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Last active May 6, 2019 03:49
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from time import time, sleep
from random import randint
import random as r
RUTS = ['19.470.140-3',
def load_ruts():
ruts = []
with open('ruts.txt') as f:
for line in f:
# para omitir comentarios!
if "#" in line:
with open('ruts.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write("# importante seguir el formato!\n")
for rut in RUTS:
f.write(rut + '\n')
ruts = RUTS
while '' in ruts:
del ruts[ruts.index('')]
return ruts
RUTS = load_ruts()
def get_random():
return RUTS[randint(0, len(RUTS) - 1)]
def generate_rut():
start = '{:,}'.format(randint(1000000, 25000000)).replace(',', '.')
end = r.choice(list(map(str, range(0, 10))) + ['k'])
return start + '-' + end
def limpiar(texto):
return texto.replace('.','').replace('-k','10').replace('-','0')
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff = input('generar rut o conocidos (1 o 2): ')
if diff == '1':
func = generate_rut
func = get_random
# Cantidad de ruts a ingresar
Q = 10
n = Q
for i in range(1,4):
choice = func()
start = time()
while n != 0:
print("Escribe '%s'" % choice)
t = str(input())
if t.strip() != limpiar(choice):
print("\nerror, escribir de nuevo\n")
print("\nfaltan %d veces\n" % (n - 1))
n -= 1
choice = func()
end = time()
print("Tardaste %f segundos" % (end - start))
user = input('ingresa nombre: ')
with open('results.csv', 'a') as f:
f.write('{0};{1};{2}\n'.format(user, end - start, Q))
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