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Last active March 28, 2016 09:03
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Pseudo-code for doing DI on a service using an actor with 2 different implementations
trait MyActor
case class InMemoryActor() extends MyActor
case class ProductionActor(connection: DBConnection) extends MyActor
case class MyService(actor: MyActor)
object MyService {
def fromConfig(config: Config): ConfigError Xor MyActor =
??? // read application.conf
class MySpec extends Specification with ForEach[MyService] { def is = s2"""
The service should do this $e1
def e1 = { service =>
// replace the actor implementation using the ConfigRewriter
val actor: MyActor = InMemoryActor()
// test the service here
def foreach[R : AsResult](f: MyService => R) = {
e => Failure(ConfigError.render(e)),
s => f(s)
* This is using:
trait ConfigRewriter {
* Take the first value of a given type (approximated with a ClassTag)
* and replace it everywhere in the graph
def singleton[S : ClassTag, G](graph: G): G =
replaceWithStrategy(singletonStrategy[S], graph)
* Replace all values of type S, with the same value
def replace[S : ClassTag, G](s: S, graph: G): G =
replaceWithStrategy(replaceStrategy[S](s), graph)
* Replace with a given strategy
def replaceWithStrategy[G](strategy: Strategy, graph: G): G =
* Replace with a given partial function
def replaceWith[G, T](s: T ==> Option[T], graph: G): G =
replaceWithStrategy(strategy(s), graph)
def singletonStrategy[S : ClassTag]: Strategy = {
var s: Option[S] = None
strategy[Any] {
case v if implicitly[ClassTag[S]].runtimeClass.isInstance(v) =>
s match {
case Some(singleton) => Some(singleton)
case None => s = Some(v.asInstanceOf[S])
case other => None
def replaceStrategy[S : ClassTag](s: S): Strategy =
strategy[Any] {
case v if Reflect.implements(v) => Some(s)
case other => None
object ConfigRewriter extends ConfigRewriter with ConfigRewriterSyntax
* Syntactic sugar for rewriting nodes in a graph
* The methods here allow to chain various replacements:
* g.singleton[T].replace[S](s)
trait ConfigRewriterSyntax {
implicit class Rewrite[G](graph: G) {
def singleton[S : ClassTag]: G =
ConfigRewriter.singleton[S, G](graph)
def replace[S : ClassTag](s: S): G =
ConfigRewriter.replace[S, G](s, graph)
def replaceWith[T](s: T ==> Option[T]): G =
ConfigRewriter.replaceWith(s, graph)
object ConfigRewriterSyntax extends ConfigRewriterSyntax
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