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Last active March 28, 2017 14:45
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# For greatest convenience
alias dc='docker-compose'
# Clean up unused containers and images
alias dclean='docker rm $(docker ps -qf "status=exited")'
alias dclean_images='docker rmi $(docker images -qf "dangling=true")'
# Assume dockerized $nginx and $mysql containers...
# Bash console in web server
alias mysh='docker exec -it $nginx bash'
# Run PhpUnit in web server; this does not take arguments after the alias.
alias myphpunit='docker exec -it $nginx bash -c "phpunit -v -c /var/app/tests --testsuite Suite"'
# MySQL console in DB Server;
# mymy $database -e "SHOW TABLES;"
alias mymy='docker exec -it $mysql mysql'
# Pipe local files into mysql on DB server (note absence of -t):
# mymypipe < setup.sql
# mymypipe $database < dump.sql
alias mymypipe='docker exec -i $mysql mysql'
# Tail logfile on web server
# myngtail
alias myngtail='docker exec -it $nginx tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log'
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