),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0311)], # Dead Key Accent: Combining Inverted Breve
# Combining Inverted Breve has spacing problems
# Substituting {U+1D16}: ᴖ Latin Small Letter Top Half O
C("Shift-Alt-S"): [UC(0x1D16),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x1D16)], # Dead Key Accent: Inverted Breve
C("Shift-Alt-D"): UC(0x00D0), # Ð Latin Capital Letter Eth
# C("Shift-Alt-F"): [UC(0x0330),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0330)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde Below
# Combining Tilde Below has spacing problems
# Substituting {U+02F7}: ˷ Modifier Letter Low Tilde
C("Shift-Alt-F"): [UC(0x02F7),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02F7)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde Below
C("Shift-Alt-G"): [UC(0x2038),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x2038)], # Dead Key Accent: Caret/Circumflex Below
C("Shift-Alt-H"): UC(0x0331), # ̱ Combining Macron/Line Below
C("Shift-Alt-J"): UC(0x030B), # ̋ Combining Double Acute Accent
C("Shift-Alt-K"): UC(0x030A), # ̊ Combining Ring Above
C("Shift-Alt-L"): UC(0x0335), # ̵ Combining Short Stroke Overlay
C("Shift-Alt-Semicolon"): [UC(0x2116),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x2116)], # Dead Key Accent: Numero Sign
C("Shift-Alt-Apostrophe"): UC(0x00C6), # Æ Capital AE ligature
# Shift keys row with Option
C("Alt-Z"): [UC(0x02C0),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C0)], # Dead Key Accent: Hook Above/Glottal Stop
C("Alt-X"): [UC(0x002E),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x002E)], # Dead Key Accent: Dot Below
C("Alt-C"): [UC(0x00B8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00B8)], # Dead Key Accent: Cedilla/Cedille
C("Alt-V"): [UC(0x02C7),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C7)], # Dead Key Accent: Caron/hacek
C("Alt-B"): [UC(0x02D8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02D8)], # Dead Key Accent: Breve
C("Alt-N"): [UC(0x02DC),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DC)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde
C("Alt-M"): [UC(0x02DB),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DB)], # Dead Key Accent: Ogonek
C("Alt-Comma"): UC(0x2264), # ≤ Less Than or Equal To symbol
C("Alt-Dot"): UC(0x2265), # ≥ Greater Than or Equal To symbol
C("Alt-Slash"): UC(0x00F7), # ÷ Obelus/Division symbol
# Shift keys row with Shift+Option
C("Shift-Alt-Z"): UC(0x0309), # ̉ Combining Hook Above (hoi)
C("Shift-Alt-X"): UC(0x0323), # ̣ Combining Dot Below (nang)
C("Shift-Alt-C"): UC(0x0327), # ̧ Combining Cedilla
C("Shift-Alt-V"): UC(0x030C), # ̌ Combining Caron/hacek
C("Shift-Alt-B"): UC(0x0306), # ̆ Combining Breve
C("Shift-Alt-N"): UC(0x0303), # ̃ Combining Tilde
C("Shift-Alt-M"): UC(0x0328), # ̨ Combining Ogonek (nasal hook)
C("Shift-Alt-Comma"): UC(0x201E), # „ Double Low-9 Quotation Mark
C("Shift-Alt-Dot"): [UC(0x0294),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0294)], # Dead Key Accent: Hook
C("Shift-Alt-Slash"): UC(0x00BF), # ¿ Inverted Question mark
# }, when = lambda ctx: ctx.wm_class.casefold() not in terminals and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'ABC')
### ###
### ###
### ██ ██ ███████ ███ ███ █████ ██ ███ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ████ ████ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ███████ ██ ████ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██████ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ###
### ###
### ###
# Main keymap for special characters on the standard US layout
keymap("OptSpecialChars - US", {
# Number keys row with Option
C("Alt-Grave"): [UC(0x0060), C("Shift-Left"), setDK(0x0060)], # Dead Key Accent: Grave
C("Alt-1"): UC(0x00A1), # ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark
C("Alt-2"): UC(0x2122), # ™ Trade Mark Sign Emoji
C("Alt-3"): UC(0x00A3), # £ British Pound currency symbol
C("Alt-4"): UC(0x00A2), # ¢ Cent currency symbol
C("Alt-5"): UC(0x221E), # ∞ Infinity mathematical symbol
C("Alt-6"): UC(0x00A7), # § Section symbol
C("Alt-7"): UC(0x00B6), # ¶ Paragraph mark (Pilcrow) symbol
C("Alt-8"): UC(0x2022), # • Bullet Point symbol (solid)
C("Alt-9"): UC(0x00AA), # ª Feminine Ordinal Indicator
C("Alt-0"): UC(0x00BA), # º Masculine Ordinal Indicator
C("Alt-Minus"): UC(0x2013), # – En Dash punctuation mark
C("Alt-Equal"): UC(0x2260), # ≠ Not Equal To symbol
# Number keys row with Shift+Option
C("Shift-Alt-Grave"): UC(0x0060), # ` Grave Accent (non-combining)
C("Shift-Alt-1"): UC(0x2044), # ⁄ Fraction Slash
C("Shift-Alt-2"): UC(0x20AC), # € Euro currency symbol
C("Shift-Alt-3"): UC(0x2039), # ‹ Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation mark
C("Shift-Alt-4"): UC(0x203A), # › Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation mark
C("Shift-Alt-5"): UC(0xFB01), # fi Latin Small Ligature Fi
C("Shift-Alt-6"): UC(0xFB02), # fl Latin Small Ligature Fl
C("Shift-Alt-7"): UC(0x2021), # ‡ Double dagger (cross) symbol
C("Shift-Alt-8"): UC(0x00B0), # ° Degree Sign
C("Shift-Alt-9"): UC(0x00B7), # · Middle Dot (interpunct/middot)
C("Shift-Alt-0"): UC(0x201A), # ‚ Single low-9 quotation mark
C("Shift-Alt-Minus"): UC(0x2014), # — Em Dash punctuation mark
C("Shift-Alt-Equal"): UC(0x00B1), # ± Plus Minus mathematical symbol
# Tab key row with Option
C("Alt-Q"): UC(0x0153), # œ Small oe (oethel) ligature
C("Alt-W"): UC(0x2211), # ∑ N-Ary Summation (sigma) notation
C("Alt-E"): [UC(0x00B4), C("Shift-Left"), setDK(0x00B4)], # Dead Key Accent: Acute
C("Alt-R"): UC(0x00AE), # ® Registered Trade Mark Sign
C("Alt-T"): UC(0x2020), # † Simple dagger (cross) symbol
C("Alt-Y"): UC(0x00A5), # ¥ Japanese Yen currency symbol
C("Alt-U"): [UC(0x00A8), C("Shift-Left"), setDK(0x00A8)], # Dead Key Accent: Umlaut/Diaeresis
C("Alt-I"): [UC(0x02C6), C("Shift-Left"), setDK(0x02C6)], # Dead Key Accent: Circumflex
C("Alt-O"): UC(0x00F8), # ø Latin Small Letter o with Stroke
C("Alt-P"): UC(0x03C0), # π Greek Small Letter Pi
C("Alt-Left_Brace"): UC(0x201C), # “ Left Double Quotation Mark
C("Alt-Right_Brace"): UC(0x2018), # ‘ Left Single Quotation Mark
C("Alt-Backslash"): UC(0x00AB), # « Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
# Tab key row with Shift+Option
C("Shift-Alt-Q"): UC(0x0152), # ΠCapital OE (Oethel) ligature
C("Shift-Alt-W"): UC(0x201E), # „ Double Low-9 Quotation mark
C("Shift-Alt-E"): UC(0x00B4), # ´ Acute Accent diacritic (non-combining)
C("Shift-Alt-R"): UC(0x2030), # ‰ Per mille symbol (zero over zero-zero)
C("Shift-Alt-T"): UC(0x02C7), # ˇ Caron/hacek diacritic (non-combining)
C("Shift-Alt-Y"): UC(0x00C1), # Á Latin Capital Letter A with Acute
C("Shift-Alt-U"): UC(0x00A8), # ¨ Diaeresis/Umlaut (non-combining)
C("Shift-Alt-I"): UC(0x02C6), # ˆ Circumflex Accent (non-combining)
C("Shift-Alt-O"): UC(0x00D8), # Ø Latin Capital Letter O with Stroke
C("Shift-Alt-P"): UC(0x220F), # ∏ N-Ary Product mathematical symbol
C("Shift-Alt-Left_Brace"): UC(0x201D), # ” Right Double Quotation Mark
C("Shift-Alt-Right_Brace"): UC(0x2019), # ’ Right Single Quotation Mark
C("Shift-Alt-Backslash"): UC(0x00BB), # » Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
# CapsLock key row with Option
C("Alt-A"): UC(0x00E5), # å Small Letter a with Ring Above
C("Alt-S"): UC(0x00DF), # ß German Eszett/beta (Sharfes/Sharp S)
C("Alt-D"): UC(0x2202), # ∂ Partial Differential
C("Alt-F"): UC(0x0192), # ƒ Function/florin currency symbol
C("Alt-G"): UC(0x00A9), # © Copyright Sign
C("Alt-H"): UC(0x02D9), # ˙ Dot Above diacritic (non-combining)
C("Alt-J"): UC(0x2206), # ∆ Increment, laplace operator symbol
C("Alt-K"): UC(0x02DA), # ˚ Ring Above diacritic (non-combining)
C("Alt-L"): UC(0x00AC), # ¬ Not Sign angled dash symbol
C("Alt-Semicolon"): UC(0x2026), # … Horizontal ellipsis
C("Alt-Apostrophe"): UC(0x00E6), # æ Small ae ligature
# CapsLock key row with Shift+Option
C("Shift-Alt-A"): UC(0x00C5), # Å Capital Letter A with Ring Above
C("Shift-Alt-S"): UC(0x00CD), # Í Latin Capital Letter I with Acute
C("Shift-Alt-D"): UC(0x00CE), # Î Latin Capital Letter I with Circumflex
C("Shift-Alt-F"): UC(0x00CF), # Ï Latin Capital Letter I with Diaeresis
C("Shift-Alt-G"): UC(0x02DD), # ˝ Double Acute Accent (non-combining)
C("Shift-Alt-H"): UC(0x00D3), # Ó Latin Capital Letter O with Acute
C("Shift-Alt-J"): UC(0x00D4), # Ô Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex
