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Last active May 21, 2017 21:27
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  • Save ettorerizza/22911ae677e010a422cfa2f354736c0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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prend les matrices de plusieurs topic modellings et les reformate
#dossier contenant les fichiers
setwd("C:/Users/ettor/Desktop/Eurovoc Topicmodeling/presidencies")
#on merge les trois
files <- list.files(path = getwd(),
pattern = ".txt")
temp <- lapply(files, fread, sep="\t")
data <- rbindlist(temp)
#on reshape le tout
DT.m2 <- data.table::melt(data,
id = c("V1", "V2"),
measure = patterns("[13579]$", "[02468]$"), #les colonnes se terminant par un chiffre impairs = key, pairs = value = c("topic", "proportion"),
na.rm=TRUE) %>%
filter(!str_detect(proportion, "file")) %>%
mutate("presidency" = str_extract(V2, "EU_en_pres\\d"),
fichier = str_extract(V2,"\\d{4}.+\\.txt"),
topic_id = paste0(presidency, "-100_", V1)) %>%
select(8, "doc"=1, 6, 7, 4, 5) %>%
arrange(topic_id, topic)
#on enregistre le tout
fwrite(DT.m2, "topics_matrice.csv")
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