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Last active April 15, 2017 00:13
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Script that returns a table in latex format to convert from NFA to DFA =)
The NFA is a dictionary composed by:
'state': [(char, new_state)]
NFA = {
'a': [['0', 'a'],('0', 'e'), ('1', 'e'), ('0', 'd'), ('1', 'd'), ('0', 'c'), ('0', 'b')],
'b': [('1', 'e'), ('0', 'c')],
'c': [('1', 'b')],
'd': [('0', 'e')],
'e': []
STACK = []
SETS = []
# This function allow to get all the chars that can be consumed in the NFA.
def get_voc():
voc = set()
for state in NFA:
for c, q in NFA[state]:
if -1 in voc:
return list(voc)
def e_closure(states, consumable, set_e):
for state in states:
# Cuando es epsilon, siempre se puede llegar a si mismo, por ende hay que agregarlo.
if consumable == -1:
if state in STACK:
state_NFA = NFA[state]
for c, q in state_NFA:
if c == consumable:
if consumable != c:
e_closure(STACK, consumable, set_e)
return set_e
voc = get_voc()
# Very important to set the first node!
first_node = 'a'
SETS.append(e_closure([first_node], -1, set()))
for set_e in SETS:
for char in voc:
char_s = e_closure(set_e, char, set())
set_res = e_closure(char_s, -1 , set())
# print char, set_res
if set_res not in SETS:
final_set = dict(zip(abecedary[:len(SETS)], SETS))
print "& Conjunto & " + "&".join(list(voc)) + "\\\\\\hline"
for key in abecedary[:len(final_set)]:
print key, "& $\{", ", ".join(sorted(map(str, list(final_set[key])))), "\}$ &",
for char in voc:
char_s = e_closure(final_set[key], char, set())
set_res = e_closure(char_s, -1 , set())
# print "set_res", set_res
for key2 in final_set:
if final_set[key2] == set_res:
print key2, ("&" if char != voc[-1] else ""),
print "\\\\"
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