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Created August 16, 2021 11:30
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Assertion examples in specs2-5.0.0-RC-03
package examples
import org.specs2.*
class AssertionSpec extends Specification:
def is = s2"""
authors must be correct $book1
authors must be correct $book2
book must be correct $book3
def book1 =
val book = Book("Programming in Scala", List("Odersky", "me", "Venners"), 2008)
book.authors === List("Odersky", "Spoon", "Venners")
def book2 =
val book = Book("Programming in Scala", List("Odersky", "me", "Venners"), 2009)
book.authors must contain(exactly("Odersky", "Spoon", "Venners"))
def book3 =
val actual = Book("Programming in Scala", List("Odersky", "me", "Venners"), 2008)
val expected = Book("Programming in Scala", List("Odersky", "Spoon", "Venners"), 2009)
actual === expected
case class Book(title: String, authors: List[String], pubYear: Int)
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