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Created July 22, 2015 04:00
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Genetic Algorithm Implementation In Scheme
(define (remove-at index list)
(map car (filter (lambda (x) (if (= (- (cdr x) 1) index) false true))
(map cons list (iota (length list) 1)))))
(define (random-shuffle lst)
(sort lst (lambda (x y) (equal? 0 (random 2)))))
(define (make-random-bit-mask size num-ones)
(if (< size num-ones)
(error "Invalid size -- MAKE-RANDOM-BIT-MASK" size num-ones)
(random-shuffle (append (make-list num-ones 1)
(make-list (- size num-ones) 0)))))
;; Operators on individuals
(define (random-bit) (random 2))
(define (make-random-genome num-bits)
(map (lambda (x) (random-bit)) (iota num-bits 1)))
(define (make-probabilistic-bit-flipper num-bits)
(define (flip-bit bit)
(if (= 1 bit) 0 1))
(define (bit-flipper bit)
(let ((bit-array (append '(1) (make-list (- num-bits 1) 0))))
(if (= 1 (list-ref bit-array (random num-bits)))
(flip-bit bit)
(define (mutate genome)
(map (make-probabilistic-bit-flipper (length genome)) genome))
(define (crossover g1 g2)
(let ((crossover-point (random (length g1))))
(cons (append (list-head g1 crossover-point)
(list-tail g2 crossover-point))
(append (list-head g2 crossover-point)
(list-tail g1 crossover-point)))))
;; Operators on populations
(define (make-random-population population-size make-member-func)
(map (lambda (x) (make-member-func)) (iota population-size 1)))
(define (get-member-fitness population fitness-func)
(map fitness-func population))
(define (get-average-fitness population fitness-func)
(/ (reduce + 0 (get-member-fitness population fitness-func))
(exact->inexact (length population))))
(define (select-for-tournament population tournament-size)
(map car
(filter (lambda (x) (= (cdr x) 1))
(map cons
(make-random-bit-mask (length population)
(define (select-fittest population fitness-func num-to-select)
(sort population
(lambda (x y) (> (fitness-func x) (fitness-func y))))
(define (next-generation population fitness-func)
(define (produce-next-generation-member)
(if (= 1 (random 2))
(let ((tournament-members (select-for-tournament population 3)))
((if (= 1 (random 2)) car cdr)
(apply crossover
(select-fittest tournament-members fitness-func 2))))
(mutate (car (select-for-tournament population 1)))))
(map (lambda (x) (produce-next-generation-member))
(iota (length population) 1)))
;; Simulations
(define (display-line prompt value)
(display prompt)
(display " ")
(display value)
(define (run init-population fitness-func num-generations)
(define (make-hof genome fitness)
(list genome fitness))
(define (hof-get-fitness hof)
(cadr hof))
(define (hof-get-genome hof)
(car hof))
(define (iter population generation hall-of-fame)
(if (> generation num-generations)
(begin (newline)
(display "[Hall Of Fame]")
(display-line "Fitness:" (hof-get-fitness hall-of-fame))
(display-line "Value:" (hof-get-genome hall-of-fame)))
(let ((fitnesses (get-member-fitness population fitness-func)))
(display-line "Generation:" generation)
(display-line "Max Fitness:" (apply max fitnesses))
(display-line "Min Fitness:" (apply min fitnesses))
(display-line "Average Fitness:" (get-average-fitness population fitness-func))
(display population)
(let ((next-gen (next-generation population fitness-func)))
(+ 1 generation)
(let ((fittest (car (select-fittest next-gen fitness-func 1))))
(if (> (hof-get-fitness hall-of-fame)
(fitness-func fittest))
(make-hof fittest (fitness-func fittest)))))))))
(let ((fittest (car (select-fittest init-population fitness-func 1))))
(iter init-population 0 (make-hof fittest (fitness-func fittest)))))
;; Simple equation optimization
(define (bits->int genome)
(reduce + 0
(map (lambda (x y) (* x (expt 2 y)))
(reverse (map (lambda (x) (- x 1)) (iota (length genome) 1))))))
(define population
(make-random-population 10 (lambda () (make-random-genome 10))))
(next-generation population bits->int)
(run population bits->int 10)
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