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Created February 12, 2021 12:53
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package aoc2020
object Day10:
type InputType = List[Int]
@main def day10: Unit =
val testData = time("testReady", () => ready(testInput))
time("tesPart1", () => part1(testData))
time("testPart2", () => part2(testData))
time("testPart2_2", () => part2_2(testData))
val data = time("ready", () => ready(input))
time("part1", () => part1(data))
time("part2", () => part2(data))
time("part2_2", () => part2_2(data))
private def ready(input: String): InputType =
val in = input
0 +: in :+ (in.last + 3)
private def part1(data: InputType): Long =
val part = data
.map(t => t.last - t.head)
.filter(a => a == 1 || a == 3)
.partition(_ == 1)
part._1.length * part._2.length
private def part2(implicit data: InputType): Long =
var i = 0
var j = 1
var result: Long = 1
if (data(j) - data(i) == 1) {
while (j < data.length && i < j)
if (data(j + 1) - data(j) == 1) {
j += 1
} else {
result = result * repeat(data(i), 0)(data.slice(i, j + 1))
i = j
} else {
i += 1
j = i + 1
i < data.length - 1
private def repeat(v: Int, n: Int)(implicit data: InputType): Long =
if (n >= data.length) return 0
val value = data(n)
if (value - v > 3) return 0
if (n == data.length - 1) return 1
repeat(value, n + 1) + repeat(value, n + 2) + repeat(value, n + 3)
private def part2_2(data: InputType): Long =
.map(a => (a.last - a.head) % 3)
.map(a => {println(a); a})
.map {
case Seq(1, 1) => 2L
case _ => 1L
.reduce(_ * _)
private val testInput =
private val input =
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