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Functional Programming Cheat Sheet

Functional Programming Cheat Sheet

Arrow Functions (Fat Arrows)

Arrow functions create a concise expression that encapsulates a small piece of functionality. Additionally, arrows retain the scope of the caller inside the function eliminating the need of self = this.


// const multiply = function(x,y) {
// return x * y;
// }
// Can be rewritten as:
// const multiply = (x, y) => { return x * y };
// Since the function is a single expression return and braces are not
// needed.
const multiply = (x, y) => x * y;
console.log(multiply(5,10)) //50

Function Delegates

Function delegates encapsulate a method allowing functions to be composed or passed as data. Example

const isZero = n => n === 0;
const a = [0,1,0,3,4,0];
console.log(a.filter(isZero).length); // 3

Expressions Instead of Statements

Statements define an action and are executed for their side effect. Expressions produce a result without mutating state.


const getSalutation = function(hour) {
  var salutation; // temp value
  if (hour < 12) {
    salutation = "Good Morning";
  } else {
    salutation = "Good Afternoon";
  return salutation; // mutated value


const getSalutation = hour => (hour < 12 ? "Good Morning" : "Good Afternoon");

console.log(getSalutation(10)); // Good Morning

Higher Order Functions

A function that accepts another function as a parameter, or returns another function.


function mapConsecutive(values, fn) {
  let result = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < values.length - 1; i++) {
    result.push(fn(values[i], values[i + 1]));
  return result;
const letters = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"];
let twoByTwo = mapConsecutive(letters, (x, y) => [x, y]);
// [[a,b], [b,c], [c,d], [d,e], [e,f], [f,g]]


Currying allows a function with multiple arguments to be translated into a sequence of functions. Curried functions can be tailored to match the signature of another function.


const convertUnits = (toUnit, factor, offset = 0) => input =>
  ((offset + input) * factor).toFixed(2).concat(toUnit);
const milesToKm = convertUnits("km", 1.60936, 0);
const poundsToKg = convertUnits("kg", 0.4546, 0);
const farenheitToCelsius = convertUnits("degrees C", 0.5556, -32);
milesToKm(10); //"16.09 km"
poundsToKg(2.5); //"1.14 kg"
farenheitToCelsius(98); //"36.67 degrees C"
const weightsInPounds = [5, 15.4, 9.8, 110];

// without currying
const weightsInKg = => convertUnits("kg", 0.4546, 0)(x));

// with currying
const weightsInKg =;
// 2.27kg, 7.00kg, 4.46kg, 50.01kg

Array Manipulation Functions

Array Functions are the gateway to functional programming in JavaScript. These functions make short work of most imperative programming routines that work on arrays and collections.

[].every(fn) Checks if all elements in an array pass a test.

[].some(fn) | [].includes(fn) Checks if any of the elements in an array pass a test.

[].find(fn) Returns the value of the first element in the array that passes a test.

[].filter(fn) Creates an array filled with only the array elements that pass a test.

[].map(fn) Creates a new array with the results of a function applied to every element in the array.

[].reduce(fn(accumulator, currentValue)) Executes a provided function for each value of the array (from left-to-right). Returns a single value, the accumulator.

[].sort(fn(a,b)) warning, mutates state! Modifies an array by sorting the items within an array. An optional compare function can be used to customize sort behavior. Use the spread operator to avoid mutation. [...arr].sort()

[].reverse() warning, mutates state! Reverses the order of the elements in an array. Use the spread operator to avoid mutation. [...arr].reverse()

Method Chaining

Method chains allow a series of functions to operate in succession to reach a final result. Method chains allow function composition similar to a pipeline.


let cart = [
  { name: "Drink", price: 3.12 },
  { name: "Steak", price: 45.15 },
  { name: "Drink", price: 11.01 }
let drinkTotal = cart
  .filter(x => === "Drink")
  .map(x => x.price)
  .reduce((t, v) => (t += v))
console.log(`Total Drink Cost $${drinkTotal}`); // Total Drink Cost $14.13


A pipeline allows for easy function composition when performing multiple operations on a variable. Since JavaScript lacks a Pipeline operator, a design pattern can be used to accomplish the task.


const pipe = functions => data => {
  return functions.reduce((value, func) => func(value), data);
let cart = [3.12, 45.15, 11.01];
const addSalesTax = (total, taxRate) => total * taxRate + total;
const tally = orders =>
    x => x.reduce((total, val) => total + val), // sum the order
    x => addSalesTax(x, 0.09),
    x => `Order Total = ${x.toFixed(2)}` // convert to text
  ])(orders); // Order Total = 64.62
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