# The Apple logo is at {U+F8FF} in a Unicode Private Use Area. Only at that location in Mac fonts.
# Symbol exists at {U+F000} in Baskerville Old Face font.
C("Shift-Alt-K"): [apple_logo_alert,UC(0xF000)], #  Apple logo [req's Baskerville Old Face font]
C("Shift-Alt-L"): UC(0x00D2), # Ò Latin Capital Letter O with Grave
C("Shift-Alt-Semicolon"): UC(0x00DA), # Ú Latin Capital Letter U with Acute
C("Shift-Alt-Apostrophe"): UC(0x00C6), # Æ Capital AE ligature
# Shift keys row with Option
C("Alt-Z"): UC(0x03A9), # Ω Greek Capital Letter Omega
C("Alt-X"): UC(0x2248), # ≈ Almost Equal To symbol
C("Alt-C"): UC(0x00E7), # ç Small Letter c with Cedilla
C("Alt-V"): UC(0x221A), # √ Square Root radical sign
C("Alt-B"): UC(0x222B), # ∫ Integral mathematical symbol
C("Alt-N"): [UC(0x02DC), C("Shift-Left"), setDK(0x02DC)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde
C("Alt-M"): UC(0x00B5), # µ Micro (mu) symbol
C("Alt-Comma"): UC(0x2264), # ≤ Less Than or Equal To symbol
C("Alt-Dot"): UC(0x2265), # ≥ Greater Than or Equal To symbol
C("Alt-Slash"): UC(0x00F7), # ÷ Obelus/Division symbol
# Shift keys row with Shift+Option
C("Shift-Alt-Z"): UC(0x00B8), # ¸ Spacing Cedilla diacritic (non-combining)
C("Shift-Alt-X"): UC(0x02DB), # ˛ Ogonek diacritic (non-combining)
C("Shift-Alt-C"): UC(0x00C7), # Ç Capital Letter C with Cedilla
C("Shift-Alt-V"): UC(0x25CA), # ◊ Lozenge (diamond) shape symbol
C("Shift-Alt-B"): UC(0x0131), # ı Latin Small Letter Dotless i
C("Shift-Alt-N"): UC(0x02DC), # ˜ Small Tilde character
C("Shift-Alt-M"): UC(0x00C2), # Â Latin Capital Letter A with Circumflex
C("Shift-Alt-Comma"): UC(0x00AF), # ¯ Macron/overline/overbar (non-combining)
C("Shift-Alt-Dot"): UC(0x02D8), # ˘ Breve diacritic (non-combining)
C("Shift-Alt-Slash"): UC(0x00BF), # ¿ Inverted Question mark
# }, when = lambda ctx: ctx.wm_class.casefold() not in terminals and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'US')
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod)(ctx) and cnfg.optspec_layout == 'US')
#################################### USER APPS #####################################
### ###
### ###
### ██ ██ ███████ ███████ ██████ █████ ██████ ██████ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ███████ █████ ██████ ███████ ██████ ██████ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██████ ███████ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ###
### ###
### ###
### This is a good location in the config file for adding new custom keymaps for
### user applications and custom function keys. Watch out that you don't override
### any "general" shortcuts like Cmd+Z/X/C/V that may be defined below this section.
### Changes made between the "slice" marks will be retained by the Toshy installer
### if you reinstall and it finds matching start/end markers for each section.
keymap("User hardware keys", {
}, when = matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod))
################################# MISC APPS #####################################
### ###
### ###
### ███ ███ ██ ███████ ██████ █████ ██████ ██████ ███████ ###
### ████ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ████ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ███████ ██████ ██████ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ###
### ###
### ###
# Miscellaneous apps that need a few fixes
keymap("Thunderbird email client", {
C("Alt-RC-I"): C("Shift-RC-I"), # Dev tools
# Enable Cmd+Option+Left/Right for tab navigation
C("RC-Alt-Left"): C("C-Page_Up"), # Go to prior tab (macOS Thunderbird tab nav shortcut)
C("RC-Alt-Right"): C("C-Page_Down"), # Go to next tab (macOS Thunderbird tab nav shortcut)
}, when = matchProps(clas="^thunderbird.*$") )
keymap("Angry IP Scanner", {
C("RC-comma"): C("Shift-RC-P"), # Open preferences
C("RC-i"): C("Alt-Enter"), # Get info (details)
C("RC-h"): C("C-h"), # Go to next live host (override hide window)
C("Shift-RC-i"): C("C-i"), # Invert selection
}, when = matchProps(clas="^Angry.*IP.*Scanner$") )
keymap("Transmission bittorrent client", {
C("RC-i"): C("Alt-Enter"), # Open properties (Get Info) dialog
C("RC-comma"): [C("Alt-e"),C("p")], # Open preferences (settings) dialog
}, when = matchProps(clas="^transmission-gtk$|^com.transmissionbt.Transmission.*$") )
keymap("JDownloader", {
# Fixes for tab navigation in the "Tab Nav" section
C("RC-i"): C("Alt-Enter"), # Open properties
C("RC-Backspace"): C("Delete"), # Remove download from list
C("RC-Comma"): C("C-P"), # Open preferences (settings)
}, when = matchProps(lst=JDownloader_lod) )
keymap("Totem video player", {
C("RC-dot"): C("C-q"), # Stop (quit player, there is no "Stop" function)
}, when = matchProps(clas="^totem$") )
keymap("GNOME image viewer", {
C("RC-i"): C("Alt-Enter"), # Image properties
}, when = matchProps(clas="^eog$") )
keymap("LibreOffice Writer", {
C("RC-comma"): C("Alt-F12"), # Tools > Options (preferences dialog)
}, when = matchProps(clas="^libreoffice-writer$") )
######################################## FINDER MODS #############################################
### ###
### ###
### ███████ ██ ███ ██ ██████ ███████ ██████ ███ ███ ██████ ██████ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### █████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ █████ ██████ ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ████ ██████ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██████ ███████ ###
### ###
### ###
# Keybindings overrides for Caja
# (overrides some bindings from general file manager code block below)
keymap("Overrides for Caja - Finder Mods", {
C("RC-Super-o"): C("Shift-RC-Enter"), # Open in new tab
# C("RC-Super-o"): C("Shift-RC-W"), # Open in new window
}, when = matchProps(clas="^caja$"))
# Keybindings overrides for DDE (Deepin) File Manager
# (overrides some bindings from general file manager code block below)
keymap("Overrides for DDE File Manager - Finder Mods", {
C("RC-i"): C("RC-i"), # File properties dialog (Get Info)
C("RC-comma"): None, # Disable preferences shortcut (no shortcut available)
C("RC-Up"): C("RC-Up"), # Go Up dir
C("Shift-RC-Left_Brace"): C("C-Shift-Tab"), # Go to prior tab
C("Shift-RC-Right_Brace"): C("C-Tab"), # Go to next tab
C("Shift-RC-Left"): C("C-Shift-Tab"), # Go to prior tab
C("Shift-RC-Right"): C("C-Tab"), # Go to next tab
}, when = matchProps(clas="^dde-file-manager$"))
# Keybindings overrides for Dolphin (KDE file manager)
# (overrides some bindings from general file manager code block below)
keymap("Overrides for Dolphin - Finder Mods", {
C("RC-KEY_2"): C("C-KEY_3"), # View as List (Detailed)
C("RC-KEY_3"): C("C-KEY_2"), # View as List (Compact)
