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Last active September 12, 2018 21:00
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Setup Atom to use eslint, tslint, prettier, js-beautify, scss-lint, json-lint, etc

install some modules into project dev for when you call atom from commandline

npm install eslint-plugin-html eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier tslint-config-prettier --dev


yarn add eslint-plugin-html eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier tslint-config-prettier --dev

turn off nvm to install against system node version (so atom picks it up on startup)

which node should = /usr/local/bin/node

nvm deactivate
npm install -g typescript eslint tslint prettier eslint-plugin-html eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier tslint-config-prettier js-beautify

check globally installed modules to verify the above

npm list --depth=0 -g

install other stuff

gem install scss_lint

install atom packages

apm install linter linter-eslint linter-tslint prettier-atom linter-scss-lint linter-json-lint atom-beautify

Atom package settings


  • HTML
    • default beautifier: JS Beautify
    • beautify_on_save: true
    • end_with_newline: true
    • wrap_attributes: "force-aligned"
  • scss
    • convert_quotes: "single"
    • default_beautifier: "Prettier"


  • disable when no eslint found
  • lint html files
  • show rule id in message
  • use global eslint installation
  • globalNodePath: "/usr/local"


  • try to use project tslint
  • use global tslint install


  • eslint integration
  • editor config integration
  • format on save (all 3)
  • only format if a prettier config file is found


  • disable when no eslint found


  • allow comments

Convention configuration

Check the following files in the project, along with package defaults (ie prettier has 80 char default max-len) to determine the conventions

  • tslint.json
  • tsconfig.json
  • .eslintrc.json
  • .prettierrc
  • .jsbeautifyrc
  • .scss-lint.yml

NOTE: several of these files are overridden by atom config, but useful for commandline calls, and should reflect atom config

Useful commandline stuff

Run prettier against an entire project

prettier --write "**/*"

Beautify html in entire project

js-beautify -r --config .jsbeautifyrc **/*.html

Lint scss in entire project

scss-lint -c .scss-lint.yml **/*.scss

Note this will only output issues and not modify files.

Tidbits for other environments (WIP)

For sublime or IDE agnostic auto linting, install and setup the onchange package to watch for file changes like so:

VS Code:

  "[javascriptreact]": {
    "editor.rulers": [100],
    "editor.formatOnSave": true
  "[javascript]": {
    "editor.rulers": [100],
    "editor.formatOnSave": true
  "prettier.requireConfig": true
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