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Last active August 15, 2016 01:23
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Drupal 8 Add Another
* @file
* Contains Drupal\slick\Form\SlickSettingsBase.
namespace Drupal\slick\Form;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityForm;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryFactory;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
* Class SlickSettingsBase.
* Typically, we need to build the same form for both adding a new entity,
* and editing an existing entity. Instead of duplicating our form code,
* we create a base class. Drupal never routes to this class directly,
* but instead through the child classes of SlickSettingsAdd and SlickSettingsEdit.
* @package Drupal\slick\Form
* @ingroup slick
class SlickSettingsBase extends EntityForm {
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryFactory
protected $entityQueryFactory;
* Construct the SlickSettingsBase.
* For simple entity forms, there's no need for a constructor. Our slick_settings form
* base, however, requires an entity query factory to be injected into it
* from the container. We later use this query factory to build an entity
* query for the exists() method.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryFactory $query_factory
* An entity query factory for the slick_setting entity type.
public function __construct(QueryFactory $query_factory) {
$this->entityQueryFactory = $query_factory;
* Factory method for SlickSettingsBase.
* When Drupal builds this class it does not call the constructor directly.
* Instead, it relies on this method to build the new object. Why? The class
* constructor may take multiple arguments that are unknown to Drupal. The
* create() method always takes one parameter -- the container. The purpose
* of the create() method is twofold: It provides a standard way for Drupal
* to construct the object, meanwhile it provides you a place to get needed
* constructor parameters from the container.
* In this case, we ask the container for an entity query factory. We then
* pass the factory to our class as a constructor parameter.
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
return new static($container->get('entity.query'));
* Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormController::form().
* Builds the entity add/edit form.
* @param array $form
* An associative array containing the structure of the form.
* @param FormStateInterface $form_state
* An associative array containing the current state of the form.
* @return array
* An associative array containing the settings add/edit form.
public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
// Get anything we need form the base class.
$form = parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
// Drupal provides the entity to us as a class variable. If this is an
// existing entity, it will be populated with existing values as class
// variables. If this is a new entity, it will be a new object with the
// class of our entity. Drupal knows which class to call from the
// annotation on our class.
$settings = $this->entity;
// Build the form.
$form['label'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => $this->t('Label'),
'#maxlength' => 255,
'#default_value' => $settings->label(),
'#required' => TRUE,
$form['id'] = array(
'#type' => 'machine_name',
'#title' => $this->t('Machine name'),
'#default_value' => $settings->id(),
'#machine_name' => array(
'exists' => array($this, 'exists'),
'replace_pattern' => '([^a-z0-9_]+)|(^custom$)',
'error' => 'The machine-readable name must be unique, and can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. Additionally, it can not be the reserved word "custom".',
'#disabled' => !$settings->isNew(),
$image_style_options = image_style_options();
$form['slide_image_style'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Main Image Style'),
'#description' => t('This image style will be applied to the slides.'),
'#options' => $image_style_options,
'#default_value' => $settings->slide_image_style,
$form['autoplay'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $this->t('Autoplay'),
'#description' => $this->t('Enables autoplay for the slider. Slides will rotate at the configured speed below'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->autoplay : FALSE,
$form['autoplay_speed'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => $this->t('Autoplay Speed'),
'#description' => $this->t('Time in MS in which slides rotate when autoplay is enabled.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->autoplay_speed : 3000,
$form['accessibility'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $this->t('Accessibility'),
'#description' => $this->t('Enables keyboard/arrow controls.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->accessibility : TRUE,
$form['adaptive_height'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $this->t('Adaptive Height'),
'#description' => $this->t('When slides are different height, this option will allow the slider to scale vertically.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->adaptive_height : TRUE,
$form['arrows'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $this->t('Arrows'),
'#description' => $this->t('Prev/Next Arrows.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->arrows : TRUE,
$form['as_nav_for'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => $this->t('As Navigation For'),
'#description' => $this->t('A CSS selector of another slideshow to sync.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->as_nav_for : '',
$form['carousel_nav'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $this->t('Carousel Navigation'),
'#description' => $this->t('Adds a syncronized slider to the page to use a navigation.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->carousel_nav : FALSE,
$form['carousel_image_style'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Carousel Image Style'),
'#description' => t('This image style will be applied to the carousel slides.'),
'#options' => $image_style_options,
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->carousel_image_style : '',
$form['append_arrows'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => $this->t('Append Arrows'),
'#description' => $this->t('Change where the navigation arrows are attached (Selector, htmlString, Array, Element, jQuery object).'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->append_arrows : '',
$form['prev_arrow'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => $this->t('Previous Arrow'),
'#description' => $this->t('Allows you to select a node or customize the HTML for the "Previous" arrow.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->prev_arrow : '<button type="button" class="slick-prev">Previous</button>',
$form['next_arrow'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => $this->t('Next Arrow'),
'#description' => $this->t('Allows you to select a node or customize the HTML for the "Next" arrow.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->next_arrow : '<button type="button" class="slick-next">Next</button>',
$form['center_mode'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $this->t('Center Mode'),
