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Created May 28, 2021 13:46
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package aoc2020
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Day22:
type InputType = (CardDeck, CardDeck)
type CardDeck = Seq[Int]
@main def runDay22: Unit =
val testData = time("testReady", () => ready(testInput))
time("tesPart1", () => part1(testData)) // should be 306
time("testPart2", () => part2(testData)) // shuld be 291
val data = time("ready", () => ready(input))
time("part1", () => part1(data))
time("part2", () => part2(data))
private def ready(input: String): InputType =
val list = input
(list(0), list(1))
private def part1(data: InputType): Long =
eval(round(0, data, data))
def round(depth: Long, orgDecks: InputType, decks: InputType): InputType =
if (depth > 1000) return decks
if (decks._1.length == 0 || decks._2.length == 0) return decks
round(depth + 1, orgDecks,
if (decks._1.head > decks._2.head) (decks._1.tail :+ decks._1.head :+ decks._2.head, decks._2.tail)
else (decks._1.tail, decks._2.tail :+ decks._2.head :+ decks._1.head)
def eval(decks: InputType) =
val deck = if (decks._1.length > 0) decks._1 else decks._2
val max = deck.length
.map((a, b) => a * (max - b))
def round2(decks: InputType): InputType =
if (decks._1.length == 0 || decks._2.length == 0) return decks
if (winFirst(decks)) (decks._1.tail :+ decks._1.head :+ decks._2.head, decks._2.tail)
else (decks._1.tail, decks._2.tail :+ decks._2.head :+ decks._1.head)
def winFirst(decks: InputType) =
if (decks._1.head < decks._1.length && decks._2.head < decks._2.length) {
subgame((decks._1.drop(1).take(decks._1.head), decks._2.drop(1).take(decks._2.head)))
decks._1.head > decks._2.head
def subgame(decks: InputType) =
round(0, decks, decks)._1.length > 0
private def part2(data: InputType): Long =
private val testInput =
"""Player 1:
|Player 2:
private val input =
"""Player 1:
|Player 2:
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