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Created June 23, 2014 13:37
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FSharp.Data JsonValue zipper
type JsonPath =
| Top /// The root of the JsonValue.
| Node of i:int * parent:JsonValue * path:JsonPath /// A node within a JsonValue: a record property or an array item.
type JsonZipper = JsonZipper of current:JsonValue * path:JsonPath
module JsonCursor =
let private expectRecord() = failwith "Invalid cursor state: JsonValue.Record expected!"
let private expectArray() = failwith "Invalid cursor state: JsonValue.Array expected!"
let private expectRecordOrArray() = failwith "Invalid cursor state: JsonValue.Record or JsonValue.Array expected!"
/// Creates a rooted zipper for a JsonValue.
let unit (json:JsonValue) = JsonZipper (json, Top)
/// Gets the current focus.
let focus = function JsonZipper (value,_) -> value
/// Moves the zipper to the top of the JsonValue.
let rec top = function
| JsonZipper (value, Top) as jz -> jz
| JsonZipper (_, Node(_,array,path)) -> top (JsonZipper (array,path))
/// Moves the cursor to the top and returns the JsonValue.
let unwind = top >> focus
/// Moves the cursor to the parent node.
let up = function
| JsonZipper (_, Node(_,parent,path)) -> JsonZipper (parent,path) |> Some
| _ -> None
let private findPropIndex n = function
| JsonValue.Record props ->
|> Array.tryFindIndex (fun (k,_) -> k.Equals(n, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
| _ -> expectRecord()
/// Focuses onto a property of the current JsonValue.Record.
let prop (name:string) = function
| JsonZipper (JsonValue.Record props as r, path) ->
|> findPropIndex name
|> (fun i -> JsonZipper (props.[i] |> snd, Node(i,r,path)))
| _ -> None
/// Selects a sibling property.
let propSib (name:string) = function
| JsonZipper (_, Node(_, (JsonValue.Record props as r), path)) ->
|> findPropIndex name
|> (fun i -> JsonZipper (props.[i] |> snd, Node(i, r, path)))
| _ -> None
/// Selects the nth element of the current JsonValue.Array.
let nth i = function
| JsonZipper (JsonValue.Array items as a, path) when items.Length > i ->
JsonZipper (items.[i], Node(i, a, path)) |> Some
| _ -> None
/// Selects the first element of the current JsonValue.Array.
let first = nth 0
/// Moves the zipper to the left of the current position in the array.
let left = function
| JsonZipper (_, Node(i,(JsonValue.Array items as a),path)) ->
let i = i - 1
if i > 0 then JsonZipper (items.[i], Node(i,a,path)) |> Some
else None
| _ -> None
/// Moves the zipper to the right of the current position in the array.
let right = function
| JsonZipper (_, Node(i,(JsonValue.Array items as a),path)) ->
let i = i + 1
if i < items.Length then JsonZipper (items.[i], Node(i,a,path)) |> Some
else None
| _ -> None
/// Updates the JsonValue at the current position returning a new zipper pointing to the updated node.
let rec update f = function
| JsonZipper (value, Top) -> JsonZipper (f value,Top)
| JsonZipper (value, Node(i,JsonValue.Record props,path)) ->
let value = f value
let r = JsonValue.Record (props |> Array.mapi (fun idx (k,v) -> if (idx = i) then (k,value) else (k,v)))
let path = path |> splicePath r
JsonZipper (value, Node(i,r,path))
| JsonZipper (value, Node(i,JsonValue.Array items,path)) ->
let items = items |> Array.mapi (fun idx v -> if idx = i then f v else v)
let a = JsonValue.Array items
let path = path |> splicePath a
JsonZipper (items.[i], Node(i,a,path))
| _ -> expectRecordOrArray()
/// Replaces the JsonValue context of a path.
and private splicePath newParent =
let pointTo (i:int) = function
| JsonZipper (JsonValue.Record props as r, path) -> JsonZipper (props.[i] |> snd, Node(i,r,path))
| JsonZipper (JsonValue.Array items as a, path) -> JsonZipper (items.[i], Node(i,a,path))
| _ -> expectRecordOrArray()
| Top as r -> r
| Node (i,parent,path) ->
let (JsonZipper(parent,path)) = JsonZipper(parent,path) |> pointTo i |> set newParent
/// Sets the current node to the specified value.
and set v = update (fun _ -> v)
/// Sets JsonValue.Null to the current node.
let nullify = set JsonValue.Null
/// Deletes the current node and moves the zipper to the youngest sibling.
let delete =
let filteri (p:int -> 'a -> bool) (arr:'a[]) = arr |> Array.mapi (fun i a -> if (p i a) then Some a else None) |> Array.choose id
| JsonZipper (_, Top) -> JsonZipper (JsonValue.Null,Top)
| JsonZipper (_, Node(i,JsonValue.Record props,path)) ->
let r = JsonValue.Record (props |> filteri (fun idx _ -> i <> idx))
let path = path |> splicePath r
JsonZipper (r, Node(0, r, path))
| JsonZipper (_, Node(i,JsonValue.Array items,path)) ->
let items = items |> filteri (fun idx _ -> i <> idx)
let a = JsonValue.Array items
let path = path |> splicePath a
JsonZipper (items.[0], Node(0,a,path))
| _ -> expectRecordOrArray()
/// Adds a property to the current JsonValue.Record.
let addProp (name:string) (value:JsonValue) = function
| JsonZipper (JsonValue.Record props as r, path) ->
let r = JsonValue.Record (Array.append props [|name,value|])
let path = path |> splicePath r
JsonZipper (r, path)
| _ -> failwith "invalid state!"
/// Adds an to the current JsonValue.Array.
let addItem (item:JsonValue) = function
| JsonZipper (JsonValue.Array items as a, path) ->
let a = JsonValue.Array (Array.append items [|item|])
let path = path |> splicePath a
JsonZipper (a, path)
| _ -> expectArray()
// this also makes use of syntax support ported from
let json =
jobj [|
"str" .= "hello"
"arr" .= [ 1; 2; 3 ]
"obj" .= [|
"id" .= 123
let json' =
JsonCursor.unit json
|> JsonCursor.prop "str" |> Option.get
|> JsonCursor.nullify
|> JsonCursor.unwind
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