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Created November 24, 2019 12:45
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# Differentiable plasticity: binary pattern memorization and reconstruction
# Copyright (c) 2018 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This more flexible implementation includes both plastic and non-plastic RNNs. LSTM code is sufficiently different that it makes more sense to put it in a different file.
# Also includes some Uber-specific stuff for file transfer. Commented out by default.
# Parameters optimized for non-plastic architectures (esp. LSTM):
# --patternsize 50 --nbaddneurons 2000 --nbprescycles 1 --nbpatterns 2 --prestime 3 --interpresdelay 1 --nbiter 1000000 --lr 3e-5
# For comparing plastic and non-plastic, we use these for both (though the plastic architecture strongly prefers the default ones)
# Plastic networks can learn with lr=3e-4.
# The default parameters are those for the plastic RNN on the 1000-bit task (same as
import argparse
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
import numpy as np
from numpy import random
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import optim
import random
import sys
import pickle
import pdb
import time
# Uber-only (comment out if not at Uber):
# import OpusHdfsCopy
# from OpusHdfsCopy import transferFileToHdfsDir, checkHdfs
# Parsing command-line arguments
params = {}; params['rngseed'] = 0
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--batchsize", type=int, help="batchsize", default=10)
parser.add_argument("--rngseed", type=int, help="random seed", default=0)
parser.add_argument("--nbiter", type=int, help="number of episodes", default=2000)
parser.add_argument("--nbaddneurons", type=int, help="number of additional neurons", default=0)
parser.add_argument("--lr", type=float, help="learning rate of Adam optimizer", default=3e-4)
parser.add_argument("--patternsize", type=int, help="size of the binary patterns", default=100)
parser.add_argument("--nbpatterns", type=int, help="number of patterns to memorize", default=5)
parser.add_argument("--nbprescycles", type=int, help="number of presentation cycles", default=2)
parser.add_argument("--prestime", type=int, help="number of time steps for each pattern presentation", default=6)
parser.add_argument("--interpresdelay", type=int, help="number of time steps between each pattern presentation (with zero input)", default=4)
parser.add_argument("--type", help="network type ('plastic' or 'nonplastic')", default='plastic')
args = parser.parse_args(); argvars = vars(args); argdict = { k : argvars[k] for k in argvars if argvars[k] != None }
PATTERNSIZE = params['patternsize']
NBNEUR = PATTERNSIZE + params['nbaddneurons'] + 1 # NbNeur = Pattern Size + additional neurons + 1 "bias", fixed-output neuron (bias neuron not needed for this task, but included for completeness)
ETA = .01 # The "learning rate" of plastic connections
PROBADEGRADE = .5 # Proportion of bits to zero out in the target pattern at test time
NBPATTERNS = params['nbpatterns'] # The number of patterns to learn in each episode
NBPRESCYCLES = params['nbprescycles'] # Number of times each pattern is to be presented
PRESTIME = params['prestime'] # Number of time steps for each presentation
PRESTIMETEST = PRESTIME # Same thing but for the final test pattern
INTERPRESDELAY = params['interpresdelay'] # Duration of zero-input interval between presentations
params['rule'] = 'oja' #clip, oja or movavg
#ttype = torch.FloatTensor; # For CPU
ttype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor; # For GPU
# Generate the full list of inputs for an episode. The inputs are returned as a PyTorch tensor of shape NbSteps x 1 x NbNeur
def generateInputsAndTarget():
inputT = np.zeros((NBSTEPS, 1, NBNEUR)) #inputTensor, initially in numpy format...
# Create the random patterns to be memorized in an episode
seedp = np.ones(PATTERNSIZE); seedp[:PATTERNSIZE//2] = -1
for nump in range(NBPATTERNS):
p = np.random.permutation(seedp)
# Now 'patterns' contains the NBPATTERNS patterns to be memorized in this episode - in numpy format
# Choosing the test pattern, partially zero'ed out, that the network will have to complete
testpattern = random.choice(patterns).copy()
preservedbits = np.ones(PATTERNSIZE); preservedbits[:int(PROBADEGRADE * PATTERNSIZE)] = 0; np.random.shuffle(preservedbits)
degradedtestpattern = testpattern * preservedbits
# Inserting the inputs in the input tensor at the proper places
for nc in range(NBPRESCYCLES):
for ii in range(NBPATTERNS):
for nn in range(PRESTIME):
inputT[numi][0][:PATTERNSIZE] = patterns[ii][:]
# Inserting the degraded pattern
for nn in range(PRESTIMETEST):
inputT[-PRESTIMETEST + nn][0][:PATTERNSIZE] = degradedtestpattern[:]
for nn in range(NBSTEPS):
inputT[nn][0][-1] = 1.0 # Bias neuron.
