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Last active September 1, 2015 22:17
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Diffie-Hellman key exchange in Racket
#lang racket
; groups.rkt is located in the repository
(require math "groups.rkt")
(define (diffie-hellman in out [p ike-2048] [g 2])
; Alice uniformly chooses a random integer a s.t. 1 <= a < p - 1
; and then computes A := g^a mod p
(let* ([a (random-integer 1 (- p 1))]
[A (modular-expt g a p)])
; Alice then sends A to her interlocutor Bob.
(displayln (number->string A 16) out)
; Meanwhile, Bob is repeating the same process as Alice, and sends Alice a value B := g^b mod p,
; where the positive integer b is chosen analogously to Alice's a.
(let ([B (string->number (read-line in) 16)])
; now Alice computes k_a := B^a mod p, while Bob computes k_b := A^b mod p.
; it works out that k_a = k_b, hence Alice and Bob have created a shared key.
(modular-expt B a p))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define p ike-2048)
(define g 2)
(define b (random-integer 1 (- p 1)))
(define B (modular-expt g b p))
(define (create-bob-port)
(open-input-string (number->string B 16)))
(define out (open-output-string))
(define k_a (diffie-hellman (create-bob-port) out))
(define k_b (modular-expt (string->number (string-trim (get-output-string out)
(string #\newline)) 16) b p))
(check-equal? k_a k_b))
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