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Last active February 8, 2018 20:13
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Save etiennebr/273313f008654dcf826c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
rasterize using the extent of an object and no raster
setMethod("rasterize", signature(x="data.frame", y="missing"),
function(x, field, res = 1, fun = 'last', ...) {
r = raster(res = res, xmn = min(x$x), xmx = max(x$x), ymn = min(x$y), ymx = max(x$y))
rasterize(x, r, field = field, fun = fun, ...)
setMethod("rasterize", signature(x="SpatialPoints", y="missing"),
function(x, field, res = 1, fun = 'last', ...) {
box = sp::bbox(x)
r = raster(res = res,
xmn = box[1, "min"],
xmx = box[1, "max"],
ymn = box[2, "min"],
ymx = box[2, "max"])
rasterize(x, r, field = field, fun = fun, ...)
setMethod("rasterize", signature(x="SpatialLines", y="missing"),
function(x, field, res = 1, fun = 'last', ...) {
box = sp::bbox(x)
r = raster(res = res,
xmn = box[1, "min"],
xmx = box[1, "max"],
ymn = box[2, "min"],
ymx = box[2, "max"])
rasterize(x, r, field = field, fun = fun, ...)
setMethod("rasterize", signature(x="SpatialPolygons", y="missing"),
function(x, field, res = 1, fun = 'last', ...) {
box = bbox(x)
r = raster(res = res,
xmn = box[1, "min"],
xmx = box[1, "max"],
ymn = box[2, "min"],
ymx = box[2, "max"])
rasterize(x, r, field = field, fun = fun, ...)
setMethod("rasterize", signature(x="sf", y="missing"),
function(x, field, res = 1, fun = 'last', ...) {
box = st_bbox(x)
r = raster(res = res,
xmn = box["xmin"],
xmx = box["xmax"],
ymn = box["ymin"],
ymx = box["ymax"])
rasterize(x, r, field = field, fun = fun, ...)
setMethod("rasterize", signature(x="sf", y="RasterLayer"),
function(x, y, field, res = 1, fun = 'last', ...) {
rasterize(as(x, "Spatial"), y, field = field, fun = fun, ...)
setMethod("rasterize", signature(x="sf", y="RasterStack"),
function(x, y, field, res = 1, fun = 'last', ...) {
rasterize(as(x, "Spatial"), y, field = field, fun = fun, ...)
setMethod("rasterize", signature(x="sf", y="RasterBrick"),
function(x, y, field, res = 1, fun = 'last', ...) {
rasterize(as(x, "Spatial"), y, field = field, fun = fun, ...)
round_to <- function(x, to = 1, origin = 0, up = TRUE) {
if(up) ceiling((x + origin) / to) * to + origin
else floor((x - origin) / to) * to + origin
#' Utility function to round to a resolution and shift according to an origin
round_to <- function(x, to = 1, origin = 0, up = TRUE) {
if(up) ceiling((x + origin) / to) * to + origin
else floor((x - origin) / to) * to + origin
#' Rasterize on a rounded grid
#' Rasterizing on a rounded grid with defined origin facilitates future merging and stacking of data
rasterize_round <- function(x, field, res = 1, fun = 'last', round = TRUE, origin = c(0, 0), ...) {
origin = rep(origin, 2)[1:2]
box = st_bbox(x)
r = raster(res = res,
xmn = round_to(box["xmin"], res, origin[1], up = FALSE),
xmx = round_to(box["xmax"], res, origin[1], up = TRUE),
ymn = round_to(box["ymin"], res, origin[2], up = FALSE),
ymx = round_to(box["ymax"], res, origin[2], up = TRUE))
rasterize(x, r, field = field, fun = fun, ...)
if (FALSE) {
testthat::expect_equal(round_to(101.1, 10, 0), 110)
testthat::expect_equal(round_to(101.1, 10, 1), 111)
testthat::expect_equal(round_to( 99, 10, 1), 101)
testthat::expect_equal(round_to(101.1, 10, 0, up = FALSE), 100)
testthat::expect_equal(round_to(101.1, 10, 1, up = FALSE), 101)
testthat::expect_equal(round_to(99, 10, 1, up = FALSE), 91)
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