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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Imperative style update syntax for FSharp.Data JsonValue using lenses
let jsonStr = """
"itemSize": {
"width": "hello"
"tags": ["foo","bar"]
let json = JsonValue.Parse jsonStr
let width =
JsonLens.recordPL >=>
JsonLens.recordFieldPL "itemSize" >=>
JsonLens.recordPL >=>
JsonLens.recordFieldPL "width" >=>
let firstTag =
JsonLens.recordPL >=>
JsonLens.recordFieldPL "tags" >=>
JsonLens.arrayPL >=>
JsonLens.arrayItemPL 0
let json' = json |> State.exec (state {
do! width := "world"
do! firstTag := JsonValue.String "baz"
printfn "%A" json'
/// The state monad - a transition from a state, to a value and a new state.
type State<'s, 'a> = State of ('s -> 'a * 's)
/// The state monad.
module State =
let inline state (f:'s -> 'a * 's) : State<'s, 'a> = State f
let inline run s (state:State<'s, 'a>) = let (State(run)) = state in run s
let inline eval (st:State<'s, 'a>) s = run s st |> fst
let inline exec (st:State<'s, 'a>) s = run s st |> snd
let inline delay (f:unit -> State<'s, 'a>) : State<'s, 'a> =
state <| fun s -> f() |> run s
let unit a : State<'s, 'a> = state <| fun s -> (a,s)
let get<'s> : State<'s, 's> = state <| fun s -> (s,s)
let set s : State<'s, unit> = state <| fun _ -> ((),s)
let map f (st:State<'s, 'a>) : State<'s, 'b> =
state <| fun s ->
let (a,s1) = run s st
(f a, s1)
let bind f (st:State<'s, 'a>) : State<'s, 'b> =
state <| fun s ->
let (a,s1) = run s st
run s1 (f a)
let map2 (s1:State<'s, 'a>) (s2:State<'s, 'b>) (f:'a -> 'b -> 'c) : State<'s, 'c> =
bind (fun a -> map (fun b -> f a b) s2) s1
let traverseSeq (f:'a -> State<'State, 'b>) (ss:seq<'a>) : State<'State, 'b seq> =
state <| fun s ->
let s = ref s
let ss =
|> (fun a ->
let a,s' = f a |> run !s
s := s'
|> Seq.toArray
(ss |> Seq.ofArray,!s)
let sequenceSeq (ss:State<'s, 'a> seq) : State<'s, 'a seq> =
traverseSeq id ss
let concatSeq (ss:seq<State<'s, 'a>>) (M:Monoid<'a>) : State<'s, 'a> =
ss |> sequenceSeq |> map (Seq.fold M.op M.unit)
/// Creates a state transition which evaluates the array of state transitions and returns the array of results.
let traverseArray (f:'a -> State<'S, 'b>) (xs:'a[]) : State<'S, 'b[]> =
state <| fun s ->
let s = ref s
let rs =
|> (fun a ->
let a,s' = f a |> run !s
s := s'
let sequenceArray (xs:State<'S, 'a>[]) : State<'S, 'a[]> =
traverseArray id xs
/// Creates a state transition which evaluates the list of state transitions and returns the list of results.
let traverseList (f:'a -> State<'S, 'b>) (xs:list<'a>) : State<'S, list<'b>> =
state <| fun s ->
let s = ref s
let rs =
|> (fun a ->
let a,s' = f a |> run !s
s := s'
let sequenceList (ss:State<'s, 'a> list) : State<'s, 'a list> =
traverseList id ss
type StateBuilder() =
member __.Bind(s, f) = bind f s
member __.Return(value) = unit value
member __.Yield(value) = unit value
member __.ReturnFrom(value) = value
member __.Zero() = unit()
member __.Delay(f) = delay f
member __.Combine(s1:State<'S,unit>, s2:State<'S,'a>) = map2 s1 s2 (fun _ s -> s)
member __.For(xs:seq<'a>, f:'a -> State<'S, 'a>) = xs |> f
module StateBuilder =
/// State monad workflow builder.
