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Created March 23, 2020 23:08
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__declspec(naked) void shellcode()
// rax -> jmpBackAddress
// rax+8 -> camera pointer location
__asm__ volatile (
".intel_syntax noprefix;"
"lea r11,[rip+0x200];"
"push rbx;"
"mov rbx,rcx;"
"mov [r11+8],rbx;"
"pop rbx;"
"movaps xmm1,[rcx+0x00000320];"
"jmp [r11];"
"nop;nop;nop;nop;" // ending function signature
void Camera::resolve_camera_pointers() {
void *p_func = (void *)shellcode;
int f_size = 0;
// calc the size of the function
for(f_size = 0; *((UINT32 *)(&((unsigned char *)p_func)[f_size])) != 0x90909090; ++f_size);
// try allocate near module
void *p_shellcode = nullptr;
int instruction_size = 7;
for (int i = 1; p_shellcode == 0; i++)
p_shellcode = VirtualAllocEx(process, (BYTE*)(moduleAddress - (0x1000 * i)), f_size, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
// absolute jmp
uintptr_t moduleInjectionAddress = (moduleAddress + this->jumpOffset);
uintptr_t jmpBackAddress = moduleInjectionAddress + instruction_size;
// inject the shellcode
WriteProcessMemory(process, p_shellcode, (LPCVOID)shellcode, f_size, nullptr);
// 0x207 -> jmp back address
// 0x207 + 0x8 -> camera address
// inject the jmp
WriteProcessMemory(process, p_shellcode + 0x207, &jmpBackAddress, 8, nullptr);
// read the camera pointer
pCamera = (uintptr_t)(p_shellcode + 0x207 + 0x8);
std::cout << "pCamera " << pCamera;
std::cout << " Assigned address " << std::hex << p_shellcode << std::endl;
// this function hooks with the process the jump.
hookFunction(process, moduleInjectionAddress, (uintptr_t)p_shellcode, instruction_size);
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