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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Vim log lexer, originally from
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC
import qualified Data.List as DL
import qualified Data.List.Split as LS
import System.IO
-- | Reformat the Vim key log from stdin to stdout.
main :: IO ()
main = hSetEncoding stdout utf8 >>
LC.getContents >>= mapM_ putStrLn . process
-- | Process all of the words.
process :: LC.ByteString -> [String]
process = affixStrip
. startsWith
. splitOnMode
. modeSub
. capStrings
. split mark
. preprocess
-- | Build a function of String -> String by chaining
-- together all of the given input substitutions.
subs :: [(String, String)] -> String -> String
subs = foldr (\pair acc -> sub pair . acc) id
-- | Replace all instances of s in lst with r.
sub :: (String, String) -> String -> String
sub (s,r) lst@(x:xs)
| s `DL.isPrefixOf` lst = sub'
| otherwise = x:sub (s,r) xs
sub' = r ++ sub (s,r) (drop (length s) lst)
sub (_,_) [] = []
-- | Convert input ByteString to a String, normalize the whitespace, and
-- replace all meta characters.
preprocess :: LC.ByteString -> String
preprocess = subs meta
. DL.unwords
. DL.words
. LC.unpack
splitOnMode :: [String] -> [String]
splitOnMode = concatMap (\el -> split mode el)
-- | Keep strings that start with the "-(*)-" marker and have
-- additional content.
startsWith :: [String] -> [String]
startsWith = filter (\el -> mark `DL.isPrefixOf` el
&& el /= mark)
-- | Do mode substitutions on the input string.
modeSub :: [String] -> [String]
modeSub = map (subs mtsl)
-- | Split on the given string.
split :: String -> String -> [String]
split = LS.split . LS.dropBlanks . LS.dropDelims . LS.onSublist
-- | Remove markers from the input strings and remove strings that begin with
-- "[M".
affixStrip :: [String] -> [String]
affixStrip = clean
. concatMap (split mark)
-- | Put the "-(*)-" marker around each of the input strings.
capStrings :: [String] -> [String]
capStrings = map (\el -> mark ++ el ++ mark)
-- | Filter out strings that begin with "[M".
clean :: [String] -> [String]
clean = filter (not . DL.isInfixOf "[M")
mark, mode, n :: String
(mark, mode, n) = ("-(*)-","-(!)-", "")
meta, mtsl :: [(String, String)]
meta = [("\"",n),
mtsl = [(":",mode),
("v", mode),
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