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Last active December 27, 2015 17:29
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.Time (DiffTime, utctDayTime, getCurrentTime)
import Foreign (ForeignPtr, Int64, Ptr, mallocForeignPtr, withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (sizeOf, peek, poke)
import GHC.IO.Handle ( Handle, BufferMode(NoBuffering)
, hClose, hGetBuf, hSetBuffering, hPutBuf)
import Network ( Socket, HostName, PortID(PortNumber), PortNumber, accept
, connectTo, listenOn, withSocketsDo)
import System.Console.GetOpt ( ArgOrder(Permute), ArgDescr(..), OptDescr(..)
, getOpt, usageInfo)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
data Flag = Client String
| Server
deriving (Show)
-- Command line arguments for server and client mode.
options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options =
[ Option ['c'] ["client"] (ReqArg Client "HOST") "Connect to host as client."
, Option ['s'] ["server"] (NoArg Server) "Run as server."
failWithMessage :: String -> IO a
failWithMessage = ioError . userError . (++ usageInfo "" options)
printWords :: [String] -> IO ()
printWords = putStrLn . unwords
perfOpts :: [String] -> IO [Flag]
perfOpts argv =
case getOpt Permute options argv of
([], [], []) -> failWithMessage "At least one Option is needed."
(o, [], []) -> return o
(_, _, errs) -> failWithMessage (concat errs)
-- Some constants
defaultPort :: PortID
defaultPort = PortNumber 8456
type Trans = Int64
numBytes :: Int
numBytes = sizeOf (0 :: Trans)
initial, intermediate, final :: Trans
initial = -128
intermediate = 0
final = 127
makePtr :: IO (ForeignPtr Trans)
makePtr = mallocForeignPtr
-- The client connects to the server, initializes the connection
-- by sending initial, sends then for the amount of at least
-- 10 secs as much intermediate (0's) as possible and finally
-- sends final.
runClient :: String -> IO ()
runClient host = do
printWords ["Running as client connecting to", host]
hdl <- initClient host defaultPort
ptr <- makePtr
fillInitial ptr
withForeignPtr ptr (sendBuf hdl)
fillIntermediate ptr
curTime <- fmap utctDayTime getCurrentTime
(sentBytes, time) <- sendIntermediateAndFinal ptr hdl curTime 10 0
printWords ["Sent", show sentBytes, "Bytes in", show time, "seconds."]
hClose hdl
initClient :: HostName -> PortID -> IO Handle
initClient host port = withSocketsDo $ do
hdl <- connectTo host port
hSetBuffering hdl NoBuffering
return hdl
sendIntermediateAndFinal :: ForeignPtr Trans -> Handle -> DiffTime
-> DiffTime -> Int -> IO (Int, DiffTime)
sendIntermediateAndFinal ptr hdl start duration !sent = do
curTime <- fmap utctDayTime getCurrentTime
if (curTime - start) > duration
then do fillFinal ptr
withForeignPtr ptr (sendBuf hdl)
finishedTime <- fmap utctDayTime getCurrentTime
return (sent + numBytes, finishedTime - start)
else do withForeignPtr ptr (sendBuf hdl)
sendIntermediateAndFinal ptr hdl start duration (sent + numBytes)
sendBuf :: Handle -> Ptr Trans -> IO ()
sendBuf hdl buf = hPutBuf hdl buf numBytes
fillPtr :: Trans -> ForeignPtr Trans -> IO ()
fillPtr num ptr = withForeignPtr ptr (\p -> poke p num)
fillInitial, fillIntermediate, fillFinal :: ForeignPtr Trans -> IO ()
fillInitial = fillPtr initial
fillIntermediate = fillPtr intermediate
fillFinal = fillPtr final
-- The server simply accepts connections, receives what it can get
-- and adds up the received bytes and transmission time.
runServer :: IO ()
runServer = do
putStrLn "Running as server."
initServer defaultPort >>= handleConnection
initServer :: PortID -> IO Socket
initServer port = withSocketsDo $ listenOn port
handleConnection :: Socket -> IO ()
handleConnection socket = do
(hdl, host, _port) <- acceptConnection socket
printWords ["Connection from", host]
ptr <- makePtr
(num, _bytes) <- receive ptr hdl
curTime <- fmap utctDayTime getCurrentTime
if num == initial
then do (received, time) <- receiveData ptr hdl curTime 0
printWords ["Received", show received, "in", show time, "seconds."]
hClose hdl
handleConnection socket
else do printWords ["ERR: Expected", show initial, "got", show num]
hClose hdl
handleConnection socket
acceptConnection :: Socket -> IO (Handle, HostName, PortNumber)
acceptConnection socket = do
(hdl, host, port) <- accept socket
hSetBuffering hdl NoBuffering
return (hdl, host, port)
receiveData :: ForeignPtr Trans -> Handle -> DiffTime -> Int
-> IO (Int, DiffTime)
receiveData ptr hdl started !received = do
(num, bytes) <- receive ptr hdl
if num /= final
then receiveData ptr hdl started (received + bytes)
else do curTime <- fmap utctDayTime getCurrentTime
return (received + bytes, curTime - started)
receive :: ForeignPtr Trans -> Handle -> IO (Trans, Int)
receive ptr hdl = do
withForeignPtr ptr (\p -> hGetBuf hdl p numBytes)
num <- withForeignPtr ptr peek
return (num, numBytes)
-- The main routine decides whether to run as server or client.
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- getArgs >>= perfOpts
case opts of
[Server] -> runServer
[Client host] -> runClient host
_ -> failWithMessage "Wrong number of arguments!"
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