let state = new State.StateBuilder()
/// CoState comonad.
type CoState<'s, 'a> = 's * ('s -> 'a)
module CoState =
let inline create s set : CoState<'s, 'a> = (s,set)
let pos (st:CoState<'s, 'a>) : 's = let (s,_) = st in s
let peek s (st:CoState<'s, 'a>) : 'a =
let (_,set) = st in
set s
let seek s (st:CoState<'s, 'a>) : CoState<'s, 'a> =
let (_,set) = st in
(s, set)
let set (st:CoState<'s, 'a>) : 's -> 'a = let (_,set) = st in set
let set_ (s:'s) (st:CoState<'s, 'a>) : 'a =
set st s
let map f (st:CoState<'s, 'a>) : CoState<'s, 'b> =
let (s,set) = st in
(s, f << set)
let cobind (f:CoState<'s, 'a> -> 'b) (st:CoState<'s, 'a>) : CoState<'s, 'b> =
let (s,set) = st in
(s, fun b -> f (b,set))
let cojoin (st:CoState<'s, 'a>) : CoState<'s, CoState<'s, 'a>> =
cobind ( st
let experimentList (f:'s -> list<'s>) (st:CoState<'s, 'a>) : list<'a> =
let (s,set) = st in
f s |> set
let experimentArray (f:'s -> 's[]) (st:CoState<'s, 'a>) : 'a[] =
let (s,set) = st in
f s |> set
let experimentOption (f:'s -> 's option) (st:CoState<'s, 'a>) : 'a option =
let (s,set) = st in
f s |> set
// A lens is an abstraction of a property with get/set allowings for composition.
type Lens<'a, 'b> = {
get: 'a -> 'b
set: 'b -> 'a -> 'a
with member l.update f a = let b = l.get a |> f in l.set b a
module Lens =
let inline create get set = { Lens.get = get ; set = set }
let inline get a (l:Lens<'a, 'b>) = l.get a
let inline set b a (l:Lens<'a, 'b>) = l.set b a
let toCoState (l:Lens<'a, 'b>) : 'a -> CoState<'b, 'a> =
fun a -> CoState.create (l.get a) (fun b -> l.set b a)
let ofCoState (f:'a -> CoState<'b, 'a>) : Lens<'a, 'b> =
create (f >> CoState.pos) (fun b a -> CoState.set (f a) b)
/// Creates an isomorphism for a lens given f and g.
let inline iso f g (l:Lens<'a, 'b>) : Lens<'a, 'c> = { get = l.get >> f ; set = g >> l.set }
/// Composes two lenses into one.
let inline compose (l1:Lens<'a, 'b>) (l2:Lens<'b, 'c>) : Lens<'a, 'c> =
{ get = l1.get >> l2.get
set = l2.set >> l1.update }
module LensOps =
let (>=>) (f:Lens<'a, 'b>) (g:Lens<'b, 'c>) : Lens<'a, 'c> = Lens.compose f g
let (:=) (l:Lens<'a, 'b>) b : State<'a, unit> =
State.state <| fun a -> ((), Lens.set b a l)
let inline (+=) (l:Lens<'a, 'b>) b : State<'a, unit> =
State.state <| fun a ->
let w = (Lens.get a l) + b
((), Lens.set w a l)
module LensLaws =
let lensLaw1 (l:Lens<'a, 'b>) a b = l.get (l.set b a) = b
/// Partial lens.
type PLens<'a, 'b> = 'a -> CoState<'b, 'a> option
/// Partial lens.
