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Forked from sharkdp/flare-freeap.purs
Last active November 28, 2015 17:41
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module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveEff)
import Data.Array (reverse)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Control.Applicative.Free
import Control.Apply
import Control.Monad.Eff
import DOM
import Math
import Signal hiding (foldp)
import qualified Signal as S
import Signal.Channel
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
-- A simplified version of the current Flare API
type ElementId = String
type Label = String
type EventHandler a = a -> Eff (chan :: Chan) Unit
foreign import data Element :: *
foreign import appendComponent :: forall e. ElementId
-> Element -> Eff (dom :: DOM | e) Unit
type CreateComponent a = forall e b. Label
-> a
-> EventHandler b
-> Eff (dom :: DOM, chan :: Chan | e) Element
foreign import cNumber :: CreateComponent Number
foreign import cString :: CreateComponent String
foreign import cSelect :: forall a. (a -> String) -> Array a -> CreateComponent a
foreign import renderString :: forall e. ElementId
-> String
-> Eff (dom :: DOM | e) Unit
data Flare a = Flare (Array Element) (Signal a)
instance functorFlare :: Functor Flare where
map f (Flare cs sig) = Flare cs (map f sig)
instance applyFlare :: Apply Flare where
apply (Flare cs1 sig1) (Flare cs2 sig2) = Flare (cs1 <> cs2) (sig1 <*> sig2)
instance applicativeFlare :: Applicative Flare where
pure x = Flare mempty (pure x)
newtype UI e a = UI (Eff (dom :: DOM, chan :: Chan | e) (Flare a))
instance functorUI :: Functor (UI e) where
map f (UI a) = UI $ map (map f) a
instance applyUI :: Apply (UI e) where
apply (UI a1) (UI a2) = UI $ lift2 apply a1 a2
instance applicativeUI :: Applicative (UI e) where
pure x = UI $ return (pure x)
-- my attempt to build a free applicative interface on top of this:
data Component = CompNumber Label Number
| CompString Label String
| CompSelect Label (forall a. a) (forall a. Array a) (forall a. a -> String)
data Cell a = Cell (Array Component) a
| Wrap (Signal a)
| Lift (forall e. Eff (chan :: Chan, dom :: DOM | e) (Signal a))
| Foldp (forall b. b -> a -> a) a (forall b. Field b)
type Field = FreeAp Cell
number :: Label -> Number -> Field Number
number label default = liftFreeAp (Cell [CompNumber label default] default)
string :: Label -> String -> Field String
string label default = liftFreeAp (Cell [CompString label default] default)
select :: forall a. (Show a) => Label -> a -> Array a -> Field a
select label default xs =
liftFreeAp (Cell [CompSelect label
(unsafeCoerce default)
(unsafeCoerce xs)
(\a -> show ((unsafeCoerce a) :: a))] default)
wrap :: forall a. Signal a -> Field a
wrap sig = liftFreeAp (Wrap sig)
lift :: forall e a. Eff (chan :: Chan, dom :: DOM | e) (Signal a) -> Field a
lift msig = liftFreeAp (Lift (unsafeInterleaveEff msig))
foldp :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Field a -> Field b
foldp f x0 fa = liftFreeAp (Foldp (unsafeCoerce f) x0 (unsafeCoerce fa))
cellToUI :: forall e. NaturalTransformation Cell (UI e)
cellToUI (Wrap sig) = UI $ pure (Flare [] sig)
cellToUI (Lift msig) = UI $ Flare [] <$> msig
cellToUI (Foldp f x0 fa) = UI $ do
(Flare comp sig) <- case foldFreeAp cellToUI fa of UI setup -> setup
return (Flare comp (S.foldp f x0 sig))
cellToUI (Cell components x) = UI $ do
chan <- channel x
elements <- traverse (toElement (send chan)) components
return (Flare elements (subscribe chan))
toElement :: forall a e. EventHandler a
-> Component
-> Eff (dom :: DOM, chan :: Chan | e) Element
toElement send (CompNumber label default) = cNumber label default send
toElement send (CompString label default) = cString label default send
toElement send (CompSelect label default xs toString) = cSelect toString xs label default send
runFlare :: forall e a. (Show a)
=> ElementId
-> ElementId
-> Field a
-> Eff (chan :: Chan, dom :: DOM | e) Unit
runFlare controls target field =
case foldFreeAp cellToUI field of
(UI setup) -> do
(Flare els sig) <- setup
traverse_ (appendComponent controls) (reverse els)
runSignal (map (show >>> renderString target) sig)
main :: Eff (dom :: DOM, chan :: Chan) Unit
main =
runFlare "controls" "output" $
pow <$> number "Base" 2.0
<*> number "Exponent" 10.0
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