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Created May 26, 2017 16:06
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  • Save etienned/ced131cbf8c34ddf3e1a09d6a945812f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Playbook to test osx_defaults module.
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- name: Key-Value Command > Boolean
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=BooleanKeyValue value=true
- name: Key-Value Command > Integer
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=IntegerKeyValue value=42
- name: Key-Value Command > Float
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=FloatKeyValue value=3.1416
# String with space need to be quoted
- name: Key-Value Command > String
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=StringKeyValue value=A_string_été
# List unsupported as argument.
# - name: Key-Value Command > Array
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ArrayKeyValue value=["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]
# Dict don't works, the colons are messing the YAML parsing.
# - name: Key-Value Command > Dict
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DictKeyValue value={"Key 1": "one", "Key 2": "two"}
# Unquoted date don't works because of the space and the colons.
# - name: Key-Value Command > Date
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DateKeyValue value=1973-05-22 2:59:43
- name: Key-Value Command > Data
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DataKeyValue value=R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
# List unsupported as argument.
# - name: Key-Value Command > ComplexArray
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ComplexArrayKeyValue value=["true", 42, 3.1416, ["A string été", "1973-05-22 2:59:43", "R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs="]]
# Dict don't works, the colons are messing the YAML parsing.
# - name: Key-Value Command > ComplexDict
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ComplexDictKeyValue value={"Key 1": "false", "Key 2": 42, "Key 3": 3.1416, "Key 4": ["A string été", "1973-05-22 2:59:43", {"Key 1": "one", "Key 2": "two"}, "R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs="], "Key 5": "true"}
- name: Key-Value Command with type > Boolean
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=BooleanKeyValueType value=true type=boolean
- name: Key-Value Command with type > Integer
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=IntegerKeyValueType value=42 type=integer
- name: Key-Value Command with type > Float
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=FloatKeyValueType value=3.1416 type=float
# String with space need to be quoted
- name: Key-Value Command with type > String
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=StringKeyValueType value=A_string_été type=string
# List unsupported as argument.
# - name: Key-Value Command with type > Array
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ArrayKeyValueType value=["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"] type=array
# Dict don't work, the colons are messing the YAML parsing.
# - name: Key-Value Command with type > Dict
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DictKeyValueType value={"Key 1": "one", "Key 2": "two"} type=dict
# Unquoted date don't works because of the spce and the colons.
# - name: Key-Value Command with type > Date
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DateKeyValueType value=1973-05-22 2:59:43 type=date
- name: Key-Value Command with type > Data
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DataKeyValueType value=R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs= type=data
# List unsupported as argument.
# - name: Key-Value Command with type > ComplexArray
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ComplexArrayKeyValueType value=["true", 42, 3.1416, ["A string été", "1973-05-22 2:59:43", "R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs="]] type=array
# Dict don't work, the colons are messing the YAML parsing.
# - name: Key-Value Command with type > ComplexDict
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ComplexDictKeyValueType value={"Key 1": "false", "Key 2": 42, "Key 3": 3.1416, "Key 4": ["A string été", "1973-05-22 2:59:43", {"Key 1": "one", "Key 2": "two"}, "R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs="], "Key 5": "true"} type=dict
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command > Boolean
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=BooleanKeyValueQuote value='true'
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command > Integer
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=IntegerKeyValueQuote value='42'
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command > Float
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=FloatKeyValueQuote value='3.1416'
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command > String
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=StringKeyValueQuote value='A string été'
# List unsupported as argument.
# - name: Key-Value Quoted Command > Array
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ArrayKeyValueQuote value='["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]'
# Dict don't work, the colons are messing the YAML parsing.
# - name: Key-Value Quoted Command > Dict
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DictKeyValueQuote value='{"Key 1": "one", "Key 2": "two"}'
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command > Date
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DateKeyValueQuote value='1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command > Data
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DataKeyValueQuote value='R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
# List unsupported as argument.
# - name: Key-Value Quoted Command > ComplexArray
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ComplexArrayKeyValueQuote value='[true, 42, 3.1416, ["A string été", "1973-05-22 2:59:43", "R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs="]]'