### "Open in new window" (or new tab) requires manually setting custom shortcut of Ctrl+Shift+o
### in Dolphin's keyboard shortcuts. There is no default shortcut set for this function.
C("RC-Super-o"): C("Shift-RC-o"), # Open in new window (or new tab, user's choice, see above)
C("Shift-RC-N"): iEF2(C("F10"), False), # Create new folder (F10), toggle Enter to be Enter
C("RC-comma"): C("Shift-RC-comma"), # Open preferences dialog
}, when = matchProps(clas="^dolphin|org.kde.dolphin$"))
# Keybindings overrides for elementary OS Files (Pantheon)
# (overrides some bindings from general file manager code block below)
keymap("Overrides for Pantheon - Finder Mods", {
C("RC-Super-o"): C("Shift-Enter"), # Open folder in new tab
C("RC-comma"): None, # Disable preferences shortcut since none available
}, when = matchProps(clas="^io.elementary.files$"))
# Keybindings overrides for Nautilus
# (overrides some bindings from general file manager code block below)
keymap("Overrides for Nautilus Create Archive dialog - Finder Mods", {
C("Enter"): C("Enter"), # Use Enter as Enter in the Create Archive dialog
}, when = matchProps(clas="^.*nautilus$", name="Create Archive"))
keymap("Overrides for Nautilus - Finder Mods", {
# Optional "new window at home folder" in Nautilus
# C("RC-N"): C("C-Alt-Space"), # macOS Finder search window shortcut Cmd+Option+Space
# For the above shortcut to work, a custom shortcut bound to Ctrl+Alt+Space must be set up in the
# Settings app in GNOME to run command: "nautilus --new-window /home/USER" [ replace "USER" ]
C("RC-KEY_1"): C("C-KEY_2"), # View as Icons
C("RC-KEY_2"): C("C-KEY_1"), # View as List (Detailed)
# C("RC-Super-o"): C("Shift-Enter"), # Open in new window (disable line below)
C("RC-Super-o"): C("RC-Enter"), # Open in new tab (disable line above)
C("RC-comma"): C("RC-comma"), # Overrides "Open preferences dialog" shortcut below
C("RC-F"): C("RC-F"), # Don't toggle Enter key, pass Cmd+F
}, when = matchProps(clas="^org.gnome.nautilus$|^nautilus$"))
# Keybindings overrides for Nemo
# (overrides some bindings from general file manager code block below)
keymap("Overrides for Nemo - Finder Mods", {
C("RC-Backspace"): iEF2(C("Delete"), False), # Set Enter to Enter for Cmd+Delete confirmation
}, when = matchProps(clas="^nemo$"))
# Keybindings overrides for PCManFM and PCManFM-Qt
# (overrides some bindings from general file manager code block below)
keymap("Overrides for PCManFM-Qt - Finder Mods", {
C("RC-Backspace"): C("Delete"), # Move to Trash (delete, bypass dialog)
}, when = matchProps(clas="^pcmanfm-qt$"))
keymap("Overrides for PCManFM - Finder Mods", {
C("RC-KEY_2"): C("C-KEY_4"), # View as List (Detailed) [Not in PCManFM-Qt]
C("RC-Backspace"): [C("Delete"),C("Space")], # Move to Trash (delete, bypass dialog)
C("RC-F"): C("RC-F"), # Don't toggle Enter key state, pass Cmd+F
}, when = matchProps(clas="^pcmanfm$|^pcmanfm-qt$"))
# Keybindings overrides for SpaceFM
# (overrides some bindings from general file manager code block below)
keymap("Overrides for SpaceFM Find Files dialog - Finder Mods", {
C("Enter"): C("Enter"), # Use Enter as Enter in the Find dialog
C("Esc"): C("Alt-F4"), # Close Find Files dialog with Escape
C("RC-W"): C("Alt-F4"), # Close Find Files dialog with Cmd+W
}, when = matchProps(clas="^SpaceFM$", name="Find Files"))
keymap("Overrides for SpaceFM - Finder Mods", {
C("RC-Page_Up"): C("C-Shift-Tab"), # Go to prior tab
C("RC-Page_Down"): C("C-Tab"), # Go to next tab
C("Shift-RC-Left_Brace"): C("C-Shift-Tab"), # Go to prior tab
C("Shift-RC-Right_Brace"): C("C-Tab"), # Go to next tab
C("Shift-RC-Left"): C("C-Shift-Tab"), # Go to prior tab
C("Shift-RC-Right"): C("C-Tab"), # Go to next tab
C("Shift-RC-N"): iEF2(C("RC-F"), False), # Switch Enter to Enter. New folder is Ctrl+F(???)
# Need to catch WM_NAME of "Find Files" and override Enter key state back to being Enter. See above keymap.
C("RC-F"): None, # No direct shortcut available and menu macros don't work in SpaceFM.
C("RC-Backspace"): [C("Delete"),C("Space")], # Move to Trash (delete, bypass dialog)
C("RC-comma"): [C("Alt-V"),C("p")], # Overrides "Open preferences dialog" shortcut below
# This shortcut ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is not fully working in SpaceFM. Opens "View" menu but not Preferences.
# SpaceFM is doing some nasty binding that blocks all shortcuts, including Alt+Tab, while any menu is open.
}, when = matchProps(clas="^spacefm$"))
# Keybindings overrides for Thunar
# (overrides some bindings from general file manager code block below)
keymap("Overrides for Thunar - Finder Mods", {
C("RC-Super-o"): C("Shift-RC-P"), # Open in new tab
C("RC-comma"): [C("Alt-E"),C("E")], # Overrides "Open preferences dialog" shortcut below
C("RC-F"): C("RC-F"), # Don't toggle Enter key, pass Cmd+F
}, when = matchProps(clas="^thunar$"))
# Keybindings overrides for GNOME XDG "Save As" and "Open File" dialogs
file_open_save_dialogs = [
{clas:"^xdg-desktop-portal-gnome$|^Firefox.*$|^LibreWolf$|^Waterfox$", name:"^Open File$"},
{clas:"^xdg-desktop-portal-gnome$|^Firefox.*$|^LibreWolf$|^Waterfox$", name:"^Save As$"},
keymap("XDG file dialogs", {
C("RC-Left"): C("Alt-Left"), # Go Back
C("RC-Right"): C("Alt-Right"), # Go Forward
C("RC-Up"): C("Alt-Up"), # Go Up dir
C("RC-Down"): C("Enter"), # Go Down dir (open folder/file) [universal]
}, when = matchProps(lst=file_open_save_dialogs))
## Keybindings for Linux general file managers group:
## Currently supported Linux file managers (file browsers):
## Caja File Browser (MATE file manager, fork of Nautilus)
## DDE File Manager (Deepin Linux file manager)
## Dolphin (KDE file manager)
## Nautilus (GNOME file manager, may be named "Files")
## Nemo (Cinnamon file manager, fork of Nautilus, may be named "Files")
## Pantheon Files (elementary OS file manager, may be named "Files")
## PCManFM (LXDE file manager)
## PCManFM-Qt (LXQt file manager)
## SpaceFM (Fork of PCManFM file manager)
## Thunar File Manager (Xfce file manager)
## GNOME XDG file dialogs ("Open File" and "Save As" windows in apps like Firefox)
keymap("General File Managers - Finder Mods", {
### Show Properties (Get Info) | Open Settings/Preferences | Show/Hide hidden files ###
C("RC-i"): C("Alt-Enter"), # File properties dialog (Get Info)
C("RC-comma"): [C("Alt-E"),C("N")], # Open preferences dialog
C("Shift-RC-dot"): C("RC-H"), # Show/hide hidden files ("dot" files)
### Navigation ###
C("Shift-RC-Left_Brace"): C("C-Page_Up"), # Go to prior tab
C("Shift-RC-Right_Brace"): C("C-Page_Down"), # Go to next tab
C("Shift-RC-Left"): C("C-Page_Up"), # Go to prior tab
C("Shift-RC-Right"): C("C-Page_Down"), # Go to next tab
C("RC-Left_Brace"): C("Alt-Left"), # Go Back
C("RC-Right_Brace"): C("Alt-Right"), # Go Forward
# C("RC-Left"): C("Alt-Left"), # Go Back
# C("RC-Right"): C("Alt-Right"), # Go Forward
# C("RC-Up"): C("Alt-Up"), # Go Up dir
# C("RC-Down"): C("Enter"), # Go Down dir (open folder/file) [universal]
# EXPERIMENTAL: Attempt to get wordwise Cmd+Left/Right to work while renaming, but otherwise be navigation
C("RC-Left"): iEF2(C("Alt-Left"), C("Home"), True, True), # Go Back
C("RC-Right"): iEF2(C("Alt-Right"), C("End"), True, True), # Go Forward
C("RC-Up"): iEF2(C("Alt-Up"), True), # Go Up dir
C("RC-Down"): iEF2(C("Enter"), True), # Go Down dir (open folder/file) [universal]
# C("RC-Down"): C("Alt-Down"), # Go Down dir (only works on folders) [not universal]
# C("RC-Down"): C("RC-O"), # Go Down dir (open folder/file) [not universal]
### Open in New Window | Move to Trash ###
C("RC-Super-o"): C("Shift-RC-o"), # Open in new window (or tab, depends) [not universal]
C("RC-Backspace"): C("Delete"), # Move to Trash (delete)
C("RC-Delete"): None, # Block Ctrl+Delete from performing any action (error in macOS)
# C("Enter"): iEF2(C("F2"),C("Enter")), # Send F2 to rename files, unless var is False
# C("Shift-RC-N"): iEF2(C("Shift-RC-N"), False), # New folder, set Enter to Enter
# C("RC-L"): iEF2(C("RC-L"), False), # Set Enter to Enter for Location field
# C("RC-F"): iEF2(C("RC-F"), False), # Set Enter to Enter for Find field
# C("Esc"): iEF2(C("Esc"), True), # Send Escape, set Enter to be F2 next
# # C("Tab"): iEF2(C("Tab"), C("Tab"), True, True), # Set Enter to Enter after using Tab key
# C("Shift-RC-Space"): iEF2(C("Shift-RC-Space"), False), # Set Enter to Enter for alternate overview shortcut
# C("Shift-RC-Enter"): C("Enter"), # alternative "Enter" key for unusual cases
}, when = matchProps(clas=filemanagerStr))
