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Require Import List. | |
Require Import EqNat. | |
Definition alist := list (nat * bool). | |
Fixpoint in_assignment n (a : alist) : Prop := | |
match a with | |
| nil => False | |
| (h,_)::t => if beq_nat n h | |
then True | |
else in_assignment n t | |
end. | |
Lemma in_empty : forall a, in_assignment a nil -> False. | |
intros; compute in H; apply H. | |
Qed. | |
Fixpoint find_assignment n (a : alist) : in_assignment n a -> bool := | |
match a with | |
| nil => fun pf => match (in_empty n) pf with end | |
| (h, tv)::t => if beq_nat h n | |
then fun _ => tv | |
else find_assignment n t | |
end. |
But this is a weird thing. How come Coq doesn't know the inductive structure? We can use them just fine in other proofs
It can't remember the structure from the match statements. Apparently there are good reasons for this -- this kind of higher order inference is undecidable in the general case, and they don't want to hard-code heuristics for easy, specific cases. There might be a way to do with the "return" statement in the the match statement (e.g. match a return in_assignment n a -> bool with
), but I'm not so sure now. The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that in a case like this, we would need to manually provide proof that the one signature follows from the other.
And by manually you mean we would prove it as a lemma, right?
Yeah, I think so. I'm thinking something like this: we'd prove forall n t h tv, in_assignment n t -> in_assignment n (h, tv)::t
and then would do something like call apply in the recursive call. It's weird.
@arjunguha @cibelemf : So I just defined a lemma like in my last comment, which I'll call my_lemma
and rewrite the recursive call so it reads else my_lemma n t (h,tv) (find_assignment n t)
. This gave me the error
The term "find_assignment a t" has type "in_assignment_prop a t -> bool"
while it is expected to have type "in_assignment_prop a t"
which doesn't really surprise me. So, I updated the lemma to be:
Lemma my_lemma: forall n t h tv P, in_assignment n t -> P -> (in_assignment n (h,tv):t -> P).
and in the recursive call I add sneak in bool
as the penultimate argument to my_fun
. Now the error I get is:
The term "find_assignment a t" has type "in_assignment_prop a t -> bool" while it is expected to have type "in_assignment n t".
And now I'm stuck again.
NOTE: My lemma is unproven -- I just made it "Admitted."
From @arjunguha:
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List.
Require Import EqNat.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Peano_dec.
Definition alist := list (nat * bool).
Fixpoint in_assignment n (a : alist) : Prop :=
match a with
| nil => False
| (h,_)::t => match eq_nat_dec n h with
| left _ => True
| right _ => in_assignment n t
Lemma in_empty : forall a, in_assignment a nil -> False.
intros; compute in H; apply H.
Lemma helper : forall (n k : nat) (v : bool) (lst : list (nat * bool)),
in_assignment n ((k,v)::lst) ->
n <> k ->
in_assignment n lst.
Proof with auto using list.
induction lst.
+ simpl in H.
destruct (eq_nat_dec n k); contradiction.
+ simpl in H.
destruct (eq_nat_dec n k); try contradiction.
destruct a as [k1 v1].
destruct (eq_nat_dec n k1).
- subst. simpl. destruct (eq_nat_dec k1 k1). auto. unfold not in n. contradiction n...
- simpl in IHlst.
destruct (eq_nat_dec n k).
* subst. unfold not in H0. contradiction H0...
* simpl.
destruct (eq_nat_dec n k1). subst. unfold not in n1. contradiction n1... trivial.
Fixpoint find_assignment n (a : alist) { struct a }: in_assignment n a -> bool.
refine (match a with
| nil => _
| (h,tv)::t =>
match eq_nat_dec n h with
| left eq_proof => fun _ => tv
| right neq_proof => fun pf => find_assignment n t (@helper n h tv t pf neq_proof)
+ intros.
apply in_empty in H.
inversion H.
I think what really needs to happen here is for there to somehow be a proof attached to show that
in_assignment n t -> bool
impliesin_assignment n (h, tv)::t -> bool
. The more I think about it, the more I think that, even though I "know" the individual pieces to be true, Coq doesn't, nor should it.