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Created August 10, 2020 20:28
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# How tu use:
# Create a from folder with the launch.json
# Create a output folder
import json
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, Comment, tostring
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from xml.dom import minidom
PROJECT = 'platform'
# PROJECT = 'platform-stream'
def prettify(elem):
"""Return a pretty-printed XML string for the Element.
rough_string = ElementTree.tostring(elem, 'utf-8')
reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" ")
from jsoncomment import JsonComment
def parseConfNameToFileName(name):
toReplace = '()-+=,.:?/ '
out = ""
for l in name:
if l in toReplace:
out += "_"
out += l
return out
def getFolderName(name: str):
if "ads/prebid" in name:
return "Prebid"
if "console/server" in name:
return "Console"
def convertOneConf(conf, dirTo):
name = conf['name']
fileName = parseConfNameToFileName(name) + ".xml"
file_handle = open(dirTo + "/" + fileName, "wb")
workingDir = conf['program']
workingDir = workingDir.replace('${workspaceFolder}', '$PROJECT_DIR$')
workingDir = workingDir.replace('/main.go', '')
parameters = []
if "args" in conf:
parameters = conf["args"]
outParameters = []
for p in parameters:
outParameters.append(p.replace("${workspaceFolder}", "$PROJECT_DIR$"))
parameters = " ".join(outParameters)
envs = conf['env']
envs = []
root = Element('component')
root.set('name', 'ProjectRunConfigurationManager')
xml_conf = SubElement(root, "configuration")
xml_conf.set('default', 'false')
xml_conf.set('type', 'GoApplicationRunConfiguration')
xml_conf.set('factoryName', "Go Application")
# folderName = getFolderName(name)
# if folderName is not None:
# xml_conf.set("folderName", folderName)
betterName = name.replace("//ads/prebid", "prebid")
betterName = betterName.replace("//console/server", "console")
xml_conf.set('name', betterName)
# else:
# xml_conf.set('name', name)
xml_module = SubElement(xml_conf, "module")
xml_module.set('name', PROJECT)
xml_working_directory = SubElement(xml_conf, "working_directory")
xml_working_directory.set('value', workingDir)
xml_go_parameters = SubElement(xml_conf, "go_parameters")
xml_go_parameters.set('value', "-i")
xml_parameters = SubElement(xml_conf, "parameters")
xml_parameters.set('value', parameters)
xml_envs = SubElement(xml_conf, "envs")
for env in envs:
xml_env = SubElement(xml_envs, "env")
xml_env.set('name', env)
tmpValue = envs[env]
tmpValue = tmpValue.replace("${workspaceFolder}", "$PROJECT_DIR$")
xml_env.set('value', envs[env])
xml_kind = SubElement(xml_conf, "kind")
xml_kind.set('value', "PACKAGE")
xml_filePath = SubElement(xml_conf, "filePath")
xml_filePath.set('value', "$PROJECT_DIR$/|" + workingDir + "/main.go")
xml_package = SubElement(xml_conf, "package")
xml_package.set('value', "" + PROJECT + workingDir.replace("$PROJECT_DIR$", ""))
xml_directory = SubElement(xml_conf, "directory")
xml_directory.set('value', "$PROJECT_DIR$/")
xml_method = SubElement(xml_conf, "method")
xml_method.set('v', "2")
def convert(fileFrom, dirTo):
with open(fileFrom) as data_file:
parser = JsonComment(json)
data = parser.load(data_file)
for conf in data['configurations']:
convertOneConf(conf, dirTo)
def main():
convert("from/launch.json", "output")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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