################################### BROWSERS #####################################
### ###
### ###
### ██████ ██████ ██████ ██ ██ ███████ ███████ ██████ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██████ ██████ ██ ██ ██ █ ██ ███████ █████ ██████ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██████ ██ ██ ██████ ███ ███ ███████ ███████ ██ ██ ███████ ###
### ###
### ###
# Open preferences in Firefox browsers
keymap("Firefox Browsers Overrides", {
C("C-comma"): [C("C-t"),sleep(0.05),ST("about:preferences"),sleep(0.05),C("Enter")],
C("Shift-RC-N"): C("Shift-RC-P"), # Open private window with Cmd+Shift+N like other browsers
C("RC-Backspace"): [C("Shift-Home"), C("Backspace")], # Delete Entire Line Left of Cursor
C("RC-Delete"): [C("Shift-End"), C("Delete")], # Delete Entire Line Right of Cursor
}, when = matchProps(clas=browsers_firefoxStr))
# Falkon is a Chromium based web browser
keymap("Overrides for Falkon browser", {
C("RC-comma"): C("Shift-C-comma"), # Open preferences
}, when = matchProps(clas="^org.kde.falkon$|^Falkon$"))
keymap("Chrome Browsers Overrides", {
C("C-comma"): [C("Alt-e"), C("s"),C("Enter")], # Open preferences
C("RC-q"): C("Alt-F4"), # Quit Chrome(s) browsers with Cmd+Q
# C("RC-Left"): C("Alt-Left"), # Page nav: Back to prior page in history (conflict with wordwise)
# C("RC-Right"): C("Alt-Right"), # Page nav: Forward to next page in history (conflict with wordwise)
C("RC-Left_Brace"): C("Alt-Left"), # Page nav: Back to prior page in history
C("RC-Right_Brace"): C("Alt-Right"), # Page nav: Forward to next page in history
}, when = matchProps(clas=browsers_chromeStr))
# Keybindings for General Web Browsers
keymap("General Web Browsers", {
C("RC-Q"): C("RC-Q"), # Close all browsers Instances
C("Alt-RC-I"): C("Shift-RC-I"), # Dev tools
C("Alt-RC-J"): C("Shift-RC-J"), # Dev tools
C("RC-Key_1"): C("Alt-Key_1"), # Jump to Tab #1-#8
C("RC-Key_2"): C("Alt-Key_2"),
C("RC-Key_3"): C("Alt-Key_3"),
C("RC-Key_4"): C("Alt-Key_4"),
C("RC-Key_5"): C("Alt-Key_5"),
C("RC-Key_6"): C("Alt-Key_6"),
C("RC-Key_7"): C("Alt-Key_7"),
C("RC-Key_8"): C("Alt-Key_8"),
C("RC-Key_9"): C("Alt-Key_9"), # Jump to last tab
# Enable Cmd+Shift+Braces for tab navigation (redundant with General GUI)
# C("Shift-RC-Left_Brace"): C("C-Page_Up"), # Go to prior tab
# C("Shift-RC-Right_Brace"): C("C-Page_Down"), # Go to next tab
# Enable Cmd+Option+Left/Right for tab navigation
C("RC-Alt-Left"): C("C-Page_Up"), # Go to prior tab
C("RC-Alt-Right"): C("C-Page_Down"), # Go to next tab
# Enable Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn for tab navigation
C("Super-Page_Up"): C("C-Page_Up"), # Go to prior tab
C("Super-Page_Down"): C("C-Page_Down"), # Go to next tab
# Use Cmd+Braces keys for tab navigation instead of page navigation
# C("C-Left_Brace"): C("C-Page_Up"),
# C("C-Right_Brace"): C("C-Page_Down"),
}, when = matchProps(clas=browsers_allStr))
############################################ CODE EDITORS ##############################################
### ###
### ###
### ██████ ██████ ██████ ███████ ███████ ██████ ██ ████████ ██████ ██████ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ █████ █████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██████ ██████ ██████ ███████ ███████ ██████ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ███████ ###
### ###
### ###
# Keybindings for IntelliJ
keymap("Jetbrains", {
# General
C("C-Key_0"): C("Alt-Key_0"), # Open corresponding tool window
C("C-Key_1"): C("Alt-Key_1"), # Open corresponding tool window
C("C-Key_2"): C("Alt-Key_2"), # Open corresponding tool window
C("C-Key_3"): C("Alt-Key_3"), # Open corresponding tool window
C("C-Key_4"): C("Alt-Key_4"), # Open corresponding tool window
C("C-Key_5"): C("Alt-Key_5"), # Open corresponding tool window
C("C-Key_6"): C("Alt-Key_6"), # Open corresponding tool window
C("C-Key_7"): C("Alt-Key_7"), # Open corresponding tool window
C("C-Key_8"): C("Alt-Key_8"), # Open corresponding tool window
C("C-Key_9"): C("Alt-Key_9"), # Open corresponding tool window
C("Super-Grave"): C("C-Grave"), # Quick switch current scheme
C("C-Comma"): C("C-Alt-s"), # Open Settings dialog
C("C-Semicolon"): C("C-Alt-Shift-s"), # Open Project Structure dialog
# Debugging
C("C-Alt-r"): C("F9"), # Resume program
# Search/Replace
C("C-g"): C("F3"), # Find next
C("C-Shift-F3"): C("Shift-F3"), # Find previous
C("Super-g"): C("Alt-j"), # Select next occurrence
C("C-Super-g"): C("C-Alt-Shift-j"), # Select all occurrences
C("Super-Shift-g"): C("Alt-Shift-j"), # Unselect occurrence
# Editing
# C("Super-Space"): C("LC-Space"), # Basic code completion (conflicts with input switching)
# C("Super-Shift-Space"): C("Shift-LC-Space"), # Smart code completion (conflicts with input switching)
C("Super-j"): C("C-q"), # Quick documentation lookup
C("C-n"): C("Alt-Insert"), # Generate code...
C("Super-o"): C("C-o"), # Override methods
C("Super-i"): C("C-i"), # Implement methods
C("Alt-Up"): C("C-w"), # Extend selection
C("Alt-Down"): C("C-Shift-w"), # Shrink selection
C("Super-Shift-q"): C("Alt-q"), # Context info
C("Super-Alt-o"): C("C-Alt-o"), # Optimize imports
C("Super-Alt-i"): C("C-Alt-i"), # Auto-indent line(s)
C("C-Backspace"): C("C-y"), # Delete line at caret
C("Super-Shift-j"): C("C-Shift-j"), # Smart line join
C("Alt-Delete"): C("C-Delete"), # Delete to word end
C("Alt-Backspace"): C("C-Backspace"), # Delete to word start
C("C-Shift-Equal"): C("C-KPPLUS"), # Expand code block
C("C-Minus"): C("C-KPMINUS"), # Collapse code block
C("C-Shift-Equal"): C("C-Shift-KPPLUS"), # Expand all
C("C-Shift-Minus"): C("C-Shift-KPMINUS"), # Collapse all
C("C-w"): C("C-F4"), # Close active editor tab
# Refactoring
C("C-Delete"): C("Alt-Delete"), # Safe Delete
C("C-T"): C("C-Alt-Shift-t"), # Refactor this
# Navigation
C("C-o"): C("C-n"), # Go to class
C("C-Shift-o"): C("C-Shift-n"), # Go to file
C("C-Alt-o"): C("C-Alt-Shift-n"), # Go to symbol
C("Super-Right"): C("Alt-Right"), # Go to next editor tab
C("Super-Left"): C("Alt-Left"), # Go to previous editor tab
C("C-l"): C("C-g"), # Go to line
C("Alt-Space"): C("C-Shift-i"), # Open quick definition lookup
C("C-Y"): C("C-Shift-i"), # Open quick definition lookup
C("Super-Shift-b"): C("C-Shift-b"), # Go to type declaration
C("Super-Up"): C("Alt-Up"), # Go to previous
C("Super-Down"): C("Alt-Down"), # Go to next method
C("Super-h"): C("C-h"), # Type hierarchy
C("Super-Alt-h"): C("C-Alt-h"), # Call hierarchy
C("C-Down"): C("C-Enter"), # Edit source/View source
C("Alt-Home"): C("Alt-Home"), # Show navigation bar
C("F2"): C("F11"), # Toggle bookmark
C("Super-F3"): C("C-F11"), # Toggle bookmark with mnemonic
C("Super-Key_0"): C("C-Key_0"), # Go to numbered bookmark
C("Super-Key_1"): C("C-Key_1"), # Go to numbered bookmark
C("Super-Key_2"): C("C-Key_2"), # Go to numbered bookmark
C("Super-Key_3"): C("C-Key_3"), # Go to numbered bookmark
C("Super-Key_4"): C("C-Key_4"), # Go to numbered bookmark
C("Super-Key_5"): C("C-Key_5"), # Go to numbered bookmark
C("Super-Key_6"): C("C-Key_6"), # Go to numbered bookmark
C("Super-Key_7"): C("C-Key_7"), # Go to numbered bookmark
C("Super-Key_8"): C("C-Key_8"), # Go to numbered bookmark
C("Super-Key_9"): C("C-Key_9"), # Go to numbered bookmark
C("C-F3"): C("Shift-F11"), # Show bookmarks
# Compile and Run
C("Super-Alt-r"): C("Alt-Shift-F10"), # Select configuration and run
C("Super-Alt-d"): C("Alt-Shift-F9"), # Select configuration and debug
C("Super-r"): C("Shift-F10"), # Run
C("Super-d"): C("Shift-F9"), # Debug
C("Super-Shift-r"): C("C-Shift-F10"), # Run context configuration from editor
C("Super-Shift-d"): C("C-Shift-F9"), # Debug context configuration from editor
# VCS/Local History
C("Super-v"): C("Alt-Grave"), # VCS quick popup
C("Super-c"): C("LC-c"), # Sigints - interrupt
}, when = matchProps(clas="^jetbrains-(?!.*toolbox).*$"))