inputT[nn] *= 20.0 # Strengthen inputs
inputT = torch.from_numpy(inputT).type(ttype) # Convert from numpy to Tensor
target = torch.from_numpy(testpattern).type(ttype)
return inputT, target
class NETWORK(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(NETWORK, self).__init__()
# Notice that the vectors are row vectors, and the matrices are transposed wrt the usual order, following apparent pytorch conventions
# Each *column* of w targets a single output neuron
self.w = Variable(.01 * torch.randn(NBNEUR, NBNEUR).type(ttype), requires_grad=True) # The matrix of fixed (baseline) weights
self.alpha = Variable(.01 * torch.randn(NBNEUR, NBNEUR).type(ttype), requires_grad=True) # The matrix of plasticity coefficients
self.eta = Variable(.01 * torch.ones(1).type(ttype), requires_grad=True) # The eta coefficient is learned
self.zeroDiagAlpha() # No plastic autapses
def forward(self, input, yin, hebb):
w = self.w.unsqueeze(0) + self.alpha.unsqueeze(0) * hebb
yout = torch.tanh( torch.bmm(yin.unsqueeze(1), w).squeeze() + input )
hebb = (hebb + self.eta * torch.bmm(yin.unsqueeze(2), yout.unsqueeze(1))).clamp_(-1, 1)
return yout, hebb
def forward_1(self, input, yin, hebb):
yout = torch.tanh( + torch.mul(self.alpha, hebb)) + input )
# hebb = (1 - self.eta) * hebb + self.eta * torch.bmm(yin.unsqueeze(2), yout.unsqueeze(1))[0]
hebb2 = (hebb + self.eta * torch.bmm(yin.unsqueeze(2), yout.unsqueeze(1))[0]).clamp_(-1, 1)
return yout, hebb2
def update_hebbian(self, hebb, yin, yout):
delta = torch.bmm(yin.unsqueeze(2), yout.unsqueeze(1))
if params['rule'] == 'simple':
hebb2 = (1 - self.eta) * hebb + self.eta * delta
elif params['rule'] == 'clip':
hebb2 = (hebb + self.eta * delta).clamp_(-1, 1)
elif params['rule'] == 'oja':
hebb2 = (hebb )
return hebb2
def initialZeroState(self, batchsize=1):
return Variable(torch.zeros(batchsize, NBNEUR).type(ttype))
def initialZeroHebb(self, batchsize=1):
return Variable(torch.zeros(batchsize, NBNEUR, NBNEUR).type(ttype))
def initialRandState(self, batchsize=1):
return Variable(torch.rand(batchsize, NBNEUR).type(ttype))
def initialRandHebb(self, batchsize=1):
return Variable(torch.rand(batchsize, NBNEUR, NBNEUR).type(ttype))
def zeroDiagAlpha(self):
# Zero out the diagonal of the matrix of alpha coefficients: no plastic autapses -= torch.diag(torch.diag(
np.random.seed(params['rngseed']); random.seed(params['rngseed']); torch.manual_seed(params['rngseed'])
batchsize = args.batchsize
net = NETWORK()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([net.w, net.alpha, net.eta], lr=ADAMLEARNINGRATE)
total_loss = 0.0; all_losses = []
print_every = 100
save_every = 1000
nowtime = time.time()
suffix = "binary_"+"".join([str(x)+"_" if pair[0] is not 'nbsteps' and pair[0] is not 'rngseed' and pair[0] is not 'save_every' and pair[0] is not 'test_every' else '' for pair in sorted(zip(params.keys(), params.values()), key=lambda x:x[0] ) for x in pair])[:-1] + "_rngseed_" + str(params['rngseed']) # Turning the parameters into a nice suffix for filenames
for numiter in range(params['nbiter']):
# Initialize network for each episode
y = net.initialZeroState(batchsize)
hebb = net.initialZeroHebb(batchsize)
# Generate the inputs and target pattern for this episode
# inputs, target = generateInputsAndTarget()
# test: try generating an actual batch
batch_inputs, batch_target = [], []
for i in range(batchsize):
inputs, target = generateInputsAndTarget()
inputs =, dim=1)
target =, dim=0)
# Compute loss for this episode (last step only)
for numstep in range(NBSTEPS):
y, hebb = net(inputs[numstep], y, hebb)
loss = (y[:, :PATTERNSIZE] - target).pow(2).sum()/batchsize
# Apply backpropagation to adapt basic weights and plasticity coefficients
#net.zeroDiagAlpha() # Removes plastic autapses - turned out to be unneeded
# That's it for the actual algorithm.
# Print statistics, save files
to = target.cpu().numpy();
yo =[:, :PATTERNSIZE];
z = (np.sign(yo) != np.sign(to));
lossnum = np.mean(z) # Saved loss is the error rate
total_loss += lossnum
if (numiter+1) % print_every == 0:
print((numiter, "===="))
print(target.cpu().numpy()[-10:]) # Target pattern to be reconstructed
print(inputs.cpu().numpy()[numstep][0][-10:]) # Last input contains the degraded pattern fed to the network at test time
print([0][-10:]) # Final output of the network
previoustime = nowtime
nowtime = time.time()
print("Time spent on last", print_every, "iters: ", nowtime - previoustime)
total_loss /= print_every
print("Mean loss over last", print_every, "iters:", total_loss)
if (numiter+1) % save_every == 0:
with open('outputs_'+suffix+'.dat', 'wb') as fo:
pickle.dump(, fo)
pickle.dump(, fo)
pickle.dump(, fo) # The final y for this episode
pickle.dump(all_losses, fo)
with open('loss_'+suffix+'.txt', 'w') as fo:
for item in all_losses:
fo.write("%s\n" % item)
# Uber-only
#if checkHdfs():
#print("Transfering to HDFS...")
#transferFileToHdfsDir('loss_'+suffix+'.txt', '/ailabs/tmiconi/simple/')
#transferFileToHdfsDir('results_simple_'+str(params['rngseed'])+'.dat', '/ailabs/tmiconi/exp/')
total_loss = 0
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Author script. A plastic rnn trained to complete binary vectors, by presenting them & testing with incomplete ones. i save this here as i modify the script to accept N samples at same time.

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