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Last active January 28, 2022 15:33
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package aoc2021
import scala.::
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
object Day09:
type InputType = Seq[Seq[Int]]
@main def runDay09: Unit =
val testData = time("testReady", () => ready(testInput))
time("testPart1", () => part1(testData)) // should be 15
time("testPart2", () => part2(testData)) // should be 1134
val data = time("ready", () => ready(input))
time("part1", () => part1(data))
time("part2", () => part2(data))
def ready(input: String): InputType =
.map( - '0').toIndexedSeq)
def part1(data: InputType): Int =
.flatMap((row, x) =>
row.zipWithIndex.filter((col, y) =>
!near(data, x, y).exists(n => n <= col)))
.map(_._1 + 1).sum
def near(data: InputType, x: Int, y:Int): Seq[Int] =
:+ (if (x > 0) data(x - 1)(y) else Int.MaxValue)
:+ (if (y > 0) data(x)(y - 1) else Int.MaxValue)
:+ (if (x < data.size - 1) data(x + 1)(y) else Int.MaxValue)
:+ (if (y < data.head.size - 1) data(x)(y + 1) else Int.MaxValue)
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)
def part2(data: InputType): Int =
val basins: mutable.Set[mutable.Set[Point]] = mutable.Set.empty
.flatMap(x =>
.map(y => findBasins(data, basins, x, y))
.filter((n, i) => i < 3)
.reduce(_ * _)
def findBasins(data: InputType, basins: mutable.Set[mutable.Set[Point]], x: Int, y: Int): Unit =
val point = Point(x, y)
if (basins.exists(set => set.contains(point))) return
if (data(x)(y) == 9) return
val sets =
basins.filter(set => nearPoints(data, point).exists(np => set.contains(np)))
basins --= sets
val union: mutable.Set[Point] = sets.foldLeft(mutable.Set.empty)(_ ++ _)
def nearPoints(data: InputType, p: Point): Set[Point] =
+ (if (p.x > 0) Point(p.x - 1, p.y) else null)
+ (if (p.y > 0) Point(p.x, p.y - 1) else null)
+ (if (p.x < data.size - 1) Point(p.x + 1, p.y) else null)
+ (if (p.y < data.head.size - 1) Point(p.x, p.y + 1) else null)
val testInput =
val input =
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