'#description' => $this->t('Enables centered view with partial prev/next slides. Use with odd numbered slidesToShow counts.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->center_mode : TRUE,
$form['center_padding'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => $this->t('Center Padding'),
'#description' => $this->t('Enables centered view with partial prev/next slides. Use with odd numbered slidesToShow counts.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->center_padding : '',
$form['css_ease'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => $this->t('CSS Easing'),
'#description' => $this->t('CSS3 Animation Easing'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->center_padding : 'ease',
$form['custom_paging'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => $this->t('Custom Paging'),
'#description' => $this->t('Custom paging function.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings->id) ? $settings->custom_paging : '',
* Responsive Breakpoint handling
$form['responsive_wrap'] = array(
'#type' => 'details',
'#open' => FALSE,
'#title' => $this->t('Responsive Breakpoints'),
'#description' => $this->t('Breakpoints should be entered as an integer. The unit of measurement is pixels.'),
$value = $form_state->get('responsive_count');
$trigger = $form_state->getTriggeringElement();
if (is_null($value) && empty($settings->id)) {
$value = 1;
$responsive_settings = array(
'pixel_width' => NULL,
'settings_eid' => NULL,
$form_state->set('responsive_count', $value);
} else if(is_null($trigger)) {
$responsive_settings = $settings->responsive;
$value = count($responsive_settings);
$form_state->set('responsive_count', $value);
$form['responsive_wrap']['responsive'] = array(
'#tree' => TRUE,
'#type' => 'item',
'#prefix' => '<div id="responsive-replace">',
'#suffix' => '</div>'
// Add elements that don't already exist
for ($delta = 0; $delta < $value; $delta++) {
if (!isset($form['responsive_wrap']['responsive'][$delta])) {
$element = array(
'#tree' => TRUE,
'#type' => 'slick_break_point',
'#title' => $this->t('Configure Breakpoint'),
'#default_value' => $responsive_settings[$delta],
'#suffix' => '<hr />'
$form['responsive_wrap']['responsive'][$delta] = $element;
$form['responsive_wrap']['responsive_add'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#name' => 'responsive_add',
'#value' => t('Add Breakpoint'),
'#submit' => array(array($this, 'addBreakPoint')),
'#ajax' => array(
'callback' => array($this, 'BreakPointCallback'),
'wrapper' => 'responsive-replace',
'effect' => 'fade',
$form['responsive_wrap']['responsive_remove'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#name' => 'responsive_remove',
'#value' => t('Remove Breakpoint'),
'#submit' => array(array($this, 'RemoveBreakPoint')),
'#ajax' => array(
'callback' => array($this, 'BreakPointCallback'),
'wrapper' => 'responsive-replace',
'effect' => 'fade',
// Return the form.
return $form;
* Checks for an existing slick_settings entity.
* @param string|int $entity_id
* The entity ID.
* @param array $element
* The form element.
* @param FormStateInterface $form_state
* The form state.
* @return bool
* TRUE if this format already exists, FALSE otherwise.
public function exists($entity_id, array $element, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
// Use the query factory to build a new settings entity query.
$query = $this->entityQueryFactory->get('slick_settings');
// Query the entity ID to see if its in use.
$result = $query->condition('id', $element['#field_prefix'] . $entity_id)
// We don't need to return the ID, only if it exists or not.
return (bool) $result;
* Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormController::actions().
* To set the submit button text, we need to override actions().
* @param array $form
* An associative array containing the structure of the form.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
* An associative array containing the current state of the form.
* @return array
* An array of supported actions for the current entity form.
protected function actions(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
// Get the basic actions from the base class.
$actions = parent::actions($form, $form_state);
// Change the submit button text.
$actions['submit']['#value'] = $this->t('Save Slideshow Settings');
// Return the result.
return $actions;
* Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormController::validate().
* @param array $form
* An associative array containing the structure of the form.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
* An associative array containing the current state of the form.
public function validate(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
parent::validate($form, $form_state);
// Add code here to validate your config entity's form elements.
// Nothing to do here.
* Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormController::save().
* Saves the entity. This is called after submit() has built the entity from
* the form values. Do not override submit() as save() is the preferred
* method for entity form controllers.
* @param array $form
* An associative array containing the structure of the form.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
* An associative array containing the current state of the form.
public function save(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
// EntityForm provides us with the entity we're working on.
$settings = $this->getEntity();
// Drupal already populated the form values in the entity object. Each
// form field was saved as a public variable in the entity class. PHP
// allows Drupal to do this even if the method is not defined ahead of
// time.
$status = $settings->save();
// Grab the URL of the new entity. We'll use it in the message.
$url = $settings->urlInfo();
// Create an edit link.
$edit_link = $this->l(t('Edit'), $url);
if ($status == SAVED_UPDATED) {
// If we edited an existing entity...
drupal_set_message($this->t('Slideshow settings for %label have been updated.', array('%label' => $settings->label())));
$this->logger('contact')->notice('Slideshow settings for %label have been updated.', ['%label' => $settings->label(), 'link' => $edit_link]);
else {
// If we created a new entity...
drupal_set_message($this->t('New Slideshow settings for %label have been added.', array('%label' => $settings->label())));
$this->logger('contact')->notice('New Slideshow settings for %label have been added.', ['%label' => $settings->label(), 'link' => $edit_link]);
// Redirect the user back to the listing route after the save operation.
public function addBreakPoint(array &$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state) {
$c = $form_state->get('responsive_count') + 1;
$form_state->set('responsive_count', $c);
public function RemoveBreakPoint(array &$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state) {
$c = $form_state->get('responsive_count') - 1;
$form_state->set('responsive_count', $c);
public function BreakPointCallback(array &$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state) {
return $form['responsive_wrap']['responsive'];
public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
parent::submitForm($form, $form_state);
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