keymap("Wordwise - not vscode", {
# Wordwise remaining - for Everything but VS Code
C("Alt-Left"): C("C-Left"), # Left of Word
C("Alt-Shift-Left"): C("C-Shift-Left"), # Select Left of Word
C("Alt-Right"): C("C-Right"), # Right of Word
C("Alt-Shift-Right"): C("C-Shift-Right"), # Select Right of Word
C("Alt-Shift-g"): C("C-Shift-g"), # View source control
# ** VS Code fix **
# Electron issue precludes normal keybinding fix.
# Alt menu auto-focus/toggle gets in the way.
# refer to ./xkeysnail-config/vscode_keybindings.json
# **
# ** Firefox fix **
# User will need to set "ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses"
# under about:config to false.
# **
# }, when = lambda ctx: ctx.wm_class.casefold() not in mscodes)
}, when = matchProps(not_clas=vscodeStr_ext))
# Keybindings for VS Code and variants
keymap("VSCodes overrides for Chromebook/IBM - Sublime", {
C("C-Alt-g"): C("C-f2"), # Chromebook/IBM - Sublime - find_all_under
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(clas=vscodeStr)(ctx) and
( isKBtype('Chromebook', map="vscodes ovr cbook - sublime")(ctx) or
isKBtype('IBM', map="vscodes ovr ibm - sublime")(ctx) ) and
keymap("VSCodes overrides for not Chromebook/IBM - Sublime", {
C("Super-C-g"): C("C-f2"), # Default - Sublime - find_all_under
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(clas=vscodeStr)(ctx) and
not ( isKBtype('Chromebook', map="vscodes ovr not cbook - sublime")(ctx) or
isKBtype('IBM', map="vscodes ovr not ibm - sublime")(ctx) ) and cnfg.ST3_in_VSCode)
keymap("VSCodes overrides for Chromebook/IBM", {
# C("Alt-c"): C("LC-c"), # Chromebook/IBM - Terminal - Sigint
# C("Alt-x"): C("LC-x"), # Chromebook/IBM - Terminal - Exit nano
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(clas=vscodeStr)(ctx) and
( isKBtype('Chromebook', map="vscodes ovr cbook")(ctx) or
isKBtype('IBM', map="vscodes ovr ibm")(ctx) ) )
keymap("VSCodes overrides for not Chromebook/IBM", {
# C("Super-c"): C("LC-c"), # Default - Terminal - Sigint
# C("Super-x"): C("LC-x"), # Default - Terminal - Exit nano
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(clas=vscodeStr)(ctx) and
not ( isKBtype('Chromebook', map="vscodes ovr not cbook")(ctx) or
isKBtype('IBM', map="vscodes ovr not ibm")(ctx) ) )
# modmap("VSCodes overrides for not Chromebook/IBM", {
# }, when = lambda ctx:
# matchProps(clas=vscodeStr)(ctx) and
# not ( isKBtype('Chromebook', map="vscodes ovr not cbook")(ctx) or
# isKBtype('IBM', map="vscodes ovr not ibm")(ctx) ) )
keymap("VSCodes", {
# C("Super-Space"): C("LC-Space"), # Basic code completion (conflicts with input switching)
# Override the global Cmd+Dot (Escape/cancel) shortcut for QuickFix in VSCode(s)
C("RC-Dot"): C("RC-Dot"), # QuickFix, overriding global shortcut
# Find dialog options
C("Alt-RC-C"): C("Alt-C"), # Find: toggle "Match Case"
C("Alt-RC-W"): C("Alt-W"), # Find: toggle "Match Whole Word"
C("Alt-RC-R"): C("Alt-R"), # Find: toggle "Use Regular Expression"
C("Alt-RC-L"): C("Alt-L"), # Find: toggle "Find in Selection"
C("Alt-RC-P"): C("Alt-P"), # Replace: toggle "Preserve Case"
C("Alt-RC-Z"): C("Alt-Z"), # View: toggle "Word Wrap"
# Wordwise remaining - for VS Code
# Alt-F19 hack fixes Alt menu activation
C("Alt-Left"): [C("Alt-F19"),C("C-Left")], # Left of Word
C("Alt-Right"): [C("Alt-F19"),C("C-Right")], # Right of Word
C("Alt-Shift-Left"): [C("Alt-F19"),C("C-Shift-Left")], # Select Left of Word
C("Alt-Shift-Right"): [C("Alt-F19"),C("C-Shift-Right")], # Select Right of Word
# To make this work, assign these shortcuts to "deleteWordPartLeft" and "deleteWordPartRight" shortcuts
C("Shift-Alt-Backspace"): C("Shift-Alt-Backspace"), # Delete word left of cursor (override GenGUI)
C("Shift-Alt-Delete"): C("Shift-Alt-Delete"), # Delete word right of cursor (override GenGUI)
C("RC-Backspace"): [C("Shift-Home"), C("Delete")], # Delete entire line left of cursor
C("RC-Delete"): [C("Shift-End"), C("Delete")], # Delete entire line right of cursor
# C("C-PAGE_DOWN"): ignore_combo, # cancel next_view
# C("C-PAGE_UP"): ignore_combo, # cancel prev_view
C("C-Alt-Left"): C("C-PAGE_UP"), # next_view
C("C-Alt-Right"): C("C-PAGE_DOWN"), # prev_view
C("Shift-RC-Left_Brace"): C("C-PAGE_UP"), # next_view
C("Shift-RC-Right_Brace"): C("C-PAGE_DOWN"), # prev_view
# VS Code Shortcuts
# C("C-g"): ignore_combo, # cancel Go to Line...
C("Super-g"): C("C-g"), # Go to Line...
# C("F3"): ignore_combo, # cancel Find next
# C("C-h"): ignore_combo, # cancel replace
C("C-Alt-f"): C("C-h"), # replace
# C("C-Shift-h"): ignore_combo, # cancel replace_next
C("C-Alt-e"): C("C-Shift-h"), # replace_next
# C("f3"): ignore_combo, # cancel find_next
C("C-g"): C("f3"), # find_next
# C("Shift-f3"): ignore_combo, # cancel find_prev
C("C-Shift-g"): C("Shift-f3"), # find_prev
}, when = matchProps(clas=vscodeStr))
# Keybindings for Sublime Text
keymap("Sublime Text overrides for Chromebook/IBM", {
C("Alt-c"): C("LC-c"), # Chromebook/IBM - Terminal - Sigint
C("Alt-x"): C("LC-x"), # Chromebook/IBM - Terminal - Exit nano
C("Alt-Refresh"): ignore_combo, # Chromebook/IBM - cancel find_all_under
C("Alt-C-g"): C("Alt-Refresh"), # Chromebook/IBM - find_all_under
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(clas=sublimeStr)(ctx) and
( isKBtype('Chromebook', map="sublime ovr cbook")(ctx) or
isKBtype('IBM', map="sublime ovr ibm")(ctx) ) )
keymap("Sublime Text overrides for not Chromebook/IBM", {
# C("Super-c"): C("LC-c"), # Default - Terminal - Sigint
# C("Super-x"): C("LC-x"), # Default - Terminal - Exit nano
C("Alt-f3"): ignore_combo, # Default - cancel find_all_under
C("Super-C-g"): C("Alt-f3"), # Default - find_all_under
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(clas=sublimeStr)(ctx) and
not ( isKBtype('Chromebook', map="sublime ovr not cbook")(ctx) or
isKBtype('IBM', map="sublime ovr not ibm")(ctx) ) )
keymap("Sublime Text", {
# C("Super-c"): C("LC-c"), # Default - Terminal - Sigint
# C("Super-x"): C("LC-x"), # Default - Terminal - Exit nano
# C("Alt-c"): C("LC-c"), # Chromebook/IBM - Terminal - Sigint
# C("Alt-x"): C("LC-x"), # Chromebook/IBM - Terminal - Exit nano
# C("Super-Space"): C("C-Space"), # Basic code completion (conflicts with input switching)
C("C-Super-up"): C("Alt-o"), # Switch file
C("Super-RC-f"): C("f11"), # toggle_full_screen
C("C-Alt-v"): [C("C-k"), C("C-v")], # paste_from_history
# C("C-up"): ignore_combo, # cancel scroll_lines up
C("C-Alt-up"): C("C-up"), # scroll_lines up
# C("C-down"): ignore_combo, # cancel scroll_lines down
C("C-Alt-down"): C("C-down"), # scroll_lines down
C("Super-Shift-up"): C("Alt-Shift-up"), # multi-cursor up
C("Super-Shift-down"): C("Alt-Shift-down"), # multi-cursor down
C("C-PAGE_DOWN"): ignore_combo, # cancel next_view
C("C-PAGE_UP"): ignore_combo, # cancel prev_view
C("C-Shift-left_brace"): C("C-PAGE_DOWN"), # next_view
C("C-Shift-right_brace"): C("C-PAGE_UP"), # prev_view
C("C-Alt-right"): C("C-PAGE_DOWN"), # next_view
C("C-Alt-left"): C("C-PAGE_UP"), # prev_view
C("insert"): ignore_combo, # cancel toggle_overwrite
C("C-Alt-o"): C("insert"), # toggle_overwrite
C("Alt-c"): ignore_combo, # cancel toggle_case_sensitive
C("C-Alt-c"): C("Alt-c"), # toggle_case_sensitive
C("C-h"): ignore_combo, # cancel replace
C("C-Alt-f"): C("C-h"), # replace
C("C-Shift-h"): ignore_combo, # cancel replace_next
C("C-Alt-e"): C("C-Shift-h"), # replace_next
C("f3"): ignore_combo, # cancel find_next
C("C-g"): C("f3"), # find_next
C("Shift-f3"): ignore_combo, # cancel find_prev
C("C-Shift-g"): C("Shift-f3"), # find_prev
C("C-f3"): ignore_combo, # cancel find_under
