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Created November 10, 2010 07:34
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AsianPLoP 2011: 第2回プログラムのパターンランゲージ・アジア会議
2nd Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
2011年3月17-19日, 東京・早稲田大学
PLoP (R) とは、パターンの作者と利用者が一堂に会して、主にソフトウェア
会議です。The Hillside Group が 1994 年に米国で開始して以来、ヨーロッパ
定着しています。The Hillside Group の協力を得て主にアジア周辺地域を
AsianPLoP ではソフトウェアや非ソフトウェア分野のパターン、さらにアジャイル
予稿集は Technical Report として発行され、さらに英語論文については事後
予稿集として ACM Digital Library への収録を計画しています。
*Call for Papers*
AsianPLoP 2011
2nd Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
in Tokyo, Japan, March 17-19, 2011
*Important Dates*
Paper submission due: December 27, 2010
Shepherding begins: January 4, 2010
Acceptance notification: February 10, 2011
Final camera-ready: March 2, 2011
Registration due: March 2, 2011
Main conference: March 17-18, 2011
Excursion to a place designed
by a Pattern Language: March 19, 2011
*Objective and Motivation*
Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP) will
take place at the second time, as a premier event for pattern authors
and users to gather, discuss and learn more about patterns and
software development in the Asia region as well as other regions.
The purpose of AsianPLoP is to promote development of patterns,
pattern languages, technologies and experiences of patterns primarily
about software; however, these for domains outside software are also
AsianPLoP 2011 solicits paper submissions written in both of English
and Japanese; English papers and Japanese ones will be discussed in
different sessions. Both practitioners from the industry and
academics are invited to submit their papers. The conference solicits
the papers for the following different sessions.
* Writers' Workshop - papers that document patterns and pattern
languages will be workshopped in the traditional PLoP format.
Papers that explore theories, techniques, applications, tools and
case studies in patterns and related areas such as agile
developments are also welcome.
* Writing Group - papers of newcomers who want to learn how to better
elaborate an idea intended to evolve to a pattern or pattern
language. This is more like a hands-on tutorial on writing patterns.
AsianPLoP is a PLoP(R) Conference sanctioned by the Hillside Group.
PLoP is a registered trademark of The Hillside Group.
*Paper Submission*
Paper submissions may include short papers (e.g. 1 page), containing
one or more patterns, longer pattern languages or sequences (e.g. 10
pages), or work-in-progress papers willing to get an in-depth
shepherding by an experienced pattern author at the conference.
There is no specific paper format; however the ACM conference format
( ) is recommended
because papers are considered to be included in a post-proceedings on
ACM Digital Library (pending).
Please submit your paper (in PDF) via the following submission site
by the due date. Submission site will be opened soon.
During shepherding, authors will have assigned a shepherd that will
help the author to improve the content and style of the paper. At the
end of the shepherding process, papers will be peer-reviewed again to
be accepted into the Writers' Workshops of the conference.
Accepted papers will be published in the workshop on-line proceedings
as a volume of GRACE Technical Report with ISSN. These papers will
also be included in a post-proceedings archived at ACM Digital Library
Papers discussed at Writers Workshop qualify for submission to the
journal "TPLoP - Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming"
published by Springer.
*Conference Committee and Sponsors*
Program Chair:
Masanari Motohashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Publication C0-Chairs:
Masaru Nagaku, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Takashi Iba, Keio University, Japan
Publicity Co-Chairs:
T.V.Prabhakar, IIT Kanpur, India
Young-Su Son, Samsung Electronics, Korea
Yoichi Tamamaki, Jamzz, Japan
Eiichi Hanyuda, Mamezou, Japan
Takeshi Kakeda, Giantech, Japan
Organizing Chair:
Hironori Washizaki, Waseda University, Japan
Local Arrangement Chair:
Kazunori Sakamoto, Waseda University, Japan
SIGSE Patterns Working Group, Information Processing Society of Japan
Supporters (TBD):
GRACE Center, National Institute of Informatics
eXtreme Programming Japan Users Group
Agile Process Association
Contact Us: asianplop [at]
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