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Last active August 7, 2023 13:57
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PolarSignals Agent Terraform
locals {
name = "parca-agent"
image = "${var.image_digest}"
labels = merge(local.selector_labels, {
"" : var.image_version
selector_labels = {
"" : "observability"
"" :
"" :
// Setup namespace with pod security
resource "kubernetes_namespace" "parca" {
metadata {
name = var.namespace
labels = merge({
for label in ["audit", "enforce", "warn"] :
"${label}" => "privileged"
resource "kubernetes_secret" "token" {
metadata {
name =
namespace =
data = { token = var.token }
resource "kubernetes_cluster_role" "cluster_watcher" {
metadata {
name =
labels = local.labels
rule {
api_groups = [""]
resources = ["pods"]
verbs = ["list", "watch"]
rule {
api_groups = [""]
resources = ["nodes"]
verbs = ["get"]
resource "kubernetes_cluster_role_binding" "cluster_watcher" {
metadata {
name =
labels = local.labels
role_ref {
api_group = ""
kind = "ClusterRole"
name = kubernetes_cluster_role.cluster_watcher.metadata[0].name
subject {
kind = "ServiceAccount"
name =
namespace =
resource "kubernetes_daemonset" "agent" {
metadata {
name =
namespace =
labels = local.labels
spec {
selector {
match_labels = local.selector_labels
template {
metadata {
labels = local.labels
spec {
container {
name =
image = local.image
args = [
env {
name = "NODE_NAME"
value_from {
field_ref { field_path = "spec.nodeName" }
port {
name = "http"
container_port = 7071
liveness_probe {
http_get {
path = "/healthy"
port = "http"
readiness_probe {
http_get {
path = "/ready"
port = "http"
security_context {
privileged = true
read_only_root_filesystem = true
dynamic "volume_mount" {
for_each = var.volumes
content {
name =
mount_path = coalesce(volume_mount.value.path, "/${}")
read_only = volume_mount.value.readOnly != null ? volume_mount.value.readOnly : false
host_pid = true
node_selector = { "" = "linux" }
service_account_name = kubernetes_service_account.agent.metadata[0].name
dynamic "toleration" {
for_each = ["NoSchedule", "NoExecute"]
content {
effect = toleration.value
operator = "Exists"
dynamic "volume" {
for_each = var.volumes
content {
name =
dynamic "empty_dir" {
for_each = volume.value.empty != null ? [true] : []
content {}
dynamic "host_path" {
for_each = volume.value.empty == null && volume.value.token == null ? [true] : []
content { path = coalesce(volume.value.path, "/${}") }
dynamic "secret" {
for_each = volume.value.token != null ? [true] : []
content { secret_name = kubernetes_secret.token.metadata[0].name }
resource "kubernetes_service_account" "agent" {
metadata {
name =
namespace =
labels = local.labels
resource "kubernetes_network_policy" "parca_agent" {
metadata {
name =
namespace =
spec {
pod_selector {
match_labels = local.selector_labels
policy_types = ["Egress"]
egress {
to {
ip_block {
cidr = var.destination_cidr
terraform {
required_providers {
kubernetes = {
source = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
version = "2.21.0"
provider "kubernetes" {
config_path = "~/.kube/config"
config_context = "minikube"
variable "token" {
description = "Token used to authenticate to PolarSignals API"
type = string
variable "namespace" {
description = "Namespace to deploy within cluster"
type = string
default = "profiling"
variable "image_version" {
description = "Version of the PolarSignals agent to deploy"
type = string
default = "v0.20.0"
variable "image_digest" {
description = "Digest of the PolarSignals image"
type = string
default = "sha256:f09c2b26a961e2a3ef1f7ec4f33a602e015dbe8548dfe2d43fb8bfffda893282"
variable "destination_cidr" {
description = "CIDR of the destination network"
type = string
default = ""
variable "volumes" {
description = "Volumes used by the PolarSignals agent"
type = list(object({
name = string
path = optional(string)
token = optional(bool)
empty = optional(bool)
readOnly = optional(bool)
default = [
{ name = "tmp", empty = true },
{ name = "run" },
{ name = "boot", readOnly = true },
{ name = "modules", path = "/lib/modules" },
{ name = "debugfs", path = "/sys/kernel/debug" },
{ name = "cgroup", path = "/sys/fs/cgroup" },
{ name = "bpffs", path = "/sys/fs/bpf" },
{ name = "dbus-system", path = "/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket" },
{ name = "token", path = "/var/parca-agent", token = true },
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