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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Use fragments in a ScalaCheck Properties
package examples
import org.specs2._
import org.scalacheck._, Gen._, Arbitrary._, Prop._
import org.specs2.execute.Details
import org.specs2.main.Arguments
import org.specs2.specification.core._
import reporter._
* This specification shows how to create examples using the "acceptance" style
class HelloWorldSpec(env: Env) extends Specification with ScalaCheck { def is = s2"""
This is a specification to check the 'Hello world' string
The 'Hello world' string should
use generators to create examples $e1
def e1 = forAll(arbitrary[Int], arbitrary[String]) { (i: Int, s: String) =>
check(i, s)
def check(i: Int, s: String): Fragments =
br ^
"an int is equal to itself unless very large" ! {
} ^
"a string is equal to itself unless very large" ! {
} ^ br
implicit def CheckedFragments(fs: Fragments): Prop = {
val logger = scalacheckLineLogger
val notifier = scalacheckNotifier
val env1 = env.setLineLogger(logger).setArguments(Arguments.split("console notifier showOnly x!+-o"))
val printers = List(TextPrinter, NotifierPrinter.printer(notifier)), printers)(SpecStructure.create(SpecHeader(getClass, title = Some("")), fs)).run(env.systemLogger).unsafePerformIO
if (notifier.hasIssues) execute.Failure(logger.messages.mkString("\n"))
else execute.Success()
def scalacheckLineLogger = new BufferedLineLogger with StringOutput {
def infoLine(msg: String) = msg.split("\n").foreach(append)
def errorLine(msg: String) = msg.split("\n").foreach(append)
def failureLine(msg: String) = msg.split("\n").foreach(append)
override def toString = "scalacheckLineLogger"
def scalacheckNotifier = new SilentNotifier {
var hasIssues = false
override def exampleFailure(name: String, message: String, location: String, f: Throwable, details: Details, duration: Long) = hasIssues = true
override def exampleError (name: String, message: String, location: String, f: Throwable, duration: Long) = hasIssues = true
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