# Dict don't work, the colons are messing the YAML parsing.
# - name: Key-Value Quoted Command > ComplexDict
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ComplexDictKeyValueQuote value='{"Key 1": "false", "Key 2": 42, "Key 3": 3.1416, "Key 4": ["A string été", "1973-05-22 2:59:43", {"Key 1": "one", "Key 2": "two"}, "R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs="], "Key 5": "true"}'
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type > Boolean
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=BooleanKeyValueTypeQuote value='true' type=boolean
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type > Integer
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=IntegerKeyValueTypeQuote value='42' type=integer
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type > Float
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=FloatKeyValueTypeQuote value='3.1416' type=float
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type > String
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=StringKeyValueTypeQuote value='A string été' type=string
# List unsupported as argument.
# - name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type > Array
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ArrayKeyValueTypeQuote value='["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]' type=array
# Dict don't work, the colons are messing the YAML parsing.
# - name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type > Dict
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DictKeyValueTypeQuote value='{"Key 1": "one", "Key 2": "two"}' type=dict
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type > Date
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DateKeyValueTypeQuote value='1973-05-22 2:59:43' type=date
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type > Data
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DataKeyValueTypeQuote value='R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=' type=data
# List unsupported as argument.
# - name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type > ComplexArray
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ComplexArrayKeyValueTypeQuote value='[true, 42, 3.1416, ["A string été", "1973-05-22 2:59:43", "R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs="]]' type=array
# Dict don't work, the colons are messing the YAML parsing.
# - name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type > ComplexDict
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ComplexDictKeyValueTypeQuote value='{"Key 1": "false", "Key 2": 42, "Key 3": 3.1416, "Key 4": ["A string été", "1973-05-22 2:59:43", {"Key 1": "one", "Key 2": "two"}, "R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs="], "Key 5": "true"}' type=dict
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type=String > Boolean
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=BooleanKeyValueTypeStringQuote value='true' type=string
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type=String > Integer
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=IntegerKeyValueTypeStringQuote value='42' type=string
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type=String > Float
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=FloatKeyValueTypeStringQuote value='3.1416' type=string
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type=String > String
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=StringKeyValueTypeStringQuote value='A string été' type=string
# List unsupported as argument.
# - name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type=String > Array
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ArrayKeyValueTypeStringQuote value='["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]' type=string
# Dict don't work, the colons are messing the YAML parsing.
# - name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type=String > Dict
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DictKeyValueTypeStringQuote value='{"Key 1": "one", "Key 2": "two"}' type=string
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type=String > Date
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DateKeyValueTypeStringQuote value='1973-05-22 2:59:43' type=string
- name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type=String > Data
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=DataKeyValueTypeStringQuote value='R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=' type=string
# List unsupported as argument.
# - name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type=String > ComplexArray
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ComplexArrayKeyValueTypeStringQuote value='[true, 42, 3.1416, ["A string été", "1973-05-22 2:59:43", "R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs="]]' type=string
# Dict don't work, the colons are messing the YAML parsing.
# - name: Key-Value Quoted Command with type=String > ComplexDict
# osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ComplexDictKeyValueTypeStringQuote value='{"Key 1": "false", "Key 2": 42, "Key 3": 3.1416, "Key 4": ["A string été", "1973-05-22 2:59:43", {"Key 1": "one", "Key 2": "two"}, "R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs="], "Key 5": "true"}' type=string
- name: YAML-Dict Command > Boolean
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: BooleanYAMLDict, value: true }
- name: YAML-Dict Command > Integer
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: IntegerYAMLDict, value: 42 }
- name: YAML-Dict Command > Float
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: FloatYAMLDict, value: 3.1416 }
- name: YAML-Dict Command > String
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: StringYAMLDict, value: A string été}
- name: YAML-Dict Command > Array
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: ArrayYAMLDict, value: ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'] }
- name: YAML-Dict Command > Dict
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: DictYAMLDict, value: {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'} }
# - name: YAML-Dict Command > Date
# osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: DateYAMLDict, value: 1973-05-22 2:59:43 }
- name: YAML-Dict Command > Data