C("Super-Alt-g"): C("C-f3"), # find_under
C("C-Shift-f3"): ignore_combo, # cancel find_under_prev
C("Super-Alt-Shift-g"): C("C-Shift-f3"), # find_under_prev
C("Alt-f3"): ignore_combo, # Default - cancel find_all_under
C("Super-C-g"): C("Alt-f3"), # Default - find_all_under
# C("Alt-Refresh"): ignore_combo, # Chromebook/IBM - cancel find_all_under
# C("Alt-C-g"): C("Alt-Refresh"), # Chromebook/IBM - find_all_under
C("C-Shift-up"): ignore_combo, # cancel swap_line_up
C("Super-Alt-up"): C("C-Shift-up"), # swap_line_up
C("C-Shift-down"): ignore_combo, # cancel swap_line_down
C("Super-Alt-down"): C("C-Shift-down"), # swap_line_down
C("C-Pause"): ignore_combo, # cancel cancel_build
C("Super-c"): C("C-Pause"), # cancel_build
C("f9"): ignore_combo, # cancel sort_lines case_s false
C("f5"): C("f9"), # sort_lines case_s false
C("Super-f9"): ignore_combo, # cancel sort_lines case_s true
C("Super-f5"): C("Super-f9"), # sort_lines case_s true
C("Alt-Shift-Key_1"): ignore_combo, # cancel set_layout
C("C-Alt-Key_1"): C("Alt-Shift-Key_1"), # set_layout
C("Alt-Shift-Key_2"): ignore_combo, # cancel set_layout
C("C-Alt-Key_2"): C("Alt-Shift-Key_2"), # set_layout
C("Alt-Shift-Key_3"): ignore_combo, # cancel set_layout
C("C-Alt-Key_3"): C("Alt-Shift-Key_3"), # set_layout
C("Alt-Shift-Key_4"): ignore_combo, # cancel set_layout
C("C-Alt-Key_4"): C("Alt-Shift-Key_4"), # set_layout
C("Alt-Shift-Key_8"): ignore_combo, # cancel set_layout
C("C-Alt-Shift-Key_2"): C("Alt-Shift-Key_8"), # set_layout
C("Alt-Shift-Key_9"): ignore_combo, # cancel set_layout
C("C-Alt-Shift-Key_3"): C("Alt-Shift-Key_9"), # set_layout
C("Alt-Shift-Key_5"): ignore_combo, # cancel set_layout
C("C-Alt-Shift-Key_5"): C("Alt-Shift-Key_5"), # set_layout
# C(""): ignore_combo, # cancel
# C(""): C(""), #
}, when = matchProps(clas=sublimeStr))
keymap("Linux Mint xed text editor", {
C("RC-T"): C("C-N"), # Open new tab (new file)
}, when = matchProps(clas="^xed$") )
keymap("KWrite text editor", {
C("RC-comma"): C("Shift-C-comma"), # Open preferences dialog
}, when = matchProps(clas="^kwrite$|^org.kde.Kwrite$") )
keymap("GNOME Text Editor", {
C("RC-Slash"): None, # Block Cmd+Slash from doing "Select All"
C("RC-Alt-f"): C("C-h"), # Search and replace within the document
}, when = matchProps(clas="^gnome-text-editor$|^org.gnome.TextEditor$") )
########################### DIALOG FIXES ###########################
### ###
### ###
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### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██████ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██████ ██████ ███████ ###
### ###
### ###
### Fixes for the problem of modal dialogs and other "child"
### windows failing to close with Cmd+W.
### Many dialogs respond to the Escape key, others may require the
### "Close window" shortcut (normally Alt+F4 but not always) to close.
### Cmd+W can't just be always mapped to the "Close window" shortcut for all apps
### because some apps will "quit" rather than just closing a tab.
### To add window conditions to the list, search for the list names in
### the "LISTS" section near the top of this config file.
### dialogs_Escape_lod = send these windows the Escape key for Cmd+W
### dialogs_CloseWin_lod = send these windows the "Close window" shortcut for Cmd+W
keymap("Cmd+W dialog fix - send Escape", {
C("RC-W"): iEF2(C("Esc"), True),
}, when = matchProps(lst=dialogs_Escape_lod))
# This keymap for Manjaro GNOME will override the same shortcut from the keymap just below it,
# sending Super+Q to close the dialogs in the matchProps list, instead of sending Alt+F4.
keymap("Cmd+W dialog fix - Super+Q Manjaro GNOME", {
C("RC-W"): iEF2(C("Super-Q"), True),
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(lst=dialogs_CloseWin_lod)(ctx) and
( DISTRO_NAME == 'manjaro' and DESKTOP_ENV == 'gnome' ) )
keymap("Cmd+W dialog fix - Alt+F4", {
C("RC-W"): iEF2(C("Alt-F4"), True),
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(lst=dialogs_CloseWin_lod)(ctx) )
########################### TAB NAV FIXES #############################
### ###
### ###
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### ###
### ###
### Various fixes for supporting tab navigation shortcuts like Shift+Cmd+Braces
tab_UI_fix_CtrlShiftTab = [
tab_UI_fix_CtrlAltPgUp = [
# Tab navigation overrides for tabbed UI apps that use Ctrl+Shift+Tab/Ctrl+Tab instead of Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn
keymap("Tab Nav fix for apps that use Ctrl+Shift+Tab/Ctrl+Tab", {
C("Shift-RC-Left_Brace"): C("C-Shift-Tab"), # Tab nav: Go to prior tab (left)
C("Shift-RC-Right_Brace"): C("C-Tab"), # Tab nav: Go to next tab (right)
C("Shift-RC-Left"): C("C-Shift-Tab"), # Tab nav: Go to prior tab (left)
C("Shift-RC-Right"): C("C-Tab"), # Tab nav: Go to next tab (right)
}, when = matchProps(lst=tab_UI_fix_CtrlShiftTab))
# Tab navigation overrides for tabbed UI apps that use Ctrl+Alt+PgUp/PgDn instead of Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn
keymap("Tab Nav fix for apps that use Ctrl+Alt+PgUp/PgDn", {
C("Shift-RC-Left_Brace"): C("C-Alt-Page_Up"), # Go to prior tab (Left)
C("Shift-RC-Right_Brace"): C("C-Alt-Page_Down"), # Go to next tab (Right)
}, when = matchProps(lst=tab_UI_fix_CtrlAltPgUp))
keymap("Konsole tab switching", {
# Ctrl Tab - In App Tab Switching
C("Shift-LC-Tab") : C("Shift-Left"),
C("LC-Tab") : C("Shift-Right"),
C("LC-Grave") : C("Shift-Left"),
# Konsole tab switching in KDE4 (not needed in KDE5)
C("Shift-RC-Left_Brace"): C("Shift-Left"), # Go to prior tab (Left)
C("Shift-RC-Right_Brace"): C("Shift-Right"), # Go to next tab (Right)
}, when = matchProps(clas="^konsole$|^org.kde.Konsole$^konsole org.kde.konsole$"))
keymap("Elementary Terminal tab switching", {
# Ctrl Tab - In App Tab Switching
C("LC-Tab") : C("Shift-LC-Right"),
C("Shift-LC-Tab") : C("Shift-LC-Left"),
C("LC-Grave") : C("Shift-LC-Left"),
}, when = matchProps(clas="^Io.elementary.terminal$|^kitty$"))
###################################### TERMINALS #######################################
### ###
### ###
### ████████ ███████ ██████ ███ ███ ██ ███ ██ █████ ██ ███████ ###
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### ██ █████ ██████ ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ███████ ###
### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ###
### ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ███████ ███████ ###
### ###
### ###
keymap("Alacritty terminal", {
C("RC-K"): C("C-L"), # clear log
}, when = matchProps(clas="^alacritty$"))
keymap("Deepin Terminal overrides", {
C("RC-w"): C("Alt-w"), # Close only current tab, instead of all other tabs
C("RC-j"): None, # Block Cmd+J from remapping to vertical split (Ctrl+Shift+J)
C("RC-minus"): C("C-minus"), # Decrease font size/zoom out
C("RC-equal"): C("C-equal"), # Increase font size/zoom in
}, when = matchProps(clas="^deepin-terminal$"))
keymap("Hyper terminal tab switching", {
C("RC-Equal"): C("C-Equal"), # Increase font size [override general terminals remap]
C("Shift-LC-Tab"): C("Shift-LC-Tab"), # Tab nav: Go to prior tab (left) [override general remap]
C("LC-Tab"): C("LC-Tab"), # Tab nav: Go to next tab (right) [override general remap]
}, when = matchProps(clas="^hyper$"))
keymap("Kitty terminal - not tab nav", {
C("RC-L"): C("C-L"), # Clear log
C("RC-K"): C("C-L"), # Clear log (macOS)
}, when = matchProps(clas="^kitty$"))
keymap("Konsole terminal - not tab nav", {
C("RC-comma"): C("Shift-RC-comma"), # Open Preferences dialog
}, when = matchProps(clas="^Konsole$|^org.kde.Konsole$|^konsole org.kde.konsole$"))
