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Created December 31, 2021 09:11
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binary dilation in numba cuda
binary dilation in numba cuda
>> python 512 512 512 1
>>> runtime: 0.001s on a Nvidia TitanXP.
import numba
import numpy as np
import time
from numba import cuda
def cuda_binary_dilate_u8(vol, out, kern):
z,y,x = cuda.grid(3)
d,h,w = vol.shape
a,b,c = kern.shape
pa,pb,pc = a//2,b//2,c//2
if z >= 0 and z < d and y >= 0 and y < h and x >= 0 and x < w:
out[z,y,x] = false
#put kern in shared memory?
shared = cuda.shared.array((3,3,3),dtype=numba.boolean)
for i in range(a):
for j in range(b):
for k in range(c):
shared[i,j,k] = kern[i,j,k]
for i in range(a):
for j in range(b):
for k in range(c):
zz = z+i-pa
yy = y+j-pb
xx = x+k-pc
if zz < 0 or zz >= d or yy < 0 or yy >= h or xx < 0 or xx >= w:
if vol[zz,yy,xx] and shared[i,j,k]:
out[z,y,x] = true
def binary_dilate_u8_cuda(vol, kern, iterations=1):
sizes = vol.shape
block_dim = (4,4,4)
sizes = [v for v in sizes]
grid_dim = tuple(int(np.ceil(a/b)) for a, b in zip(sizes, block_dim))
# non inplace
ycu = cuda.device_array(shape=vol.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
a,b = ycu, vol
for i in range(iterations):
a,b = b,a
cuda_binary_dilate_u8[grid_dim, block_dim](a, b, kern)
return b
def test(d=256,h=256,w=256,niter=1):
vol = np.random.randn(d,h,w) > 1
kern = np.random.randn(3,3,3) > 1
vol = cuda.to_device(vol)
kern = cuda.to_device(kern)
t1 = time.time()
for i in range(10):
binary_dilate_u8_cuda(vol, kern, niter)
t2 = time.time()
print(f' runtime: {(t2-t1)/10}') # i measure 1ms
if __name__ == '__main__':
import fire;
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