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: DataYAMLDict, value: R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs= }
- name: YAML-Dict Command > ComplexArray
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: ComplexArrayYAMLDict, value: ['true', 42, 3.1416, ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=']] }
- name: YAML-Dict Command > ComplexDict
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: ComplexDictYAMLDict, value: {'Key 1': 'false', 'Key 2': 42, 'Key 3': 3.1416, 'Key 4': ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='], 'Key 5': true} }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Boolean
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: BooleanYAMLDictType, value: true, type: boolean }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Integer
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: IntegerYAMLDictType, value: 42, type: integer }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Float
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: FloatYAMLDictType, value: 3.1416, type: float }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > String
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: StringYAMLDictType, value: A string été, type: string }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Array
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: ArrayYAMLDictType, value: ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'], type: array }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Dict
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: DictYAMLDictType, value: {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, type: dict }
# - name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Date
# osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: DateYAMLDictType, value: 1973-05-22 2:59:43, type: date }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Data
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: DataYAMLDictType, value: R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=, type: data }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > ComplexArray
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: ComplexArrayYAMLDictType, value: ['true', 42, 3.1416, ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=']], type: array }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > ComplexDict
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: ComplexDictYAMLDictType, value: {'Key 1': 'false', 'Key 2': 42, 'Key 3': 3.1416, 'Key 4': ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='], 'Key 5': true}, type: dict }
- name: YAML-Dict Command > Boolean
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: BooleanYAMLDictQuote, value: 'true' }
- name: YAML-Dict Command > Integer
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: IntegerYAMLDictQuote, value: '42' }
- name: YAML-Dict Command > Float
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: FloatYAMLDictQuote, value: '3.1416' }
- name: YAML-Dict Command > String
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: StringYAMLDictQuote, value: 'A string été' }
# - name: YAML-Dict Command > Array
# osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: ArrayYAMLDictQuote, value: '['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3']' }
# - name: YAML-Dict Command > Dict
# osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: DictYAMLDictQuote, value: '{'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}' }
- name: YAML-Dict Command > Date
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: DateYAMLDictQuote, value: '1973-05-22 2:59:43' }
- name: YAML-Dict Command > Data
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: DataYAMLDictQuote, value: 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=' }
# - name: YAML-Dict Command > ComplexArray
# osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: ComplexArrayYAMLDictQuote, value: '['true', 42, 3.1416, [u'A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=']]' }
# - name: YAML-Dict Command > ComplexDict
# osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: ComplexDictYAMLDictQuote, value: '{'Key 1': 'false', 'Key 2': 42, 'Key 3': 3.1416, 'Key 4': [u'A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='], 'Key 5': 'true'}' }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Boolean
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: BooleanYAMLDictTypeQuote, value: 'true', type: boolean }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Integer
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: IntegerYAMLDictTypeQuote, value: '42', type: integer }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Float
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: FloatYAMLDictTypeQuote, value: '3.1416', type: float }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > String
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: StringYAMLDictTypeQuote, value: 'A string été', type: string }
# - name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Array
# osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: ArrayYAMLDictTypeQuote, value: '['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3']', type: array }
# - name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Dict
# osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: DictYAMLDictTypeQuote, value: '{'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}', type: dict }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Date
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: DateYAMLDictTypeQuote, value: '1973-05-22 2:59:43', type: date }
- name: YAML-Dict Command with type > Data
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: DataYAMLDictTypeQuote, value: 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=', type: data }
# - name: YAML-Dict Command with type > ComplexArray
# osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: ComplexArrayYAMLDictTypeQuote, value: '['true', 42, 3.1416, [u'A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=']]', type: array }
# - name: YAML-Dict Command with type > ComplexDict
# osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: ComplexDictYAMLDictTypeQuote, value: '{'Key 1': 'false', 'Key 2': 42, 'Key 3': 3.1416, 'Key 4': [u'A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='], 'Key 5': 'true'}', type: dict }