# Overrides to General Terminals shortcuts for specific distros (or are they really just desktop environments?)
keymap("GenTerms overrides: elementary OS", {
C("LC-Right"): [bind,C("Super-Right")], # SL - Change workspace (elementary)
C("LC-Left"): [bind,C("Super-Left")], # SL - Change workspace (elementary)
# }, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(clas=termStr)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME == 'elementary')
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME == 'elementary')
keymap("GenTerms overrides: Fedora", {
# C("RC-H"): C("Super-h"), # Hide Window/Minimize app (gnome/fedora)
# }, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(clas=termStr)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME in ['fedora', 'almalinux'] )
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME in ['fedora', 'almalinux'] )
keymap("GenTerms overrides: Pop!_OS", {
C("LC-Right"): [bind,C("Super-C-Up")], # SL - Change workspace (pop)
C("LC-Left"): [bind,C("Super-C-Down")], # SL - Change workspace (pop)
# }, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(clas=termStr)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME == 'pop')
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME == 'pop')
keymap("GenTerms overrides: Ubuntu/Fedora", {
C("LC-RC-Q"): C("Super-L"), # Lock screen (ubuntu/fedora)
C("LC-Right"): [bind,C("Super-Page_Up")], # SL - Change workspace (ubuntu/fedora)
C("LC-Left"): [bind,C("Super-Page_Down")], # SL - Change workspace (ubuntu/fedora)
# }, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(clas=termStr)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME in ['ubuntu', 'fedora'] )
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME in ['ubuntu', 'fedora'] )
# Overrides to General Terminals shortcuts for specific desktop environments
keymap("GenTerms overrides: Budgie", {
C("LC-Right"): [bind,C("C-Alt-Right")], # Default SL - Change workspace (budgie)
C("LC-Left"): [bind,C("C-Alt-Left")], # Default SL - Change workspace (budgie)
# }, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(clas=termStr)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'budgie' )
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'budgie' )
keymap("GenTerms overrides: GNOME", {
### Keyboard input source (language/layout) switching in GNOME
# C("LC-Space"): update_kb_layout, # keyboard input source (language) switching (gnome)
# C("Shift-LC-Space"): update_kb_layout, # keyboard input source (language) switching (reverse) (gnome)
C("LC-Space"): [bind,C("Super-Space")], # keyboard input source (language) switching (gnome)
C("Shift-LC-Space"): [bind,C("Super-Shift-Space")], # keyboard input source (language) switching (reverse) (gnome)
# }, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(clas=termStr)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'gnome' )
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'gnome' )
keymap("GenTerms overrides: swaywm", {
C("RC-Q"): C("Shift-RC-Q"), # Override sway GenGUI Cmd+Q
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'sway' )
keymap("GenTerms overrides: Xfce4", {
C("RC-Grave"): [bind,C("Super-Tab")], # xfce4 Switch within app group
C("Shift-RC-Grave"): [bind,C("Super-Shift-Tab")], # xfce4 Switch within app group
C("LC-Right"): [bind,C("C-Alt-Home")], # SL - Change workspace xfce4
C("LC-Left"): [bind,C("C-Alt-End")], # SL - Change workspace xfce4
# }, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(clas=termStr)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'xfce' )
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(lst=terminals_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'xfce' )
# Active in all apps in the terminals list
keymap("General Terminals", {
### wordwise overrides of general GUI block
C("Alt-Backspace"): C("Alt-Shift-Backspace"), # Wordwise delete word left of cursor in terminals
C("Alt-Delete"): [C("Esc"),C("d")], # Wordwise delete word right of cursor in terminals
C("RC-Backspace"): C("C-u"), # Wordwise delete line left of cursor in terminals
C("RC-Delete"): C("C-k"), # Wordwise delete line right of cursor in terminals
### Tab navigation
C("Shift-RC-Left"): C("C-Page_Up"), # Tab nav: Go to prior tab (Left)
C("Shift-RC-Right"): C("C-Page_Down"), # Tab nav: Go to next tab (Right)
### Keyboard input source (language/layout) switching in GNOME
C("LC-Space"): [bind,C("Super-Space")], # keyboard input source (language) switching (gnome)
C("Shift-LC-Space"): [bind,C("Super-Shift-Space")], # keyboard input source (language) switching (reverse) (gnome)
C("LC-RC-f"): C("Alt-F10"), # Toggle window maximized state
# Ctrl Tab - In App Tab Switching
C("LC-Tab") : C("LC-PAGE_DOWN"),
C("Shift-LC-Tab") : C("LC-PAGE_UP"),
C("LC-Grave") : C("LC-PAGE_UP"),
# C("Alt-Tab"): ignore_combo, # Default - Cmd Tab - App Switching Default
# C("RC-Tab"): C("Alt-Tab"), # Default - Cmd Tab - App Switching Default
# C("Shift-RC-Tab"): C("Alt-Shift-Tab"), # Default - Cmd Tab - App Switching Default
# Converts Cmd to use Ctrl-Shift
C("RC-MINUS"): C("C-MINUS"), # Reduce font size
C("RC-EQUAL"): C("C-Shift-EQUAL"), # Increase font size
# C("RC-BACKSPACE"): C("C-Shift-BACKSPACE"), # Conflicts with wordwise shortcut above
C("RC-W"): C("C-Shift-W"), # Close tab/window
# C("RC-E"): C("C-Shift-E"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
# C("RC-R"): C("C-Shift-R"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
C("RC-T"): C("C-Shift-t"), # Open new tab in many terminals
# C("RC-Y"): C("C-Shift-Y"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
# C("RC-U"): C("C-Shift-U"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
# C("RC-I"): C("C-Shift-I"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
# C("RC-O"): C("C-Shift-O"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
# C("RC-P"): C("C-Shift-P"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
# If focused app is terminal, this stops Cmd+A from working in GNOME overview search field
# C("RC-A"): C("C-Shift-A"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
C("RC-S"): C("C-Shift-S"), # Save file in some terminals
C("RC-D"): C("C-Shift-D"), # Split horizontal in some terminals
C("RC-F"): C("C-Shift-F"), # Find text in some terminals
# C("RC-G"): C("C-Shift-G"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
# C("RC-H"): C("C-Shift-H"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
# C("RC-J"): C("C-Shift-J"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
# C("RC-K"): C("C-Shift-K"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
C("RC-L"): C("C-Shift-L"), # Clear screen in some terminals
# C("RC-GRAVE"): C("C-Shift-GRAVE"), # Conflicts with General GUI window switching
# C("RC-Z"): C("C-Shift-Z"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
# C("RC-X"): C("C-Shift-X"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
C("RC-C"): C("C-Shift-C"), # Copy text in many terminals
C("RC-V"): C("C-Shift-V"), # Paste text in many terminals
# C("RC-B"): C("C-Shift-B"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
C("RC-N"): C("C-Shift-N"), # Open new window in many terminals
# C("RC-M"): C("C-Shift-M"), # No function - RE-ENABLE IF SOMEONE REPORTS
# C("RC-COMMA"): C("C-Shift-COMMA"), # Open Preferences (Replaced by per-app remaps if needed)
C("RC-Dot"): C("LC-c"), # Mimic macOS Cmd+Dot to cancel command
# }, when = matchProps(clas=termStr))
}, when = matchProps(lst=terminals_lod))
############################# GENERAL GUI ################################
### ###
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### ###
### ###
# Note: terminals extends to remotes as well
keymap("Cmd+Dot not in terminals", {
C("RC-Dot"): C("Esc"), # Mimic macOS Cmd+dot = Escape key (not in terminals)
# }, when = lambda ctx: ctx.wm_class.casefold() not in terminals)
# }, when = matchProps(not_clas=termStr_ext) )
}, when = matchProps(not_lst=terminals_and_remotes_lod) )
# Overrides to General GUI shortcuts for specific keyboard types
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Chromebook/IBM", {
# In-App Tab switching
C("Alt-Tab"): [iEF2NT(),bind,C("C-Tab")], # Chromebook/IBM - In-App Tab switching
C("Alt-Shift-Tab"): [iEF2NT(),bind,C("C-Shift-Tab")], # Chromebook/IBM - In-App Tab switching
C("Alt-Grave") : [iEF2NT(),bind,C("C-Shift-Tab")], # Chromebook/IBM - In-App Tab switching
C("RAlt-Backspace"): C("Delete"), # Chromebook/IBM - Delete
C("LAlt-Backspace"): C("C-Backspace"), # Chromebook/IBM - Delete Left Word of Cursor
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and
( isKBtype('Chromebook', map="gengui ovr cbook")(ctx) or
isKBtype('IBM', map="gengui ovr ibm")(ctx) ) )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: not Chromebook", {
# In-App Tab switching
C("Super-Tab"): [iEF2NT(),bind,C("LC-Tab")], # Default not-chromebook
C("Super-Shift-Tab"): [iEF2NT(),bind,C("Shift-LC-Tab")], # Default not-chromebook
C("Alt-Backspace"): C("C-Backspace"), # Default not-chromebook
}, when = lambda ctx:
matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and
not isKBtype('Chromebook', map="gengui ovr not cbook")(ctx) )
# Overrides to General GUI shortcuts for specific distros
keymap("GenGUI overrides: elementary OS", {
C("RC-F3"): C("Super-d"), # Default SL - Show Desktop (gnome/kde,elementary)
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),C("Super-Space")], # SL - Launch Application Menu (elementary)
C("RC-LC-f"): C("Super-Up"), # SL- Maximize app elementary
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME == 'elementary' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Fedora", {
C("Super-RC-Q"): C("Super-L"), # Lock screen (fedora)
# C("RC-H"): C("Super-h"), # Default SL - Minimize app (gnome/budgie/popos/fedora) not-deepin
C("Super-Right"): [bind,C("Super-Page_Up")], # SL - Change workspace (ubuntu/fedora)
C("Super-Left"): [bind,C("Super-Page_Down")], # SL - Change workspace (ubuntu/fedora)
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME in ['fedora', 'almalinux'] )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Manjaro GNOME", {
C("RC-Q"): C("Super-Q"), # Close window
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME == 'manjaro' and DESKTOP_ENV == 'gnome' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Manjaro Xfce", {
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),C("Alt-F1")], # Open Whisker Menu with Cmd+Space
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME == 'manjaro' and DESKTOP_ENV == 'xfce' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Manjaro", {
