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Forked from raronson/BugSpec
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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package com.ambiata.ivory.scoobi
import org.specs2._
import com.nicta.scoobi.Scoobi._
import com.nicta.scoobi.testing.mutable._
import com.nicta.scoobi.testing.SimpleJobs
import com.nicta.scoobi.testing.TestFiles._
import com.nicta.scoobi.testing.TempFiles
import scalaz.{DList => _, _}, Scalaz._
object ScalazWireFormats {
implicit def ValidationFmt[A, B](implicit awf: WireFormat[A], bwf: WireFormat[B]) = new WireFormat[Validation[A, B]] {
def toWire(v: Validation[A, B], out: DataOutput) = {
v match {
case Failure(a) => { out.writeBoolean(false); awf.toWire(a, out) }
case Success(b) => { out.writeBoolean(true); bwf.toWire(b, out) }
def fromWire(in: DataInput): Validation[A, B] = {
in.readBoolean match {
case false => awf.fromWire(in).failure
case true => bwf.fromWire(in).success
def show(v: Validation[A, B]): String = v.toString
implicit def DisjunctionFmt[A, B](implicit wf: WireFormat[Either[A, B]]) = new WireFormat[A \/ B] {
def toWire(v: A \/ B, out: DataOutput) = wf.toWire(v.toEither, out)
def fromWire(in: DataInput): A \/ B = wf.fromWire(in).disjunction
def show(v: A \/ B): String = v.toString
* Run with -- scoobi verbose.all to see class cast exception
class BugSpec extends HadoopSpecification with SimpleJobs {
import ScalazWireFormats._
"Should not get class cast exception" >> { implicit sc: ScoobiConfiguration =>
val dlist: DList[String \/ Int] = DList("test".left, 1.right)
val lefts: DList[String] = dlist.collect {
case -\/(l) => l
val rights: DList[Int] = dlist.collect {
case \/-(r) => r
val other: DList[String \/ Int] =
val otherLefts = other collect {
case -\/(l) => l
val all = (lefts ++ otherLefts)
val len = all.length
persist(len, all.toTextFile(path(TempFiles.createTempDir("bug").getPath))) must_== 2
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