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Last active January 4, 2018 16:39
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/// An inventory item.
module InventoryItem
/// Represents the state of an inventory item.
type State = {
isActive : bool;
with static member Zero = { isActive = false }
/// An inventory item command.
type Command =
| Create of string
| Deactivate
| Rename of string
| CheckInItems of int
| RemoveItems of int
/// An inventory item event.
type Event =
| Created of string
| Deactivated
| Renamed of string
| ItemsCheckedIn of int
| ItemsRemoved of int
/// Applies a inventory item event to a state.
let apply item = function
| Created _ -> { item with State.isActive = true; }
| Deactivated _ -> { item with State.isActive = false; }
| Renamed _ -> item
| ItemsCheckedIn _ -> item
| ItemsRemoved _ -> item
/// Assertions used to maintain invariants upon command execution.
module private Assert =
let validName name = if System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) then invalidArg "name" "The name must not be null." else name
let validCount count = if count <= 0 then invalidArg "count" "Inventory count must be positive." else count
let inactive item = if item.isActive = true then failwith "The item is already deactivated."
/// Executes an inventory item command.
let exec item =
let apply event =
let newItem = apply item event
| Create(name) -> name |> Assert.validName |> Created |> apply
| Deactivate -> item |> Assert.inactive; Deactivated |> apply
| Rename(name) -> name |> Assert.validName |> Renamed |> apply
| CheckInItems(count) -> count |> Assert.validCount |> ItemsCheckedIn |> apply
| RemoveItems(count) -> count |> Assert.validCount |> ItemsRemoved |> apply
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mastoj commented Jul 8, 2014

Shouldn't the line:

| Deactivate          -> item |> Assert.inactive; Deactivated |> apply


| Deactivate          -> item |> Assert.inactive |> Deactivated |> apply

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voronoipotato commented Jan 4, 2018

No because the Assert.inactive is a failwith, to help your intuition Deactivated doesn't contain anything so nothing can be passed into it.

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