- name: YAML Command > Boolean
domain: com.ansible.test
key: BooleanYAML
value: true
- name: YAML Command > Integer
domain: com.ansible.test
key: IntegerYAML
value: 42
- name: YAML Command > Float
domain: com.ansible.test
key: FloatYAML
value: 3.1416
- name: YAML Command > String
domain: com.ansible.test
key: StringYAML
value: A string été
- name: YAML Command > Array
domain: com.ansible.test
key: ArrayYAML
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- name: YAML Command > Dict
domain: com.ansible.test
key: DictYAML
Key 1: one
Key 2: two
# Date need to be quoted.
# - name: YAML Command > Date
# osx_defaults:
# domain: com.ansible.test
# key: DateYAML
# value: 1973-05-22 2:59:43
- name: YAML Command > Data
domain: com.ansible.test
key: DataYAML
value: R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
- name: YAML Command > ComplexArray
domain: com.ansible.test
key: ComplexArrayYAML
- 'true'
- 42
- 3.1416
- A string été
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- Key 1: one
Key 2: two
- R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
- name: YAML Command > ComplexDict
domain: com.ansible.test
key: ComplexDictYAML
Key 1: 'false'
Key 2: 42
Key 3: 3.1416
Key 4:
- A string été
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- Key 1: one
Key 2: two
- R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
Key 5: true
- name: YAML Command with type > Boolean
domain: com.ansible.test
key: BooleanYAMLType
value: true
type: boolean
- name: YAML Command with type > Integer
domain: com.ansible.test
key: IntegerYAMLType
value: 42
type: integer
- name: YAML Command with type > Float
domain: com.ansible.test
key: FloatYAMLType
value: 3.1416
type: float
- name: YAML Command with type > String
domain: com.ansible.test
key: StringYAMLType
value: A string été
type: string
- name: YAML Command with type > Array
domain: com.ansible.test
key: ArrayYAMLType
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
type: array
- name: YAML Command with type > Dict
domain: com.ansible.test
key: DictYAMLType
Key 1: one
Key 2: two
type: dict
# Date need to be quoted.
# - name: YAML Command with type > Date
# osx_defaults:
# domain: com.ansible.test
# key: DateYAMLType
# value: 1973-05-22 2:59:43
# type: date
- name: YAML Command with type > Data
domain: com.ansible.test
key: DataYAMLType
value: R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
type: data
- name: YAML Command with type > ComplexArray
domain: com.ansible.test
key: ComplexArrayYAMLType
- 'true'
- 42
- 3.1416
- A string été
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- Key 1: one
Key 2: two
- R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
type: array
- name: YAML Command with type > ComplexDict
domain: com.ansible.test
key: ComplexDictYAMLType
Key 1: 'false'
Key 2: 42
Key 3: 3.1416
Key 4:
- A string été
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- Key 1: one
Key 2: two
- R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
Key 5: true
type: dict
- name: YAML Command > Boolean
domain: com.ansible.test
key: BooleanYAMLQuote
value: 'true'
- name: YAML Command > Integer
domain: com.ansible.test
key: IntegerYAMLQuote
value: '42'
- name: YAML Command > Float
domain: com.ansible.test
key: FloatYAMLQuote
value: '3.1416'
- name: YAML Command > String
domain: com.ansible.test
key: StringYAMLQuote
value: 'A string été'
- name: YAML Command > Array
domain: com.ansible.test
key: ArrayYAMLQuote
- 'Item 1'
- 'Item 2'
- 'Item 3'
- name: YAML Command > Dict
domain: com.ansible.test
key: DictYAMLQuote
'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- name: YAML Command > Date
domain: com.ansible.test
key: DateYAMLQuote
value: '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- name: YAML Command > Data
domain: com.ansible.test
key: DataYAMLQuote
value: 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
- name: YAML Command > ComplexArray
domain: com.ansible.test
key: ComplexArrayYAMLQuote
- 'true'
- '42'
- '3.1416'
- 'A string été'
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- 'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
- name: YAML Command > ComplexDict