# TODO: figure out why these two are the same!
C("RC-LC-f"): C("Super-PAGE_UP"), # SL- Maximize app manjaro
C("RC-LC-f"): C("Super-PAGE_DOWN"), # SL - Minimize app manjaro
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME == 'manjaro' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Mint Xfce4", {
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),C("Super-Space")], # Launch Application Menu xfce4 (Linux Mint)
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME == 'mint' and DESKTOP_ENV == 'xfce' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: KDE Neon", {
C("RC-Super-f"): C("Super-Page_Up"), # SL - Toggle maximized window state (kde_neon)
# C("RC-H"): C("Super-Page_Down"), # SL - Minimize app (kde_neon)
# SL - Default SL - Change workspace (kde_neon)
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME == 'neon' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Pop!_OS", {
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),C("Super-slash")], # "Launch and switch applications" (pop)
# C("RC-H"): C("Super-h"), # Default SL - Minimize app (gnome/budgie/popos/fedora) not-deepin
C("Super-Right"): [bind,C("Super-C-Up")], # SL - Change workspace (pop)
C("Super-Left"): [bind,C("Super-C-Down")], # SL - Change workspace (pop)
C("RC-Q"): C("Super-q"), # SL - Close Apps (pop)
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME == 'pop' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Ubuntu", {
C("Super-RC-Q"): C("Super-L"), # Lock screen (ubuntu)
C("Super-Right"): [bind,C("Super-Page_Up")], # SL - Change workspace (ubuntu)
C("Super-Left"): [bind,C("Super-Page_Down")], # SL - Change workspace (ubuntu)
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DISTRO_NAME == 'ubuntu' )
# Overrides to General GUI shortcuts for specific desktop environments
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Budgie", {
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),Key.LEFT_META], # Open panel-main-menu (Budgie menu)
C("Super-Right"): C("C-Alt-Right"), # Default SL - Change workspace (budgie)
C("Super-Left"): C("C-Alt-Left"), # Default SL - Change workspace (budgie)
# C("RC-H"): C("Super-h"), # Default SL - Minimize app (gnome/budgie/popos/fedora) not-deepin
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'budgie' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Cinnamon", {
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),C("C-Esc")], # Right click, configure Mint menu shortcut to Ctrl+Esc
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'cinnamon' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Deepin", {
# C("RC-H"): C("Super-n"), # Default SL - Minimize app (deepin)
C("Alt-RC-Space"): C("Super-e"), # Open Finder - (deepin)
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'deepin' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: GNOME", {
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),C("Super-s")], # Show GNOME overview/app launcher
C("RC-F3"): C("Super-d"), # Default SL - Show Desktop (gnome/kde,elementary)
C("RC-Super-f"): C("Alt-F10"), # Default SL - Maximize app (gnome/kde)
# C("RC-H"): C("Super-h"), # Default SL - Minimize app (gnome/budgie/popos/fedora) not-deepin
# Screenshot shortcuts for GNOME 42+
C("RC-Shift-Key_3"): C("Shift-Print"), # Take a screenshot immediately (gnome)
C("RC-Shift-Key_4"): C("Alt-Print"), # Take a screenshot of a window (gnome)
C("RC-Shift-Key_5"): C("Print"), # Take a screenshot interactively (gnome)
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'gnome' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: IceWM", {
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),Key.LEFT_META], # IceWM: Win95Keys=1 (Meta shows menu)
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'icewm' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: KDE", {
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),C("Alt-F1")], # Default SL - Launch Application Menu (gnome/kde)
C("RC-F3"): C("Super-d"), # Default SL - Show Desktop (gnome/kde,elementary)
C("RC-Super-f"): C("Alt-F10"), # Default SL - Maximize app (gnome/kde)
# Screenshot shortcuts for KDE Plasma desktops (Spectacle app)
C("RC-Shift-Key_3"): C("Shift-Print"), # Take a screenshot immediately (kde)
C("RC-Shift-Key_4"): C("Alt-Print"), # Take a screenshot of a window (kde)
C("RC-Shift-Key_5"): C("Print"), # Take a screenshot interactively (kde)
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'kde' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: MATE", {
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),C("Alt-Space")], # Right click, configure Mint menu shortcut to match
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'mate' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: swaywm", {
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),C("Super-d")], # Open sway launcher
C("RC-Q"): C("RC-Q"), # Override General GUI Alt+F4 remap
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'sway' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Trinity desktop", {
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),Key.LEFT_META], # Trinity desktop (Q4OS)
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'trinity' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Unity desktop", {
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),Key.LEFT_META], # Trinity desktop (Q4OS)
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'unity' )
keymap("GenGUI overrides: Xfce4", {
C("RC-Grave"): [bind,C("Super-Tab")], # xfce4 Switch within app group
C("Shift-RC-Grave"): [bind,C("Super-Shift-Tab")], # xfce4 Switch within app group
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),C("C-Esc")], # Launch Application Menu xfce4 (Xubuntu)
C("RC-F3"): C("C-Alt-d"), # SL- Show Desktop xfce4
# C("RC-H"): C("Alt-F9"), # SL - Minimize app xfce4
# Screenshot shortcuts for Xfce desktops (xfce4-screenshooter app)
C("RC-Shift-Key_3"): C("Print"), # Take a screenshot immediately (xfce4)
C("RC-Shift-Key_4"): C("Alt-Print"), # Take a screenshot of a window (xfce4)
C("RC-Shift-Key_5"): C("Shift-Print"), # Take a screenshot interactively (xfce4)
}, when = lambda ctx: matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)(ctx) and DESKTOP_ENV == 'xfce' )
# None referenced here originally
# - but remote clients and VM software ought to be set here
# These are the typical remaps for ALL GUI based apps
keymap("General GUI", {
C("Alt-Numlock"): toggle_forced_numpad, # Turn the Forced Numpad feature on and off
C("Fn-Numlock"): toggle_forced_numpad, # Turn the Forced Numpad feature on and off
C("Numlock"): isNumlockClearKey, # Numlock key is "Clear" (Esc) if cnfg.forced_numpad is True
C("Shift-RC-Left_Brace"): C("C-Page_Up"), # Tab navigation: Go to prior (left) tab
C("Shift-RC-Right_Brace"): C("C-Page_Down"), # Tab navigation: Go to next (right) tab
C("RC-Space"): [iEF2NT(),C("Alt-F1")], # Default SL - Launch Application Menu (gnome/kde)
C("RC-F3"): C("Super-d"), # Default SL - Show Desktop (gnome/kde,elementary)
C("RC-Super-f"): C("Alt-F10"), # Default SL - Maximize app (gnome/kde)
C("RC-Q"): C("Alt-F4"), # Default SL - not-popos
C("Alt-Tab"): ignore_combo, # Default - Cmd Tab - App Switching Default
C("RC-Tab"): [iEF2NT(),bind, C("Alt-Tab")], # Default - Cmd Tab - App Switching Default
C("Shift-RC-Tab"): [iEF2NT(),bind, C("Alt-Shift-Tab")], # Default - Cmd Tab - App Switching Default
C("RC-Grave"): [iEF2NT(),bind, C("Alt-Grave")], # Default not-xfce4 - Cmd ` - Same App Switching
C("Shift-RC-Grave"): [iEF2NT(),bind, C("Alt-Shift-Grave")], # Default not-xfce4 - Cmd ` - Same App Switching
# Fn to Alt style remaps (remove Jan 8)
# C("RAlt-Enter"): C("insert"), # Insert
# emacs style (remove Jan 8)
# C("Super-a"): C("Home"), # Beginning of Line
# C("Super-e"): C("End"), # End of Line
# C("Super-b"): C("Left"),
# C("Super-f"): C("Right"),
# C("Super-n"): C("Down"),
# C("Super-p"): C("Up"),
# C("Super-k"): [C("Shift-End"), C("Backspace")],
# C("Super-d"): C("Delete"),
# This is better done with a native custom shortcut in each DE
# C("Alt-RC-Space"): C(""), # Open Finder - Placeholder not-deepin
# Wordwise (remove Jan 8)
# C("RC-Left"): C("Home"), # Beginning of Line
# C("Shift-RC-Left"): C("Shift-Home"), # Select all to Beginning of Line
# C("RC-Right"): C("End"), # End of Line
# C("Shift-RC-Right"): C("Shift-End"), # Select all to End of Line
# C("RC-Up"): C("C-Home"), # Beginning of File
# C("Shift-RC-Up"): C("C-Shift-Home"), # Select all to Beginning of File
# C("RC-Down"): C("C-End"), # End of File
# C("Shift-RC-Down"): C("C-Shift-End"), # Select all to End of File
# C("Super-Backspace"): C("C-Backspace"), # Delete Left Word of Cursor
# C("Super-Delete"): C("C-Delete"), # Delete Right Word of Cursor
# C("RC-Backspace"): C("C-Shift-Backspace"), # Delete Entire Line Left of Cursor
# C("Alt-Delete"): C("C-Delete"), # Delete Right Word of Cursor
# C("Shift-Alt-Backspace"): C("C-Backspace"), # Delete word left of cursor
# C("Shift-Alt-Delete"): C("C-Delete"), # Delete word right of cursor
# C("RC-Left"): C("C-LEFT_BRACE"), # Firefox-nw - Back
# C("RC-Right"): C("C-RIGHT_BRACE"), # Firefox-nw - Forward
# C("RC-Left"): C("Alt-LEFT"), # Chrome-nw - Back
# C("RC-Right"): C("Alt-RIGHT"), # Chrome-nw - Forward
# C(""): ignore_combo, # cancel
# C(""): C(""), #
# }, when = lambda ctx: ctx.wm_class.casefold() not in remotes) # original conditional
# }, when = matchProps(not_clas=remoteStr)) # matchProps with regex string
}, when = matchProps(not_lst=remotes_lod)) # matchProps with list-of-dicts
keymap("Diagnostics", {
C("Shift-Alt-RC-i"): isDoubleTap(notify_context),
C("Shift-Alt-RC-t"): isDoubleTap(macro_tester),
}, when = lambda ctx: ctx is ctx )
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