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Created June 19, 2012 07:38
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ScalaCheck Arbitrary instance for a Directed Acyclic Graph, using memoized generators to share previously generated values
* Arbitrary instance for a CompNode: Load, ParallelDo, GroupByKey, Combine, Op or Return
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import Gen._
* we're using a sized generator where the size of the generated data will be the depth of the graph
* This allows to control the generation phase for ScalaCheck properties with minSize and maxSize
implicit lazy val arbitraryCompNode: Arbitrary[CompNode] = Arbitrary(sized(depth => genDComp(depth)))
def genDComp(depth: Int = 1): Gen[CompNode] = lzy(Gen.frequency((3, genLoad(depth)),
(4, genParallelDo(depth)),
(4, genGroupByKey(depth)),
(3, genMaterialize(depth)),
(3, genCombine(depth)),
(5, genFlatten(depth)),
(2, genOp(depth)),
(2, genReturn(depth))))
def genLoad (depth: Int = 1) = oneOf(load, load)
def genReturn (depth: Int = 1) = oneOf(rt, rt)
def genParallelDo (depth: Int = 1) = if (depth <= 1) value(parallelDo(load)) else memo(genDComp(depth - 1) map (parallelDo _))
def genFlatten (depth: Int = 1) = if (depth <= 1) value(flatten(load) ) else memo(choose(1, 3).flatMap(n => listOfN(n, genDComp(depth - 1))).map(l => flatten(l:_*)))
def genCombine (depth: Int = 1) = if (depth <= 1) value(cb(load) ) else memo(genDComp(depth - 1) map (cb _))
def genOp (depth: Int = 1) = if (depth <= 1) value(op(load, load) ) else memo((genDComp(depth - 1) |@| genDComp(depth - 1))((op _)))
def genMaterialize(depth: Int = 1) = if (depth <= 1) value(mt(load) ) else memo(genDComp(depth - 1) map (mt _))
def genGroupByKey (depth: Int = 1) = if (depth <= 1) value(gbk(load) ) else memo(genDComp(depth - 1) map (gbk _))
* allow the use of the applicative syntax to build generators:
* (gen1 |@| gen2 |@| gen3)(function(_,_,_))
* It's especially useful when building generators for case classes
* import scalaz.Scalaz._
* case class MyClass(a: A, b: B, c: C)
* val MyCaseClassGenerator: Gen[MyCaseClass] = (genA |@| genB |@| genC)(MyCaseClass)
implicit def genIsApply: Apply[Gen] = new Apply[Gen] {
def ap[A, B](fa: => Gen[A])(f: => Gen[(A) => B]) = fa.map2(f)((v, function) => function(v))
def map[A, B](fa: Gen[A])(f: (A) => B) = fa map f
* @return a new generator memoizing the previous values and returning old ones x % of the time
* this allows to share existing generated data between other generators
def memo[T](g: Gen[T], ratio: Int = 30): Gen[T] = {
lazy val previousValues = new scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[T]
def memoizeValue(v: T) = { previousValues.add(v); v }
for {
v <- g
usePrevious <- choose(0, 100)
n <- choose(0, previousValues.size)
} yield {
if (usePrevious <= ratio && previousValues.nonEmpty)
if (n == previousValues.size) previousValues.toList(n - 1) else previousValues.toList(n)
else memoizeValue(v)
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