domain: com.ansible.test
key: ComplexDictYAMLQuote
'Key 1': 'false'
'Key 2': '42'
'Key 3': '3.1416'
'Key 4':
- 'A string été'
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- 'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
'Key 5': 'true'
- name: YAML Command with type > Boolean
domain: com.ansible.test
key: BooleanYAMLTypeQuote
value: 'true'
type: boolean
- name: YAML Command with type > Integer
domain: com.ansible.test
key: IntegerYAMLTypeQuote
value: '42'
type: integer
- name: YAML Command with type > Float
domain: com.ansible.test
key: FloatYAMLTypeQuote
value: '3.1416'
type: float
- name: YAML Command with type > String
domain: com.ansible.test
key: StringYAMLTypeQuote
value: 'A string été'
type: string
- name: YAML Command with type > Array
domain: com.ansible.test
key: ArrayYAMLTypeQuote
- 'Item 1'
- 'Item 2'
- 'Item 3'
type: array
- name: YAML Command with type > Dict
domain: com.ansible.test
key: DictYAMLTypeQuote
'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
type: dict
- name: YAML Command with type > Date
domain: com.ansible.test
key: DateYAMLTypeQuote
value: '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
type: date
- name: YAML Command with type > Data
domain: com.ansible.test
key: DataYAMLTypeQuote
value: 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
type: data
- name: YAML Command with type > ComplexArray
domain: com.ansible.test
key: ComplexArrayYAMLTypeQuote
- 'true'
- '42'
- '3.1416'
- 'A string été'
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- 'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
type: array
- name: YAML Command with type > ComplexDict
domain: com.ansible.test
key: ComplexDictYAMLTypeQuote
'Key 1': 'false'
'Key 2': '42'
'Key 3': '3.1416'
'Key 4':
- 'A string été'
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- 'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
'Key 5': 'true'
type: dict
- name: YAML Command > ComplexKey
domain: com.ansible.test
key: ComplexKeyYAML:0:sub
'Key 1': 'false'
'Key 2': '42'
'Key 3': '3.1416'
'Key 4':
- 'A string été'
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- 'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
'Key 5': false
- name: YAML Command quoted > ComplexKey
domain: com.ansible.test
key: 'ComplexKeyYAMLQuote:0:sub'
'Key 1': 'false'
'Key 2': '42'
'Key 3': '3.1416'
'Key 4':
- 'A string été'
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- 'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
'Key 5': false
# Complex key need to be quoted in dict form because of the colon.
# - name: YAML-Dict Command > ComplexKey
# osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: ComplexKeyYAMLDict:2:sub, value: {'Key 1': 'false', 'Key 2': '42', 'Key 3': '3.1416', 'Key 4': ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='], 'Key 5': false }}
- name: YAML-Dict Command quoted > ComplexKey
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: 'ComplexKeyYAMLDictQuote:0:sub', value: {'Key 1': 'false', 'Key 2': '42', 'Key 3': '3.1416', 'Key 4': ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='], 'Key 5': false }}
- name: Key-Value Command > ComplexKey
osx_defaults: domain=com.ansible.test key=ComplexKeyKeyValue:0:sub value=42
- name: Key-Value Command quoted > ComplexKey
osx_defaults: domain='com.ansible.test' key='ComplexKeyKeyValueQuote:0:sub' value='42'
# Do not work, no error message but value is not save and don't know where it should be saved? become change nothing.
- name: Global Array
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: 'GlobalArray', value: [18, 17, 6], any_user: true }
become: true
# No need to become.
- name: Global Current Array
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: 'GlobalCurrentArray', value: [20, 21, 22], any_user: true, host: currentHost }
- name: Current Array
osx_defaults: { domain: com.ansible.test, key: 'CurrentArray', value: [12, 14, 15], host: currentHost }
# Do not work, no error message but value is not save and don't know where it should be saved? become change nothing.
- name: NSDomain Global Array
osx_defaults: { key: 'AnsibleTestGlobalArray', value: [18, 17, 6], any_user: true }
