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Forked from spicycode/tmux.conf
Last active August 8, 2023 12:11
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The best and greatest tmux.conf ever
# set -g mouse-resize-pane on
# Use Alt-arrow keys without prefix key to switch panes
bind -n M-Left select-pane -L
bind -n M-Right select-pane -R
bind -n M-Up select-pane -U
bind -n M-Down select-pane -D
# Shift arrow to switch windows
bind -n S-Left previous-window
bind -n S-Right next-window
# No delay for escape key press
set -sg escape-time 0
# Reload tmux config
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf
## loud or quiet?
set-option -g visual-activity off
#set-option -g visual-bell off
#set-option -g visual-silence off
set-window-option -g monitor-activity off
#set-option -g bell-action none
## modes
setw -g clock-mode-colour colour05
#setw -g mode-attr bold
#setw -g mode-fg colour1
#setw -g mode-bg colour18
## panes
#set -g pane-border-bg colour0
#set -g pane-border-fg colour20
#set -g pane-active-border-bg colour0
#set -g pane-active-border-fg colour8
## statusbar
#set -g status-position bottom
#set -g status-justify left
#set -g status-bg colour18
#set -g status-fg colour137
#set -g status-attr dim
set -g status-left ''
set -g status-right '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
#set -g status-right-length 50
#set -g status-left-length 20
#setw -g window-status-current-fg colour1
#setw -g window-status-current-bg colour19
#setw -g window-status-current-attr bold
#setw -g window-status-current-format ' #I#[fg=colour19]:#[fg=colour18]#W#[fg=colour20]#F '
#setw -g window-status-fg colour9
#setw -g window-status-bg colour18
#setw -g window-status-attr none
#setw -g window-status-format ' #I#[fg=colour19]:#[fg=colour18]#W#[fg=colour20]#F '
#setw -g window-status-bell-attr bold
#setw -g window-status-bell-fg colour21
#setw -g window-status-bell-bg colour1
## messages
#set -g message-attr bold
#set -g message-fg colour255
#set -g message-bg colour16
# IMPORTANT: Make sure to git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
# In order to avoid the 127 error tmp not found.
# List of plugins
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible'
# Other examples:
# set -g @plugin 'github_username/plugin_name'
# set -g @plugin ''
# set -g @plugin ''
# Initialize TMUX plugin manager (keep this line at the very bottom of tmux.conf)
run -b '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'
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