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Created May 24, 2010 00:31
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object ExtendedFunctions extends ExtendedFunctions
trait ExtendedFunctions {
implicit def extend[A, B](f: Function[A, B]) = new ExtendedFunction(f)
* this class allows to use a function as if it was a partial function.
* It is especially useful when one want to overload a function with both functions and partial function
* literals. This usually is an issue because of the way the compiler interprets function and
* partial function literals (see the Scala Language Specification, section 8.5).
* The following specification shows the how to use it:
* <code>
* class Test[T](val t: T) {
* def call[S](x: Function[T, S]): Option[S] = x.applySafely(t)
* }
* val test = new Test("hello")
* test call identity must beSome("hello")
* // this behaves like a partial function but is a function really
* test call { case s if s.size < 2 => "partial " + s } must beNone
* </code>
class ExtendedFunction[A, B](f: Function[A, B]) {
def applySafely(a: =>A): Option[B] = {
try {
} catch {
case e: MatchError => None
import org.specs._
import ExtendedFunctions._
class extendedFunctionSpec extends SpecificationWithJUnit {
"a function defined as a list of cases can have an applySafely method" >> {
val f: PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case a if a > 0 => a.toString }
"returning Some(value) if there's no MatchError" in {
f.applySafely(1) must beSome("1")
"returning None in case of a MatchError" in {
f.applySafely(0) must be none;
"rethrowing a match error if it isn't part of the function definition" in {
val f2: Function[Int, String] = { case a => a match { case x if x > 0 => x.toString } }
f2.apply(0) must throwA[MatchError]
"a method can accept a function or a partial function" >> {
class Test[T](val t: T) {
def sub[S](x:Function[T, S]): Option[S] = x.applySafely(t)
val test = new Test("hello")
test sub identity must beSome("hello")
test sub { case s if s.size < 2 => "partial " + s } must beNone
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