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Created March 31, 2010 16:34
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import qualified Data.Map as Map
{- Supported HTTP methods. -}
data HttpMethod = GET | POST deriving (Read, Show)
{- A parsed HTTP request. --}
type HttpHeaders = Map.Map String String
data HttpRequest = HttpRequest { method :: HttpMethod
, path :: String
, protocol :: String
, headers :: HttpHeaders}
{- Parser for a HTTP request. -}
parseHeader :: String -> (String, String)
parseHeader line =
let (name, rest) = break (==':') line
value = dropWhile (==' ') (tail rest)
in (name, value)
parse :: String -> HttpRequest
parse input =
let allLines = lines input
firstLineWords = words . head $ allLines
method = read (firstLineWords !! 0)
path = firstLineWords !! 1
protocol = firstLineWords !! 2
(headerLines, bodyLines) = break (=="") (tail allLines)
headers = Map.fromList (map parseHeader headerLines)
in HttpRequest { method = method
, path = path
, protocol = protocol
, headers = headers}
{- Known HTTP status messages. -}
statusMessages = Map.fromList [(200, "OK")
,(404, "Not Found")
,(500, "Server Error")]
statusMessage :: Int -> String
statusMessage code =
case Map.lookup code statusMessages of Just n -> n
Nothing -> ""
{- A HTTP response returned by a request handler. -}
data HttpResponse = HttpResponse { code :: Int
, body :: String}
serialize :: HttpResponse -> String
serialize response =
let responseCode = show . code $ response
responseStatus = statusMessage . code $ response
firstLine = unwords [responseCode, responseStatus]
in unlines [firstLine, "", body response]
{- Request handlers used by the server. -}
requestHandler :: HttpRequest -> HttpResponse
requestHandler request =
let methodStr = show . method $ request
Just host = Map.lookup "Host" (headers request)
in HttpResponse { code = 200
, body = "<h1> Result for a " ++ methodStr ++ " request to http://" ++ host ++ (path request) ++ "</h1>\n" ++ (show . headers $ request)}
{- Main server method used to process a single request. -}
processRequest :: String -> String
processRequest = serialize . requestHandler . parse
main = interact processRequest
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