become: true
# Need to become.
- name: NSDomain Global Current Array
osx_defaults: { key: 'AnsibleTestGlobalCurrentArray', value: [20, 21, 22], any_user: true, host: currentHost }
# become: true
- name: NSDomain Current Array
osx_defaults: { key: 'AnsibleTestCurrentArray', value: [12, 14, 15], host: currentHost }
- name: NSDomain Array
osx_defaults: { key: 'AnsibleTestArray', value: [72, 74, 75] }
- name: Create keys from preferences
domain: "{{item.0.domain}}"
key: "{{item.1.key}}"
value: "{{ item.1.value | default(omit) }}"
type: "{{item.1.type | default(omit)}}"
array_add: "{{item.1.array_add | default(omit)}}"
state: "{{item.1.state | default(omit)}}"
any_user: "{{item.1.any_user | default(omit)}}"
host: "{{ | default(omit)}}"
- "{{preferences}}"
- keys
when: from_pref
- from_pref: true
- preferences:
- domain: com.ansible.test
- { key: BooleanPrefsDict, value: true }
- { key: IntegerPrefsDict, value: 42 }
- { key: FloatPrefsDict, value: 3.1416 }
- { key: StringPrefsDict, value: A string été }
- { key: ArrayPrefsDict, value: [Item 1, Item 2, Item 3] }
- { key: DictPrefsDict, value: {Key 1: one, Key 2: two} }
# - { key: DatePrefsDict, value: 1973-05-22 2:59:43 }
- { key: DataPrefsDict, value: R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs= }
- { key: ComplexArrayPrefsDict, value: ['true', 42, 3.1416, ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {Key 1: one, Key 2: two}, R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=]] }
- { key: ComplexDictPrefsDict, value: {Key 1: 'false', Key 2: 42, Key 3: 3.1416, Key 4: ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {Key 1: one, Key 2: two}, R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=], Key 5: true} }
- { key: BooleanPrefsDictType, value: true, type: boolean }
- { key: IntegerPrefsDictType, value: 42, type: integer }
- { key: FloatPrefsDictType, value: 3.1416, type: float }
- { key: StringPrefsDictType, value: A string été, type: string }
- { key: ArrayPrefsDictType, value: [Item 1, Item 2, Item 3], type: array }
- { key: DictPrefsDictType, value: {Key 1: one, Key 2: two}, type: dict }
# - { key: DatePrefsDictType, value: 1973-05-22 2:59:43, type: date }
- { key: DataPrefsDictType, value: R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=, type: data }
- { key: ComplexArrayPrefsDictType, value: ['true', 42, 3.1416, ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {Key 1: one, Key 2: two}, R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=]], type: array }
- { key: ComplexDictPrefsDictType, value: {Key 1: false, Key 2: 42, Key 3: 3.1416, Key 4: ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {Key 1: one, Key 2: two}, R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=], Key 5: true}, type: dict }
- { key: BooleanPrefsDictQuote, value: 'true' }
- { key: IntegerPrefsDictQuote, value: '42' }
- { key: FloatPrefsDictQuote, value: '3.1416' }
- { key: StringPrefsDictQuote, value: 'A string été' }
- { key: ArrayPrefsDictQuote, value: ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'] }
- { key: DictPrefsDictQuote, value: {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'} }
- { key: DatePrefsDictQuote, value: '1973-05-22 2:59:43' }
- { key: DataPrefsDictQuote, value: 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=' }
- { key: ComplexArrayPrefsDictQuote, value: ['true', 42, 3.1416, ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=']] }
- { key: ComplexDictPrefsDictQuote, value: {'Key 1': 'false', 'Key 2': 42, 'Key 3': 3.1416, 'Key 4': ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='], 'Key 5': 'true'} }
- { key: BooleanPrefsDictTypeQuote, value: 'true', type: boolean }
- { key: IntegerPrefsDictTypeQuote, value: '42', type: integer }
- { key: FloatPrefsDictTypeQuote, value: '3.1416', type: float }
- { key: StringPrefsDictTypeQuote, value: 'A string été', type: string }
- { key: ArrayPrefsDictTypeQuote, value: ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'], type: array }
- { key: DictPrefsDictTypeQuote, value: {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, type: dict }
- { key: DatePrefsDictTypeQuote, value: '1973-05-22 2:59:43', type: date }
- { key: DataPrefsDictTypeQuote, value: 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=', type: data }
- { key: ComplexArrayPrefsDictTypeQuote, value: ['true', 42, 3.1416, ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=']], type: array }
- { key: ComplexDictPrefsDictTypeQuote, value: {'Key 1': 'false', 'Key 2': 42, 'Key 3': 3.1416, 'Key 4': ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='], 'Key 5': 'true'}, type: dict }
- key: BooleanPrefs
value: true
- key: IntegerPrefs
value: 42
- key: FloatPrefs
value: 3.1416
- key: StringPrefs
value: A string été
- key: ArrayPrefs
