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Last active October 3, 2016 12:03
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module Test.Main where
import Prelude (Applicative, Apply, Functor, Show, Unit(), (<*>), (<>), (<$>), ($), (<<<), id, bind, map, pure, return, unit)
import Control.Applicative.Free (FreeAp(), NaturalTransformation(), liftFreeAp, foldFreeAp)
import Control.Apply (lift2)
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
import DOM (DOM())
import DOM.Node.Types (Element())
import Math (pow)
import Signal (Signal())
import Signal.Channel (Chan(), channel, send, subscribe)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
data Flare a = Flare (Array Element) (Signal a)
instance functorFlare :: Functor Flare where
map f (Flare cs sig) = Flare cs (map f sig)
instance applyFlare :: Apply Flare where
apply (Flare cs1 sig1) (Flare cs2 sig2) = Flare (cs1 <> cs2) (sig1 <*> sig2)
instance applicativeFlare :: Applicative Flare where
pure x = Flare [] (pure x)
type UI = FreeAp UIF
data UIF a
= NumberUI Label Number (Flare Number -> a)
| NumberRangeUI Label Number Number Number Number (Flare Number -> a)
| StringUI Label String (Flare String -> a)
| LiftUI (forall e b. Eff e (Signal b)) (forall b. Flare b -> a)
type Label = String
type ElementId = String
numberUI :: Label -> Number -> UI (Flare Number)
numberUI label value = liftFreeAp (NumberUI label value id)
numberRangeUI :: Label -> Number -> Number -> Number -> Number -> UI (Flare Number)
numberRangeUI label min max step value = liftFreeAp (NumberRangeUI label min max step value id)
stringUI :: Label -> String -> UI (Flare String)
stringUI label value = liftFreeAp (StringUI label value id)
lift :: forall a. Signal a -> UI (Flare a)
lift sig = pure (Flare [] sig)
liftUI :: forall e a. Eff (chan :: Chan, dom :: DOM | e) (Signal a) -> UI (Flare a)
liftUI eff = liftFreeAp (LiftUI (unsafeCoerce eff) (unsafeCoerce <<< id <<< unsafeCoerce))
uiNat :: NaturalTransformation UIF (Eff (dom :: DOM, chan :: Chan))
uiNat fa =
case fa of
NumberUI label value k -> k <$> mkFlare cNumber label value
NumberRangeUI label min max step value k -> k <$> mkFlare (cNumberRange min max step) label value
StringUI label value k -> k <$> mkFlare cString label value
LiftUI signal k -> k <$> (Flare [] <$> signal)
mkFlare :: forall a. CreateComponent a -> Label -> a -> Eff (dom :: DOM, chan :: Chan) (Flare a)
mkFlare create label value = do
chan <- channel value
comp <- create label value (send chan)
let signal = subscribe chan
return (Flare [comp] signal)
type CreateComponent a = forall e. Label -> a -> (a -> Eff (chan :: Chan) Unit) -> Eff (dom :: DOM, chan :: Chan | e) Element
foreign import cNumber :: CreateComponent Number
foreign import cNumberRange :: Number -> Number -> Number -> CreateComponent Number
foreign import cString :: CreateComponent String
runFlare :: forall a. (Show a)
=> ElementId
-> ElementId
-> UI (Flare a)
-> Eff (dom :: DOM, chan :: Chan) Unit
runFlare controls target ui = do
(Flare components signal) <- foldFreeAp uiNat ui
--appendComponents controls components
--S.runSignal (map (show >>> renderString target) signal)
return unit
main :: Eff (chan :: Chan, dom :: DOM) Unit
main = do
runFlare "controls1" "output1" $
lift2 pow <$> numberUI "Base" 2.0
<*> numberUI "Exponent" 10.0
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