module PLens =
let ofLens (l:Lens<'a, 'b>) : PLens<'a, 'b> = fun a -> Some (Lens.toCoState l a)
let get a (pl:PLens<'a, 'b>) : 'b option =
pl a |> CoState.pos
let set b a (pl:PLens<'a, 'b>) : 'a option =
pl a |> (CoState.set_ b)
let create (get:'a -> 'b option) (set:'b -> 'a -> 'a option) : PLens<'a, 'b> =
fun a ->
match get a with
| Some b -> CoState.create b (fun b -> set b a |> Option.getValueOr a) |> Some
| None -> None
let left<'a, 'b> : PLens<Choice<'a, 'b>, 'a> =
| Choice1Of2 a -> CoState.create a Choice1Of2 |> Some
| Choice2Of2 _ -> None
let right<'a, 'b> : PLens<Choice<'a, 'b>, 'b> =
| Choice1Of2 _ -> None
| Choice2Of2 b -> CoState.create b Choice2Of2 |> Some
let listHead<'a> : PLens<list<'a>, 'a> =
| h::t -> CoState.create h (fun a -> a::t) |> Some
| [] -> None
let some<'a> : PLens<option<'a>, 'a> =
| Some a -> CoState.create a (Some) |> Some
| None -> None
let compose (f:PLens<'b, 'c>) (g:PLens<'a, 'b>) : PLens<'a, 'c> =
fun a ->
g a
|> Option.bind (fun ba ->
f (CoState.pos ba)
|> (fun cb ->
CoState.create (CoState.pos cb) (fun c -> CoState.set ba (CoState.set cb c))
let arrayItem (i:int) : PLens<'a[], 'a> =
create (Array.tryNth i) (fun a arr -> arr.[i] <- a ; Some arr)
module PLensOps =
let (>=>) (f:PLens<'a, 'b>) (g:PLens<'b, 'c>) : PLens<'a, 'c> = PLens.compose g f
let (:=) (l:PLens<'a, 'b>) b : State<'a, unit> =
State.state <| fun a -> ((), PLens.set b a l |> Option.getValueOr a)
let inline (+=) (l:PLens<'a, 'b>) (b:'b) : State<'a, unit> =
State.state <| fun a ->
let w = (PLens.get a l) |> ((+) b)
match w with
| Some w -> ((), PLens.set w a l |> Option.getValueOr a)
| None -> ((), a)
module internal JValue =
let tryString = function
| JsonValue.String str -> Some str
| _ -> None
let tryRecord = function
| JsonValue.Record props -> Some props
| _ -> None
let tryArray = function
| JsonValue.Array els -> Some els
| _ -> None
let private fieldIndex (field:string) (o:(string * JsonValue)[]) : int option =
o |> Array.tryFindIndex (fun (f,_) -> f = field)
let getField (o:(string * JsonValue)[]) (field:string) : JsonValue option =
|> Array.tryFind (fun (f,_) -> f = field)
|> snd
let removeField (o:(string * JsonValue)[]) (field:string) : (string * JsonValue)[] =
match o |> fieldIndex field with
| Some i -> Array.removeAt o i
| None -> o
let setField (o:(string * JsonValue)[]) (field:string) (value:JsonValue) : (string * JsonValue)[] =
match o |> fieldIndex field with
| Some i ->
o.[i] <- field,value
| None ->
Array.snoc o (field,value)
/// JsonValue lens combinators.
module JsonLens =
let stringPL : PLens<JsonValue, string> =
JValue.tryString >> (fun str -> CoState.create str JsonValue.String)
let recordPL : PLens<JsonValue, (string * JsonValue)[]> =
JValue.tryRecord >> (fun props -> CoState.create props JsonValue.Record)
let recordFieldL (field:string) : Lens<(string * JsonValue)[], JsonValue option> =
(fun o -> JValue.getField o field)
(fun f o -> match f with Some f -> JValue.setField o field f | None -> JValue.removeField o field)
let recordFieldPL (field:string) : PLens<(string * JsonValue)[], JsonValue> =
recordFieldL field
|> PLens.ofLens
|> PLens.compose PLens.some
let arrayPL : PLens<JsonValue, JsonValue[]> =
JValue.tryArray >> (fun arr -> CoState.create arr JsonValue.Array)
let arrayItemPL (i:int) : PLens<JsonValue[], JsonValue> = PLens.arrayItem i
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