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Created February 25, 2022 13:51
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package aoc2021
import java.util
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
object Day14:
type InputType = (Seq[Char], Instruction)
type Instruction = Map[(Char, Char), Char]
@main def runDay14: Unit =
val testData = time("testReady", () => ready(testInput))
time("testPart1", () => part1(testData)) // should be 1588
time("testPart2", () => part2(testData)) // should be 2188189693529
val data = time("ready", () => ready(input))
time("part1", () => part1(data))
//time("part2", () => part2(data))
def ready(input: String): InputType =
val data = input
.map(_ match
case s"$p -> $i" => ((p.head, p.last), i.head)
def step(polymer: Seq[Char], instruction: Instruction): Seq[Char] =
.flatMap(w => Seq(w.head, instruction.getOrElse((w.head, w.last), ' ')))
:+ polymer.last
def part1(data: InputType): BigInt =
val map = Range.apply(0, 10)
.foldLeft(data._1)((p, _) => step(p, data._2))
.groupBy(c => c)
.map((k, v) => (k, v.size))
.map((k, v) => v)
map.max - map.min
val cMap: mutable.HashMap[Char, Long] = mutable.HashMap.empty
def inc(char: Char) =
val count = cMap.getOrElse(char, 0L)
cMap.put(char, count + 1)
def step2(first: Char, second: Char, step: Int, maxStep: Int, inst: Instruction): Unit =
if (step < maxStep) {
val insertion = inst.getOrElse((first, second), ' ')
val nextStep = step + 1
step2(first, insertion, nextStep, maxStep, inst)
step2(insertion, second, nextStep, maxStep, inst)
def part2(data: InputType): BigInt =
step2('N', 'N', 0, 10, data._2)
val testInput =
|CH -> B
|HH -> N
|CB -> H
|NH -> C
|HB -> C
|HC -> B
|HN -> C
|NN -> C
|BH -> H
|NC -> B
|NB -> B
|BN -> B
|BB -> N
|BC -> B
|CC -> N
|CN -> C""".stripMargin
val input =
|KK -> S
|FO -> B
|PP -> O
|HN -> S
|CN -> H
|VH -> P
|BK -> B
|VC -> N
|CB -> H
|OC -> K
|BF -> P
|FV -> K
|SP -> F
|OP -> K
|SS -> B
|NN -> O
|CS -> K
|CF -> K
|FF -> S
|SV -> P
|OK -> S
|CO -> F
|OB -> K
|BH -> B
|HH -> S
|VB -> V
|KV -> H
|CK -> V
|NV -> N
|SF -> V
|PK -> H
|PV -> N
|FB -> O
|BO -> K
|FP -> N
|OF -> N
|FK -> O
|VK -> V
|NO -> V
|NS -> C
|KC -> S
|VF -> V
|BV -> N
|CP -> K
|PB -> V
|CC -> S
|NH -> B
|CV -> P
|SO -> V
|NC -> O
|HK -> K
|SB -> H
|OO -> V
|HO -> P
|PS -> B
|BC -> P
|KO -> C
|KB -> C
|VV -> F
|BS -> F
|HB -> B
|KN -> S
|FC -> C
|SN -> S
|HC -> O
|HP -> F
|BP -> V
|ON -> K
|BB -> K
|KH -> O
|NP -> H
|KS -> N
|SH -> K
|VP -> O
|PF -> O
|HF -> S
|BN -> S
|NK -> C
|FH -> O
|CH -> B
|KP -> B
|FN -> K
|OV -> P
|VS -> K
|OH -> V
|PC -> F
|VO -> H
|SK -> S
|PO -> O
|KF -> N
|NF -> V
|NB -> C
|PN -> O
|FS -> C
|PH -> F
|VN -> S
|OS -> V
|HV -> H
|HS -> B
|SC -> C""".stripMargin
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