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- key: DictPrefs
Key 1: one
Key 2: two
# - key: DatePrefs
# value: 1973-05-22 2:59:43
- key: DataPrefs
value: R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
- key: ComplexArrayPrefs
- 'true'
- 42
- 3.1416
- A string été
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- Key 1: one
Key 2: two
- R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
- key: ComplexDictPrefs
Key 1: 'false'
Key 2: 42
Key 3: 3.1416
Key 4:
- A string été
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- Key 1: one
Key 2: two
- R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
Key 5: true
- key: BooleanPrefsType
value: true
type: boolean
- key: IntegerPrefsType
value: 42
type: integer
- key: FloatPrefsType
value: 3.1416
type: float
- key: StringPrefsType
value: A string été
type: string
- key: ArrayPrefsType
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
type: array
- key: DictPrefsType
Key 1: one
Key 2: two
type: dict
# - key: DatePrefsType
# value: 1973-05-22 2:59:43
# type: date
- key: DataPrefsType
value: R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
type: data
- key: ComplexArrayPrefsType
- 'true'
- 42
- 3.1416
- A string été
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- Key 1: one
Key 2: two
- R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
type: array
- key: ComplexDictPrefsType
'Key 1': 'false'
'Key 2': 42
'Key 3': 3.1416
'Key 4':
- A string été
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- Key 1: one
Key 2: two
- R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
Key 5: true
type: dict
- key: BooleanPrefsQuote
value: 'true'
- key: IntegerPrefsQuote
value: '42'
- key: FloatPrefsQuote
value: '3.1416'
- key: StringPrefsQuote
value: 'A string été'
- key: ArrayPrefsQuote
- 'Item 1'
- 'Item 2'
- 'Item 3'
- key: DictPrefsQuote
'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- key: DatePrefsQuote
value: '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- key: DataPrefsQuote
value: 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
- key: ComplexArrayPrefsQuote
- 'true'
- '42'
- '3.1416'
- 'A string été'
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- 'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
- key: ComplexDictPrefsQuote
'Key 1': 'false'
'Key 2': '42'
'Key 3': '3.1416'
'Key 4':
- 'A string été'
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- 'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
'Key 5': true
- key: BooleanPrefsTypeQuote
value: 'true'
type: boolean
- key: IntegerPrefsTypeQuote
value: '42'
type: integer
- key: FloatPrefsTypeQuote
value: '3.1416'
type: float
- key: StringPrefsTypeQuote
value: 'A string été'
type: string
- key: ArrayPrefsTypeQuote
- 'Item 1'
- 'Item 2'
- 'Item 3'
type: array
- key: DictPrefsTypeQuote
'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
type: dict
- key: DatePrefsTypeQuote
value: '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
type: date
- key: DataPrefsTypeQuote
value: 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
type: data
- key: ComplexArrayPrefsTypeQuote
- 'true'
- '42'
- '3.1416'
- 'A string été'
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- 'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
type: array
- key: ComplexDictPrefsTypeQuote
'Key 1': 'false'
'Key 2': '42'
'Key 3': '3.1416'
'Key 4':
- 'A string été'
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- 'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
'Key 5': true
type: dict
- key: ComplexKeyPrefs:0:sub
'Key 1': 'false'
'Key 2': '42'
'Key 3': '3.1416'
'Key 4':
- 'A string été'
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- 'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
'Key 5': false
- key: 'ComplexKeyPrefsQuote:0:sub'
'Key 1': 'false'
'Key 2': '42'
'Key 3': '3.1416'
'Key 4':
- 'A string été'
- '1973-05-22 2:59:43'
- 'Key 1': 'one'
'Key 2': 'two'
- 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='
'Key 5': false
# Need to quote complex key, colons are messing the syntax.
# - { key: ComplexKeyPrefsDict:2:sub, value: {'Key 1': 'false', 'Key 2': '42', 'Key 3': '3.1416', 'Key 4': ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='], 'Key 5': false }}
- { key: 'ComplexKeyPrefsDictQuote:0:sub', value: {'Key 1': 'false', 'Key 2': '42', 'Key 3': '3.1416', 'Key 4': ['A string été', '1973-05-22 2:59:43', {'Key 1': 'one', 'Key 2': 'two'}, 'R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs='], 'Key 5': false }}
- { key: ArrayAdd, value: [1, 2], array_add: true }
- { key: ArrayAdd, value: 3, array_add: true }
- { key: ArrayAdd, value: [3, 4, 5], array_add: true }
- { key: ArrayAdd, value: [[8, 7, 6], true], array_add: true }
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